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Haunted VCR's Precious

Dangerous Cultist

11,650 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Invisibility 100
  • Punk Patrol 250
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Created By l Elisia Marie Sharp & Mlecakes
Inspiration | Love, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Diverse Love
Literacy | literate, 2+ paragraphs per post

Haunted VCR's Precious

Dangerous Cultist

11,650 Points
  • Unfortunate Abductee 175
  • Invisibility 100
  • Punk Patrol 250
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                In 2374, the world was thrown into a mass war. The war lasted well until 3255, where one final blast stopped every country from fighting anymore. There were few survivors, one of the main survivors being a man named, Lotus. He founded a city, or as he'd rather it be named, a kingdom, called Corvallis. There were few other survivors, of one them eventually marrying King Lotus and creating many generations to come.

                The year 3422, he married the woman of his dreams and had four children in 3464, the children are around the age of eight to twelve, a sickness has spread over the kingdom killing most of the young, and some of the old. It is a dark time, and King Prower has done everything in his power to help those who are sick. He has locked the children away to keep them from getting sick, his attempt was not in vain. Although, Queen Leah has fallen sick, and is soon passed away along with the other civilians who have also met their untimely death.

                It is now 3472, the population has decreased greatly from where it once was. King Prower has noticed this decline realizing that his children are the only ones able to rebuild this land. With no youth left in the land, King Prower has no other choice but to call out to the entire land, pleading for anyone who can bring four children around the same age as his own. Prower does not tell his children of this plan. After a few months with no response, a lowly farmer named Sharp arrives in town, he soon demands an audience with the King.

                After being granted the Audience, he explains to Prower that he come from a land called Transvaly, a dying city. Sharp pleads for a new home for his wife and four kids amongst the almost desolate city. King Prower, seeing an opportunity to repopulate agrees, on one condition. He asks permission for his children to wed Sharp's inorder to help with the population. With Great reluctance, Sharp agrees and is soon moved into a huge acred farm on the outskirts of town. The children are still not informed on both sides. How will they break the news? Will the children agree?

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
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    General: Tos is one of the obvious rules. Respect is a huge part of this roleplay to us, this means not only respecting your peers in this roleplay, but yourself as well. Meaning we don't want you to feel like you're being rushed, we want you to look forward to posting, giving it your best words painted into a beautiful picture, that's what this is after all, Art. While we understand life can get in the way, we want this roleplay to be as casual as possible, that being said, try to be active. There is not going to be a set number of posts a week, just as long as we know you're working on it is good enough for us, also talk to your partner in the roleplay if you are going to be away for a while.

    Posting and Profiles: We ask that you don't bulk your posts. keep them clean and decorate them how you wish, just please no page stretchers. Cursing is allowed, just not every other word. Profiles will be simple, we will allow you to claim a character from the couples post, but we will only hold it for a week since the profiles won't be too complex. Once you send in the profile, you will be allowed to post when the thread is open. Titles will be titled "I'm Not Ready For This..." There will be an Out Of Character thread where we will plot. We encourage you to speak here for any ideas or problems you may be having. We also encourage you to be active here, we want to know you personally, once you send in that profile and pass it, we are family, we are here for each other. There is really not a set posting amount, although we prefer at least two paragraphs. We'd rather have quality over quantity.

    Roleplay: WE want to try to make this a long term roleplay, with a possible sequel for when they are having kids. While everything is more advanced in this roleplay, it is post apocalyptic. Farmers are a priority in this word, they grow food and take care of what animals are left. Royalty is specially trained to survive in the world as a worse case scenario, every child has a different set of skills, surviving may be part of the roleplay, it is in the plans for discussion. There may be new rules, we will warn if so.First come first serve basis.

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
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    Couple One: Couple One is the older two. They are the leaders of their siblings and are often the ones everyone looks to when things go south.

    Sam R. Prower

    User ImageSam is the eldest of his siblings. And while in many ways he is mature, he is also very immature. No, he's not a proper older brother, and dislikes the thought of having to be responsible for his youngster siblings. He's a flirt any every since of the word. But he has also been known to take up for his siblings, an look after them from behind the shadows. He's especially protective of his brothers.


    Olivia Marie Sharp

    User Image
    Olivia can be bossy but as the big sister isn't that her job? She pulls her weight and no one can say she isn't a hard working girl. She's accepted her leadership role well and has been a good judge of moods and tempers. Her heart lies in the work she does, her family, and hunting/fishing. She has a firm grip on the reality of the situation and isn't going to be the one to make waves. Her concerns are on her siblings, she wants them safe and protected before all else.

    Couple Two: Couple Two are the second in command. When the older sibling isn't around, these siblings are the ones who help make decisions.

    Damian Jackson Prower

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    Damian tended to be a loner in his family. He is quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. However, when something needs to get done he does what he thinks is best and that would benefit not only himself but everyone else. Being silent he tends to be overlooked in most situations. In his mind family comes first and everyone else can easily come and go.[/


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    Almyra Cheyanne Sharp

    Being second in command, Almyra can be encouraging. Almyra is very set in her own ways, she doesn't like changes. Almyra refuses to believe in the arranged marriage, but hates to disappoint her father, so she reluctantly agrees to go along with it. She is very immature when power is given to her unless there is a real threat. In relationships with those she actually cares about, she will show endless love and protection regardless of how her lover acts.

    Couple Three: Couple Three are the young ones. Loved by their parents more than the others are, although their skills vary and they are still trying to discover who they are, they are passionate.

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    Everett Cody Prower

    Everett is a time bomb, a beautiful, dangerous, ticking time bomb. Everett likes to be in complete control and will not hesitate to make you feel like an idiot. Everett believes it's him against the world, but he also believes in a good time, he treats women as if they are play things, but once you are alone with him, you will find one of the most compassionate and caring men. In his heart, women are something to be put on the top of the list along with his family. Although he is jealous of his of his older siblings, he looks to them for guidance and takes their advice heavily. He is unable to tell when his silence hurts people, but he often knows right away that he has hurt someone, and will go out of his way to make them feel better if he deems them worthy of his time.


    Elisia Marie Sharp

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    She's a very genuine, honest person who loves helping people. She goes out of her way for family and friends. Elisia is a kind person who gives to those in need even when she barely has anything. Hoping to one day become a mother herself, she helped those in her home town who had any issues or didn't have parents. She always tries to see the good in people, even when they treat her like garbage.

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
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    These reserves go in the couples part. They will be titled either "Royal" Or "Farmer" Depending on your role.

    [align=center][color=color 1][size=18]Full Name[/size][/color]
    [size=11.5][color=darkred](Describe how your character acts around family and friends or just in general. At least three sentences.)[/color][/size]

    [list][list][list][list] [list][list][list] [size=15][b][color=white]XXXXXXXXXXXXX[color=darkred]First Middle Last[/color][/color] [/b][/size] [/list][/list][/list]

    [size=11][color=color1] You can call me:[/color] [color=darkred] (Nickname(s)) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1]Last time I checked, I was :[/color] [color=darkred] (Gender) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] My age currently is:[/color] [color=darkred] (Age written out Seventeen to Twenty-One) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1]That puts me in:[/color] [color=darkred] (Couple Number) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] So I'm like this:[/color] [color=darkred] (Personality, 1 paragraph) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] They asked me what I thought:[/color] [color=darkred] (Reaction to arranged marriage) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] I am a:[/color] [color=darkred] (Royal or Farmer) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] I specialize in:[/color] [color=darkred] (Skills) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] My favorite things are:[/color] [color=darkred] ✔

    (Add more if you like)[/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] EWW! Get them away!:[/color] [color=darkred] ✘

    (Add more if you like)[/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] I can't believe this exists:[/color] [color=darkred] (Fears) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] Don't tell anyone or I'll kill you:[/color] [color=darkred] (Secret) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1]With all my heart I hope:[/color] [color=darkred] (Wishes) [/color]

    [size=11][color=color1] They're pulling my strings!:[/color] [color=darkred] (Username)[/color]

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
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    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
    Every story has a beginning

    The doors open to the foyer of a castle where you will be living for the next few months. You've been arranged to marry some complete strangers; why would you family do this to you? You are given papers with number on them, the papers are numbered one to four and you are to be seated in the correct seat across from your betrothed. You sit down at your number, across from you is the person you'll be spending those months with. You take into note every facial feature, every blemish, and every single detail of their body. Before long, your Father is standing at the end of the table with who you assume is your new partners Father. King Prower clears his throat to get everyone's attention as soon as everyone is seated rightfully. You are served an appetizer to begin your course.

    "I assume most of you, or at least some of you, know why we are here today." He says catching the confused looks on everyone's faces. "I'm here to explain why you are here today, just to clear this all up. Across from you, you will notice the opposite sex. Take a good look at them, you will be sharing a room with them for a few months." He pauses for dramatic effect. The silence is deadly, you could hear a pen drop.

    Suddenly the other Sharp breaks in as if he were the comedic relief. "So! Lets all eat then?"

    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250

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    -----Elisia Marie Sharp-----
    -----Currently Wearing-----
    -----Thoughts: "Why does this seem familiar?"-----
    Elisia looked at the number on the piece of paper she was given. It had a "3" written on it. As she walked into the dining room,she looked for her seat marked with a "3". She sat down and patiently waited.

    She sat there in wonder as to why these families were here. She listened to what seemed to be the other family's father. Her light blue eyes wandered around the big room and she was caught in awe at the decor. But her gazing was quickly cut short and her attention was brought back to the king. Who mentioned the word 'marriage' and she was taken back. Is that the reason her father was in a tizzy this morning? she thought to herself.

    He mentioned studying the person across from and her gaze wandered across the table. Where she saw a blonde haired male sitting there. He was staring at the king, with an expression so surprised, that wasn't even the right word. Her eyes studied his well-formed facial features. From his eyebrows down to his chin. His eyes were brown which fit so perfectly on him. She was in a bit of awe as to how attractive looking he was.

    There was food placed in front of her and her bit of gawking was interrupted. She looked down at the food and heard her father say, "So! Let's all eat then?". Typical father, to throw in a joke when things got awkward. That's how he's always been. But why would the royals even bother with low farmers like them? That bit she did not understand. Who knows. This short marriage might turn long-term. But it was too early to think about that. She was game for a little adventure. She finished her thoughts with before she picked up her utensil and began to eat.

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    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250
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    -----Amelia Heye-Sharp-----
    Currently Wearing
    Amelia looked over at Robert sitting next to her. He was staring at the door, waiting for their children to make their way into the dining room. She had a smile on her face as she looked in the same direction. She knew in the back of her mind though that this was wrong for them to do. They should all find love on their own. But from the conversation she had with Robert and Liam, it was just turning two small families into one big one. Sure the kids, would probably resent them...but they have their best interests at heart. Maybe this will actually work out for the best, she thought. She heard footsteps coming toward the room and saw Elisia make her way to her seat. Thankfully she dressed up. She had to fight Elisia just to put up her hair this morning..Finally she saw the rest of the siblings making their way in. It must be hard for the kids after their birth mother died,but she's tried her best to be the best step-mother she can.

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    What am I Wearing?Beautiful (I shouldn't wear white)
    What am I thinking?I can't believe this us happening. ******** this whole dinner!

    Almyra was screwing the rest of her earring in as her Father was rushing them through the door. She admired her Father, after their mother passed, he really stepped up and did his best to raise them for the past year. The back of the earring slid on perfectly completing her look. This dress was way out of her comfort zone, but he said dress nice, it was definitely her most dressy dress. Al trotted up the steps in her heels taking extra care not to trip on her face, her Father said this dinner was important to all of us, even though he hadn't explained the whole situation, she trusted her Father. The door before her were opened and she was handed a paper with the number 'two' on it. Looking up with a confused look, the doorman sighed and pointed towards the dining room. Al crumpled the paper and carried on to the dining room seeing it was full of royals, her favorite...

    Almyra checked each number on the chairs where she finally found the number that matched hers, she took her seat keeping a close eye on her own family as they followed through the doors. She smoothed her dress over not looking across the table. A plate was set in front of her,sugar seared scallops with chimichurri. Never had anything so delicate and expensive been set in front of her before. She grabbed one of the spoons taking a quick bite while no one watched. It was delicious, a taste she had never had in her mouth before. A voice rang out catching her attention, her head shot over to a man explaining something of an 'arranged marriage' he had mentioned looking at the one across the table. The man on the other side was ravishing. Almyra caught herself staring at him. 'Stop that... It's an arranged marriage and he's a royal, they only care about themselves.' her gaze narrowed as her blood pressure raised. She heard her Fathers voice ring out offering food.

    Her whole body trembled as some of her own siblings acted as if they were fine with them, her stomach churned nervously. By now she found herself standing up from her seat, her angry gaze still there.

    "Arranged Marriage... That's what this is all about?" her arms shook as she turned to face her Father. "Did you even stop to think about us for a God damned minutes? How we might react to this?"

    Their Father was at her side now, his expression was different from the minutes before.
    "You don't see it yet, Almyra. This whole plan will be better for all of us, you'll get the life you all deserve, you'll all be able to make a difference."

    Her eyes were now turned to the man across the table. "If you think for a ******** minute, that I'll be wed to any of these... Royals. You're dead wrong..." She said looking down at her food. The whole room was quiet now, and she dared not look anyone at the table in the eyes. This would not go over well.

    Original Seeker

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                            We are young! But we have heart Born in this world as it all falls apart
                            We are strong But we don't belong Born in this world as it all falls apart

                            I see the children in the rain like the parade before the pain.
                            I see the love; I see the hate; I see this world that we can make!
                            I see the life I see the sky. Give it all to see you fly...
                            Yes, we wave this flag of hatred, but you're the ones who made it!
                            Watch the beauty of all our lies passing right before my eyes.
                            I hear the hate in all your words all the wars to make us hurt
                            We get so sick, we're so sick; we never wanted all this
                            Medication for the kids with no reason to live!

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                                                                    ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ • Sam R Prower • ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

                                                                  Sam waltzed down the long hall, his hands deep in his pockets and the legs that led him felt heavy as he starred ideally out the large windows with a blank look, though there was something clearly stirring behind storm-gray eyes. Was this really happening? How, after all this time did he not know his father had set up such an absurd arrangement. With someone he had never met, none the less. He sighed, slowing to a stop to gaze out the window into the garden. The day seemed far to bright and colorful for today's agenda. His usually upbeat and charismatic personality seemingly washed away by the news he had gotten only a week ago. Being heir to the thrown and by default spending most his days by his fathers side in order to learn his dealings, Sam had sensed something was up a few weeks prior to the dinner party, and after asking his father- repeatedly- what was the meaning of his sudden clandestine attitude- his father had spilled him of this new news that would forever change his life. His jaw clenched as he dipped his head, trying to keep a firm grasp of his rising temper and growing agitation. Reminding himself to reason with the man who had raised him.

                                                                  "Pardon me Mr. Prower, but your father requested your presence." A familiar servant pipped in, interrupting his thoughts. She blushed, looking at her feet in a moments hesitation, "He said you were not to be late." The maids woman said mousey. But something told Sam that that was not all his father had said. Usually the maid and himself would enjoy a light conversation and the fact that she wouldn't look him in the eye spoke volumes in it's self, he nodded cruelty but it seemed she sensed his foul mood, so when she quietly excused herself without so much as another word, Sam was grateful. Not to be waited on like some defiant child that needed watching. He turned back to the window, savoring the quiet and normal life that it was about to be ripped from his hands in less than half an hour. 'Alighty. Let's get this circus act on the road...'

                                                                  Walking to the dinner table, Sam was early of course, he sat down at the number '1' chair. At least they had gotten something right he thought, smugly. Sliding in his chair gracefully one of the maidens came to his aid almost right away. "May I help you with a serving of peach wine, Sir?" He smiled somewhat sheepishly, "Got anything stronger?" The maiden smiled warmly understandingly squeezing his bicep lightly. "Of course." And with that, she disappeared into the kitchen.

                                                                  Three glasses later Sam found himself watching as the empty seats were slowly filled by his brothers. And not long after the first Sharps arrived. He stood, giving a slight bow. "Welcome to the our home. Please, make yourselves comfortable." He said with an air of false warmness. Really, welcoming these people was the last thing he wanted to do at this point. He sat down, motioning for the maids to come and wait on the guest. They sat down, and for the life of him Sam couldn't bring himself to look any of the poor souls that had been dragged into this mess in the eye. Instead, he kept his eyes firmly on Mr. Sharp as he unveiled the reasons to their being there. Moment Sams' eyes and he looked to the dark-haird girl when she suddenly let out one of her little outburst, his eyes widen slightly, impressed. Honestly he had expected his brothers to react in such a manner, not this small fragile girl. She seemed embarrassed now, starring a whole through her food. "No worries dear, I rected far worse when I found out." He assured her, with a wink and an understanding smile. Wanting the tense air to die down more than anything.

                                                                  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ( )▬▬▬▬
                                                                  s t a t u s ⇨ .... 〗
                                                                  l o c a t i o n ⇨ At the dinner table 〗
                                                                  c o m p a n y ⇨ Damn near everyone 〗
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    What am I Wearing?Just something casual for dinner
    What am I thinking?I can't believe this us happening. ******** this whole dinner!

    The outside air was slightly colder than the day before. It was night now, so that meant dinner was soon, it also meant His Fathers guests would be here any minute. Everett turned to his home and walked through the door giving the doormen a grin. He was close to a lot of the staff here, even though some of them disliked him. Everett straightened his jacket and fixed his hair before entering the dinning room to have their get together. He sat in chair four and crossed his arms. The King wasn't in the room yet, so Everett could relax a bit before the whole ordeal started. In the distance a door was opened and new faces entered the room, a bunch of women and one man, this must be the guests. He straightened up once his 'partner' sat down. He gave a slight nod before his Father cleared his throat to gain the attention of everyone else. The girl across from him, while beautiful, looked like a tiny doe, like just looking at her might break her in half.

    A plate was set in front of Everett, scallops, it was one of the things they rarely had for dinner. Normally it was something simple like chips and dip, they didn't eat very fancy when it was just them. Everett stared at the girl across from him, we really wanted to know what this whole dinner was about. He grabbed the spoon with the scallop on it and took a bit hearing the words of his Father enter his ears. Arranged marriage? The spoon dropped out of his hand making a large clashing sound. He stared down at his plate now, speechless. Why hadn't his Father told him anything about this? Why was it such a big secret to him? His eyes traveled over to the Doe looking girl across from him, so that was what the numbers were for, she's betrothed to him then. He began studying everything about her, from her eyes to her body, she was wife material, but was she love material?

    He crossed his arms once more before another interruption. Some dark haired girl was being absolutely ridiculous about the situation. He stared as her Father was trying to calm her down. Regardless of attitude, she had a point, had they actually thought about their feeling first. It was his turn, but it was time to be more mature, and to think, she's older. Everett turned his eyes to his own Father now.

    "As ridiculous as she's acting, I have agree with her. Did you even consider what we thought about this, Father." his face was annoyed now, this was not how he planned his night to go. "How do you expect people from two different backgrounds to get married?" He leaned back in his chair now with his arms crossed. He gave another slight glance to the doe, this whole plan would never work, she'll leave him in three days, she would probably cry the first time they talked.

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    a i r e l l i a's Princess

    Feral Friend

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    Oh silver lining... you are hard to see...

              Olivia Marie SharpWe can't go back...
              Dining RoomEveryone - sitting across from Sam ProwerOh, this might not be good... SoundtrackWearing

                        The Sharp family had dressed up in their best for this dinner with the King and his family and it did not make much sense to the eldest daughter of the Sharp family. Olivia took her seat, being the last of her sisters to arrived. She'd been held up trying to make Mason understand that she wasn't leaving him, that he was going to play with his wonderful new nanny and that she would be back in a little bit. Several promises and kisses later she found herself studying the man that sat across from her and found that she was not sure what to think of him. He was definitely handsome but he did not look very pleased to be here. She was not sure if that was because he was sitting across from a common class farm girl or he knew what all this was about. Her father had insisted when he'd talked to her that he was going to talk to all of her siblings about it sooner or later. He asked her not to say anything until he'd had the chance. She'd only known a few days in advance.

                        It was enough time for her to come to terms with the idea that her son was going to have a father... no that was wrong. It was highly unlikely that this man she was betrothed to would become Mason's father. It was far more likely that she was going to have to deal with a resentful royal that was having his freedom stolen from him. 'He is being saddled with a common red haired freckled farmer's daughter and her b*****d child...'

                        It actually hurt her heart to think about it in such a cold calculated matter.

                        She could not help but wince at the joke her father tried to use to put everyone at ease after that announcement. Her mind wandered at that moment to her son. He had been so upset when she'd left, she hoped that he wasn't giving the nanny any trouble. But honestly he was hardly ever apart from him momma, she just hoped there wouldn't be a scene later. Once more her blue green eyes looked him over. Liv's eyes only confirmed that he definitely was a handsome man and if they had met by chance maybe something could have grown but there was hardly a chance for something like that now.

                        Her gaze shifted to see her sister stand and she knew immediately that Almyra was about to voice her 'concerns'. 'Oh Aly, no...' Of course when Al was voicing her concerns... it was usually in a very loud and angry manner. Liv's eyes wandered to her siblings, she was not sure what to do to make this any better.

                        There was nothing any of them could do at this point.

                        She opened her mouth but was surprised that two of the royals were backing up her sister's complaints. The one that sat across from her was trying to kill the tension with a smile and humor. Well, at least he wasn't likely to freak out, unless of course this was all some game he was playing to maintain an air of calm. She looked over to the other one, paired with her sister Elisia, and found herself wincing as he agreed but called Almyra's display ridiculous.

                        "Aly..." She doubted that she could calm her sister. Honestly she had no idea what to say that would help. She looked back to the man that she was supposed to be paired with and then back to her sister. "Let's just have something to eat and figure things out in a minute ok?" She said hoping that Al would heed her or at least sit back down.

                        No going back...Farmer Hunter Mother



    Haunted VCR's Precious

    Dangerous Cultist

    11,650 Points
    • Unfortunate Abductee 175
    • Invisibility 100
    • Punk Patrol 250

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    -----Elisia Marie Sharp-----
    -----Currently Wearing-----
    -----Thoughts: "Why does he seem familiar?"-----
    Elisia grabbed her glass of water off the table and sipped a little bit of it. "Perhaps your father wants what is best for you. Even if that's trying an experimental marriage. Yes, you may not agree with it now",she continued to sip her water, "But at least give it a try. It may not be all bad.." Elisia put the glass down and looked up at him from the spot where the glass sat. Something seemed familiar about this man though. She had no clue what it was. It felt like they had met before, but she wasn't certain where.

    No,this is the first time they're meeting. She would've remembered a handsome face like that. But she couldn't shake the feeling though. She cut the gaze from his face back down to her plate. Playing with her fingers, she had no idea what to even say next. So, she looked down the table to Robert and Amelia, pleading for a topic to talk about. But it seemed Amelia was busy with Myra. Turning her attention back to the glass. Her mind began wandering about this whole thing. Was it really best to marry these strangers who didn't feel like strangers together? Olivia had Mason which was enough for her ever since the father disappeared. Myra was a little difficult to handle and she felt like the man sitting across from her would dig his way under her skin.

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