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Does Toy Story 3 deserve to be the best movie of the year?

Hell Yes! 0.2 20.0% [ 2 ]
Uh...I don't think so (People who choose this are HATRZ) 0.2 20.0% [ 2 ]
Uhhh...YES 0.2 20.0% [ 2 ]
Be very very quiet, I'm going to poll rape 0.1 10.0% [ 1 ]
Total Votes:[ 10 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 75 76 77 > >>

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It was early morning and Earl was enjoying his breakfast in his home at Phoenix, Arizona. He then received a call and listened to its frantic message.

Earl then yelled "WHAT THE HELL!"

It was high noon in the desert close to Las Vegas and Earl Thompson and his team was investigating this early morning activities at a Dream Walker Detention Facility, Maxwell. His team was part of a secret government agency who is a major part of the search and capture of the Dream Children. He had rode a private jet from Phoenix to Las Vegas, Nevada and rushed to get to the Detention Facility only to see it in ruins and the army there just many hours too late.

To walk into one of the two facilities that hold these children and find the place a bloody wreck did not make his day. Worst of all, the media will be on it soon like stinking buzzards. The best they could do was close off the area and give some Politically Correct Lies. In the mean time, while the Governor is dealing with the media and having fun twisting the story and such, his team is left to clean the mess and some.

"Anderson!" Earl yelled and one of the men dressed in black like him and others ran over. In the mean time, Earl lowered down and picked up a severed arm cut above the elbow. He examined it and noticed the cut was so clean its nearly impossible, nearly. He dropped it on the floor as Anderson ran over.

"Yes Director!" Anderson came over and stood at ready, in his hands he was holding a person's leg and forgot to let go. When he noticed it he dropped it to the ground and fidgeted about. He was young and new to the Agency and seeing all this blood was only the introduction.

"Can you explain to me why the military was so late to get here?" The Director asked.

"There was a rebellion by the kids within the facility and that seemed to be the only activity of the day. When everything was settled, there was a birthday party for five men with the same birthday. They held it at the early morning thinking that it was the best time to leave their posts and well, they celebrated quite loudly." Anderson informed him.

The Director glared at the younger agent as if it was his fault but then he turned away and spat on the ground. "So, while all this was going on, the Military base happened to have a birthday party that lasted to oh...five in the morning. And best yet, from three to four o' clock, men and women in black robes with assault rifles, and freaking Rocket launchers waltz into the Detention Facility and shot up the place?! And what the hell is this, its someone's leg chopped clean off! Not only was the military absent, but the freaking Dreamer's were fighting the battle themselves while all the guards were slaughtered like lambs!"

Anderson winced but he continued on. "Sir, a lot of the soldiers tested positive for drugs."

"Positive? They were smoking in there!" The director roared, or they could have been doing many other things.

"No, they said it was the Fruit Punch someone brought in, it tasted weird but nobody suspected anything." Anderson watched as the Director stared at him with a slack jaw. The Director, Earl then stood up and looked around at the facility. The site was heavily damaged by explosives, burnt and inside the walls were gutted. Not only that but bodies from both sides were littered all over the place including limbs and the blood recently dried as well.

"So, during this chaos...do you think the children escaped into Las Vegas?" Earl asked, quite calm and somewhat tired.

"Looks like it." Anderson confirmed.

Earl sighed, took out a cigarette and lit it. He took in a long drag before blowing the puff out. "I'll call the Secretary of Defense, in the mean time, get some of our best men and women in that city and search for those children. We're going to find each and every one of them, and send them to the Alaska Facility. Once we got them over there, hell, by the time they're 18 they're practically ready for the front-lines."

Welcome to the world where in some places its not okay to be different. In some places being different and being able to change a town into your own personal fantasy is plain wrong. And in these places the only right thing is to be taken, captured, dropped into a facility, and wait to be 18 and automatically drafted into the army without the consent of parents.

Welcome to the United States of America and the whole population believe Dreamer's are dangerous but they do not know that they are being studied, abused and given to the military at 18. Nor does the President. Its the Secretary of Defense, Donald Triumph and his right hand man Earl Thompson who call the shots.

Children from the ages of 8 to 16 have developed abilities to make their fantasies come true. In a way they are called Dreamers or Dream Walkers that can become their fantasy, bring out their fantasy, or make the world their fantasy. How do they do it, nobody knows, you can cut them up but there isn't anything you could find different. Just that when they began to use their powers, a white fluffy substance that could be described as clouds form around them, out of them, or around the area they change.

These children are gifted but their gifts can affect the world and its people quite gravely. There has been deaths and injuries around the world from these Dreamer's Fantasies. Worst yet there has been billions dollars of damages to buildings and such. The U.S. Government was already on the case as they hunted down and captured as many children they could find with this ability. Holding them in special detention facilities or remodeled prisons. Their only weapon against them is the dream catcher, placed upon their body they cannot use their abilities and are forced to just be a normal child.

But in one such story, the Dreamers somehow escaped one of these facilities and it wasn't pretty. Still, they have freed themselves and entered Las Vegas to relax and have some fun and in three days move out. Their plan is to escape the government and leave the country by crossing the border, running down through Mexico, and getting to South America. Where its okay to be a kid and use your powers. On the way, they may meet lots of other dreamers who have no idea whats it like to be on the inside. Some who are lucky not to be captured, others who been quite careful. Still, it isn't going to be easy when the Government and its Secret Agents are after them.


Current News-2 has days passed since the fight and escape of Maxwell Detention Facility. Jacob has a room to himself. Zack, Cain, and Haze has a room. One for Miss Cupcake. One for Rae, Livvy, Lauren, and Ribbons. And another for Kate, Autumn, Ami, and Bea. Oh and Kara was found and rescued by our hero Haze. Sammi has a room in the same hotel.

Its Day 2 and the agents are out on the hunt around any corner. But still our heroes are quite relax ready to have fun in Vegas today before leaving on Day 3.


1. The First Day of Las Vegas, eat, explore, and search for our missing comrade Kara
2. The Second Day of Las Vegas, eat, have some fun, agents are out on the hunt but failing miserably, last day for shopping for dreamers.
3. Haze has went on a Stormy Rampage. Currently its evening of Day 2 and the military, cops, swat, and agents are involved XD.

1. READ THESE RULES!! scream
2. Follow TOS guidelines and rules and all that.
3. I am a God, a nice and lenient god but a God as always. Please tell me ideas or tell me before you do anything drastic. Please
4. This is going to be PG-13. There can be killing, blood, romance, and fighting but NO cybering or really mature stuff.
6. Yes, Dreamers can fight each other. No God-modding, no autohitting, and you can't avoid everything.
7. All Profiles are to be submitted to me with the name "My Fantasy is Awesome." whee
8. These rules can change later in the RP. exclaim
9. There are different levels of Dreamers, that will be explained in the Notes.
11. Have fun... twisted
12. When sending profiles please bold your information or put it in another color or make it pretty biggrin
13. I like good looking posts, please make your posts colorful and nice with pictures. If not its okay. stare
14. All Government Agents carry dream catchers and you must PM me about them, there are some special rules to them.
15. If you have questions and stuff please pm me or ask in the OOC forum. Also check updates ON THE FIRST PAGE.
16. All those who are accepted are to report to the OOC and say hi, hello, and random stuff. That's an order!
17. The RP is now in Las Vegas for 3 RP days, check updates
18. Human Characters that are not Government agents may be tossed away for others based on location, location, and location and other stuff.
19. Government Agents gets ninja or cool by their names in the Character List just to look cool
20. This is a Semi-Lit to Literate role play
21. Please try to be active, no post then disappear act here. This RP does move fast so don't be shocked when your gone and there's like 3-4 new pages. But we will help you as long as you stay loyal blaugh
22. Oh and I made Xavior Hellzwing a demi-god so he also call some shots when I'm not present.

1. There are three different types of Dreamers, Dream Walkers, whatever. Their abilities come to life from age 8-16 and between age 25-30 your powers are gone.

-Level 1 Dreamer- Your fantasy is something you always dream of becoming, your own superhero, video game character, action star, alien, dragon, warrior, giant, bear-person, monster or anything like that. These fantasies also have unusual powers or traits or abilities like being super strong or fast or laser vision. For example, Jacob's fantasy is Grandmaster Samurai Panda. He becomes a panda thats a samurai who can chop people into pieces and can leap super high and be fast and strong and such. A level 1 dreamer whose body is fully transformed, can't be killed by normal things. They can be hurt but without a dream catcher they are practically invincible until they wear out. Unless another Dreamer beats their butt.

-Level 2 Dreamer- Your fantasy is not yourself but a super companion or a powerful friend or a dynamic pet or such. Its your own fantasy that you can ride, talk to, and command. Like a giant robotic T-Rex, a lightning wolf, a fairy, a cookie monster or anything you fantasized and befriend. They can also be your dream person, your other personality, or guardian of some type or form or entity. So as a Level 2, you are still human and vulnerable but your fantasy isn't and can take about anything. A dream catcher doesn't work on your fantasy either but it will on you. Still your fantasies do have to be close to you, if far away they can be hurt and forced back into you which is quite painful. Also, other dreamers can beat up your fantasies and force them back.

-Level 3 Dreamer- These Dreamers are the most powerful of all dreamers and are the rarest. Not only can they change a whole neighborhood or maybe a part of a city to their own playground. But the change can come with its own fantasy Denizens that are like subjects or an dream army of the Dreamer. While the Dreamer themselves can become the ruler and change into their Fantasy selves. Also level 3 dreamers are usually different from each other in powers and how their powers affect the area around them. Being that they could do so much, they are not very common and this Level is not accessible currently.

2. The Dream Catcher is the only thing that can keep them human or stop them from using their abilities. If placed on their body they either revert back or their fantasy disappear. And since dream catchers are not very common and can only be specially made in Native American grounds, well, mostly only specialist in hunting have them.

3. Currently, all Government Officials/Agents carry dream catchers and are under Director Earl Thompson and he gives the orders. Also, government agents are somewhat loners, you can either team up or work solo. Also, Government Agents are limited and some may die, some may not. The limit to Government Agents will increase based on movement of Dreamers.

4. The goal is to make it to the Mexican Border for the Dreamers. For the agents its to find them, call back up, or capture them on their own. You may not succeed for story sake...but you will have fun and be part of the plot XD

5. Characters, those who have strikes through them are either dead or out of the story and may make a cameo. A cameo is a reappearance later on in the story. Or some characters may just be used for story sake and tossed away.

6. Maps-
United States Map
South America and North America Map
Las Vegas Google
Las Vegas Strip Wiki


MAXWELL ESCAPEE DREAMERS--check profile thread
1. Jacob Freedom "Panda"
2. Rachel Anstan "Ribbons"
3. Zachariah Whitefield "Zack"
4. Ammiel Marie Devaney "Ami"
5. Rae Kamishiro
6. Autumn Gray
7. Katherine Tyler Edwards "Kate"
8. Lauren Aaron Elliot "Boss"
9. Rosary Jones Hartmond "Kara"
10. Beatrice Maravillo "Bea"
11. Olivia Smith "Livvy"


OTHER DREAMERS (Currently, Las Vegas and Agent Dreamers-LIMITED):--check profile thread
1. Gen Young "Haze"
2. Samantha Moon "Sammi"
3. Cain Will Ryan "Black Cat"
4. William Scarlet "Will"
5. Gaberiel Nanstion "Gabe"
6. Max Young "The Ringleader"
7. Tara Anne Robinson "Dee" ninja
8. Jessica Bluebird "Petal"
9. Johannes Dietrich Alexi Maximilian Eberhard "The Lightning Bishop" ninja
10. Civil Samantha Grace


Humans/Adults/Normal People/Secret Agents/Military/Other:--check profile thread
1. Dr. London Diana Saint-Louis "Head Mistress" or "Dr. Diana"
2. Drake F. Dragon "Flame"
3. Satu Vevina Charmian "Cupcake"
4. Ace Kato
5. Crystan Clovers "Cryssy"
6. Raymond Regulus Remington "Reggie"
7. Keiita Kayge "Key"
8. Jack D Shepard
9. Earl Jack Thompson "The Director" ninja
10. Kacy Tina Walzinskii "Hype The Craze Amazon" cool
11. Dmitri Kalash "Zero" ninja
12. Celestia Adrianne Lockheart "Celes" ninja
13. Robert Gabriel Martinez ninja

(Oh and...please put your profiles with some color and stuff)

Las Vegas Dream Walkers:
[imgright](Insert Small or Medium Image)[/imgright]
[b]Who Gave you life:[/b] (Username)
[b]Your Name:[/b] (Character Full Name)
[b]Nickname: [/b]
[b]Age:[/b] (8-22)
[b]Boy or Girl:[/b]
[b]Where in Las Vegas do you stay at?:[/b]
[b]Where Are you originally from:[/b]
[b]How did you avoid being taken?:[/b] (A paragraph long bio including your life and jobs, and such)
[b]What level are you:[/b] (Level 1 or 2 available for now)
[b]What is your fantasy:[/b] (Specific description of power and a link to picture.)
[b]Would you help other Dreamers who are in trouble:[/b]
[b]Would you join them if they promise you a better place to be free and use your powers:[/b] (Yes, no, maybe, and explain)
[b]What would you do if you were to be captured:[/b]
[b]Side Notes:[/b] (Anything you want to add)

Humans in Las Vegas:
[imgright] (Insert pic here) [/imgright]
[b]Who gave you life:[/b] (Username)
[b]Your Name:[/b] (Character Full Name)
[b]Age:[/b] (Any age)
[b]Where in Las Vegas do you stay at:[/b]
[b]Where are you from:[/b] (The City and State you are originally from)
[b]What is your story:[/b] (Paragraph or more Long Bio)
[b]If you don't live here or work, why are you here?:[/b]
[b]What is your job in Las Vegas:[/b] (Do you have one?)
[b]What if you met a child with special inhuman abilities?:[/b]
[b]What if you were in these children's shoes:[/b]
[b]Would you help the Government/military or these children?: [/b]
[b]Side Notes:[/b] (Anything you would like to add)

Government Agents:
[imgright](Insert to Small/Medium image)[/imgright]
[b]Who gave you life:[/b] (Username)
[b]Your Name:[/b] (Full name)
[b]Callsign/Nickname:[/b] (A on the job nickname that explains you or what most people call you)
[b]Age:[/b] (22 and up)
[b]Where are you from:[/b] (The City and State you're originally from)
[b]Status:[/b] (Low, Medium, or Semi-High ranking Agent)
[b]Weapons/Gadgets of choice:[/b] (You know, James Bond stuff)
[b]What would be your disguise if you were to use one?:[/b] (Description and/or Link please)
[b]What makes you so special:[/b] (Make up a story of your last job)
[b]What is your style of handling a job:[/b] (Are you loud, stealthy, clever or anything else)
[b]Bio:[/b] (Explain a bit of your life story)
[b]What do you think of these Dream Walkers:[/b] (Opinions)
[b]Do you like hunting them?:[/b]
[b]Would you sacrifice your livelihood for these unfortunate Dreamers:[/b]
[b]What if you were captured by these clever Dream Walkers?:[/b] (Explain what you'll do, if you'll cooperate and such)
[b]If they were to escape the country and you were given a choice, will you give up or continue after them?:[/b]
[b]Side Notes:[/b] (Anything you would like to add)
Important Links: The profile page should be checked and used so you can know the info on others. PM if you want something changed to profile. OOC is for out of character comments so the RP won't get flooded.

Profile Page

OOC Page
Open and Accepting
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Jacob Freedom the Panda
I am the stone that the builder refused,
I am the visual,
the inspiration,
that made lady sing the blues,
I'm the spark that makes your idea bright,
the same spark,
that lights the dark,
so that you can know your left from your, right,


Jacob sighed and looked around in his dorm. The walls were plain, the bed was uncomfortable and there wasn't anything to watch on TV other than some scientist and news and crap. He hated this and he hated being forced to wear a straight jacket with the dream catcher attached. He tried running against the walls but his leg was chained to the bed. He wanted so bad to knock this thing off him but it wasn't possible, it was secured onto him quite tightly. So Jacob was forced to sit back and watch as guards would go by his cells. One of them would usually stop to taunt him when Jacob tried to charge at him. Only to trip and fall on his face. "Damn it...I hate this place!"

Then over the intercom the head scientist of the place, some lady spoke. "Good evening its recreational period time. Please stand by your beds and wait for your Guards and Personal facility members to pick you up and take you outside."

Jacob sighed, he hated going outside. It was ironic because all the could do was walk around and sit and talk with there straight jackets on. The guards stick close by just case they tried to remove the dream catchers off them. Jacob watched as the guards came and the scientist person as well. They unchained him and walked him out with the other inmates. Of course those who are like him, always trying to escape are left in straight jackets. Others who have been goody goody get to walk around and stuff.


I am the ballot in your box,
the bullet in the gun,
that inner glow,
that lets you know,
to call your brother "son"
The story that just begun,
the promise of what's to come,
and imma remain a soldier,
til' the war is won

chop chop chop, Judo flip, chop chop chop, Judo flip, chop chop chop, Judo flip, chop chop chop.
User Image

Zachariah Whitefield

Zack awoke in his dorm room. He sat up too look out the barred window. A sigh passed through his lips as he wandered into the small bathroom. He showered quickly and changed before getting ready for his day at the center. Dressing in his usual clothes and leaving the bathroom. He looked at the sleeping figures in the room and smiled. He remembered that he wasn't alone in this, it was something that made him happy. As he left the room a gaurd immediately put a dream catcher on him. He sighed as he began to walk towards the small rec room, where he would watch TV as usual. He was out because of good behavior, being nice got you something in this place.

As Zack wandered into the rec room he found himself wondering whether or not he would be able to break out and go home. That would be the life, but unfortunately that wouldn't happen. Unless they broke out, but was there actually a chance for that? No, it was impossible they couldn't, there powers were gone and to make it worse there were gaurds everywhere. He grinned to himself as he slumped on the couch, once again their was a gaurd by the door to watch him.
Facility Announcement:

Everybody's heading outside to get some exercise out on the field or basketball court. All straitjacket's will be put on with Dream Catcher attached. Your personal guards will be bringing them to you if you are not wearing one already.
User Image

Zachariah Whitefield

As Zack grew bored he decided to leave the rec room and get something to eat. As a perk for being good, he was able to order anything he wanted from the cafeteria. He was out into the hallway within seconds and followed by a gaurd who he personally liked, why? Because he didn't talk to Zack. As he walked he noticed another boy from the first day he came. It was the kid who had been tackled by 3 gaurds. He laughed as he remembered the scene, and as he passed he whispered "Nice jacket" he smirked. This was one of the rare moments were Zack couldn't resist a snide moment. Besides maybe this would be fun, atleast if the kid attacked him.

After grabbing his food he allowed his personal gaurd to place the jacket on him and walked outside. As the sun flooded his face a smile spread across his face. This was his favorite part of the day. He walked around casually until he reached the field where he was released to play soccer.
User Image
Rae Kamishiro

Rae stirred at the sound of the intercom, finally waking up. She yawn loudly and sat up, stretching her arms out. She huffed out an annoyed breath, swinging her legs over an standing up. At least she could stretch her legs, despite the fact that one was chained to the bed, giving her very short distance to walk. "Good morning, Benjamin..." She said sleepily, looking at the boy in the corner. He just nodded and said nothing, like usual.

Rae waited for the guards to come in, as well as the scientist. She got unchained from the bed and walked outside, her legs feeling like two big planks of wood. Once she got outside she sat right down. She felt in an especially bad mood today, and was grumpy. Last thing she wanted to do was to talk with everyone.

Since she didn't have a straight jacket on, so guards made her stand back up as they put it on her. She was used to this, unfortunately. She moved her head around, her bunny hat starting to tilt to the side. They snapped at her to stop, and she stood there again, back hunched over.

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