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Fly Away
(A prequel to the roleplay "Room to Spread our Wings" )

The Flighted city of Kiri-ra is in crisis. The city has become wracked by a plague, for which they can find no cure. There is no way to stop it, and no way to tell who will be claimed by it next. Because of this plague, the other dangers to the city are suddenly growing- the beasts from the jungles outside are getting past the guards more and more often, and food is scarce. The city is, slowly but surely, dying.

Out of desperation, the council sent a group of uninfected young Flighted out into the wilderness, to escape the crumbling place, and hopefully survive. The group is led by Fiel-kan, a young council member, who led the group away from the city. They are now not very far from the city, but preparing to travel in search of their new home. The group is small, but made of the Flighted who were once the hope and future of the city- and soon might be the only ones of it left.

Technical Notes:
Flighted are a birdlike race. They have hollow bones, and their bones are structured so that they often have a hawklike appearance. In addition to wings, they have feather tufts on their forearms and along their calfs. Their feathers are usually all the same color- It is truly rare for a Flighted to have more than one color to their feathers. The ‘mages’ called wingsingers, have gilding on the shafts of their feathers, usually in a metallic color. Their feet are taloned, much like that of a bird, and can grip branches or walk on the ground. They have claws on their hands as well. Usually they have slightly dark skin, and dark hair, but that is not a universal trait.
The Flighted in this roleplay are forest/jungle Flighted- they have smaller builds and wings. They are meant for maneuvering around obstacles, not long, steady flights.
Flighted are basically the only race I am going to accept into this RP. It starts with the group in the forest, already knowing each other, basically. While it isn't so important, there will be NPC-like characters, just hanging out in the background. These will be so that people can join into the roleplay after it has started. For Flighted, I would prefer if people would use desciption, instead of a picture. It makes it a lot easier, since Flighted do not usually look like Angels or the like.

Profile skeletons are thus:
(PM all profiles, and questions, to me.)

Character name: (first and last)
Race: (Flighted is the default)
History: (a bit about them, and if they were around during the war or not.)
Appearence: (Descriptions, if possible)
Abilities: (are they a mage((wingsinger)), or an archer, or what?)
Other: (whatever you want that hasn’t been covered already.)
Accepted Profiles! Partially premade character available- ask me for more details, please!

Username: darkestmoonbird
Character name: Fiel-kan Vas
Race: Flighted
Age: 23
History: Fiel-kan is a strong Flighted, of both personality and ability. He was the son of the head council member, and was invited to join the Council once he came of age. He had known Shiri since he was little, and the two of them fell in love, and eventually married. The two have a baby daughter, Rael-el.
Personality: Fiel-kan is stubborn and focused. Once he starts on a task, he gets it done, and doesn't allow himself to be distracted. This means that at times he can also be a bit narrow minded. He can forget about those around him, causing harm when he is trying to help.
Appearence: Fiel-kan has the darkish skin of most Flighted, but unlike most Flighted, both his wings and hair are white. His feathers have gold streaks, because of his magical ability. His hair is a medium length, and cut messily. He usually wears practical brown and green clothing.
Abilities: Wingsinger, Leader.
Weapon: His magic (plant magic)
Other: He is married to Shiri, and has a baby daughter Rael-el.

Character name: Shiri Runit Vas
Race: Flighted
Age: 24
History: Shiri is the daughter of one of the artisans of the city. She grew up in his shop, where she helped to make wares and serve customers.
Personality: Shiri is the exact opposite of her husband. She is flexible and whimsical, doing whatever interests her at the time. She is compassionate, and is very in tune with the people around her. She hates to see people upset, and does her best to comfort them.
Appearence: Her wings are an emerald green color, with no decoration to them. Her skin is dark, though a bit lighter than that of most Flighted. Shiri has dark brown hair that she keeps long, and usually has in a bun on the back of her head. She will sometimes have a few of her feathers, or Fiel-kan's, tied into her hair. She usually wears simple clothes, though in gaudy colors. She is usually carrying Rael-el around with her.
Abilities: Crafter
Weapon: None, though she can use her talons in defense when forced to.
Other: Married to Fiel-kan, has a baby daughter Rael-el.

Username: xX Loving My Shadow Xx
Character name: Eno Te
Race: A finned( fish version of a flighted)
Age: 20
History: Was the princess of the Finned clan -a very small group of fish people- but when she fell in love with a human man and became pregnant, she was exiled. She is now looking for a home and safe place to have her child.
Personality: Very wise and kind, she is sweet and believes in her heart. She is very soft spoken, but doesn't take crap from anyone and will speak her mind if necessary.
Appearence: She is in early pregnancy, but Finned babies are incredibly small even in late pregnancy and so it's very very hard to tell she's pregnant, but it does make her very weak. She her skin is pale and you can hint some silver scales here and there, because if you brush upwards on her skin, her skin turns into scales. She has thick black hair and very light blue eyes.
Abilities: She is very wise and has a small mirror in which she can see parts of the future and past. She can also see current situations that are happening elsewhere. She is a very good singer and can soothe wild beasts with it, her little wooden flute has the same effect. She likes to play it a lot, especially when she is happy.
Weapon: Doesn't have one, but she can move water sometimes, and tame wild spirits with her music.
Other: Some point in the story, she finds a place in the mists that she decides to have her child. She takes refuge in the lake, and declares her daughter the first priestess of this world of the mists which she names Avalon. Obviously you know that she is the Lady of the Lake now, and this Avalon is the famous world of mists that, in King Arthur's time, was starting to fade into a completely different dimension and world. Which is when Keyno is stolen as a child to be put into the circus. (other forum explains her child's story)

Username: BitsyChan
Character name: El-Rion Ka
Race: Flighted
Age: 21
History: El-Rion has been training to be a leader and a fighter. His father was a warrior before him. Both his father and his mother were killed in a skirmish when he was 16. El-Rion was there, too, and had some experiences he is trying to forget.
Personality: He looks up to Fiel-Kan, and tries to emulate him, but he messes things up sometimes. He’s pretty rigid in his opinions, but very loyal to those he cares about. He’s been training a lot, because he wants to emulate the great heroes of his people.
Appearance: El-Rion was born with bi-colored wings. His wings are red and black, something he has always been embarrassed of. He is tallish, and muscular. He wears his ebony hair long, although he ties it back when he’s fighting or concentrating. His one “strength” in looks (he thinks) are his light blue eyes and his strong chin.
Abilities: Wingsinger, warrior, wants to lead
Weapon: Almost anything, but he carries a glaive, a staff with a curved blade on the end.
Other: he's a little bigoted, and it gets him into trouble sometimes.

Character Name: Arena Talkinsra
Race: Human
Age: 19
History: Arena has had powerful magic from the time she was 6. Despite her mother trying to protect her, she has been all but ostracized from the village they live in. When she was 16, her grace and beauty made her sought after by the village men, but their mothers discourage the potential suitors because of her strange magic. She likes to spend time in the woods, away from people, because she can feel their dislike for her and it makes her hurt.
Personality: She tries to be cheerful and optimistic, and has learned to be tentatively happy in her situation by taking great joy when good things do come along. She loves music. Her fortes are healing and empathy. Because of her empathy, she does not think of many things as monstrous like her peers do.
Appearance: Pale and red-headed. Green eyes. Petite build, stands about 5’ high. She has a ready smile with a dimple at the right corner. Graceful when she moves, almost as if she were floating.
Abilities: Human mage

Username: Sea Cadet For Life
Character name: Aquaris -Unknown last name-
Race: Elf (Don't shoot me if your not going to take...it could be Human instead)
Age: Appears to be 23. (Actually 136)
History: This young elf is known to be a good commander in desperate times, and has a well known reputation for being a good swordsman-errrr....woman when needed. She wasn't around for the war, but she has been in a different war, one that involved numerous plains of magic and races that most people wouldn't believe.
She has lived alone for the majority of her life, her parents leaving her when she was 3 and dying when she was 20 years old. Her relationship with a man named Star helped her most of her life, until he died when she was 121 years old. When you look at things from her past, you can see that even when she is fighting, there is a small fire that burns in her eyes.
Personality: Aquaris is mainly calm most of the time, but has a tendency to show bits of sarcasm every now and then. During fights, she tends to not show emotion, just her determined attitude as well has her courage and bravery. During her most recent travels to the area, she met the group during a meeting.
Appearence: [I'll put an image on link for people to see what she looks like...bad with discriptions]
Aquaris has light brown hair, which falls to her mid-section with a slight wave. Her eyes are a deep emerald green, but that changes with her mood. Her build is moderate, only adding great curves to her slim yet quick frame. She tends to wear a deep blue gown that goes to her knees when she's not fighting, but the gown will change to one that falls to the middle of her shins with two open areas around her stomach that meet in the middle of her back. (I'll get an image that I've drawn)
Around her waist there is a sword sheath and a staff on her back.
Image: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg152/furby4537568/animeelf-1.jpg
Abilities: Water Mage and Swordfighter
Weapon: A water staff and a sword
Staff: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg152/furby4537568/Staff.gif
Sword: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg152/furby4537568/water_sword.jpg
Other: Her eyes have a tendancy to change color according to her mood. Also, she can fly on her weapons to keep up with the rest of the group when they take to the skies.

Character name: Star Harmori
Race: Seraph (A human with wings)
Age: 423 (Appears to be 33.))
History: Star was originally born far away from where the jungle is located. He first met Aquaris when she was 13, himself being about 300 years old. They were seperated many times during the war that was happening over their homelands, causing their connection through their minds to grow as well as his connection with a white hawk named Snow, passed down to Aquaris from her parents even they died.
Personality: Star tends to be very protective of Aquaris, no matter the circumstances. Normally, he is calm with heavy knowledge in strategy and battle experience. Is very fierce in battle.
Appearence: Image: http://i247.photobucket.com/albums/gg152/furby4537568/032.jpg
Star has black hair, which is short at the back but longer in the front. He wears a white coat over his black and pants, donning a travel cloak while traveling. His wings are a show white, with a burn mark where the feathers haven't come back in yet because of a deep burn which Aquaris had to fix for him.
Abilities: Blademaster, Water Mage, Martial Artist
Weapon: His fists, feet and sword.
Other: Has a tendancy to call Aquaris, "Aqua" He knows all of the colors of her eyes and what they mean. Also, like Aquaris can fly on her sword, he can too.

Username: Salamoona
Character name: Kaya Dercamu
Race: Flighted
Age: 17
History: Kaya is a Flighted who lost her parents to the disease. Luckily she didn't catch it or showed any signs of receiving it and was quickly moved to another family. Nothing is really known about her, since she keeps things to herself most of the time.
Personality: Very kind and cares for others greatly. Hold her peace at all times, and only argues when she has a good reason too. Always has a smile on her face and shows respect to all she meets.
Appearence: Dark blue wings with very light blue eyes. Hair has small blond streaks in it and her skin is fair.
Abilities: Archer, and also learned the power of healing
Weapon: Long wooden bow with a quiver of arrows
Other: Theme Song- To Zanarkand: Final Fantasy X (however you spell it biggrin )
Reserved for.. stuff.
Reserved again, just in case.
Fiel-kan perched on a branch, staring out at the forest. It was midday, and the group was taking a break from their travels. They had left the city not too long ago, but he was already feeling nervous, and homesick. If they turned back, they could still do something! They could try to help, and maybe find a cure... Fiel-kan sighed. He knew he couldn't go back, as much as he wanted to. They had been ordered to leave. And besides, they couldn't do anything, except watch the rest of the city die, and even die along with it. They couldn't do that. They couldn't destroy the hope of the people left behind, who were praying, not for themselves, but for the fate of this group. His group.

Fiel-kan was so deep in thought that he didn't notice the flutter of wings and color that announced Shiri's arrival. She sat down nest to him, and, seeing his troubled expression, wrapped an arm around his shoulder. When he glanced up in surprise, she smiled reassuringly at him. "I know that you're feeling troubled about this, but it's the only thing we could do." She said softly to him. "There's no use regretting it. So cheer up. These people need you to be a falcon, and not a timid sparrow."
(Anyone going to join? At all?)
((Please? I don't want it to die!!))
((Don't worry, if you build it, they will come. Oh yes they will come. ._.))

Eno walked through the outskirts of the jungle, going in deeper, and deeper. She wanted to get far away from her home. It had been a month since she had been exiled. By her own family, friends, her village. Because she had fallen in love, she had been exiled. And when her lover had found out that she was a princess Finned who he had impregnated, he had fled from her, scared of what responsibilities would come. She tried to understand how scared her was, but she hated him for leaving. Yet the only being in the world she loved more than him, was their baby. She had decided to start calling it hers since the father was gone forever.

Weak from fatigue and lack of food, she trudged on, tripping over roots and hitting branches. She dare not eat anything from the jungle, for she was afraid it might be poisonous or a spirit would punish her for taking from the jungle the wrong way. Her head hurt, and everything was starting to be blotched in purple. She missed home still, even if she hated it, she missed talking to friends, or eating with her family. She missed swimming all day, and then the languor and comfort of sleeping in the marine vegetation.

Finally, she couldn't make herself move anymore, and fell to the ground. Inert and unconscious, she lay there perfectly helpless in a jungle too undisclosed and precarious to ever wander into and faint as she had just done.
"I thought I heard something." Shiri said suddenly, looking around. "From the forest floor." She leaped up from the branch, and started to descend cautiously through the branches toward the ground. She carried the bundle in her arms close to her, and moved easily despite it.
"Shiri, stop!" Fiel-kan said urgently. "Let me check. If it's dangerous, it could seriously hurt you. You're not a fighter, and you have Rael-el to worry about besides. I can fight with my magic, if need be." Shiri slowed as she took in his logic, and Fiel-kan reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. "Stay behind me." He said to her lovingly. Then he moved forward until he was on a branch where he had a view of the area under the canopy.
A gasp from him attracted Shiri's attention. "What is it?" She asked him, forgetting about caution. He said nothing, and simply gestured to the figure lying prone on the ground below them. His white wings twitched as he tried to decide what to do.
((eh, she's unconscious so I can't really make her do anything..... wait this doesn't make sense. Isn't Keyno older than Rael-el? ... oh well. things change.))
"What's going on over here?" San-re asked, hurrying over to Fiel-kan and Shiri. He quickly looked to where Fiel-kan had gestured, spotting the figure laying on the ground. Behind him he could hear Femke coming and held up a wing just in time to stop her from flying past him. She peeked her head over his shoulder, also looking at the figure.

"Wait! That's a finned!" Femke cried, pushing past her brother and mover closer to the figure. "But, why is one here in the forest, I thought they lived near the ocean or lakes." She looked back at San-re, then to Fiel-kan and Shiri.

"Well, she's lost, obviously." Shiri said pointedly. Before Fiel-kan could stop her, she leaped to the ground and walked over to the still form. "She must have been exhausted, to just collapse like this." Shiri said, kneeling down next to the Finned. "Poor her, stuck in this forest all alone..." She put one hand against the woman's forehead. "Well she doesn't seem to have a fever, at least."
Fiel-kan flew down after Shiri, his wings seeming to glow in the dim light of the jungle. "Don't just do that!" He said to Shiri, sounding annoyed. "You scared me." He frowned. "We didn't know if there were any animals, waiting to try and get her," He gestured to the Finned.
((His name is San-re, not Sen-re...))
((Sorry about that. I knew I was spelling something wrong.))
San-re landed next to Fiel-kan and Shiri, scanning for any signs of wounds or blood.
"So she is alive?" Femke called from above and San-re looked up at her, nodding. Femke glided down next to her brother, also looking at the finned.
"Femke." San-re said quietly, looking over at her.
"What?" She asked, not getting the his point. Finally she understood and backed away a little, still curious. "She looks really dehydrated, and it looks like she hasn't eaten in a while either." Femke said.
"Yes, I would say so."San-re said, suprised at his sister's intelligence.
Eno groaned in her unconscious state. Her stomach growled as well. Not only was she tired and hungry, but Finned's need to be in water for at least a half hour a day, if not, their skin starts to dry and crack, revealing their scales which will start falling off. Her skin wasn't cracking but it wasn't as pale white as it usually was and was taking on a rather yellow look and drying quickly.

((I thought I'd inform the readers on a few Finned facts. Or FFFs.

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