Welcome to Gaia! ::


Poll Strumpet 0.1304347826087 13.0% [ 6 ]
Maybe 0.23913043478261 23.9% [ 11 ]
Not Me 0.1304347826087 13.0% [ 6 ]
Hell Yeah! 0.5 50.0% [ 23 ]
Total Votes:[ 46 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 45 46 47 > >>

User Image

Profile Skeleton
Student Number List
Battle System
Battle System Post Formats
Weapon Announcements
Characters Up For Grabs
Danger Zone Announcements
User Image
The Program

Official Name: Greater East Asia Republic Combat Experiment Program Number 68, aka The Battle Royale Act. This once controversial yearly program randomly selects a single 9th grade class from a list of 50 possible canidates to engage in a gladiator-style fight to the death. Declared necessary for national defense and safety, the first battle royale took place in 1947 and met with a fierce opposition from the national anti-military movement. Today, however, the Battle Royale Act has become standard government policy. Participation in The Program cannot be refused, and families of participants view their children's sacrifice as a civic duty. The setting is which the combat takes place varies, usually changing every few years. Past locations have included former prisons, military base, and remote valleys secured by electrics perimeters. The Program's current location is Okishima, a small island north of Takamatsu in the Seto Island Sea.

The Necklace

User ImageOfficial Name: Personal Electronic Surveillance and Restraint System. The result of a three-year project funded by the state to develop an infallible restraint and surveillance system for use in government prisons. “The Necklace” is a shock absorbing and waterproof collar that utilizes a triangulation-based tracking device and an internal explosive that can be detonated electronically.

About 3 hours ago, you were happily on your way to your first trip as a freshmen. This all changed after everyone in the class was knocked out with some gas in the bus. Next thing you know you're waking up with a metal collar around your neck. Your class was chosen for The Program. You know of it from tv and even made bets on it when you were younger. Now you've been chosen for it and you can't believe it. It all happened so quickly and before you knew it, your name was called and you were given your duffel bag and sent out the door running.

Now you're searching for a safe place to open your bag. The man inside said in each bag you would find water field rations, a map, a compass, watch and a randomly selected weapon which is variety being the spice of life. What weapon will you get?

Kill or Be Killed? Are these really the only options?!

User Image

1. I run the story so listen to me :3

2. Be literate, do your best.

3. Put all OOC posts in OOC thread please

4. I'll add rules when needed but lets try to keep that from happening K?

5. You can make as many chars as you want but your original char must die first.

6. If you don't post in a week, your character is up for grabs or killed If I feel you are not posting enough, I will give up your char on a first come first serve basis. I will not tolerate people not posting so their chars can survive.

7. Posts must be 2 lines or longer.

8. I have a list of 100 weapons and so in your first post, you will need to use the number generator 1-100 and I will post an announcement of what weapon you have been stuck with. This is to prevent deleting of posts to get a better weapon. Weapons is based off of luck and that's they way it's going to stay. Examples of some of the weapons:

Land Mines(2)
Tube of Fake Blood(High Quality)
Crossbow(W 20 arrows)
Rubiks Cube
9 mm Luger(with ammunition)
Magnifying Glass
p***s Pump
Revolver(with ammunition)
Candle Stick
Golf Club(putter)

9. Collars cannot be taken off or else they explode and your character automatically dies.

10. Title your PM with “Battle Royale”

11. Posting sizes no smaller than 10 please and no obscurely bright colors either.

12. Have Fun!

+ OOC Thread Created!

+ Rule set created by THEE STRANGER. For examples on how to use this rule set for the battling, please visit our OOC THREAD here

+ The Rp is in its 2nd day now, when posting please put your Life Bar, Weapon List, and Location somewhere on your post.
:: Profile Skeleton::

Do Not change except for what needs to be changed Please.

[quote][imgleft]PICTURE URL HERE, anime only please[/imgleft]
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Gaia Name[/b]: [/color]Your Gaia name
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Name[/b]: [/color]Character's Name and as this is set in asia, try and think of that kind of name unless your character is from the states and if that's the case, please put in background!
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Student Number[/b]: [/color]1-56, refer to list to see if it's taken!
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Age[/b]: [/color]Character's age must be 14-15 as you are freshmen unless you've been held back, then say so in profile please.
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Extra Curricular[/b]: [/color]What clubs you in at school?
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Primary Talents[/b]: [/color]What are you good at?
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Primary Weakness[/b]: [/color]What do you suck at?
[color=POSTING COLOR][b]Pertinent Background[/b]: [/color]Tell us a bit about yourself.[/quote]

”Definition of pertinent”

Pertinent: pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant
::Taken Student Numbers::

Violet= Girl
Blue= Boy
Red= NPC

1. Kotetsu Fubiki
2. Kairi Ochigawa
3. Leon McCloud
4. Kyosuke Date
5. Daisuke Sukiyama
6. Kenji Tohmstu
7. Ryu Hazuki
8. Rao Satomi
9. Myiuu Tika
10. Takishima Kei
11. Helena Teramoto
12. Sachi Takinawa
13. Hiro Shikumura
14. Pan Nagataka
15. Yuko Oze
16. Toyoko Funaki
18. Lina Nagai
19. Hiroko Masagi
20. Toshirou Zinan
21. Tsunaya Kasumi
22. Nata Hirosho
23. Mamoru Fuyamano
25. Kumiko Akane
26. Shinjiro Akechi
27. Karama Chisato
29. Chiharu Minekawa
31. Hideki Tao
32. Risa Mamoru
33. Ai Konohara
35. Takeshi Tershi
36. Jun'ichi, Kioshi
37. Kawati Ichigo
39. Hairi Ochigawa
41. Kira Nagia
42.Yuki Kadai
44. Ushi Hitashi
45. Minato Kawade
47. Kyo Suko
48. Utada Sukiyama
49. Sorako Minagawa
50. Kenda Yuu
51. Akihiko Amedera
52. Yenek Vakgahna
54. Chiyoko Hisano
55. Deshi Kazumoto
56. Kurayami Hoshi
::Battle System::

So obviously there will be encounters and fights amongst the RPers and THEE STRANGER was awesome and designed us a way to play. All credit for this is given to THEE STRANGER. Examples of the System can be found HERE.

Attack Die
Roll two 8-sided die. Each character has a defense of 8 (without modifiers). If you roll a 9 or above, your attack hits. The defending player must now roll to defend. If you roll 8 or less, and your attack misses, the defending player can now either choose to roll for an attack on you, or run away from the battle.

Defense Die
Roll two 8-sided die. If you score a roll that is above the attacking player's result, you successfully block the attack. You may now immediately follow-up with an attack of your own, or choose to run away and escape the battle. (Note: the attacking player may not attack again immediately after the defending player has successfully defended their original attack. They must wait for the defending player to either run away, or cast an attack of their own.)

Damage Die
After you have successfully completed an attack roll, and the defending player has failed to deflect the attack, roll one 4-sided die. The result determines how much damage you inflicted on the enemy player (without modifiers). It is now the defending player's turn. The attacking player must wait for the defending player to either attack, or run away (Note: In which case, they must roll to Break Away).

Break Away
The way the turns work is: Fighter 1 attacks, Fighter 2 defends. If Fighter 2 defends successfully, they can choose to attack or run away.

However, if Fighter 2 fails to defend and takes damage from the Damage Die... It is now their turn. So if he or she wants to run away after that, they have to roll to break away. So they'd have to roll a Break Away Die (Two 8-sided dice)and if they got a 9 or above, then they could run away. If they failed, then they'd have to face another attack without the ability to defend if the attack hits.

Critical Attack
If you roll the maximum result that can be achieved on the Attacking Die (16 out of two 8-sided die), you have scored a critical hit. The defending player is disarmed of their weapon, and cannot defend the attack. They may defend for the subsequent Attack Rolls of the battle, however, they cannot escape. They must now see the fight through to the end with no weapon modifiers.

Critical Defense
Same rules apply as the Critical Attack roll. If you roll the maximum result that can be achieved on the Defense Die (16 out of two 8-sided die), you have scored a critical block. The attacking player is disarmed of their weapon, and cannot defend your subsequent attack. They may defend for the duration of Attack Rolls throughout the battle, however, they cannot escape. They must now see the fight through to the end with no weapon modifiers.

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends
In the likely event that there's some 2 on 1 action, the following rules apply: In the event of a battle, there are only two principle fighters. Things will become a little confusing otherwise. However, your comrade, buddy; whatever may assist in a couple of ways: They may equally divide the amount damage that is inflicted upon the defending player between the two of them, and in the event that a hit is scored, they may both roll a Damage Die (modifiers apply). If the friendly fighter is killed as a result of the damage die, the assisting player must now fight in their place, and take the left over damage remaining on the damage die.

Character Stats
Defense: 8
Life Points: 8
Attack Weapon Modifier: Varies (Example: a strong weapon such as a gun would add a +3 to your Damage Die rolls. Other weapons such as the hammer or bike chain would add a +1 or +2.)
Defense Weapon Modifier: Varies (Example: a weapon such as the bomb squad helmet would add something like a +1 or +2 to your defense stat, making it a 9 or 10.)
Life Weapon Modifier: Varies (Example: Completely useless crap like the pickle would not be completely useless, and would give you a +1 Life Point.)
Special Weapon Modifier: Varies (Example: Something with a particular special use, like the tracking device, would make it impossible for your enemy to escape the battle.)
::Battle System Post Formats::

Thing that Needs to ALWAYS be included in your post is your life bar. This is required and here is the code for the life bar:

[align=right][size=10][b](( NAME Life Bar: | | | | | | | | 8/8 remaining ))[/b][/size][/align]

Which now shows as:
(( NAME Life Bar: | | | | | | | | 8/8 remaining ))

When you have taken damage, obviously your health is no longer 8. This is preferred format for DAMAGED Life Bar. Just move
where it needs to be, say your Life Bar is 5/8, this is how the code would now be.

[align=right][size=10][b](( NAME Life Bar: | | | | | [/b][color=#736F6E]| | |[/color][b] 5/8 remaining ))[/b][/size][/align]

Which shows as:
(( NAME Life Bar: | | | | | | | | 5/8 remaining ))

Weapon Stats format
[align=right][size=10][b]((Weapon(s): [color=steelblue][u][i]WEAPON[/i][/u]:[/color] MODIFIER))[/b][/size][/align]

((Weapon(s): WEAPON: MODIFIER))

ATTACK ROLL- When Attacking, at the end of your post, state you are attacking and who. After your roll, depending on if you have succeeded(9+) or failed( 8- ), edit post to indicate such.

Initial Attack Roll:
[align=center][b]((Attacking VICTIM))[/b][/align]

((Attacking VICTIM))

Successful Attack Roll(this will be your edit after you see what you rolled(9+):
[align=center][b]((Attacking VICTIM))

((Attacking VICTIM))

Failed Attack Roll(this will be your edit after you see what you rolled(8- ) :
[align=center][b]((Attacking VICTIM))

((Attacking VICTIM))

Same goes for Defense/Damage/Break Away Rolls but you do not need to indicate victim's name. Thank you for reading :3
::Weapon Announcements::

Sachi Takinawa- Hammer

Nata Hiroshi- Binoculars

Myiuu Tika- Iron

Yuu Kenda- Sewing Needle Kit

Tsunaya Kasumi- Volley Ball

Yenek Vakgahna- Tracking Device

Kumiko Akane- Laser Pointer

Kairi Ochigawa- Single Bullet(no gun)

Kawati Ichigo- Pickle

Yuki Kadai- Brass Knuckles

Sorako Minagawa- Bullet Proof Vest

Rao Satomi- Rope(30 ft.)

Hairi Ochigawa- Poison(4 Vials)

Ryu Hazuki- Bike Chain

Yuko Oze- Bomb Squad Helmet

Hiro Shikumura- Top Hat

Kotetsu Fubiki- Soap on a Rope

Jun'ichi, Kioshi- Disposable Camera

Takishima Kei- Wooden Sword

Leon McCloud- Tear Gas(2 canisters)

Kyosuke Date- Land Mines

Kurayami Hoshi- Keyboard

Ushi Hitashi- Yo-Yo
:: Chars Up For Grabs::

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name:Rao Satomi
Student Number: 8
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Paranormal Investigation and Discussion Club
Primary Talents:The workings of the paranormal and what they in tell. Being rational and realistic. Can speak Japanese and English. Tinkering with things to see what they do.
Primary Weakness:Her eyesight isn't the greatest. She can see alright but one eye is weaker than the other which makes things difficult at times.
Pertinent Background:Rao is in fact only haft Japanese. Her mother who was an American married a her boyfriend who was from Japan, which is why her boobs are bigger than most girls her age. She was raised with both her families nationalities which allows her to speak both Japanese and English very well. She can become panicked and irrational if pushed into a situation she doesn't understand at all but if given time to calm down she usually can figure something out. Now that she's on the island she's trying to understand why her of all people had been chooses. There were so many other fitting candidates other than her but she was chosen. Now she is trying to stay alive and figure out why she had been picked for this suicide mission.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:
ROPE(30 Ft.)

Current Location: H 03

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name: Ai Konohara
Student Number: 33
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Mock Trial & Computer Science Club
Primary Talents: Negotiating, Strong sense of judgement, good with electronics, witty.
Primary Weakness: Deciding, too sarcastic, not the fastest runner, bad cook, impatient, and short-tempered.
Pertinent Background: Ai's Father and Mother worked for a computer company and helped engage her interest in such things as she grew up. When they were at home altogether, they would watch television and see things about Battle Royale. They always feared for their daughter, but never showed it. In school Ai was one of those people who got along with everyone more or less. Her sarcasm and bossy attitude drove those she didn't like away. Towards her friends though, she was caring and kind. Since entering Battle Royale she swore to find a way to try and get her friends out of here and to protect any of her friends that needed it. She has been deciding whether to tamper with the necklaces or not...

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Current Location: J 04

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name: Yenek Vakgahna
Student Number: 52
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Martial Arts, Chess, Art, Archery
Primary Talents: Excellent Marksmen, Good hand to hand fighter(2nd degree black belt), tactical knowledge
Primary Weakness: Overly polite(won't fight girls as forcefully as guys)
Pertinent Background: Yenek started at this school fresh, his family had just moved into town from Russia. However Yenek has already master many languages so their was never a specch gap for him. He was enjoying his first year when they were going on this trip but Yenek felt uneasy, something was off about the situation, as Yenek was piecing things together the gas knocked him out.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Current Location: G 08

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name: Jun'ichi, Kioshi
Student Number: 36
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Art Club, Theatre Club
Primary Talents: Acting, doodling, hiding, can take a beating
Primary Weakness: Inflicting damage, talking to people in general(worse with girls)
Pertinent Background: Kioshi was always the kid who got bullied in Jr. High. He maaged to learn to hide from the bullies but in doing so he hid from just about everyone. The only time he is ever very bold or talkative is when he's acting on stage, otherwise he stammers quite a bit. The young freshmen just wanted to get through the year without getting killed, looks like that goal is a bit out of reach now.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Weapon(s) Currently Held: H 03

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name: Leon "Legend" McCloud
Student Number: 3
Age: 17
Extra Curricular: Boxing club, wrestling team
Primary Talents: he's good with his hands, in terms of both a tool and weapon.
Primary Weakness: book work, school isnt his thing
Pertinent Background: Leon is an exchange student from America, who after failing 2 times, was sent overseas in a last ditch effort to straighten him out. Back home all Leon did was fight and in the off chance he wasn't he'd be busy training for the next. Where Leon grew up a knife got you more then a book ever could and his mentality seemed to share that sentiment. After getting mixed up in some gang activity Leon was picked up and shipped out

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Weapon(s) Currently Held: D 06?

Current Location: ??

User Image
Gaia Name:
Name: Mamoru Fuyamano
Student Number: 23
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Video Production, Soccer, and Computer Graphics.
Primary Talents: Web Design, Soccer, Persuading
Primary Weakness: Short Temper and Girls......
Pertinent Background: Known to have hit on at least every girl in his grade, Mamoru is one of the biggest players in the class. This is mostly from under the influence of his Father, who often cheated on his Mother and bribed Mamoru to never tell. He takes a liking to pretty faces and was frequently threatened to be kicked out after forcing himself on some fellow non-male classmates. When he reached Freshman year, he has tried to quit it, but somehow can't. Battle Royale wasn't something he thought about much until it happened to him. Since he was thrust into this "game" he figured he'd use it to his advantage and woo his female classmates to get some. And this time, no annoying adults were here to stop him.....

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Current Location: N/A
:: Danger Zone Announcements::

User Image
Students found in these areas will have their collars detonated and they will find themselves off the program...and without their heads. Too bad, so sad.

G 07

A 08

A 09

C 10

E 06

G 09

E 08

F 06
::Accepted Profiles::

User Image

User Image
Gaia Name: Sonichan
Name: Sachi Takinawa
Student Number: 12
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Events Planning Comity
Primary Talents: Staying up for long periods of time
Primary Weakness: Bad with handling stressful situations
Pertinent Background: Coming into the ninth grade is scary because Sachi always thought that she would end up getting chosen for the program just because she is paranoid. She would watch what was aired and cry. Now that she's been chosen for the show, she doesn't know what to do. She has watched The Program since she was younger but now that her class was chosen, she has no idea how to react. In 3 days, everyone will be dead but how long till she dies?!

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Girl #22 Nata Hirosho

User Image
Gaia Name: Sonichan
Name: Nata Hirosho
Student Number: 22
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Track Team
Primary Talents: Quick Witted and Fast Runner
Primary Weakness: Self-centered
Pertinent Background: Nata is planning on becoming a doctor and has made sure to excel in her classes and to be perfect. She was on the road to having the perfect future until The Program messed up everything. All her planning has been for nothing to end up here. At this point, Nata snapped. All her careful planning has been ruined and she now needs to take out her frustration. Someone needs to pay for this and hell will freeze over before Nata goes down without a fight.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #50 Yuu Kenda

User Image
Gaia Name: C3lI0
Name: Myiuu Tika
Student Number: Nine
Age: Fifteen
Extra Curricular: Cello club, Softball club
Primary Talents: Myiuu is good at sports, but she excels at music.
Primary Weakness: Puzzles. Even though Myiuu enjoys them, she can’t complete them. Also, math is one of her greatest fears.
Pertinent Background: Myiuu came into ninth grade thinking she would spend the other four years with her friends. She had read in high school based novels that these things always happened. However, she didn’t take into account the Battle Royal show. Once they were chosen, she didn’t know how to handle it. Knowing that she would have to kill her friends in order to survive broke her heart. On the other hand, would her classmates show the same type of remorse? If not, what would she do? Only one thing came to mind. Kill or be killed.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Collar Detonation

User Image
Gaia Name: dori
Name: Kumiko Akane
Student Number: 25
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Flower arrangements club
Primary Talents: Photographic memories
Primary Weakness: Listening things out ; running
Pertinent Background: Getting descent grades in school, Akane didn't really have much of a goal going for her in life. She was hardly known at school and would have rather be outside laying about then indoors. Akane was known as the shadow student back at home; always alone and never spoke unless spoken to. She didn't have much of a problem with anyone but she did get bullied a bit by some of the other girls in her class for always being by herself.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

User Image
Gaia Name: NeverAging
Name: Kairi Ochigawa
Student Number: 2
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Student Council, Dance
Primary Talents: Pretty quick and flexible, thinks on her toes.
Primary Weakness: Overly concerned about her twin brother, too trusting
Pertinent Background: Kairi entered the ninth grade just about everyone else did. A bit nervous. She joined a couple clubs, like dance and student council, but her main goal was to break her shy twin out of his shell. She had heard about the game, but never really put the pieces of the puzzle together until she was on that fateful bus ride to her doom. Of course, by then, it was already too late, and the only thing one her mind was how she was going to save her brother. Too make matters worse, it was her fourteenth birthday. Go figure.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

User Image
Gaia Name: NeverAging
Name: Kawati Ichigo
Student Number: 37
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Art Club
Primary Talents: Drawing
Primary Weakness: Physical activity
Pertinent Background: Kawati Ichigo had always had a soft spot for her first crush, Ochigawa Hairi, but he never seemed to notice her. She even had a small alter of him in her closet. Still, all he did was ignore her. Perhaps her constant obsession with him is what drove him away. Still, she held her hopes high for high school, she was determined to get his acceptance in her ninth grade year. The game, however, ruined her plans, but she is going to get her man...or die trying.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #39 Hairi Ochigawa

]User Image
Gaia Name: Sonichan
Name: Yuki Kadai
Student Number: 42
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Soccer
Primary Talents: Agility, Stamina
Primary Weakness: Her libido
Pertinent Background: Yuki is a girl who loves to enjoy life and is pretty easy going. She's very outgoing and friendly and loves meeting new people. Being on The Program, she knows this won't work to her advantage but she want to figure a way off the island with more than just herself. She's not against fighting to survive though. Yuki is a hopeless romantic. While she's not for the fighting, she doesn't believe there has to be fighting till the last moments and a school trip is a school trip and she might as well enjoy it how she can. The glass is half full anyway.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

User Image
Gaia Name: .Hitori-sama.
Name: Sorako Minagawa
Student Number: 49
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Swimming and Drama and Book Club
Primary Talents: Acting, Holding her breath, Quick-witted, and lengthy stamina.
Primary Weakness: Horrible sense of direction and lack of medical skills (like bandaging, how to treat wounds, etc.) plus queasy towards bloodshed.
Pertinent Background: Sorako was born and raised in Tokyo. All her life she was sheltered from the horrors of the world outside, like war and blood and violence. It wasn't until she went to school and got older that she was exposed to it. She indulged in reading books that contained it, for she could never stand facing it, even in movies! Her father died in a car crash a year ago and her Mother went to rehab for taking drugs because of her depressed state over the Father. Sorako has since been living with her Uncle. Ever since childhood, Sorako loved to act and swim. Her dream was to either become an actress (small or big time one) or enter the Olympics if she could with her swimming. She uses her ability to get out of things and has helped her school win championships for swimming. When she found out about Battle Royale, she was strongly against it and presently is hiding around, trying to help keep things peaceful despite the threat of everyone dieing on the third day.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #4 Kyosuke Date

User Image
Gaia Name: SinnerShadow
Name:Rao Satomi
Student Number: 8
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Paranormal Investigation and Discussion Club
Primary Talents:The workings of the paranormal and what they in tell. Being rational and realistic. Can speak Japanese and English. Tinkering with things to see what they do.
Primary Weakness:Her eyesight isn't the greatest. She can see alright but one eye is weaker than the other which makes things difficult at times.
Pertinent Background:Rao is in fact only haft Japanese. Her mother who was an American married a her boyfriend who was from Japan, which is why her boobs are bigger than most girls her age. She was raised with both her families nationalities which allows her to speak both Japanese and English very well. She can become panicked and irrational if pushed into a situation she doesn't understand at all but if given time to calm down she usually can figure something out. Now that she's on the island she's trying to understand why her of all people had been chooses. There were so many other fitting candidates other than her but she was chosen. Now she is trying to stay alive and figure out why she had been picked for this suicide mission.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:
ROPE(30 Ft.)

Bisexually Sexy
User Image
Gaia Name: Bisexually Sexy
Name: Ushi Hitashi
Student Number: 44
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Arts, Dance Squad
Primary Talents: Very well singer, achrobatic
Primary Weakness: She isnt well with fire arms, she cant swim, fears complete darkness
Pertinent Background: Ushi was more active in school, helping every club out there, helping with funraisers as well. She didnt like the show, but she could'nt do nothing about it, her class was already choosen and her heartskipped, she never felt more scared in her life.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #26 Shinjiro Akechi

Lily Wong
User Image
Gaia Name: Lily Wong
Name: Chiharu Minekawa
Student Number: 29
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Student Council, Art club
Primary Talents: Organization, oil pastel and charcoal works, and surprisingly, good aim (see bio)
Primary Weakness: Brute strength, flexibility, Japanese (the class), expressing herself, caring
Pertinent Background: Chiharu was a fairly good student, mediocre in physical activities however, and applied herself in most subjects. She was never one for making friends and had no real goals for life. For the time being she had only been doing what her parents wanted of her and nothing much further, except for art. Art was the only thing she really had any care for. The BR Program, though disturbing, she thought was more of an opportunity to DO something with her life. Or if not that, then to end it since ther was hardly any point. Her lack of caring to have anyone close to her she sees as an advantage.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #55 Deshi Kazumoto

User Image
Gaia Name: .Hitori-sama.
Name: Risa Mamoru
Student Number: 32
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Gardening, Fencing, Track and Field
Primary Talents: Agility, Surprisingly Strong for Her Size.
Primary Weakness: Clumsy and Vanity
Pertinent Background: Risa's Mother was half-French, thus her blond hair and blue eyes. Her family lived in Japan for all her life and raised her to become a track and field star as well as a talented Fencer. But being an only child she was spoiled and sometimes disliked at school for being insensitive or bratty. Having only friends who wanted to be around her for status, family was the most important thing to her. She is handy with parrying attacks and using a rapier. Her dream is to live a happy life with a husband, children, the white picket fence, all that jazz. When she heard about the Battle Royale event that they were forced to take part in, she figured to obtain her goal for a happy life and see her family, which by this point meant more to her then anyone in her freshman class who didn't seem to give a crap about her, she'd need to do this at all cost if she wanted to go home.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

ANIMOSITY undefined
User Image
Gaia Name: ANIMOSITY undefined
Name: Ai Konohara
Student Number: 33
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Mock Trial & Computer Science Club
Primary Talents: Negotiating, Strong sense of judgement, good with electronics, witty.
Primary Weakness: Deciding, too sarcastic, not the fastest runner, bad cook, impatient, and short-tempered.
Pertinent Background: Ai's Father and Mother worked for a computer company and helped engage her interest in such things as she grew up. When they were at home altogether, they would watch television and see things about Battle Royale. They always feared for their daughter, but never showed it. In school Ai was one of those people who got along with everyone more or less. Her sarcasm and bossy attitude drove those she didn't like away. Towards her friends though, she was caring and kind. Since entering Battle Royale she swore to find a way to try and get her friends out of here and to protect any of her friends that needed it. She has been deciding whether to tamper with the necklaces or not...

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Lily Wong

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Gaia Name: Lily Wong
Name: Toyoko Funaki
Student Number: 16
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Art Club, Gardening Club
Primary Talents: Flexibilty, distance and speed running, crafts, gardening
Primary Weakness: Brute strength, any sort of mathematics, self-control, low pain tolerance
Pertinent Background: Toyoko was raised in an orphange, and although she didn't trust anyone at first, everyone there became like a family to her. As a way of making sure she'd stay in the orphanage as long as she could, Toyoko got involved in gang life. She was involved in gathering information, decoying, and had an occasional fight. Though rumors did go around school, not many people actually believed them because she was fairly nice.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: Sonichan
Name: Utada Sukiyama
Student Number: 47
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Archery club, Kendo Club, Sports Festival Comity
Primary Talents: Fighting, Sewing, Knitting, Teasing
Primary Weakness: Her temper and her brother.
Pertinent Background: The older twin. Utada made sure to be stronger in every way but her parents still wanted her to do girly things which is why she knows how to knit and sew. This was just another way to torture her little Daisuke. Although Daisuke is forced to wear her cute creations of DOOM, she refuses to let anyone pick on her brother and will not tolerate it from others. She toughened him up so that no one would be able to pick on him without getting a good beating and she think she has done a good job thus far. Being on The Program is of no concern to Utada except she knows she must find her brother so she can figure a way out for them....plus he better be wearing that damn sweater!

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: dori
Name: Kenda Yuu
Student Number: 50
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Volley Ball Team
Primary Talents: Good with stamina and knows how to pick any lock
Primary Weakness: A bit slow minded
Pertinent Background: Aiming to join one of the greatest men Volley Ball teams in Tokyo, Yuu hardly thought about anything else that wasn't related to the sport. When the Battle Royale choose his class, he didn't know what to think about it since he knew only a bit about it. When he was told that he would be needing to kill his follow classmates to live on after this horrible week of passing, Yuu only sees them as objects getting in his way of his goal in life and will not just stand by seeing them take it from him.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #3 Leon McCloud

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Gaia Name: Mirkutchio
Name: Tsunaya Kasumi
Student Number: 21
Age: 16(held back)
Extra Curricular: Football(wide receiver)
Primary Talents: Tough, can take large damage physical damage and keep going, Speed, can run fast(Der...)
Primary Weakness: Gets distracted easily
Pertinent Background: Born into a quite disrupt family, his mother died in birth, which left him in a lot of guilt and regret, he lived with his father and older brother, not really paying attention to schoolwork he was more of a class clown, he never cared much for being the top student, just the guy everyone liked for some reason.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Collar Detonation

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Gaia Name: Yenek Vakgahna
Name: Yenek Vakgahna
Student Number: 52
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Martial Arts, Chess, Art, Archery
Primary Talents: Excellent Marksmen, Good hand to hand fighter(2nd degree black belt), tactical knowledge
Primary Weakness: Overly polite(won't fight girls as forcefully as guys)
Pertinent Background: Yenek started at this school fresh, his family had just moved into town from Russia. However Yenek has already master many languages so their was never a specch gap for him. He was enjoying his first year when they were going on this trip but Yenek felt uneasy, something was off about the situation, as Yenek was piecing things together the gas knocked him out.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: NeverAging
Name: Hairi Ochigawa
Student Number: 39
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Cooking and Gardening Club
Primary Talents: Hiding
Primary Weakness: Not very strong, and pretty slow at running
Pertinent Background: Despite being the slightly younger twin, Hairi had always been the one taking care of his sister, although she would beg to differ. He lets her think she in charge because it makes her happy. He isn't shy, like most would think, but rather bored. School is boring to him, so there was no use making friends. It was his fourteenth birthday, and there he was, on the Battle Royale bus. What a present it turned out to be...

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Thee Stranger
User ImageGaia Name: Thee Stranger
Name: Ryu Hazuki
Student Number: 7
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Wrestling
Primary Talents: Strength, Agility, Strategy
Primary Weakness: Women
Pertinent Background: Ryu's biggest concern in High School thus far has been getting laid. A goal he has yet to achieve. He isn't mature enough to see the bigger picture about his future and prioritize accordingly. He was always a shy, awkward, skinny kid growing up, and noticed the chicks always flocked to the popular, athletic jocks; the strong alpha males. As much as he always hated sports, he decided he needed to emulate this for acceptance, and to achieve his goal. So he took up weightlifting mid-way through 8th grade and joined the wrestling team in the beginning of his 9th grade year. As his muscles grew, so did his ego, and his mouth. Now you can't get him to shut up. He became obsessed with strength and fighting, and began reading a lot of books about fighting technique. Particularly, ninja fighting technique. His favorite of these books is a book entitled 'Mind Manipulation' which follows the principles of one of Buddah's famous quotes: "Your greatest weapon is in your enemy's mind". Ryu grew up watching the program on T.V., and always theorized about how he would oh-so-obviously circumvent the certain situations given to the particular combatants. Now that it is actually happening to him, he isn't so smug. He's still reeling over the surreal nature of the entire ordeal.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:
KILLED by Boy #56 Kurayami Hoshi

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Gaia Name: C3lI0
Name: Yuko Oze
Student Number: Fifteen
Age: Sixteen. It’s just lovely being left back
Extra Curricular: Track team, Swim twin
Primary Talents: Running. Fighting
Primary Weakness: Temper issues
Pertinent Background: Yuko wasn’t expecting anything special to happen. He got left back. So he thought he could quickly turn in the work and move up to the sophomore class. Being a slacker, Yuko would turn in his work weeks late. That didn’t push him up. In the end he realized that he need to step up if he wanted to progress. However, he didn’t mind the idea of going on a trip. What a way to g out with a bang? He thought ‘what could possibly go wrong.’ Now he wished that he didn’t.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #7 Ryu Hazuki

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Gaia Name: silent-stealth
Name: Hiro Shikumura
Student Number: 13
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: sewing club, judo
Primary Talents: sewing, self defense, slacking off
Primary Weakness: apathetic, bullets, sharp objects, spiders
Pertinent Background: Hiro is a slacker in school because he doesn't really care for the curriculars as he is much more focused on always looking his best which led him to get into fashion design for no one knows how to make him look his best better than himself. His mother is a fabric distributor so his taste in style is quite good and she supports his decisions. His placement on this show has her worried though for she knows that despite the judo he is really not too good when it comes to fighting. He likes to start off his mornings snappy! He wears nice slacks and a clean blazer.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:
KILLED by Girl #44 Ushi Hitashi

VincentValintine LimitBrk
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Gaia Name: VincentValintine LimitBrk
Name: Kotetsu Fubiki
Student Number: 1
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Track team
Primary Talents: Running and having fast reflexes.
Primary Weakness: He doesn't like fighting.
Pertinent Background: Kotetsu never really stood out, and he never really had any plans for beyond high school, except to not be in the class that was forced in the program. Since it seemed that something was wrong when he got on the bus but he didn't notice that something was wrong until the gas was releassed.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: VincentValintine LimitBrk
Name: Kyosuke Date
Student Number: 4
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Judo, Kendo, and other martial arts
Primary Talents: Physical abilities and is rather bright
Primary Weakness: He's to chivalrious.
Pertinent Background: Almost as soon as he was born his parents saw the program and feared the worst. As soon as he could walk his parents put him into martial arts classes, while they studied the program. Things went like that for as long as he could remember and the week before he was sent to the island they taught him everything that they had found out. Fuguring that he already had a large edge on the compitetion Kyosuke started hoping that he wouldn't have to do anything because, while he was a loner and didn't talk to lots of people, he didn't want to have to kill anyone. When he heard about the "trip" he knew what was going on and prepared by hiding small knives in the clothes that he was going to wear that day. On the day of the "trip" he got everything ready and didn't let anyone know of what he was thinking. Once the gas came out he tried to stay awake but he couldn't, and while he was out the people running the program took all of his hidden knives leaving him on par with everyone else.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Yenek Vakgahna
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Gaia Name: Yenek Vakgahna
Name: Jun'ichi, Kioshi
Student Number: 36
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Art Club, Theatre Club
Primary Talents: Acting, doodling, hiding, can take a beating
Primary Weakness: Inflicting damage, talking to people in general(worse with girls)
Pertinent Background: Kioshi was always the kid who got bullied in Jr. High. He maaged to learn to hide from the bullies but in doing so he hid from just about everyone. The only time he is ever very bold or talkative is when he's acting on stage, otherwise he stammers quite a bit. The young freshmen just wanted to get through the year without getting killed, looks like that goal is a bit out of reach now.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: MikeyKitKat
Name: Takishima Kei
Student Number: 10
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Baseball team
Primary Talents: Running, jumping, and cooking?
Primary Weakness: Doesn't do well under stress
Pertinent Background: Kei was mostly the kid that slept though class but was still able to pass by luck on his testes in the classrooms. He was very kind and hardly brought trouble behind him so he was very liked when he was up. Not really having any goals in life, his parents told him to join a sport club but after awhile found himself liking it after all. Right when he was starting to change his life for the better, the class trip ended all that for him.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: damien_b34
Name: Leon "Legend" McCloud
Student Number: 3
Age: 17
Extra Curricular: Boxing club, wrestling team
Primary Talents: he's good with his hands, in terms of both a tool and weapon.
Primary Weakness: book work, school isnt his thing
Pertinent Background: Leon is an exchange student from America, who after failing 2 times, was sent overseas in a last ditch effort to straighten him out. Back home all Leon did was fight and in the off chance he wasn't he'd be busy training for the next. Where Leon grew up a knife got you more then a book ever could and his mentality seemed to share that sentiment. After getting mixed up in some gang activity Leon was picked up and shipped out

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Lightning Alastor
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Gaia Name: Lightning Alastor
Name: Kurayami Hoshi
Student Number: 56
Age: 16, He was held back a year.
Extra Curricular: None
Primary Talents: Kurayami has Fighting Skill and is a bit of a strategist. He's able to keep a cool head despite anything happening around him.
Primary Weakness: Kurayami's not a team player, and tends to be more of a lone wolf. Most people find him intimidating and refuse to have anything to do with him voluntarily.
Pertinent Background: Born and raised in the Japanese ghetto, Kurayami eventually turned to a life of a crime. It wasn't long before he was recruited by the mob. He was thinking of quitting school when the field trip came up.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #1 Kotetsu Fubiki

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Gaia Name : Mikami_X_Kira
Name:Shinjiro Akechi
Student Number: 26
Age: 16
Extra Curricular:None
Primary Talents:Strength, Lying, Phsyching people out.
Primary Weakness:Phsyically slow, not a social guy.
Pertinent Background:Shinjiro has long been known as the bad boy of the lucky school. Having picked on every kid at least once and running with a local street gang most people wouldnt give him a second look. Of course being in a gang meant skipping school alot, try half a year. Missing that much he was held back much to everyones distress. Upon hearing the rules of this program Shinjiro decided to participate and win this thing. If there was one thing he wasnt going to do was die on this desserted island. And he'll use anything and anyone to win.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #5 Daisuke Sukiyama

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Gaia Name: silent-stealth
Name: Daisuke Sukiyama
Student Number: 5
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: none
Primary Talents: Fighting and hurting anyone who dares call him by his birth name.
Primary Weakness: losing control due to rage, swimming, olympic gymnast
Pertinent Background: Hate his name and prefers to be called Edge. Had an older sister that would beat the crap out of him n order to teach him how to do the same. She is still much more pwerful than he is which is why he is forced to wear cute clothing. She likes to embarass him so she sews such creations and forces him to wear them.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

Survival of the Fittest
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Gaia Name: Survival of the Fittest
Name: Mamoru Fuyamano
Student Number: 23
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Video Production, Soccer, and Computer Graphics.
Primary Talents: Web Design, Soccer, Persuading
Primary Weakness: Short Temper and Girls......
Pertinent Background: Known to have hit on at least every girl in his grade, Mamoru is one of the biggest players in the class. This is mostly from under the influence of his Father, who often cheated on his Mother and bribed Mamoru to never tell. He takes a liking to pretty faces and was frequently threatened to be kicked out after forcing himself on some fellow non-male classmates. When he reached Freshman year, he has tried to quit it, but somehow can't. Battle Royale wasn't something he thought about much until it happened to him. Since he was thrust into this "game" he figured he'd use it to his advantage and woo his female classmates to get some. And this time, no annoying adults were here to stop him.....

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: Mikami_X_Kira
Name: Akihiko Amedera
Student Number: 51
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Boxing Team
Primary Talents: Good in hand to hand combat.
Primary Weakness: Trusting people, social outcast.
Pertinent Background: Akihiko was one of the few students not shocked to hear about bieng selected for the program. Being a loner he never really cared for anyone. He figured this was a chance to test his strategys. However as he has seen the game start, he is starting to have second thoughts of killing people.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

KILLED by Boy #55 Deshi Kazumoto

Lightning Alastor
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Gaia Name: Lightning Alastor
Name: Deshi Kazumoto
Student Number: 55
Age: 15
Extra Curricular: Art, Martial Arts
Primary Talents: Deshi is good with people, and motivating others. He's also good at Martial Arts, having been introduced to it as a kid to help keep him focused.
Primary Weakness: Deshi has no clue how to go about attending to wounds and is sometimes arrogant.
Pertinent Background: Deshi transferred into the school from China shortly before the Battle Royale tournament began. He'd never seen the event on television or heard about it before then. Being the new person, he realizes his chances are slim since he doesn't really know anyone.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: Hatsuji
Name: Kyo Suko
Student Number: 47
Extra Curricular: Kendo, Basketball, Football, Rugby
Primary Talents: Fighting, Speed, Strength, Aggression
Primary Weakness: Finesse and slutty girls.
Pertinent Background: Kyo had an obsession with the program. He watched every minute of it. He loved the sound of it and prayed for his class to be chosen. When he was knocked out and woke up, he almost got a boner thinking of what he was going to do. He hates most of his classmates but has always played the nice guy role for them and now it's all finally paid off and now he's going to see some heads roll.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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Gaia Name: Mikami_X_Kira
Name: Minato Kawade
Student Number: 45
Age: 14
Extra Curricular: Kendo Team
Primary Talents: Stealth, keeping calm, picking locks.
Primary Weakness: Over all strength
Pertinent Background: Minato is the youngest member of Shinjiro's gang. Being the youngest he is the most respected of the group since he always picked the locks of places the gang needed to get into. Now that the game has started he hopes to team up with his friends and take down anyone who gets in there way.

Weapon(s) Currently Held:

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