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Daring Red-Shirt

~~ Whispers of Equality ~~
~ A western/mutant role play ~

Thread Status : Open
We are currently : Accepting

OOC Thread may be found : Here
Profiles may be found : Here

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Setting :.

This role play takes place in the old west. No specific year, but the technology is around mid eighteen hundred's in level.

Most of the role play will take place in a town known as Highwater Creek, and it's surrounding areas. Highwater is a small town located in a desert-like area. Though small in size, it is fairly well established with all the amenities a town might need.

(Also to be noted: This Role Play is a continuation of this thread. Due to losing too many members, we felt it best to start a new thread. Previous events can be read in the synopsis, or if you'd like a more detailed version, feel free to read through the previous thread.)


.: Story :.

Mutants. Humans born with unnatural abilities and/or appearances. Nobody knows why it happens, really, but it's been going on since long before anybody alive was around. Genetics seem to play a small part in it, as one or more mutant parents seem to heighten the chances of a child being born as one, but it can also occur with no known mutant heredity in the family tree. Neither does there seem to be much rhyme or reason as to what mutations are developed. Sometimes it can be genetic, with a child inheriting a parent's mutation, but other times they may be born with a different mutation.

The how or the why the mutation happens, however, is not important. What is important is that mutants are both a minority, and considered to be 'different' by the normal humans. Because of this, they often treated as less than human by those who consider themselves 'normal'. The unluckiest ones are killed for fun or as an example. The lucky ones are forced to try and scrape together a living, oftentimes being allowed only the most menial of jobs and being given the lowest pay for doing them. Some revert to becoming outlaws, either out of necessity or a desire for wealth and power.

Unless, of course, you're really lucky. Those powerful enough and who have a willingness to turn on their own kind are often employed by the officials that run the cities and towns they live in. Their jobs are to both protect from outlaws, and to keep the other mutants residing there in line. In exchange for their utmost loyalty, they are given wealth, limited power, and respect. Of course, to the officials they work for, most are still considered pawns at best, expendable at worst, but they are treated as though they are high society and are given all the perks that go with it.

Things have been running like this since long before anyone can remember. For the most part, it has worked fairly well. A few mutant uprisings have sprung up here or there, but generally they are quickly quelled by the enforcers. That is, except for the uprising that happened a few years ago. A small settlement was nearly taken over when the mutants residing there tried to take control. They were, of course, stopped, but it left the officials feeling worried that it might cause others to attempt the same thing. Because of this, life became harsher for the mutant kind as they were now watched even more closely than before.

Out of fearfulness, many have complied, but perhaps the official's fears are not unmerited. There are whispers of a new revolution forming. At the moment they are little more than rumors, the talk of rambunctious young people hoping for change, but perhaps there could be something more to come of it, should the right people try to make it happen.


.: Places of Interest :.
(Feel free to make suggestions for other places to add. Also if there is a place in particular related to your character that you would like to add, feel free to ask me to add it.)

Highwater Saloon - The town's local tavern. Also doubles somewhat as an inn, with a few rooms upstairs for guests to retire to. If you're looking for a place to have a drink or a halfway decent meal, play some cards and maybe enjoy the entertainment of a pretty tavern girl or two, this is the place to go. Note though that the tavern owner does not employ the women as whores, so if you're looking for that sort of entertainment, you'll either have to entice the girl of your desire or look elsewhere.

Town Hall - Where the city officials and enforcers have their offices and meetings. Also doubles as the courthouse where outlaws and rogue mutants are put on trial.

Sherrif's Office/Jailhouse - Where criminals are kept. The building is your typical western jailhouse, though there is an area designed specifically for holding and containing more powerful mutants. The building is also always manned by enforcers to ensure that no mutants escape.

- Need a new horseshoe? Somewhere to keep your horse for the night? Need to trade your tired horse for a fresh one? Here is your one-stop shop for all of your horse-y needs. Also whatever other blacksmith needs you may have.

Highwater Bank - Where most folks keep their money. Or at least the ones that don't stuff it under their mattress. Also where you can make loans or sell property, that sort of thing.

Telegraph and Newspaper Office
- Not so much a newspaper as it is a local gossip column. Sometimes there's news of other cities and towns in there too, however. Also if you need to send a telegram, this is the place to do it.

General Store/Town Market - Pretty much self-explanatory. A place to buy items such as extra ammo, bread, cloth, clothing, and other such supplies. If you need it, they probably have it and if they don't, it can likely be ordered.

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Laws of the West :.
(These rules are optional. They are essentially the laws of the land. Your character doesn't have to obey them, but choosing not to is at their own risk.)

- All citizens, both human and mutant, are required to follow the orders of the enforcers.
- Enforcers may not abuse their power over the humans. Mutants are fair game, however.
- Any mutant found trying to disguise themselves as human will be promptly punished.
- Public displays of power may be a punishable offense, at the discretion of city/town officials or enforcers.
- Enforcers are required to obey officials without question.

.: Role Play Rules :.
(All RP members are required to follow these.)

- I should not have to state this, but then, I have seen some...interesting things go in on RPs before. Time skipping is a powerful tool. Use it. Particularly when it comes to those bedroom scenes. I know I can't be the only one who doesn't want to read that. ^_^;; Plus it's against ToS, and I really like my account...

- On the account of violence...I'd like to further state that I have no qualms with it. I do, however, ask that you refrain from extensive torture or grotesque displays. Cutting off fingers, toes, decapitating people, describing someone getting hanged, etc. will probably make me queasy. If you're going to do it, please don't give me the gory details or else put it in a spoiler or something. Also, all violence needs to comply with Gaia's guidelines.

- Semi-lit to lit RP. I expect decent grammar/spelling. As far as post lengths go, be capable of writing at least two paragraphs that contain enough for people to go off of, on a consistent basis. If you can type more, great, I probably will too, but I think two good-sized paragraphs is a good baseline. I don't mean any offense and don't mean to exclude anybody, but I don't feel this role play will work otherwise.

- Please PM all reserves to me under the title of 'Reserve', and all profiles to me under the title of 'Highwater Creek'. You won't be refused or anything if you don't, but it helps me keep track of things and makes things easier for me.

- Just a note on how profiles are going to work. First, you send me a reserve. (Note: You may skip the reserve step if you wish, but I don't recommend it unless you can quickly bust out a profile.) Once I approve your reserve, you then start working on a profile. Once you've finished your profile, you will send it to me for approval. Then after I've approved it, you'll post it in the profile thread. After that, it will be your responsibility to maintain and update your profile as needed.

- General role play etiquette please. This means check your drama at the door in the OOC and don't do any god-moding, puppeting, etc. IC. I have had too many issues with these things in the past and so you will get one, maybe two warnings before I kick you from the role play. On that note, if you are having issues with another person in the role play, please contact me directly. I've had too many problems with fights breaking out over various issues and so I would rather problems be brought to me directly and things can be worked out from there.

- Two character limit per person. If you handle them well and stick around long enough, I'll probably let you play more if you ask me, though.

- On that note... If you sign up for this role play, you are here for life, sucker! ...No, I'm kidding. But if for whatever reason you decide to drop the role play, please, please, please tell us. Or me at the very least. Especially if you are playing an important character. That way I know you're not coming back and can try to figure out how to move things forward. Also if you need to be away for an extended period of time, please let me know ahead of time if at all possible.

- Please try to post at least once a week. If you can't, then let us know in the OOC that you're at least still with us, but that it's simply taking you a bit longer to post. If I don't hear anything from you at all within a week and a half, I will send you a PM asking if you will be continuing. Failure to answer the PM will result in me taking your character down and writing them out of whatever scene they are in. If this happens, I will allow you back if you ask me nicely or provide a good reason as to why you were gone and not responding.

- This is a western role play. All technology shouldn't be any higher than say, mid 1800's. Also, all characters will be either human or mutant. No angels, demons, vampires, werewolves, etc. I also reserve the right to decline your character, though I will usually give a reason as to why or give a suggestion on what to change to be accepted should I do so.

- Posting layouts. Use 'em or don't use 'em, I really won't care either way. Unless you use those super giant page-stretching sparkling glitter text layouts. Then I may ask you to tone it down a little. General rule of thumb I think is good to follow, don't make your layout in a way that will distract people from your post.

- Use the OOC! I won't kick you if you don't, but it'd be nice if you used it. This role play is kind of written for people to plot together and stuff, so using the OOC thread is a good place to keep up with what's happening in the role play. Also it's a great place to make friends with your fellow role players!

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Profile Layouts :.

Okay, so here's the thing. I fail at making super fancy pretty layouts. (In case you couldn't tell from this thread layout...) So, I thought I would let you all design your own profile layouts. All profiles are required to contain the following information (unless otherwise noted), but you can design it all up however fancy (or un-fancy) you want.

You may add more information if you wish, as well as links to character relationship charts, character hub profiles, etc if you wish.

To reiterate from the rules...Send me your completed profiles. Then once I approve them, you'll go to the profile thread and post them up yourself.

Reserve Information

Character's Name: {Self-explanatory}
Age: {Character's age}
Occupation: {What they do. Outlaw/saloon girl/enforcer/official/etc.}
Mutant Ability: {Only if your character is a mutant. If they're human, delete this or leave it blank.}

Required information for Humans

Name: {Character's full name}
Nickname: {If applicable, your character's nickname}
Age: {Your character's age}
Birthday: {Your character's birthday. Month/Day only}
Appearance: {What does your character look like? Either a picture in link form or a well-typed description.}
Talents: {What is your character good at? This can range anything from sharp-shooting to singing to whatever else you can think of.}
Fears: {Things your character is afraid of. Anything from spiders to their best friend dying}
Occupation: {What your character does. Outlaw, tavern wench, mayor, banker, etc.}
View on Mutants: {What does your character think about mutants? Do they hate them? Side with them? Or do they take a more neutral stance?}
Personality: {What your character is like}
*Background: {What's your character's back story? At least 2-3 paragraphs, please and thank you}
Other: {Any other information about your character you'd like to share that isn't mentioned elsewhere.}
Theme Song: {Not necessary, but if you want to put a song or songs that fit your character here, you can.}

Required information for Mutants

Name: {Character's full name}
Nickname: {If applicable, your character's nickname}
Age: {Your character's age}
Birthday: {Your character's birth date. Just the Month/Date will work.}
Appearance: {What does your character look like? Either a picture in link form or a well-typed description.}
Mutant Ability: {What is your character's power or special ability?}
Control Level: {How much control do they have over their ability? How well are they able to use it?}
Weaknesses: {No power is infallible. What weaknesses does your character have?}
Talents: {What is your character good at? This can range anything from sharp-shooting to singing to whatever else you can think of.}
Fears: {Things your character is afraid of. Anything from spiders to their best friend dying}
Occupation: {What your character does. Outlaw, tavern wench, mayor, banker, etc. Remember that mutants are typically pretty low on the totem poll aside from enforcers.}
Personality: {What your character is like}
*Background: {What's your character's back story? At least 2-3 paragraphs, please and thank you}
Other: {Any other information about your character you'd like to share that isn't mentioned elsewhere.}
Theme Song: {Not necessary, but if you want to put a song or songs that fit your character here, you can.}

* = On the subject of background stories... I do require that you send me your character's background story so I can verify you actually have one. When posting them in the thread, however, you can either choose to water it down, or you can choose to exclude it altogether if you wish for it to remain a surprise.

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Human Characters :.

Various [1/3 taken]
(outlaws, gunslingers, workers-for-hire, etc.)

Nathan McPherson, Outlaw

Townsfolk [2/5 taken]
(Saloon Girls, bartenders, bankers, etc.)

Isabelle Reid, Saloon Girl
Willow Brooks, Tavern Cook

Town Officials [2/4 taken]
(Basically the people that run the town)
Preston Carter
Coleman Cooper

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Mutant Characters Characters :.

Various [4/4 taken]
(outlaws, gunslingers, workers-for-hire, etc.)

Calico, Wanderer
Isaak Romanov, Vigilante/Outlaw/Traveler
Eugene Brown, Bounty Hunter
Jackul Stevens, Drifter

Townsfolk [4/5 taken]
(Saloon Girls, bartenders, bankers, etc.)

Adelina Reid, Tavern Cleaner
Fredrik Fenrisson, Blacksmith
Jacob Klaise, Painter

Enforcers [2/4 taken]
(Work directly under the town officials)
Adrian Montero

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

I want to see a variety of mutant abilities and townsfolk. So, if you see a power or job on this list, that means it is no longer available for use.

Current List of Jobs

Tavern Cleaner
Bank Cleaner
Tavern Cook
Saloon Girl
Town Artist
Town Governor

Current List of Mutant Abilities

Shape shifting
Cat-like abilities
Light and shadow manipulation
Silver Manipulation
Immortality (Can't die from old age)
Ice Formation and Manipulation
Heightened Reaction Time
Heightened Intelligence
Animalistic Instincts
Strengthened Fists

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

~~ The Date is ~~

Friday, August 2nd

~~ The Time is ~~

Afternoon {Roughly around 3-4 PM at current}

~~ The Weather is ~~

Sunny and hot

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Story Thus Far :.

Word is already beginning to spread around town of a bank robbery that was just recently foiled. Alliana, a worker at the bank, and Isaak, a man looking for trouble, were among those being held captive by the robbers. Thanks to the town enforcers, the bank robbers were quickly brought to justice and the captives set free.

Meanwhile, a bit of a stir was caused at the tavern when a man was startled out of his sleep. Thankfully for those there, it was quickly quieted down with no fights breaking out.

There was another small scuffle between Alliana and her boss, though it was quickly settled by Adrian and Isaak.

News was sent from another town further east, speaking of rumors of a small rebellion. A few of the town's enforcers left from there at the request that they come help manage the mutant population. A few others from town left along with them, some to help, some to interfere.

{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt


{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt


{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt


{{Introductory Post}}{{Story/Setting}}{{Rules}}{{Profile Layouts}}{{Human Characters}}{{Mutant Characters}}{{List of Jobs/Roles and Mutant abilities already taken}}{{Calander/Weather}}{{Story Thus Far}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}{{Reserved}}

Daring Red-Shirt

User Image
Isabelle Reid
Where: Tavern // With: Addy, Willow

Almost as quickly as the tavern had filled up, it emptied again. The only customer left was that Nathan fellow, and to be quite honest, she was rather glad he had retired to his bedroom for the time being. There was something simply not right about him, and it worried her a little even still.

Addy had gone back to her cleaning - at current she was busy wiping down tables. Good. That would keep her occupied for the time being. Not that Isabelle ever had to give the girl much prodding in that department - she was fairly good about doing her work and doing it well. Perhaps a little too well, really. There were a few times she could remember having to actually pull Addy from her work.

Shifting her gaze over towards Willow, she offered a sort of half smile. "Well things certainly slowed down now. Looks like everything is settling down out there, too." She gave a sort of small nod towards the window, not wanting to blurt outright about the bank robbery, lest she worry her sister.

"I suppose it's good to have some quiet, though I must admit, I'd rather keep busy. Sitting around idly gets dull after awhile..."
Not that she'd complain too much. What with that man upstairs and the small scuffle he'd caused earlier.

Daring Red-Shirt

Isaak Romanov
Where: Outside the Bank // With: Adrian, Alliana

Isaak cast an icy stare at the bank manager as the man strode off, uttering some sort of threat against Alliana as he did. What a jerk. He'd have liked to have said something else, but for the moment he didn't feel like pressing his luck much further.

"Heh. So Princess has some fight to her, eh?" He flashed a grin at Alliana as she mumbled something or other about snapping at the man if she didn't need the money. There was a lot more he would have liked to have said, but with Adrian standing right there... Ah well, probably for the better.

Looping his thumbs into the pockets of his duster, he was about ready to excuse himself when he heard a voice calling his name.

"Isaak? Isaak!" It had been some time since he last heard that voice, but he'd never be able to forget it.

Before he even had a chance to mutter an 'oh no...', a cat-like girl came bounding out from around the corner of the bank and abruptly pounced on top of him, effectively knocking him to the ground.

"Isaak! It is you!" The girl left out a soft purr as she nuzzled her cheek against his. She seemed content to simply sit atop him like that, though after a few moments she abruptly pulled back and narrowed her eyes down at him. "Isaak, you big meanie! Why did you leave? You better have a good reason!"

If she cared at all that there was an audience, she didn't show it. Rather, she didn't even seem to notice them. Yet, anyway. He kind of wished she would. Running into her of all people was one of the last things he ever wanted.

"Ah...Look, Calico, I..." He fumbled with his words, but really, he had no answer that would be satisfactory to her.

Huffing at him in annoyance, Calico pulled herself off of him, hissing at him as she did. "Yeah? Well I don't like you anymore, anyway! We're not friends anymore! You can find someone else to marry!"

Aw, no. Heck no. She still remembered that? Despite her words, he highly doubted this would be the end of the matter. He knew her better than that. Luckily, it seemed to be over for now, as Calico took notice of the other two and was, at current, circling around them, sniffing in their direction. Shaking his head, he pulled himself to his feet and brushed himself off a bit.

Hilarious Member

Nathan, slowly and carefully, descended the stairs from his room. He had taken nearly thirty minutes to decide which knives he would bring with him to hunt today, but in the end he had settled on a trio of medical scalpels, a rusty old kitchen knife, an army dagger, some strange little black beauties he been told later were kunai, and a small shiv he'd made on his way to the town out of the shin bone of his latest kill. He tossed the scarf around his face as he walked, and produced a pair of dark glasses from his coat as he descended downwards. No need to give anyone a second glimpse of his face. It was too much of a liability.

does it really matter to you that much?

Aye, it does.

Why? Not like they're going to kill us. They'd have to catch you first.

Nathan sighed as he walked to the bar and plopped himself down. There is a reason that you HELP me kill, and I'M the one walking around in charge, He thought wearily to the little voice in his head. He tried not to twitch as he felt the voice snarl in his ear.

You sayin' that I can't do it?

And get away unnoticed? Yes. Now hush, I'm trying to get drunk. He shook his head as the vocie subsided and contented itself with making the taps look like they were spewing warm blood all over the counter. Nathan rapped his knuckles on the counter, sighing. This was going to be a long day. That serving girl had better get there quickly, or so help him god, he was going to stab the first person who looked at him crossways.

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