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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxintrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx when ⋮darkness × comes I'll { light } the night with stars you know I'm never far;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxintrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx when ⋮darkness × comes I'll { light } the night with stars you know I'm never far;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxintrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx when ⋮darkness × comes I'll { light } the night with stars you know I'm never far;

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsicxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOU FEELSO LONELY ANDx RAGGED
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxallyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOU LAY THERE BROKEN AND NAKED

        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI WILL⇡BE THE ONE WHO❜S GONNA FIND YOUx xxxxxxxxxI WILL⇡BE THE ONE WHO❜S GONNA GUIDE YOUx
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx¦ i love no - one.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx¦ i have no company at this moment.

        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI WILL⇡BE THE ONE WHO❜S GONNA HOLD YOUx xxxxxxxxxI WILL⇡BE THE ONE WHO YOU RUN TOx
        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx¦ i'm feeling irritated.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx¦ tch, skillet - whispers in the dark.

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                                  Gabriel, I need to speak with you. It’s quite urgent. An order arose from behind a thick bearded elder who was in a long, vibrantly colored robe. His pale eyes set adrift to the young man who stood without any confirmation of hearing said spoken words. This didn’t seem to bother the wizard, who poured the male a glass of miri tea: a local flower that had a sweet flavor and deep fragrance. He waited with a benignant smile, and even exhales, as finally, the Dragon turned around to face him, his dismal gaze not enough to unnerve him.

                                  I beg your pardon, Gabriel returned, though it sounded like less of a question and more of a demand, what is it that I can do for you? His lips twitched into the slightest of frowns, so light, of course, that it wasn’t noticeable to the naked eye. The wizard chuckled out of turn, barely discomfiting him. Gabriel coughed and turned his head to the side, closing his eyes, unwilling to again draw sight to the man who had sealed his fate. How was that his right, anyway? It should have been Gabriel’s decision. His own choice to choose someone to be bound to for life. However, it wasn’t, and there wasn’t an ounce of the male that didn’t want to reach out and strangle the old geezer for forcing this burden upon him. Still, it would do him nothing to rid him of the man who had given him humanity. Somehow, Gabriel had decided to be level headed. After all, he was eternally in debt to this man, whether he liked it or not.

                                  Everyone has already arrived, as I am sure, you have realized. However, we have yet to decide who will be placed with who at this very moment. It is in both our best interest, and yours, the old man spoke with plural, referring to the zodiac as one giant unit; one great being, that you announce to your companions – and enemies our decision to wait just a bit longer before coming to a conclusion. This is, after all, a very delicate situation. We need to calibrate perfectly for this to work. He stated bluntly, and Gabriel noticed that the male didn’t mention setting them up with their perfect soulmate, but rather an arrangement that ‘worked’. Whatever that meant. Gabriel had his suspicions. He knew that to put each person with their perfect other was out of the question, but that wasn’t their goal, was it? They intended to force each zodiac to cooperate with each other; to become one rather than three individual pieces.

                                  Before, it had been as if they were three different chess boards, each playing with Asiah, who took a turn with one, switched, and moved a pawn on a different board. Each time Asiah did this, all nations came to a stalemate. However the Wizards were intelligent creatures, and they knew that this would do no good in the grand scheme of things. So they had chosen to weave together their forces in order to beat this grand new threat. Really though, were the members anything more than pawns? As one they made a player, but as individuals… they couldn’t be anything but pieces, ready to defend their ‘king’.

                                  Gabriel was about to leave when the Wizard extended his hand and grabbed his forearm. Wait. He ordered strictly. Gabriel stood without threatening to move, completely still, as if he were a statue. They can have whatever places they like. First come first serve until we’ve given them their assignments. We’re also expecting an attack tomorrow. We cannot underestimate Asiah. Knowing that we’re all in one place will both be discouraging to him, and also give him the upper hand depending on his next moves. This is very dangerous. For now, we have placed a large dome barrier around this location, but who knows how far they’ll get. This is more than they can probably fathom, but I can't help it. The wizard rose his eyebrows expectantly as Gabriel signaled that he understood with a curt nod of his head.

                                  Gabriel let another grim look sweep up his face, as he watched the wizard bow to him. Gabriel scoffed and turned on his heel, understanding what task had been given to him. Judai, gather as many zodiac members as you can, right outside, so that they’ll listen. It doesn’t matter which they belong to. He spoke curtly to a sapphire haired male, who smiled placidly and nodded agreeably, before shutting his book with one hand. He shuffled outside, with a of mellow sort of aura that Gabriel almost envied. How could he be so relaxed, at a time like this? Still, there wasn’t anything Gabriel could do to hate the guy. He was just so… ugh, he didn’t even know how to describe it. With quick duck of his head, he marched outside onto the balcony, which was stationed high above the crowd. The moment he had exited, he regretted his decision.

                                  It was beautiful really, the scenery. Green leaves grew up the sides of the old brick buildings, like tapestry, as if it hadn’t been in use for a long time. Everything flourished – which might have been the only real reason that Gabriel kept his sanity. He made a low noise with his vocals, a deep, eerie, dominating sound that would capture the chaos that founded to life before him. People were bickering, arguing, yelling, and shouting. There was mass confusion, intricately placed hatred among them, and yet, they would somehow work it out. He wasn’t certain that everyone was there, but he decided to call out the announcement, regardless. He awaited silence.

                                  The Wizards have decided to postpone telling us who we’re with. For now, whatever quarters we claim will be ours. Once they have announced our engagements, we will need to move. He kept his eyes closed to keep his thoughts organized. Tomorrow, the Wizards expect an attack, so it would be in everyone’s greatest concern to be prepared. He didn’t bother mentioning the barrier that shielded them, because with or without defense they were still in grave danger, and that was the point he needed to get across. He marched down the stairs as he was done with his speech, attempting to get back to the room he had chosen without being disrupted. Of course, people would have questions, and they would come to him. He was doubtful that he’d be able to answer them. Truthfully, this would have been better suited to someone like Judai, who enjoyed conversation.

                                  As he mulled over his thoughts, he found the ruby eyed male speaking quietly with a girl that had intense pearly – citrus eyes, who seemed to have a concern over the attack that he had mentioned. Still, at least they were getting along. He glanced back briefly at the building he had previously resided in, wondering idly how long the wizards would take before making a decision. This took great collaboration and efforts from all sides, but really, how hard could it be to just stick everyone with someone? Either way, he knew very few were looking forward to it, and when it boiled the water into steam, nobody would be happy. It wouldn’t change anything. They were still being forced to marry someone against their wishes and desires, which was a disgrace in and of itself. Despicable.

                                  His attention turned elsewhere, as he heard an alarming half whimper half growl emit from a male with purple irises, and jet black hair. The male had broken a sizable stone into crumbled matter, a temper that Gabriel wished he hadn’t seen. Where did people get off on being so irritating? Gabriel had already accepted his fate, so everyone else needed to as well. That wasn’t to say that they had to be happy about it, or even go about their duty with a smile, but there was something higher than love. There was honor. There was that striking thing that gave people hope and humanity, that allowed other beings to feel confident in everything they did. Honor. The very word made Gabriel’s chest swell with pride, as if he knew this proved his righteousness. Like the bleakness of it all didn’t rattle him. And the more he contemplated it, the more he realized, that truthfully, it didn’t.

                                  Surprise, surprise. His eyes glanced up at the brilliant sky, which had had hues of blues and pinks, oranges and yellows, and perhaps scarlet purples among the vast amounts of grays. He wondered how that was – it was drizzling, and yet, it looked as if the sun was rising or setting. He knew it was merely three in the afternoon… but… the sky painted the picture he was feeling. On one hand, there was the beautiful colors, with endless possibilities, and on the other, his grim future – the dark rolling clouds which foretold his weakness.

                                  To the right, he could hear a crow mock their existence, and to the left he could hear the singing of the waters. Not literally, of course, but the pitter patter did bring him some assurance, be that good or bad. All attributes to life determined his mood, and thus, no matter which environment presented itself, he had only to realize that there were a thousand other things which made up his surroundings. The only way to stay happy was to lend his focus to those thousands of other things.

                                  There was nothing left to do but to be prepared. He made his way through a mass of people and then found his way to the training grounds, which the wizard had instructed to each member prior to their arrival. He grabbed his massive two handed axe and began swinging at the targets like they were the reason for his internal argument, his suffering. This is the meaning of life, the reason for living, the execute to my existence, the trifles to my past, present, and future. Accept it. He muttered inaudibly to everything but himself, convinced that once and for all it was inevitable, just as death. Besides, how long could a war, and on top of that, a marriage last? Everything eventually came to an end. It would forever be that way. Wasn't that why he regarded life so loathsomely? He had become cold and heartless. He was independent, and he didn’t care for others. He couldn’t will himself to do so. He needed another person, and yet, he would never admit that such a statement was true. His face contorted into a vicious expression, before his snarl rang out like poison.

                                  ( ooc; sorry if the coding looks odd on other people's screens. I have a very wide screen, so naturally, everything looks like it's in the right row. D : > This should also give you a good idea of where your character can start off. )


Bashful Sweetheart

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            ⋋ ·★··┋xxxFay Raven Remingtonxxx┋··★· ⋌
              You say if you could fly, ʾ ⇣ you would never come back...
                ⋮Spread your wings and take offfly up to this sky.⋮
                ⋮Spread your wings and take offfly up to this sky.⋮
                ⋮Spread your wings and take offfly up to this sky.⋮
                ⋮Spread your wings and take offfly up to this sky.⋮

Birds of a feather flock together.
Infiltrate my mind,
Enter my aphotic world,
Indulge in my depraved fantasies.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI am never far away ;;xxxWho are you? ;;xxxI'm a bit bipolar ;;xxxHow do I look? ;;
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTraining Grounds ::xxxxxxxxxxxx|Gabriel ::xxxxxxiPerplexed ::xxxxxxxxxxxxiiiOutfit ::
              CALL MEraven

                    But the raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
                    That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
                    Nothing further then he uttered - not a feather then he f l u t t e r e d -
                    Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
                    On the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before.'

Then the bird said, `Nevermore.'

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                        Plip. Plop. Plip. Plop. The soft sound of rain hit against a sleeping ladies blackened window which was hidden behind a black curtain. Inside the room that the window belonged to a young woman with chestnut brown hair lay inside a large bed half asleep as she slowly began to wake up due to the sounds of the rain hitting the window just above her bed. The room the girl inhabited belonged to a series of rooms that made up one of the larger housing complexes in Burgaenda that some of her cohorts lived in with her. Luckily for her each room in the skyscraper like building was like a mini apartment so she had gotten full decorating rights. Her bedroom was nothing to gawk at really; a simple tan theme with a splash of colour here and there. Truthfully the only thing of interest in the young lady's room was the fact that she had changed her once clear windows to tinted windows and gotten black curtains to help keep out the sun; as you can guess she isn't a fan of the sun.

                        Tossing and turning in her bed as she attempted to let sleep take over her body once more the girl pulled her blankets over her head hoping it would help. But it didn't. Once she was awake there was no going back. Groaning slightly the tanned girl emerged from her blanket cocoon and yawned as she sat upright. Rubbing her eyes the woman frowned and stared at the grandfather clock just opposite of her bed. 8:00 am was what the clock read making the woman groan even louder than before. For some reason she was the type of person who was incapable of sleeping in. No matter what she always woke up around 6am or 8am never an hour later or in between; unless she was instructed to. Today was a day she could afford to sleep in too seeing as how all she had planned for the day was to have her freedom forcibly taken away from her. Frankly she welcomed sleep with open arms at this rate....or a burglar knocking her unconscious whichever came first but she knew neither were going to happen anytime soon so she gave up on her futile attempt to go back to sleep and gave in to her bodies needs.

                        Swinging her legs over the edge of her bed and onto the ground Fay stood up and made her way towards her bathroom to freshen up. Her sluggish movements and unawareness of her surroundings caused her to stumble a bit over her own feet and straight into the bathroom door.

                        "Ow..." she muttered rubbing the part of her forehead that had slammed into the wooden door.

                        Entering the small room she shut the door behind her and performed her usual bathing rituals of taking a shower, brushing her teeth and fixing the tangled mess of a mane she called her hair. With a towel wrapped around her torso the girl exited her bathroom feeling much better and more lively than she had before. There was something about a shower that always seemed to force her to wake up although there were times when she was so tired that even a cold shower couldn't wake her up. Humming to herself quietly as she picked a suitable; somewhat formal outfit for the hellish day she was about to have Fay put on a blue corset over a flowing black skirt along with a few pieces of jewellery she'd acquired from a few battles and hid the entire outfit under her solar-resistant cloak.

                        Because of the powers Fay had been 'gifted' with she was extremely sensitive when it came to being in the sun so as a precaution the wizards had fabricated a cloak specifically for her to keep the suns rays away from her body. The cloak actually was handier than she had previously thought after finding out that it had hidden pockets which she used for hiding her weapons. Oh! Remembering her favourite weapon Fay went over to her bed and picked up her katana from under the the piece of furniture. Placing the katana into one of the pockets inside her cloak the raven also took along a few extra weapons to be on the safe side. Why she was packing so many weapons? Well lets just say that the last few meetings between all of the soldiers were not smooth. Tensions were high, arguments always broke out and sometimes things got so tense that physical violence got involved. She really didn't like it when all the soldiers met up mainly because the noise level escalated to a point where she would end up getting a migraine for the remainder of the meeting. I just hope this isn't going to be a bloody wedding. The reason for this thought was because...well it seemed that whenever the soldiers tried to enjoy themselves (although this wasn't a joyous occasion) trouble always seemed to follow.

                        After preparing her fighting equipment Fay walked into her cozy little kitchen and made herself a cup of tea. She wasn't much of a breakfast person but she knew it was healthier for her to eat in the morning so she always forced herself to at least have something small before leaving the house. Sipping her tea quietly the young lady let out a sigh a bit nervous for the events that would play out later in the day. It was just a few months ago that she'd celebrated her eighteenth birthday (if you could even call her creation a day of birth) and frankly she wasn't very happy about living such a short single life as an adult. To think after today I will be Mrs. Something or other. Seriously this is ridiculous. I would have preferred the wizards torture us till we cooperated than wed us. Although Fay was a very accepting person and welcomed new people with open arms she couldn't stand the other soldiers not because of the fact that they belonged to a different group but because it seemed that whenever they were around things just got increasingly worse; although her own group was as much to blame as the others because they were no better but still. Even though she wasn't fond of the idea of getting married she knew that it would help somewhat in improving the strength of all the soldiers and their ability to cooperate but this was no doubt going to be a long and bumpy road.

                        Finishing her tea Fay washed her teacup then grabbed a small novel to read because she knew she would probably be arriving early. Locking her door as she entered the corridors of the housing complex the young lady set out into the bustling city of Burgaenda. Fay had been born with the ability to fly but only in her raven form which she really had no control over so she had no choice but to walk. With the hood of her cloak up Fay wandered through the streets of Burgaenda trying her best to remember the instructions to where the weddings were to be located. From what she knew the spot was outside the city and apparently she'd have to be blind to miss it so all she was looking for was a noticeable location on the outskirts of the city. Nodding to a few people people she passed along the way and a few horses who seemed to be greeting her as well which wasn't uncommon seeing as how she was originally an animal. Reaching the gates of of Burgaenda signalling that she was exiting the city Fay nodded to the few guards on duty and made her way out of the city keeping her eyes vigilant for the location and her ears wide open for any strange sounds that might be made if she were to be followed.

                        After walking about twenty minutes on the trail that led out of the city Fay found herself staring at a set of stairs on the side of the trail that had peaked her curiosity. Well...I might as well take a look since I still have some time before I have to be there. Making her way down the shabbily built set of stairs the raven found herself in a spacious well shaded area completely surrounded by trees and other greenery. Within this area was a moss covered building that resembled a chapel so to speak along with an old structure that covered a bench. Wow, what a beautiful place. Looks like I found the destination. She thought to herself looking around Fay sighed to herself noticing that quite a few other soldiers had decided to show up ahead of time as well but that didn't really bother her...well the noise level did otherwise she would ignore the other soldiers as she usually did. Might as well relax.

                        Looking for a comfortable place to sit and enjoy her book Fay spotted a tree near the chapel which looked like it would provide a good look of the entire area. Climbing up the trunk of the tree with little effort Fay placed herself on the highest and sturdiest branch so that she could keep an eye out for incoming visitors...and keep an eye out for trouble if there was to be any. It seemed that with her avian instincts she always ended up being perched in a tree of some sort. Good thing she wasn't afraid of heights. Leaning her back against the trunk of the tree Fay crossed her legs on top of the branch in an attempt to blend in with the tree slightly; which wasn't too difficult because her cloak camouflaged fairly well with the dark leaves of the tree. Opening her novel the girl picked up from where she left off last and became absorbed in the book instantly. But one shouldn't be fooled, even though Fay seemed too absorbed in her book to be paying attention to what was going on around her she was fully alert and prepared to fight if someone was to land a surprise attack on her.

                        Blocking out the noise Fay's attention was brought to the building within the lush green space when a man's voice spoke out silencing the other zodiac members; although only for a moment. Listening to the mans words Fay let out a sigh. Unlike many others she wasn't at all alarmed nor did she show any signs of fear or stress in her eyes; she was simply indifferent. Why should she be scared or worried? This was why they were created; to fight. Everyday she was prepared to die and had accomplished her goals so far. The only reason she would need to worry was if this was going to turn into a full scale bloodshed but if such a thing were to happen she was sure the wizards would have ignored all ideas of a wedding and would be training the zodiacs till they passed out from exhaustion.

                        Smiling when she heard that the arrangements had been postponed Fay closed her book and let out a sigh of relief. "Wonderful." She muttered to herself a young woman who had been taking shade under the tree she sat on looked up to her and smiled wearily obviously happy about the marriage postponement but worried about the possible attack. Acknowledging the woman with a slight nod Fay's heterochromatic eyes followed the well known man who she recognized as Lieutenant Gabriel Solai. Truthfully she didn't think there was anyone who didn't have knowledge of the man seeing as how he was one of the first zodiacs created and one of the most skilled fighters amongst them.

                        Seeing as how they were free to do anything until the announcements Fay decided to enjoy her newly found freedom for the time being. Jumping off the branch she stood on Fay landed on the tips of her toes gently barely making a sound surprising the woman who had been standing under the tree staring at her. Setting her heels on the ground once she had made sure that she was steady the young woman made her way out of the marriage area and off towards the training grounds as instructed although Fay wasn't going to do anything at the training grounds. For someone who was practically powerless in the daylight Fay usually practised during the night when it was a bit more quiet and she could use her powers to their full potential. I suppose I could continue reading... To be honest Fay disliked practising in the midst of others because she became easily distracted...and playful; which was bothersome. There was no doubt that she could practice her weapon wielding but only if the targets weren't all being used.

                        Arriving at the training grounds shortly after Gabriel, Fay disappeared into a tree and climbed to the top branch to perch and keep watch as she usually did whenever forced onto the training grounds. Surprised to see a crow perched on the branch across from her staring at her with it's beady black eyes the young woman quirked an eyebrow when she remembered something. "Ah...were you following me?" she asked in a hushed whisper towards the little creature she had spotted on her way out of the marriage area. Listening to the squawks of the crow Fay decided to start a conversation with the animal to keep her occupied for the time being; it was interesting really. Many people weren't aware of how many words in the human language that animals could actually understand...unfortunately unless one was to study animals (or was one) it was nearly impossible to pick up their language. In Fay's case though speaking with the crow was slightly challenging; crows and raven's were different despite their close resemblance in physical features, because of this their language was also slightly askew but not so much that they couldn't understand one another.

                        Enjoying the small chat with the crow Fay's eyes quickly darted to Gabriel when she heard a menacing snarl coming from the mans direction. The crow which had perched itself on her shoulder out of fear caused Fay to worry slightly wondering why the man was growling. She hadn't sensed any danger nearby but then again her senses weren't the strongest in the morning. "I'll be back." she whispered to the crow as she took the creature off her shoulder and placed it back on the branch. Jumping down from the tree Fay made her way over to Gabriel quietly and stopped approximately a foot away from him with her entire frame hidden by her cloak. Analyzing the expression on the weapon-wielding mans face which confused her rather than striking fear the young lady asked "Is everything alright?" Her voice was quiet and levelled showing no signs of fear and her two-toned eyes showed slight concern for the man. At this point Fay was quite alert and ready to attack if needed to but before she made any rash decisions she wanted to find out the reason for the mans snarl.

                        Click the raven picture for Fay's journal.

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          DU ER FAGER MENxxxyou are beautiful but . . .xxx

          ██████████████████████ ██████████████ █████████ ███████████████████

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{ } L A N D O N { }xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !

                        Like cold breath writhing in despair,
                        these lonely souls will never disappear.
                        Like a mission nobody wants to share,
                        this curse will never disappear.
                        Poison reaches my veins when you caress me.
                        A deadly kiss in the dark.
                        I'm not alone...

    Location training grounds, covered area Doing watching Gabriel and someone elseWith no one Mood annoyed, mixed with disdain and sadness Status perfect health

    you make me cry.xxx xxx SORG DU GJEV MEG
            xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ██████████████████████ ██████████████ █████████ ███████████████████

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                                  A soft groan was the result of one males' first morning realizations. The first thing that he took notice of was that there was no morning sun shining in through the curtains, causing warmth to wake up the sleeper. No rays of sunshine that could bring about the start of a bright and new day. That lead to the realization that there were soft taps against the window, frequent and loud enough that meant it was raining. Sounds of wind accompanied the beating drops against the window, the winds' howl being able to be heard in certain parts of the ceiling. No sun and sounds of wind and rain. The start to a very dreary, dark, and cold day. A day that was not only going to be bleak physically, but in a sense, metaphorically as well. A day that one, already moody, zodiac member could do without in his life. And these were only the initial reasons to not want to get out of bed.

                                  Violet eyes opened into a glare, aimed at nothing more than the curtained covered window. On principle, Landon was already cold. It was cold outside and he was cold just listening to what was going on outside of the safety of his lodging and bed. Even with the deep seeded hatred, the young male couldn't stare at the curtains long enough, his pale hands needing to rub the sleep out of his violet gems. With a rasp like groan, Landon moved so sit up, his fingers digging at his tear ducts for the remainder of his night. A chill found it's way all down his spine as the cold air hit his bare, toned torso. There had to be a reason it felt like his sleep was cut short, and to him, the weather was to be blamed. It was a horrid climate outside, which in turn, made it a horrid temperature inside. There was no telling how early it was, and he would want nothing more than to cover his body and return to another long, blissful sleep. But with the recent acquired knowledge that it was cold, he couldn't possibly go to sleep again. Even the blankets would have a hard time getting past his ghost sensations of it being freezing everywhere.

                                  Removing his fingers from his eyes, he in turn ran them through his royal blue locks. A few of his digits met resistance, but they forced their way through the tangles until his hands reached the back (and end) of his short cut hair style. Letting his limbs stretch out as he lowered them, he felt some of his muscles pop, hating him for all the things that he had even done to make them work hard. "Nhg..." He in turn protested against them as he slithered his way out from underneath the warm safety of his blankets and off the comfort of his bed. More cold air hit his body, only dressed in short cut underwear, causing him to reach up and rub at his bare arms fruitlessly. With non-human grace and speed, his padded his way over to a dresser, which contained his under garments he would dress himself with for the day. Tugging out a warm cotton shirt and loose pants, he pulled them both on, trying to cover his skin from the cruel temperature.

                                  This small feat helped, but not enough. He grabbed socks and slipped them on, hopping as he did so towards his closet. He opened the double doors to his wardrobe, revealing several outfits to choose from. Warmth was all that was going through his mind, so naturally, he grabbed the warmest looking things he could see first. His first choice was a long sleeved, indigo tunic that was relentlessly grabbed and tugged on, his slender and dexterous fingers easily lacing it up with immense speed. He then grabbed a different pair of pants, ones more heavy and more course than his first choice. He replaced the light, white cotton pants with the dark blue ones of his choice. He also snagged a warm cloak and a vest, throwing the cloak on the bed and putting on the vest right away. This was a miserable start to the day. He couldn't get warm in his own house, so he knew that he would never be warm outside in the rain.

                                  After fastening in the matching blue vest around his chest, he moved to the sets or armor and weapons that were situated in the corner of his room. Everything was simple, not to heavy, not to light. Made for him specifically, complementing his every possible movement and forged to never hinder him. He started with the dark silver colored greaves and matching pair of boots. The metal of his boots was in a scaled pattern, along with the dark brown leather of his pants. Once that was on, he tugged on a light leather tasset, covered with a white furred hide of a long since deceased wolf. His vambraces were simple, a matching silver set to his boots, scaled in a similar manner. The last bit of his armor was a light scale mail, padded with leather on the inside. With that on, he strapped his swords belt lightly across his waist and crossed two more belts around his hips which contained a dagger on the left and a stiletto on the right. His final weapons were six throwing knives, three placed behind his back, hidden, and the other three wrapped around his right thigh.

                                  The armor helped with the cold, but he quickly reached for the cloak and tugged it on before he moved to the mirror on the opposite side of his room. He would have normally taken a shower, enjoyed a long hot morning, but there was no point. Why get wet, get colder, and go outside to get wet again, and possibly even more cold? So as an alternative routine, he ran a comb through his short blue tangles, having little trouble with them, before he decided that his appearance was immaculate. He glared at his face for a moment, having his own violet hues glare back at him, before he softened his expression. He would be dealing with a lot of people for the rest of the day. The calm, happy expression that replaced his darker glare was practiced for such days. Days when he knew he could not avoid others, no matter how bad his mood was. Satisfied with his rehearsed expression, he let it fall to the glare again before he turned on his heel and stormed out of his room, out of his house, and then out into the rain.

                                  Burgaenda, his home, was already bustling and busy at such an early hour. It's tall sky scrapping buildings were darker than normal, wet from the change in weather. People were dressed much like he was, covering their heads from the rain and walking speedily along their ways. Landon hissed his disdain towards the rain as he threw up his hood and started on his own way, down many steps and towards the exit of the city. This was not where he was supposed to be for the day. Instead of being in his home, warm and content, he was to go to a small little chapel not far from the city. The grounds were normally pleasant, filled with weddings and smiles, graced on new couples faces. It was a place where one could go to relax and forget their troubles. But not on this day. As fate would have it, the darkened skies fell upon a darker day for him and others like him. For today, he was going to find out who he was forced to be with for the rest of his miserable, cold life.

                                  Yep. Landon Lamanna, the snake of the Original Twelve, was going to get married today. To who? He didn't know. Against his will? Yes. For the good of his people and others? Maybe. The elder wizards were going to marry him and the others off to the members of the other zodiacs. Unity called for it, their country called for it, but that didn't change the fact that he felt sick to his stomach about the entire thing. If he had a choice, he would have the wizard revert him back to a lowly reptile who would be free to slither to wherever he wanted. To whoever he wanted. If he had a choice, he would not have anymore parts of this war. He could just live out a day like this hidden in a deep, dark hole, and wait for the sun to come out. He would only have to worry about his next meal, and how to stay dry and warm. Not about who he was going to have to spend his life with.

                                  "Disgusting." He spat out those words to himself as he walked along the wet trail, leading to the grounds where his fate would be sealed. He understood everything, the reasons, the motives, and what good would come out of it. They would all finally stand together and have more of a chance to win this war. The war that had lasted too long. Asiah was too close to a victory for comfort. Naturally, whatever means necessary had to be taken. He just wished that there could be a better, more free, way than arranged marriages. 'I can't change it. I just have to hope that they all have good heads on their shoulders...'

                                  Defeating himself, he moved his gaze to the ground as he continued his fast paced walk. He couldn't change what was already put into motion, he just had to make the best of it. It wasn't anyone's fault but their own. If they set differences aside and stood together long ago, they wouldn't have to to suffer now. It all coiled back around to bite them, and there was no nice way around it. With any luck, the elders would make good decisions, and not ones that could result in a spouse being killed by the other.

                                  At his quick pace, it didn't take him long to reach his destination, finding that there were already crowds of people waiting around. He couldn't tell the other zodiac members from the soldiers, but he was able to pick out one of his own. Gabriel was already speaking with the crowd that he had walked into. He was able to catch the tail end of his little speech, mentioning something about an expected attack and being prepared. From the whisperings of the people around him when the lieutenant left, the first part of his announcement was that the pairings were going to be delayed, and something about finding a place to be until then. Great. He was dragged out of bed, into horrible, cold weather, and the others weren't even ready to speed things along.

                                  Grumbling like the rest of the crowd, he quickly moved away from the people, not wanting to be seen by anyone that he knew, or the ones that he didn't. There were people he knew that he hated, ones that disgusted him. On the flip side, there were people he wanted to be with. Amelia and Judai, the Rabbit and the Pegasus. Those were people who knew what it was like to presentable, use ther heads, and how to act around other people. His friends, and to tell the truth... No. He couldn't think about that. It was out of his hands now, and he couldn't be with who he wanted, even if he knew that they felt the same way. He had to grin and bare it, and hope that his new fiance would be like his closest friends.

                                  "Excuse me." With venom dripping from his tongue and covering his words, Landond walked past a soldier, who eyed him with a glare. He hadn't meant to sound menacing, he just couldn't help it. He was angry about the entire thing, and he didn't know anyone who wasn't. All he could do was walk away from the crowds of people towards one place he hoped wasn't occupied. He was told to be ready for battle, and what better place to go than the training grounds. He knew that it was set up, and if he were lucky, he might find a place out of the rain. He could already feel the drops soaking through his hood and into his hair.

                                  With a faster walk, almost a jog, he made his way to a small covered patio next to the training grounds. There were a few targets taken up, one by a man familiar to him. He almost wanted to go and speak with Gabriel (the way the man was swinging his axe told him that he was frustrated with something), but was forced to stay behind when he saw another approach him. He didn't know who she was, and decided to stay afar, hidden in his own little safe haven out of the rain. He was too late to gather information about what the dragon was feeling, but maybe he could just learn a little about him from a distance. It wasn't like he didn't trust his comrade, or that he didn't know anything about him. He just wanted to know the other males thoughts. "Any information about others would be nice right now..." Maybe if the rain let up, he would be able to go do some digging around about the possible candidates for his hand in marriage. Staying out of the rain, for now, sounded better.

                                  {[ Out Of Coffins ~ Intro post up! Please let me know if anyone wants me to change anything~ ^ u ^ ]}
    ----------------------------------------ᴊusᴛ ɑ ʟiᴛᴛʟɛ ʙuηηy ʀɑʙʙiᴛx


    s e n d x y o u x m y x l o v e
    ↘ ↘ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ▬▬▬▬▬▬ (( on a wire )) ▬▬
    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ↗ ↗

    ⊰⊰xxx mood: anxious, annoyed xxx //xxx marriage status: pending xxx //xxx currently: with the rest of the zodiac xxx //xxx outfit: fashion never rests xxx ⊱⊱

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                                                        The sky was a beautiful bright blue, one of those days that looked like a photoshopped dream. Fluffy white clouds lightly dusked the atmosphere. Looking down closer to the surface, there was an abundance of trees of every shape and size. Birch. Maple. Peach. Willow. It was very romantic, story book really. And these trees grew from a bright, rich green grass that held few dew drops from an early morning mist. Scattered randomly were light pink and purple flowers, opening up their petals towards the sun. It wasn't until Amelie noticed the perspective of the surroundings that she realized that she was too, very low against the grass. Blinking frantically, she looked down towards her hand, but to her suprise, found that she had two very small paws covered in fur. Beautiful white fur.

                                                        Sitting up in bed, Amelie breathed heavily. A dream...it was just a dream.... As she closed her eyes for a moment, she tried to even her breathing, letting the calm set in. It wasn't her life anymore, this animal. She was human, one of the zodiac and she had to accept it. Rubbing her eyes with her hands, she let them fall back down to the thick, white comfortor. The bed was some what of a savior right then. She was craddled and left by herself. Nested away from the rest of the world. And the world outside was ugly. The impending war was coming and the stress of it all was enough to upset everyone of the zodiac.

                                                        After a few minutes of sitting in bed, she decided she'd better get dressed and head where the rest of the group would be. Amelie stepped towards her lagre walk in closet which happened to take up half of her room. The little apartment that she inhabited wasn't large, but it was decent, enough for her new found love of clothes and living. She grabbed instinctivly at a light pink shirt which tied into a large bow around the neck, a teal jacket, a pastel flower print skirt, knee-high socks, and a pair of tan suede heels. Most would think that they'd be very hard to adjust to, but she found them quite enjoyable to wear and could get around rather well, even run at a fast pace without worry of ankle twisting or falling. With all that, she didn't feel quite compleat. So on her way out of the room, she grabbed a small circular snake necklace and a pair of teal droplet earings.

                                                        Dressed. One thing accomplished so far today. A plus. The next thing to deal with was her hair and her makeup. Thanks to her restless sleep. She had a tangled mane of short, white hair sitting on top of her head. As she entered the bathroom, she saw the reflection in the mirror. The outfit helped the hagard looking girl, but things could be better. Pulling a brush out of one of her drawers, she began petting her hair, the knots falling out within seconds. Amelie couldn't help but to close her eyes while doing this, it felt so nice and relaxing. Like a sort of meditation. Opening her eyes once again, she felt herself smile. Much better.... With that looking better, she tied a black ribbon behind her ears and into a bow. It was childish looking, but it suited her. Like the little bunny she was really. Now for a slight bit a makeup, though she never really wore much. After lightly powdering her face with a foundation and a bit of a rose colored blush, she swooped her eyelashes into a arch with mascara. There. Done.

                                                        Feeling better about her flashback memory, Amelie grabbed her katana and strapped it over her shoulder diagonally. Cased, the katana wouldn't be defined enough for people to be able to see exactly what she was carrying. That was always good, especially since she had to walk in public towards the training grounds of Burgaenda. It was beautiful, but it wouldn't be for long. The war would wear and tear this city like it was a rag doll. With a large black umbrella opened above her, she trotted towards the meeting place. She let her senses take over and observe what was wonderful now because it might not last. Birds were chirping, bees were buzzing around, people were out an about inncoently unaware of their future. As these things were normal for the everyone else, she had a hightened sense of hearing. Every little movement in the air was heard, every little whisper was heard. Those things people didn't want you to hear were sometimes her favorite. She always felt more informed than everyone else because she was able to hear what most couldn't. She waxed phylisophical about the senses often and this morning was no different.

                                                        As she finally made her way over to the training grounds, Amelie noticed the large crowd circled around Gabriel. Once she had joined the group, she looked around at the surrounding people. Many of them were unrecognizable to her. All were very put together and looked important. Though that might have just been her mind making these people seem more important. Maybe she was just intimidated. Searching more, she spotted Landon to her far left. Instinctivly, she reached up and grabbed her snake necklace. Juvenille, maybe. But it was a reminder to herself or how much he actually ment to her and that this love would never been requited unless by some miracle, they were to be married. Looking away, she focused on the speaking male. Evidnetly, they'd have to wait until tomorrow to find out who the wizards have paired them with and that the attack is set for the same date. Great...love and war all on the same day... Her eyes sunk to the ground and her head hung low. It was all very depressing to think about.

                                                        When the group seemed to disperce, she walked over to one of the trees, standing under it to avoid the now light drizzle. Amelie decided to continue to observe the zodiac. There were girls, quite cute and adorable girls and to the public eye, they wouldn't know that they were really killing machines, made for war. And the more sultry looking ones could probably murder with a blink of an eye. The fact that most of these girls were so strong made her feel very insecure and fragile all of a sudden. Maybe a little training would do her some good.

                                                        Shrugging, Amelie trotted over to the training grounds where two people already were taking advantage of facilities. Sqwinting to see if she recognized anyone, she felt her heart tighten a bit. Landon was sitting underneath a tree not to far from where she had once been standing. She could specifically tell because his blue hair was moving in the light wind. Maybe.... Smiling, she took off into a skip even in her six inch heels. Quite a feat for such a small girl. Once she was close to her friend, she slowed down. "Mind if I join you Landon?"

                                                        ooc: oi. short. sorry

        ███████████ ██████████████████ ██████████████████ ██████████████████ ██████████
        αи∂ чєт чσu sтιℓℓ ∂σит κиσω мє
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    | LOCATION: Home >> Training Grounds| FEELING: Like an outcast. | MOOD: Lonely&&Nervous |THINKING: What in the world do I say. . .? |WEARING: Pretty Me. |

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                                      Her eyes flickered as they seemed to stare straight at the ceiling. Empty-minded Shiloh was awake all night, unable to sleep for today she was summoned. Her heart dread this day, for Shiloh was never really the one who wanted to fight, but there was no way to back out now. Finally tugging herself out of the warm sheets and to the edge of the bed, her pale feet touched the frozen floor below her. Her shoulders fell, and lungs let out a big breath of air. Pulling herself up, she slowly headed to the window where she tore open the blinds to let the morning light in. It lit her white hair, and blue eyes scanned the clouded sky. It seemed she slept in, and had to leave as soon as possible. Today is the day that she was actually needed. Most of the other zodiacs were most-likely there already warming up their various weapons. The long white night gown dragged onto the floor behind her as her footsteps lightly tapped on the tile floor. With a glance in the mirror, she headed to the closet. Blue eyes glanced up and down at the dress she had prepared for this day. It was soft peachy colored dress with gems on the torso that seemed to brighten her eyes.

                                      The cloth caressed her soft skin as she tugged it on with a perfect fit. Lacing a bow of blue ribbon behind her, Shiloh pulled the black cloak over her back and clipped it. Tugging her hair out from under the hood, she strolled over to a drawer where she found black stockings. After figuring them out, she pulled out a pair of simple black shoes that were her most comfortable. With a glance in the mirror, she brushed the snowy hair from her pale face, but most of it seemed to fall back infront of her minty eyes. Turning around, she glanced at her room for one of the last times. Brushing worries off her shoulders, she headed out the door to the kitchen. Grabbing the reddest apple, she admired the fresh fruit before continuing to devour it. Throwing the remains out a nearby window, she headed to the front door. Her ride to her new home was waiting, but her heart sank as she reached the door. Exiting her home, she closed the door tightly behind her before kissing her finger tip than pressing it up against the large door. With a faint pearly smile, a man approached her with an umbrella. "Hello Shiloh. We better get on the road now, and all of your things are already waiting for you." The man raised an umbrella above her head, but she lightly nudged the man's hand away.

                                      "Thank you, but I have my cloak. And the rain is always welcome. " Her words were slow and sweet and seemed to pour out like honey to the man who watched over her since she was little. He grinned at her, "My my miss. You have not changed a bit." Shiloh's eyes glanced over to the man. With a curve of the lip, he helped her into the carriage. Scooting in to a window view, she awaited to be taken to her new home. Tears wanting to fall as she left her home. Her one and only home. The building grew smaller, until it was completely out of sight. Time flew by as her sea eyes glanced at the lush grass that soaked up the rain along with some sun when it showed.

                                      The ride was finally over as she scanned the new home. It seemed to be maintained very well, for a leaf was not out of place on any of the shrubs. The other zodiacs were already here, with them socializing among eachother. With a frown, she was helped out of the carriage with much of her dislike. "You must be informed that the announcements of couples has been placed to another time. Please enjoy your stay, for me." The man gave a friendly smile that faded with Shiloh's cold eyes glancing among the people. "Only for you." Her emotions were very much visible. She seemed cold and lonely. Parting from the man, she headed over to a chilled stone bench. Tucking her long locks of snowy hair into the dark hood, she plopped down onto the chair. With eyes watching the others move about and talk, she wasn't too friendly with the idea of being paired with one of them. What if her mate was a jerk? Or some muscle head that only cares about himself? Either way, Shiloh wasn't looking forward to fighting or being bonded for life with one of the men before her.


    lys araignee's Spouse

    Golden Prophet

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                xxxxxxx.❛ o — once upon a time ↻there was a◞★ girl )
                starYOU WOULDN`T REALLY CALL HER TYPICAL 《⇢ ♛

                      xxstarrygirl⋆ no:body even knew her »n a m e'her ❛life was one BIG ₀₀game

                          It was early in the morning- the sun barely rising over Al`aham despite the war and the fight for freedom going on. Most were asleep but one person was awake.. Or at least seemed like it. Walking through the elaborately built building, a girl can be seen going through the levels and stairways that crossed her path. Tap tap tap. Her footsteps echoed against the empty hallways, making up for the still silence. White blank orbs searched the place, looking around. Letting out a sigh, she reached into her pockets and took out some rice balls wrapped in plastic that she had stashed earlier. Taking a bite out of her rice ball, she sank her teeth into it before tearing the rice that was in her mouth out. Swallowing it, she glanced out at the window. The sun had risen fully now, rays of light came pouring in through the windows and the cracks. Scratching her head, the Owl knew perfectly that once again she had stayed up all night until the morning. ' I should go find some place to sleep before I run out of food.. ' As she walked clumsily and sleepily through the corridor, she remembered why she had stayed up in the first place.

                          She was going to get married.

                          It wasn't even a joyous or one of those wonderful occasions- At least to most people it wouldn't be when it was an arranged marriage that they were forced comply to. Zwei didn't even know what to think of it. Should she have been angry at the Wizards like the rest of them? Or should she be sad because she would be married off to some stranger? Well not exactly a stranger since she knew that it would be someone from the other Zodiacs but still, someone she didn't know. In fact the girl had only seen glimpses of them so the Owl wasn't sure to make of them. So because of that, Zwei pulled an all-nighter, cherishing the freedom she would have left alone before the marriage. Letting out a small sigh, she gave up trying to figure out which emotion should she feel. Besides, it would be more troublesome if she would get emotional.. Not that she would or could anyways. ' I guess I should head where the wedding will take place.. ' Zwei thought to herself. Jumping out the window, she landed safely on the ground below using her powers. ' Maybe I should fly instead.. I don`t have enough food with me to walk... ' Taking another bite of her rice ball, the girl picked up a particular scent in the air. It was going to rain soon judging by the clouds darkening and the birds were taking shelter... Meaning Zwei should be leaving now as well as she put her hood on. Using her control over wind, she headed out- Leaving the city of Burgaenda.

                          As she flew to the location she ate another rice ball, trying to keep herself awake. After awhile it started to drizzle softly. Seeing that it was raining, she stopped flying and slowly came down from the skies. Tugging on her cloak, Zwei made sure that it covered her since she didn't want to get drenched. When her feet touched the damp grass, the Owl saw that she had arrived at her destination and she gasped seeing the view. Everywhere she looked there was greenery- A chapel covered in moss, a wooden canopy that was protected by trees, flowers blooming and trees surrounding the area, making it seem like the place was secluded just for them. Sunlight came flowing down on them, thus giving the place a glowing look. Breathing in the sight, she uttered the words " Beautiful.. " No wonder they were supposed to be wed here, the place was quite enchanting, almost like it was from a fairytale. Taking a step forward, Zwei noticed that she almost stepped on the flowers which she recognized as Hydrangeas. Letting out a sigh of relief, she was glad that she didn't crushed the lavender flowers. Pulling one Hydrangea close to her nose, she inhaled the sweet scent. A small smile escaped her lips and she stood up again.

                          Before she even realized it people started waltzing in the arranged meeting place when she was admiring nature's beauty. One by one people starting filing in, making Zwei feel well.. uncomfortable. Shifting her legs, she sat down on the bench near the canopy. Letting a sigh escape her lips, the girl bit down on another rice ball, chewing on it slowly. After all, she didn't have much of a choice since she was running out of food and she needed to be awake for the meeting. Good thing she didn't have to wait that long. Soon it seemed liked everyone was there except the Wizards. ' Where are they.. ? ' the Owl wondered, probably wondering the same thing as everyone else. But of course people were shouting out their complaints, which gave the poor girl a headache. Zwei could already feel their confusion, hatred and anger- She didn't need any noise to add along with that. Holding her head, she hoped that the meeting would start soon.

                          On top of the balcony was a man that ceased silence with just a sound he had made with his voice. Even though it too could be lost in the noise, it had a strange feel to it that made it stand out from the chaos ensuing. The Owl shuddered slightly, how was it possible for noise to be so low but dominating? Looking up again she realized why for the person who caused it was none other than Gabriel, the Dragon. Although Zwei didn't remember the other Zodiacs, he was one that she did. ' Who couldn`t recall such a person ? ' She thought to herself, staring at him. Soon he announced what everyone wanted to know when silence was attained.

                          " The Wizards have decided to postpone telling us who we’re with. For now, whatever quarters we claim will be ours. Once they have announced our engagements, we will need to move. " He closed his eyes and paused momentarily before continuing. " Tomorrow, the Wizards expect an attack, so it would be in everyone’s greatest concern to be prepared. " Done with his task, he left, walking down the stairs. So they weren't going to announce who they were going to get married to yet. Zwei breathed out a sigh of relief. ' That`s good.. At least I can explore until then.. ' Thinking about it, didn't she always have her weapons ready? The grey haired girl didn't have to worry about preparing then since she always bought her weapons with her. Always.

                          Glancing around she saw that there was a few that the girl recognized- There was Fay, the Raven, Landon the Snake, and probably more of her fellow Zodiacs lost in the midst of the crowd. Searching the crowd once more, her eyes met a dark haired male's orchid eyes- or was purple? The man was near her, leaning against the canopy. He was what one would call ' handsome ' or whatever they said. Blinking, Zwei saw that he whimpered yet growled, something that couldn't be easily achieved. That was when the male suddenly broke an ample stone into pieces, making her wince seeing the emotions emitting from him. Anger and was that a bit of... lust she sensed? Feeling more awkward, she smoothed her dress, trying to get rid of the wrinkles. Hopefully she didn't catch the man's attention. ' Was he always there ? '

                          Suddenly the girl felt dizzy, the white haired girl supported herself using the wooden bench she was on. Extending her hands into her pockets, to her dismay she found that she had ate all of her rice balls. Her stomach grumbled- It was a sign that the inevitable was going to happen. She was going to fall into a deep sleep unless she had food. ' Nn.. I need food.... Perhaps I can eat the grass, I heard grass is edible -- ' But before Zwei could even finish her own thoughts, the girl hit the bench, with a thud. Sliding off the bench, the girl fell onto the ground, laying on the damp, wet grass. Sleeping soundly like she haven't in days.

                          ooc — ! this is how zwei's outfit looks like linku. oh and I'll finish coloring her layout another day lol

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                          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.starrygirl × •sleeping x☇★ ___•not too far from the main city ❜xxxxxxxxxx.
                          xxxxxx.⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ⋯⋯⋯
                          x.s h e ` s x. g o t x. h e r x. h e a d x. i n x. t h e x. c l o u d s x. !xxxxx.
                          xxxxxxxxx.× x.⊰。sharada ↺ sharada³xxxxxx.

    High-functioning Duck

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                    __________L A T E L Y xI T ' Sx H A R Dx T Ox K E E Px T H Ex H I N G E Sx O Nx W I T Hx A L Lx T H Ex N O I S E
                    ____________________I ' L Lx F I N Dx M Yx W O R D Sx W H E Nx T H E R E ' Sx N Ox O N Ex T A L K I N G
                    ______the room is spinning,i have got no choice


                                      ... 8 ... 9 ... 10 ...

                                      It was no good. Her back was hurting, and she could feel the blood rushing to her head already.

                                      ... 11 ... 12 ... 13 ...

                                      It was torture. Her arms ached. She felt sick, pathetic, useless. The world was whirling around her, until she wasn't quite sure where the ground was anymore. Her mind made up countless excuses. You're going to kill yourself. You'll pull a muscle, or something. It's not like this will actually help. Just stop it. You can try again tomorrow. Tomorrow. It will all be better tomorrow.

                                      But by tomorrow, she would be a very different person.

                                      .. 13 ... 14 ... 16 ...

                                      She knew that she wouldn't be able to bear through this much longer. A thin film of sweat was already forming on her skin, making her fingers sticky against the carpet. Her breath rushed out shakily.

                                      ... 17 ............ 20.

                                      Lila collapsed on the floor, her face pressed against the rug. Her arms felt oddly light, like two useless twigs. It's been weeks, and I still can only barely do two sets of push-ups. She frowned into the carpet; the ground was so solid, as opposed to her sore, wobbly arms. She curled up into a more comfortable position. Fifteen minutes. That's it. I got up early anyway, so this shouldn't make a huge difference in my schedule. Hopefully. Oh well. The carpet was so soft; she rubbed her face against it. She probably wasn't doing her pores a great favor but you can't always win in life. Comfortable rugs or clogged pores? A nice nap or a rash? Not that it really mattered to Lila much at this point, and besides, she had good skin, and the rug was so soft, she wanted to melt right into it, like melting into a cloud, it would be so effortless, so dreamlike, but she really should get ready now, since today would be an important day and all; still, though, it was so comfortable...

                                      She woke up half an hour later with a start. Her eyes just happened to be caught under a sliver of morning sun when they opened, causing her to squeal and roll over onto her other side. She blinked rapidly, breathing a sigh of relief when she realized that she could still see, and then absentmindedly rubbed her grey eyes. Her shirt stuck to her back and her fingers were still sticky, which meant that quite a bit of carpet fluff got into her eyes. With a groan, Lila heaved herself up off the floor and stumbled into the bathroom, her eyes still dry and burning. She fell onto the cold marble tiles, a mess of limbs and fabric.

                                      "Good morning, world. I hate you too!"

                                      ♋ ♋ ♋

                                      Only thirty minutes had passed when Lila stepped out of the bathroom after her shower, but the day had grown old quickly—outside, the sun was lost behind the swarms of dark clouds overtaking the colors of the late-morning sky. Lila stopped and gazed at the scene for a while, her fingers clenching the towel wrapped around her. It was strange how things worked out like that. The sky represented her emotions exactly: dark, worried, about to swallow her whole—but with glimmers of hope, just like how the sky peeked out from behind clumps of clouds. Uncanny. Lila could feel her own body drooping as the elation of a sunny day and blue sky wore off. Useless, useless. Did you, for one minute, actually allow yourself to think that today would turn out happily? As if. Stop deluding yourself, Lila. She was now crumpled on the floor, her head bowed, with water still dripping from her short honey-auburn locks. This was worse than being down in the dumps. Lila was in the dumps of the dumps. The worst part was that she knew it wasn't the weather's fault, or even fate's fault, if you believed in fate. She was responsible for allowing herself to turn into some pathetic romantic. Weren't her feelings volatile enough? Why did she have to let love and hope in, the two of the most volatile emotions of all?

                                      Especially when she knew that everything was for war. All the elaborate preparations, even the idea of the weddings—everything was so that destruction could continue and people could physically and emotionally hack at each other without reason for another thousand years. It was all so pointless to Lila; she wondered what would happen if she just didn't show up today. The idea was so rash it instantly brought a bright blush to her cheeks. How did she even come up with such a thing? She almost laughed at the ridiculousness, but crashed a moment later when she realized the futility of escape.

                                      Oh well. No helping it now. What's done is done, don't look back, put the past behind you, et cetera, et cetera.

                                      Lila dragged herself off the floor and yanked the curtains closed. Her room was now completely dark. Gritting her teeth, Lila felt around her bedside table for her hairbrush and messily pulled it through her hair with one hand, her other hand still holding her towel in place. She stubbed her toe on one leg of her bed, but just bit her lip and limped to her closet. She was going to be optimistic; she was going to hope for the best. And if that required her to hop around half-dressed in the dark with a throbbing toe, then so be it. Lila pulled out something that resembled a cloak and threw it onto her bed. Or, at least, she hoped that it landed on the bed. A chemise and simple cotton dress followed suit. Lila hurriedly pulled everything over her head. Was she late? She had lost track of time in her mood swings. Oh no, it would be so embarrassing if she were late. Like being late to your own wedding. Actually it was being late to your own wedding. She heard a seam tear, but was much too rushed to worry about it. Lila jammed her feet into the closest pair of sandals and, after grabbing a packaged dinner roll from the basket on her kitchen table, rushed out the door...

                                      ... only to rush back in a minute later. Stupid. What kind of fighter are you? She pulled out a hidden drawer in the side of her closet and groped around. A slice of pain through her thumb indicated that she had found it. Lila pulled out her two butterfly swords, the sleek blades gleaming even in the dark, and tucked the handles into a strap at the back of her dress. The drawer was closed with a thud and she ran out, once again.

                                      Except she had forgotten something else. Though she might be able to escape the sky in her room by drawing the curtains, outside, it was impossible. The clouds loomed over her to thick waves. To make matters even more complicated, a fine mist was descending from above, dampening Lila's hair. Oh, and she had forgotten her hood too. This was impossible. She pulled her cloak closer around herself and focused her grey eyes on the ground stubbornly as she walked-ran to the designated meeting place. Burgaenda melted away around her unconsciously; Lila, of course, didn't notice, since she was too busy examining every single thing that could possibly be interesting about the ground. Several people giggled and pointed at her ripped dress and hoodless cloak, but Lila was oblivious to it all until she was outside of the city walls. She peeked up slightly, and saw a verdant grove a little while off, from which she could hear a faint clamor of voices. The noise grew louder as Lila hurried along, until she was in the very midst of it. The clash of harsh words and pride made her head throb. Head down, just move along. Which would have been a good plan, except for the fact that Lila could not see anything in front of her and, inevitably, ran into someone's arm. "I'm sorry!" she squeaked, not bothering to look up at the owner of the arm.

                                      A clear and authoritative voice suddenly rang out from above. Lila tilted her head up slightly, making sure her bangs hid the sky.

                                      "The Wizards have decided to postpone telling us who we’re with..."

                                      Lila could feel the heat rising in her chest. She stood stone still through the announcement, not even budging at the notice that they would most likely be fighting tomorrow, letting the pressure increase. Even after the announcement had ended, she remained in place, testing her limits.

                                      1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ...

                                      It was too much. She felt like a volcano in the last seconds before eruption. Her fury bubbled like molten rock. How dare they stir up her feelings like this, how dare they let her actually dream of happy endings, only to thrust her into this hopeless situation in which only harm could be done, and then brush everything off, "postpone" it? Had she dreamed for nothing? Had she tried to be optimistic for nothing? Were they so useless? Her face turned towards the sky now, and a few raindrops struck her cheeks, makeshift tears, useless against the erupting mountain. She felt like screaming. She very nearly did. Her common sense and reasoning kicked in at the very last minute, though; would she really scream in front of all these people, in front of the person who might soon be her future husband? Besides, what was she angry about anyway? The day certainly hadn't turned out how she had hoped it would, but was that really a surprise?

                                      Lila's anger continued to seethe inside of her, but reason had turned down the heat a tiny bit. She still was far from satisfied; however, having nothing to channel her ire into, she decided to just storm off. To where, she wasn't exactly sure, but she would work that out in the process. Lila had hardly taken five steps when her foot collided with something soft and warm on the floor, and then her limbs were once again on the ground, except this time the ground was soaked with rain. Fortunately, the soft grass cushioned her fall enough to leave her without even a scratch. Lila glared over her shoulder at the strange object, fully expecting some prank or maybe a randomly strewn bundle of clothes, and definitely not a girl with white hair, curled up on the grass, sleeping as soundly as an infant. There was a dark smudge on her white dress where Lila's sandal had contacted. Oh no. All her irritation vanished as she gently brushed away the dirt. The girl didn't even stir once in her sleep. Lila rocked back on her heels and furrowed her brows, unsure about whether to walk away or continue observing this fascinating character.

                                      She didn't realize that she had dropped her dinner roll just a few inches away from the girl's face.

                                      Ix K E E Px F O R G E T T I N Gx W H E Nx T H Ex E A R T Hx T U R N E Dx S L O W L Y _______________
                                      S Ox Ix J U S Tx W A I T E Dx ' T I Lx T H Ex L I G H T Sx C A M Ex O Nx A G A I N ________
                                      I LOST MY PLACE BUT I CAN'T STOP THIS STORY

                                      I'VE FOUND MY WAY BUT UNTIL THEN I'M ONLY SPINNING ____


    Tipsy Bunny

    -T H E R E ` S- L V E- I N - Y O U R ( ℬody ) B U T - Y O U - C A N ` T - G E T- I T- O U T !!- -
    - - - - - - - - - -▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄I T - G E T S - S T U C K - I N -Y O U R - H E A D ,- W O N ` T - C O M E - O U T-O F-Y O U R -M O U T H▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s t i c k s - t o - y o u r - t o n g u e -a n d - s h o w s - o n - y o u r - f a c e --- t h a t - t h e - s w e e t e s t- o f - w o r d s

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                                                W I N N I F R E D xxx O ` H A R A
                                                - - ▌│███ ▌█ ▌│▐ █ │███▐ █ ▌│▐ ██ ▌█ █ ▌│▐ { } █ │ ██▐

                                                      Beautiful. Serene. Vibrant.

                                                      All words that described Winnifred's former city. It was truly a paradise in every way; a city worthy of Gods. Efficient, too. Lunair was famous for its water-ways. And the architecture itself was simply phenomenal. High, rounded arches from building to building served as decoration and transportation. In its entirety, Elphie was breathtaking and perfect in every way imaginable. Perhaps this was what made its capital such a prime target.

                                                      The day the destruction began was, and probably always would be, fresh in the young Aquarius' mind. The fire, blazing and tearing through everything it got a hold of. Smoke filled the air and blocked out the gentle rays of the sun; leaving a hellish smog for days afterwards. Screams echoed down once peaceful, quiet corridors and streets. People fled for their lives as best they could. So much chaos, and all so quickly. Before Winnifred could blink an eye, her world had crumbled into ruin and lay in smoldering ash at her feet.

                                                      The gardens she'd lounged in were demolished; every last bloom burnt to a crisp. Fountains that once gurgled and bubbled merrily with fresh water lay barren and in pieces. Gorgeous statues made of the finest marble were obliterated, damaged beyond recognition and repair. They might as well have been ground into dust. The libraries where Winnie had spent many an hour flipping through books about adventure and the triumphs of good over evil were all but vanished, with only a few scattered, charred pages of literature blowing listlessly across a desolate, empty space.

                                                      Everything was in ruins. Her city; her life; her faith. All that remained were debris and rage. And a vow to avenge all that had been lost and all who had suffered. It was more than personal.

                                                      Just thinking about that treacherous creature made Winnifred's stomach churn. There were so many questions. Mainly "why". Why would someone throw their home into ruin? Where did they muster up the audacity to go through with it? But only the Ophiuchus had the answers. And the Aquarius knew that given the chance to make any sort of contact, she wouldn't waste her time talking.

                                                      A pair of bright azure eyes gazed longingly into the distance. Winnie blinked slowly, her long dark lashes batting as a butterfly would flutter its wings. Al`Aham wasn't home-- not by a long shot. But it couldn't be helped and for all of its differences, it was quite lovely. It had more of a woodland theme to it than Winnifred had expected, but she wasn't in the least disappointed. A gentle breeze pushed a strand of cerulean hair into the Aquarius' line of sight, distracting her from her thoughts. For that, she was almost thankful--she'd just been thinking of her upcoming and inevitable marriage. No one was happy about it, certainly, but she wasn't nearly as pessimistic as most of the others. Maybe it just hadn't settled on her completely yet, but all in all she was indifferent to the idea. What needed to be done would be done. And protesting what was fated to occur only left frustration and sorrow in its wake. Winnie refused to fall victim to either of these less-than-appealing emotions. What the Aquarius didn't understand was why her friends continued to pine away about it. Was it that they had someone else they'd already given their hearts too? Or were they just being difficult to be difficult? She'd ask if she weren't so averted to their heated, loud responses. This wasn't a time to be plucking at people's heart-strings when they were already so taut. Despite her playful nature, Winnifred knew better.

                                                      Winnie twirled the loose strand of hair in her fingers and tucked it behind her ear gently. She'd stalled enough, and now it was time to face the day that seemed so alien to her. The day of her wedding; rather her union to a complete stranger. She hopped down from her perch on the windowsill of her apartment and trotted into the bathroom to make herself decent. She turned the faucet on her sink to a moderate degree and stuck her hands under the rushing water. It had an instant, pacifying affect on the anxious bride-to-be. 'It's going to be fine. Everything will work itself out if you're just patient' she thought, cupping her hands to catch the stream of water. Splashing her face a few times, Winnie felt ready to take on the world. She patted her face dry, brushed her teeth, and walked to her closet with a new-found enthusiasm. Winnifred wasn't particularly picky when it came to clothes, but she did like it better when things matched to a certain degree. She was also the kind of female that didn't have any set style--it varied day to day. Sometimes they were practical, and sometimes eccentric. Today was one of the more practical days. She grabbed a pleated black skirt, a white blouse, and a cardigan from their respective hangars and promptly tossed them onto her bed. Next she rummaged through her collection of footwear until her gaze landed on a pair of tan t-strap heels, which she paired with frilled socks that had little bows on the sides. Winnie liked bows. She grabbed a matching one for her head as she passed her accessory drawer. Finally she slipped on the garments and sat on the small, padded stool in front of her vanity.

                                                      A girl with blue, tangled hair stared back at her, a bemused expression on her heart-shaped face. "Where to start..." she pondered aloud, cupping an elbow with one hand and setting her chin in the other, tapping it contemplatively. She wouldn't waste her time with make-up. She hardly ever wore it except on special occasions. Instead, she grabbed up her brush, wielding it as one might wield a sword, and ran it through her messy tresses vigorously. After she was satisfied, she braided it to the side and draped the plait over her shoulder. She clipped the bow onto her head, stuck in some earrings, and wiggled her hand through a leather bracelet. Outfit acceptable, Winnie flounced to her bedside table and pulled open a hidden side compartment, drawing out her sais and thigh holsters, and proceeded to hide her weapons. If needed, all she'd be required to do is reach under her skirt. Easy to grab, easy to conceal.

                                                      The sky seemed to be darkening outside, so the water-bearer grabbed a small, collapsable umbrella and darted out the door.


                                                      There was to be no wedding today. Perhaps it was best, seeing as it was raining now. Winnifred couldn't help but feel a little disappointed though, despite the fact that everyone else around might as well have been whooping for joy. Her lips pressed into a thin line, and she blew some air out of her mouth in irritation. She was looking forward to meeting her betrothed and getting the introductions over with. But Gabriel's next statement peaked her interest and quickly ushered out all thoughts of marriage.

                                                      "Tomorrow, the Wizards expect an attack, so it would be in everyone’s greatest concern to be prepared."

                                                      The Aquarius felt a grin break out across her face like a cheshire cat. An attack! Finally! An outlet to get out all this bottled up energy! She could have danced with glee. However, her fellow zodiacs looked less than enthused about it. Winnie decided it might be best not to dance, then. Looking around for a familiar face, her cerulean orbs fell upon Lila, the Cancer, whose face looked about as red as the shell of the very animal she represented. 'Hmm....Crabby....' she thought, clapping a hand over her own mouth to suppress the giggle that was threatening to spill from her mouth. But her imagination took off from there, and the blue-haired girl could clearly picture Lila as an irritated crab, snapping her claws and skittering back and forth in outrage. It was too much. Winnifred bit down on her lower lip. Hard. But holding the laughter that was swelling in her chest hurt a hell of a lot more.

                                                      Thank God Lila started storming off though, breaking the trance. Winnie went from giddy to concerned in about 0.3 seconds. Her friend started to move off through the crowd in the opposite direction so, obviously, Winnifred followed her.

                                                      It all happened so fast. One second she was reaching for Lila's shirt, and the next thing she knew, the Cancer was on the ground. 'Timmmmberrrrrrr'. The laughter poured from her like a waterfall, and she clutched her stomach, enjoying the release. Shortly, they subsided as the Aquarius noticed the small person that had caused Lila to take a tumble. "Oops..." she breathed, crouching by Lila to study the petite, sleeping girl. Perhaps now was a good time to use the umbrella. Winnie popped it open and held it over the two of them, offering her companion a smile. "Friend of yours, Lila?"

                                                      ███████████████████████ DARLING HOW I LOVED ++++you from the start ++
                                                          ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
                                                            but you`ll never know what a fool i`ve been+ ++++ +++++++++Darling how I loved you from the start+++++++++++++++++++++++++

                                                      TO SILENCE MY DESIRE TONIGHT
                                                      BUT THAT`S NO EXCUSE FOR THE STATE I`M IN
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                                                    DON`T LET ME GO !

                                                        The f a l l i n g feathers caress the ground.

                                                            A dieing ember seen all around

                                                          And when it disperses ❋ I'm the sacrifice to go with it...

                                                                DON'T LEAVE ME ALL ALONE, I NEED YOU BY MY SIDE.

                                                              ONE ELEGANT SWAN

                    ;♔ EVAULYN HILL

                ██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████

                              Float in the pond of courageous souls .
                              Float in the pond of courageous souls .
                              Float in the pond of courageous souls .
                              Float in the pond of courageous souls .
                              Float in the pond of courageous souls .

                                  Montai - Training Grounds/Alone Excited

                                    tab A quieted sun beamed its scarce rays of light in through the white curtains of a window. The room had a flowery theme but it looked rather graceful compared to most attempts at doing this. Nature was tapping on a woman’s window, rain to be specific. “Wake up!” it would call if enabled to speak, though the woman had yet to arise from her nest. She was half awake and the other half of her was still asleep, literally. The lady’s left leg and arm were moving slightly, while her right side kept entirely still. After awhile though, the woman moved her right side, did a half push-up, and then flipped over and sat straight up on her bedding.

                                    tab A yawn emerged from the female’s mouth. She could easily slide back into the embrace of slumber and rest her weary limbs, but there was always work to be done. If she wasn’t doing something related with the war at hand, she would be training hard. She knew never to question the one that had given her the ability to be human, but at times she had fixed her mouth to make her inquiry known. As of today, there was nothing she had to do, but she still felt as if she needed to get stronger, despite her heavy limbs from the vigorous training in the past few days.

                                    tab Lyn, a petite 5’5’’ woman with long, silver hair and eyes to match stretched her limbs as much as possible before throwing her legs over the edge of her bed and slowly standing up. The swan fluttered to her window and moved the white curtains to the side to reveal a rainy morning. The streets of Montai were rather busy. Horse-drawn carriages were moving with a quickened pace down the road. Many people were conversing and buying various items.

                                    tab Lyn’s attention then turned back to her humble abode. She needed to prepare herself if she was to leave the safety of her home, and she started with her apparel. The woman opened her closet and scanned through the articles of clothing she could don for the day. She grabbed a pair of milky white stockings and a short white dress to match. She then spotted a pair of white heels that weren’t too high, preparing for the worse case scenario came along. Lastly she grasped her undergarments and exited her room.

                                    tab The swan had taken a relaxing bath and soaking in the warm water helped her arms and legs a bit. After getting out she dried her body off and immediately slid on the ensemble she put together for the day. Lyn then turned around and walked out of the bathroom. Her heels were clicking behind her as she reentered her bedroom and walked over to her weapon gallery. She simply grabbed her double-edged spear, her twin crescent-shaped elbow-blades, and her whip. The whip was place appropriately at her side. As exposed as she was it wouldn’t take long for an individual to notice that weapon. Lyn opened her closet once more, and grabbed two white straps from it. She crossed the straps to make an X around her chest and upper back. On her upper back is where she concealed the two blades. Finally, her double-edged spear was slid horizontally in the same strap as the left elbow blade. The limited space she had for her weapons had her concerned, but she ignored it as she braced herself for the cold outside which would sting her cool skin.

                                    tab Before leaving, Lyn put a small amount of money in her pocket and closed the door behind her. As predicted, the cold air stung her skin for the first few moments she was outdoors. She paid it no attention, for something else was bothering her. Her stomach had growled. She needed something to eat. Lyn would have big breakfasts from time to time, but most days she started with a fruit. This fact had decided her first destination; a fruit stand. Lyn browsed the selection of fruits as light rain tapped at her exposed arms. Lyn had neither a hood nor an umbrella. She didn’t mind a bit of rain hitting her. After all, there may come a time where rain is pounding and they may have to fight in it. Umbrellas can’t be brought onto the battlefield.

                                    tab Lyn finally locked her stone-colored eyes onto a small patch of grapes. She gave some of her money to the clerk, nodded her thanks, and stalked down the street to the training grounds. Once the fruit was done, she discarded the remains.

                                    tab Once she had entered the training ground she was ambushed by unknown people wit dark attire. It was clear that this was just a training program for the day. Here was no way a group of people with mischievous clothing had gotten this deep into Montai. Deciding to play along Lyn drew her double-edged spear. The trio rushed forward and began attacking her. She then knew that this was training when the three had numerous chances to slice and stab her but they did not take them. “This is training right?” Lyn asked cautiously while fending off one of the three. You could never be too sure.

                                    tab “Yes.” The most agile of the three answered. Relief rushed through Evaulyn’s body; she was going to kill them if they hadn’t answered. She then darted forward and stabbed one blade of the long weapon into the ground, and then used it to launch herself into the air, careful not get her hair, or even worse, her head caught onto the other blade. She was now high above the three, and braced herself for impact with ground. Good thing she ate healthy. This landing would’ve sent a slightly painful shock through most people’s bones.

                                    tab Upon landing she smashed the blade of the spear on the ground and landed in a half-crouch. Soon, one of them dared to approach her from the right she slammed the side of her spear into his rib cage, holding back some of the strength so she wouldn’t injure him too badly. The man flew in that direction and hit the ground. While doing this, Lyn was oblivious to the fact that another was right behind her. She only heard the last footsteps and whipped around to try and counter his attack. The attempt was futile and she was disarmed.

                                    tab She couldn’t pull out her elbow blade fast enough so her whip came next. Lyn barely dodged a slice with the back of the dull sword that was for training purposes only. It didn’t even cut through her clothing, but in a real fight that would’ve drawn blood. She would’ve been in a load of pain from that slip-up. The swan launched the whip forward slightly and it hit the second fighter, but it didn’t stop him from approaching her. She had to knock them down to keep them from launching continuous attacks since they couldn’t seriously injure one another. As graceful and agile as possible, she pushed forward. She then drew her elbow blades with a sleight of hand. She hit the trainer from the left, sending him flying.

                                    tab Lyn knew well enough from her first two mistakes that she couldn’t let her guard down with any enemy. She could hear the third one coming and she ducked down. The unsuspecting attacker ran into Lyn’s grapple. She grabbed his arms and flipped him over her own body. “You’ll have to do better than that.” Lyn taunted, panting after the words came.

    Lonely Fairy

                          ____________________User Image

                                      THIS WORLD WILL CRUMBLE. ___________________
                                      RAPHAEL * DESTRUCTION IS INEVITABLE. ___________________________________________
                                      ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ xxx
                                      xxx xxx_________

                                      Crimson red eyes stared past the window, seeing the darkness shatter with the beginning light. It was dawn, much too early for the young male to be awake, as he often the time he was in slumber. Today, however, Raphael had little time to do what he already planned. While the other zodiac members amongst Asiah’s army were setting out to their destination later that day, Raphael had decided to move a step ahead. Having spoken with the fox, he knew that she would arrive shortly afterwards, though he would remain in solitude until she arrived. He had not wanted anyone to accompany him. Raphael had also left Khalun to head the other members in his absence; he trusted the phoenix would do a suitable job.

                                      Weak sunlight penetrated the curtains of his home and Raphael quickly rose; he did not want to spend another minute merely mulling over the day’s planned activities. His preparation was a short one and he was ready to leave within the next half an hour. The sun was creeping behind the horizon and Raphael knew that he was on a tight schedule if he wanted to arrive at the destination point early. Slipping out the window, a habit he maintained from his beastly days, Raphael left Asiah long before the sun had reached the sky.

                                      His journey had been an uneventful one. In a rush, Raphael hadn’t bothered either to stop for rest or to eat. He had simply run the entire way, exerting a large amount of his endurance. With no one to demand his attention, Raphael easily found his mind straying across a string of memories. Though he had held them off for a while, the moment that had torn his soul asunder could not so easily be forgotten.

                                      I wanted to end it. A merciless pain ached at my chest as I stared at the man, now maintaining my beautiful human form. There was an empty echo as I shouted my accusations towards him. But he remained a silent doll; his mouth was closed and a pitiable expression permanently carved onto his face. It was as though he was unable to speak now that he'd exiled me. I grit my teeth. I hadn’t been given a second to defend myself. Why? I’d devoted everything to him. He only responded to my actions out of fear and rage, emotions he seemed to have passed on. Emotions that I will make full use of to rip him into shreds in the end.

                                      The pelting noise of a thunder clap echoed off the trees of the silent trees. There was now a gentle drizzle of water falling steadily from the sky that hadn’t been there along the journey – but nothing as malicious as thunder. The blasted again, frightening several birds into the sky as their nests shook. Raphael aimed another powerful blow to the tree, which shook violently in response, creating sound waves similar to that of thunder. The trunk of the tree had a shredded look to it, as though someone had taken a sharp object and sliced at it. He silver-haired male maintained a look of indifference as his next strike ripped the tree’s trunk, leaving it to fall. While his face was expressionless, complicated and raging emotions boiled beneath the surface. He had recalled the memory that had most tormented him with its injustice; it was obviously one he did not find much enjoyment from. He hissed loudly to vent his own turmoil and frustration and struck again at the fallen trunk. Breathing hard, he quickly regained his composure, but not before shredding the trunk into a large pile of shrapnel. Content, Raphael abandoned the tree.

                                      He’d was still a short ways off from the designated destination, which lied on the outskirts of Al`aham. While it was not visible through the dense trees that surrounded them, Raphael knew that the city was a mere three minutes away from where he was standing. Raphael chuckled as he recalled the reason for their location. It was a hard and cold laugh that displayed no humor. “Arranged marriages?” he said aloud. “I wonder of that. Will they truly be united? Or will this make them weaker?” Even Raphael did not know the answer to the question. The future was not one to be foreseen by those who had the power to change it, a fact he had learned so many years ago.

                                      Raphael finally reached the site of their temporary base. Though he’d only been situated in the area for several hours he had memorized the terrain and the layout of the forest, easily finding convenient weak points in which they would enter the city in due time. Raphael still had to decide whether before or during would be a more suitable moment to strike. His many information sources told him that the zodiac members had yet to be paired with their lifelong partners. The longer took them only meant he had a larger span of time to plan his own attack. He was rather positive that the zodiac members knew that Asiah was planning sabotage. He doubted, however, that they expected to see him there. Raphael knew the members of the original zodiac very well – though the span of time in which they had last met was an extended one. Would they recognize him? Raphael gave a twisted smirk; if only they could see what he had become.

                                      He leaned against another tree in a nonchalant fashion as he drooped low until he was sitting on the dirt floor. His detour with the tree had let him arrive later than he had originally planned, but he’d already done what he had intended. His reasoning was simple. Raphael knew that unwanted memories would make their way to the surface, regardless of how hard he tried to keep them at bay. His anger wasn’t unusual, but he refused to show any sign of weakness amongst the others. Raphael determined that his rage from moments before had been all that he needed. His other reason – for he needed something more practical to explain to the others if they happened to be curious and plucked the courage to ask him – was to examine the immediate area for guards that may have been patrolling the area.

                                      To his luck there were none, though Raphael knew that had he come across one, they had only seconds to live. While he’d relieved himself of his initial tension, he was not in his best mood. His frustration would easily boil to the surface if he were to give it a chance, though he had no plans to do so. Regardless, his eyes remained wild and the aggressive portion of his nature apparent. At times like this most knew to avoid treading on top of any unwanted subjects.

                                      Raphael curled his hand, taking a swift glance at his natural claws. Clenching down tightly, he drew blood. Unperturbed, he spoke aloud, knowing that he was no longer the only one there. If he was to guess correctly, the fox had arrived in a timely fashion. Raphael considered for a moment whether the presence was actually the woman or another from Asiah. The chance that it was a patrol member who was placed there in caution for enemy troops by the zodiac was another possibility, but not one he found high due to the isolation of the temporary camp. Raphael spoke in a smooth but cold voice, “Show yourself.” His voice echoed against the forest trees. His tone displayed his obvious impatient and lack of tolerance. While seemingly only authorative in nature, Raphael had also meant for the short sentence to stand as an unsaid threat: ‘and if you don’t, I will kill you.’

                                      ( / ooc ; basically anyone who wants to can reply to this.

    Obsessive Otaku

    14,600 Points
    • Happy Birthday! 100
    • Ultimate Player 200
    • Megathread 100
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                      xPeople think it's intimidating when a girl is cool with her sexuality
                      I'm a 180 to the stereotype girls like staying home and being innocentx

      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ████xx The center of the universe
      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;; location
      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ████xx The people who love me
      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;; characters
      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ████xx I don't hide my anything

    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ;; emotions

    █║▌│█│║▌║││█║█║▌│█│║▌║││█║│█║▌│█│║▌║│ │█║█║▌│█│║▌║││█║│

                            Early that morning, Valkyrie, the Virgo, was peacefully asleep in her plush bed. Her long, blond hair, usually soft and manageable, was a wild, tangled mess. Her slim right hand was caught in this wild jungle and her left hand was on her stomach, under her loose pajama shirt. Her right leg was hanging off the edge of the bed and her left leg was bent at the knee towards the right leg. She looked like a heavy sleeping mess. If she were able to see herself at that time she would say something along the lines of ‘No one would want to bang me if they saw me like that’ as she wore a disgusted look on her face. But that was in the morning. Now is a different story. Now it’s in the afternoon, and the blond woman is awake and presentable.

                            Her heeled shoes made tapping sounds as she walked along the stoned pathway that bordered a large grass area. She wasn’t walking anywhere in particular, she was thinking of what she could do that day. Perhaps she would be going man hunting and find someone she would love to share her bed with. Yes, she seemed to be pleased with that idea. With a set motive, she stopped where she stood and scanned the area with her blue eyes. A groan escaped from her perfectly glossed lips when none of the men caught her attention. She was feeling picky that day. She didn’t feel like picking up some random guy, maybe that would change as the day dragged on.

                            Again, the woman began to walk around the path. The rain wasn’t helping her feel like herself. Sure, the rain was pretty and made the grass greener and the plants more beautiful, but she disliked the falling water droplets. It made her makeup run if her face were to get too wet. Also, it would drench her thick hair and cause it the frizz as it started to dry off. Valkyrie would have to make constant trips back to her room throughout the day if the rain didn’t stop soon. That would put a damper on her daily plans on finding a man for the night. However, every time she would return to her room to touch up her makeup and redo her hair, she would come out looking even better. Maybe things would work out in the end. Maybe.

                            Still, she didn’t like this rain. Oh well, she didn’t have any control over the weather, so she would have to deal with it until the rain stops falling. Valkyrie spotted a wooden canopy that would provide shelter from the rain. Quickly, she headed over to the shelter. Once under the canopy, she ran her fingers through her hair and was pleased to discover that it wasn’t as damp a she thought it was. She would be safe from fizzy hair for now. “Thank goodness.” The little sigh of relief was mostly said to herself, it wasn’t really meant for anyone else to hear, obviously. If she wanted other people to hear her relief, she would have said it much louder, and she also would have said something much different than just thank goodness.

                            With her cheek leaning against one of her slender hands, which was held up by her elbow that was resting on her leg, she scanned the area again for any attractive looking man that would keep her company that night. In the middle of her search, she turned her eyes up towards a balcony that overlooked the crowd. There, she saw a tall dark haired man that looked very attractive. Her lips twisted into a flirtatious smirk as she kept her blue eyes glued onto him. “He’ll do perfectly.” she cooed as she lifted herself back onto her feet. Valkyrie was the kind of girl that got what she wanted through means of hard work, and she saw who she wanted. She didn’t care if he would be easy or hard to get, in the end, she’ll get him. That was the way it always was for her. Being blessed with her body, she never had to work too hard for a man. Most men she targeted would stare at her and wait for her to offer her bed to them, but not all of the men were like that, only most. “Good-bye lonely night, hello company” she whispered seductively as her flirtatious smirk transformed into a playful smile.

                            Valkyrie didn’t really pay attention to the news about the wizards postponing the marriage arrangements until a future date or about the expected attack that would take place the following day. She heard the words, of course, who could ignore it, but she didn’t really absorb the meaning. The arranged marriages weren’t in her best interest. Actually, marriage itself didn’t interest her. Anyway, if she were forced to marry someone, that wouldn’t stop her from spending nights with other men. As for the war, she couldn’t care less about that right now. The attack was expected to come tomorrow, and tomorrow would be when she would care about it enough to pay attention to what was going on. She’ll plan on sharpening her knives and daggers and arrows either that evening, if for godforsaken reason she had to spend another night alone, or the next morning. It all depended on how easily she would get the man she had her sights on in her bed.

                            She walked across the grass, being careful where she stepped so her heels wouldn’t sink into the mud, towards the building the man was in. She walked up to the doorway and entered the building. Her heels made a tapping sound that was similar to the one outside when she was walking on the stone pathway when she walked towards the stare case that lead up to the balcony. Step by step she climbed up the stairs. Her arms were crossed below her bust. She was going to take her time walking up the stairs; she wasn’t in too much of a rush. She would run into the male soon enough anyway.

                            Once on top of the stairs, she made her way towards the direction she thought the balcony would be. She didn’t know exactly, but she guessed. Hopefully it was the right guess. She would find that out in a few minutes, she told herself. She was only willing to walk for a few minutes before she decided that she was going the wrong way, that is if she went the wrong way in the first place. Although she would prefer it if she went the right way the first time rather than the second time. Suddenly, Valkyrie remembered something very important. She had to check to see if her hair and makeup were in perfect condition. There was no way in hell she would show herself in front of this man with frizzy, messed up hair and smudged makeup. No way. No how.

                            Thankfully there was a mirror near buy. She approached the reflective glass and looked at her reflection. Her hair wasn’t frizzy or anything, but it did need some smoothing down. Running her fingers through her hair would do plenty good enough. After doing so, her hair was back to its normal beauty. Now she paid more attention to her makeup, which was not running, thank god. Her dark eyeliner was beginning to smear, but she wet her finger with some of her saliva to help remove the smudge. She ran her finger under her eye to remove the smudge. That was all it really took for her makeup to look good again. She didn’t need to touch up, although a touch up would make her look better. Still, it was good enough as it was. As she was looking at herself in the mirror, she saw the dark haired male she was interested in walk passed, possibly heading outside. Being the persistent woman she was, Valkyrie went after the male.

                            Like a stalker, Valkyrie followed the man outside. Her nose scrunched a little, she didn’t want to be out in the rain again, but she was willing to at that moment. She walked across the grass carefully so her heels wouldn’t sink in and get dirty. That would be very unfortunate. To avoid her heels sinking in, she had to walk more on the balls of her feet rather than walk normally. She found that she was following him to the training grounds. The thought of the training grounds made Valkyrie shudder. She didn’t like the training grounds. At the training grounds, there was usually training going on of some kind. Either people would be practicing using their weapons or their powers, sometimes even both. The woman didn’t like to practice using her weapons or powers much because she would become all sweaty. She didn’t like to sweat, although she wouldn’t mind if she were engaging in sexual activities. That was the only exception.

                            She watched as the male grabbed his axe and began to swing at the targets. She stopped walking towards him and tilted her head to the side a little. “Wow. That’s a big axe. I sure hope he isn’t compensating for something. That would really suck.” she mumbled to herself. From the corner of her eye, she saw a brown haired female talking to the man she was stalking. Valkyrie was close enough to hear the concern in the female’s voice. The woman rolled her blue eyes and thought it was time to approach the man.

                            With her head held high and standing up straight, she walked towards the two people with long strides filled with confidence. Getting the attention of a man was one of Valkyrie’s many skills. However, her methods were physical rather than conversational. She walked past the brunette female that was talking to the dark haired male. Valkyrie wasn’t going to bother with talking to the female until after she already made her move. When she approached the male she was stalking a little while ago, Valkyrie stood in front of him and wrapped her left arm around his waist and let her hand fall onto his rear end. With a flirtatious gleam in her eyes, she gave his butt a little squeeze. “Firm. I really like that.” she whispered to the man as her glossed lips twisted into a pleased smirk.


    SEXYxxxxxxxNAUGHTYxxxxxxxBITCHYxxxxxxxME ! !

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