Welcome to Gaia! ::

Kawaii Sex Symbol

gaia_angelleft WELCOME TO gaia_angelright

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-------------------------------------------ABOUT THIS RP!~--------------------------------------------

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Hey Guys! Ladies and gents! Welcome to Let's do it! Pokemon RP!.
In this RP, we are Pokemon trainers who finally made it to be the best in our regions.
We are all being called to meet up at the Region of Aegis and to show who is best and grow together as trainers.

In Aegis Region, Pokemon's from Regions all over appear and every last Pokemon live in it.
The Aegis Region is guarded by legendary Pokemon's keeping the balance of the area.
And most of them appear often and play with humans living in it and trainers from all over.
"So don't be surprised if a wild Mew appears and suddenly gives you a toy to play"


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Here in Aegis, there are several areas to explore!
And with every area, Pokemon and trainers from all over come to see the glorious sites!

~Ample Kingdom~
In this kingdom, several ports and festivals are seen. This spot is the first ever destination and also the place with Jolly and peace reigns. Home of the Market place and the Ample Castle.
Here are the destinations of this Kingdom

Ample Castle
The Ample Castle is a big and glorious castle where Pokemon and trainers dance the night away. This place is well known for it's grand ball at night.
Castle Ballroom

Ample Market Place
This is where all villagers, towns people, and many more buy their stuff and sell their crops and findings!

Middle fountain
A great and relaxing spot at the center of the kingdom.


-The Shuckle Shell
The Restaurant with shuckles as it's waiters.
They sell the most delicious shuckle soup in all of Ample kingdom
-All is noodles
A restaurant with a calming aura which specializes noodles
-The Kingler's Claw
Seafood all you can in Kingler's Claw
-Star Bazaar
Fancy High class food served well with stars.
-Battle Resto
A restaurant with the heart of battling
Has an eat all you can for both trainers and pokemon
You can't eat unless you win a 1 v 1 battle.

~Gold Shore~
The Gold Shore is the best beach with golden sand that shines through the sun's rays.

Gold Shore's Beach
The Gold Shore's pride and glory

~Crystal Path~
Crystal Path is a path filled with the glorious crystals shining on the sides of the travelers from else where. Crystal Path is said to have hidden caves and ruins around it's area. Crystal Path is also a pathway which separates into two (one being Iceberg Cave and the other going to Sand Tomb town).

~Sand Tomb Town~
Sand Tomb Town is a town with the softest and warmest sand in the whole region. Sand Tomb Town is best known for the buried tombs around the area. Sandstorms sometimes rage across the village in which makes the route hard to pass.

Sand Tomb Town's Village
Here in the village lives all the villagers and the towns mayor. Home of the fossil incubator. This town's village has a museum dedicated to fossils.

Sand Tomb Museum
The Sand Tomb Museum is a museum filled with lots of fossils and dedicated researches of old pokemon. It is also the home of the famous fossil incubator.

Sand Tomb Desert
The Sand Tomb Desert is a desert filled with ground type Pokemon. In some parts of the day, random sandstorms start to brew up.

~Stone Coliseum~
The Coliseum made of old stone made by ancient Pokemon. This coliseum is a legend and has been living for ages. Untill now it is still being used as an arena to battle Pokemon.

The Coliseum
The coliseum is a great place where you can battle with different trainers and be guided and guarded by the legendary guardians.

~Spin Round Bridge~
The Spin Round Bridge is a bridge with a rushing whirlpool in the middle but the body of water surrounding it is stable. It is because of the whirlpool that makes it look like the bridge is spinning even if it is completely stable.

The Spin Round Bridge
A bridge that feels like it is moving around. If you get sucked in the whirlpool, you will end up straight to the Sand Tomb's desert.

~Volcanic Mt.~
This place is known for it's volcano buried in mountains.

Ash village
This village is well known for the volcanic ash that is being expelled from the volcano. The volcanic ashes seen in this area is rich with nutrients and good for the soil of the crops.

Volcanic Mt. (Mountain side)
The mountain side of the Volcano. Good for hiking and exercise. (Leads to the peak)

Volcanic Mt. (Peak)
The peak of the mountain side. Gives great view of the whole village and parts of the region.(Leads to the Cave)

Volcanic Mt. (Cave)
The cave that leads to the volcano surrounded by the mountains . Here, the temperature is still on room temp. Lot's of cave Pokemon wander around these parts. (Leads to the volcano)

Volcanic Mt. (Volcano)
The Entrance of the Volcano. A hike going to the base. Mixed metal, ground, and fire type Pokemon are famous in these parts. (Leads to volcano base).

Volcanic Mt. (Volcano base)
The base of the volcano. Home of major fire types and poison types. Some parts of the volcano's base have too high temperatures. You can't dwell too far and the base is closed when the volcano is active.

~Ancient Forest~
Ancient Forest is a forest Holding lots of hidden truths and holds the Oldest tree in all of Aegis Region. Legends has it that the oldest tree's located in this forest holds all of the region together giving it life.
(Not Town... Made a mistake... I was tired and my head was all like... town town town town sweatdrop )

Ancient Forest
The Ancient Forest is a forest filled with life.

Ancient Village
The village that swore to protect the tree and it's inhabitants in the forest.

Forest Depth
The deep part of the forest where Pokemon's live.

Elder Tree
The tree that is said to connect the region together. It is surrounded by a village.

~Iceberg Cave~
Iceberg cave is a cave covered in snow and ice that never melts. Sometimes, the temperature reaches too low for people to live peacefully in and hails start to fall. The caves are filled with holes on top However there is one spot in the peak of the cave's mountain that always snows lightly and never gets hit by hail. The temperature and snow become worse during winter. The peak runs water from a spring going down to the base of the mountain

Ice berg Cave
Starts at crystal path and ends at serene village. Home of various cave Pokemon. (leads to the Iceberg cave's peak)

Iceberg cave peak
The peak of the mountain. The weather weirdly dies out from the peak and gets stronger after lowering a bit. hot fresh river water flows down form the peak.

Cold Snow Village
A village where snow hits lightly and where hail never falls (Except for the Pokemon move hail). Leads to the most famous Frost ruins. Hot springs can be found around the village, perfect for the cold temperature.

Frost Ruins
An old ruin filled with ancient inscriptions. Was once said to be a temple that worshiped Articuno for good winter weather, and pleasant winters.

~Serene View~
The place of peace. Stepping in this place feeling the gentle chill of the wind makes you relax and full of hope.
(It was supposed to be view but I ended up putting village out of mental block)

Serene Camp

Serene Cave

The old Lighthouse

~Destiny Village~
The plains and fresh air makes Destiny Village a nice spot. They say when a Pokemon meets up with a trainer and their bonds are strong enough, they are destined to be together.

Destiny Farm

Meeting grounds

Grand Mansion

Kawaii Sex Symbol

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Here are the RULES and REGULATIONS!

-Follow gaiaonline's TOS
*Gaia's TOS are the basics of the basics, please follow them*
-God Modding
*God modding is pretty stupid, and it takes of the fun in RP*
*Please Moderate posts to 2-5 paragraphs*
*We don't want it to be too long nor too short*
(For every one paragraph... 3-5 sentences)
*Pokemon Battles should be a nice and decent*
(Give your opponents a chance to fight back)
*Dodging is good, most especially in the series itself*
(But please get hit every now and then)
*Romance is okay but please... CONTROL YOURSELVES!*
(I mean it, no scenes going too far... If you do, at least time skip)
-Posting Regulations
*No verbal abusive and immature contents please*
*Make it Readable and Pleasing to the eyes*
*Pictures can be used either than your trainer card*
(The more the pictures, the more beautiful the post)
-Please be active
*This will be a pain if you are in an adventure with someone and you are waiting for a reply *
*Being active will help make this RP stay alive*

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Click on mew for Chatterbox

-If you have any questions... Please feel free to PM me-

Kawaii Sex Symbol

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Characters Overview

Let me tell you a little something about the characters we would be using...
The characters must not be something like Mary Sue or something
We are trainers and we respect both people and out Pokemon
We all have to make a Pokemon trainer card to show our Pokemon team
You can make your own charm in pokemoncharms.com
"Should look like this"
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You make an account to save it xD
*The direct link there is broken and unresponsive so save it on your photobucket*

Profile skeleton

This will be the profile skeleton we will be using!
"It may look like much but it really ain't"

[img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img][color=Your color Here][size=16]Pokemon Trainer[/size][/color][img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img]

[img][/img](Put your profile picture inside 300x200 if ever you want)

[color=rYour color here][b]What is your Name?[/b][/color]
"Insert Name Here"

[color=Your color here][b]How Old are you?[/b][/color]
"Insert Age Here"

[color=Your color here][b]Are you a boy or a girl?[/b][/color]
"Insert gender here"

[color=Your color here][b]What Region Do you live in?[/b][/color]
"Insert any of the Pokemon Regions known"

[color=Your color here][b]What Town/Village do you live in?[/b][/color]
"Insert name of town/village"

[img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img][size=16]My Pokemons[/size][img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img]

[color=Your color][b]My pokemon team1[/b][/color]

-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
[img]malformed url[/img]

[color=Your color][b]My pokemon team 2 (If any)[/b][/color]

-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
-"Nickname (Pokemon)"
[img][/img](put your pokemon trainer card inside)


If you want to send me your profile skeleton... please pm me, or go send it here

Sample skeleton

*The profile picture does not need to match your trainer card character*
(We could say it is cosplay or something xD)

User ImagePokemon TrainerUser Image

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What is your Name?
"Ken Manami"

How Old are you?

Are you a boy or a girl?

What Region Do you live in?

What Town/Village do you live in?
"Littleroot Town"

User ImageMy PokemonsUser Image

My pokemon team1

-"Scept (Sceptile)"
-"Guardie (Gardevoir)"
-"Drake (Salamence)"
-"Tyrr (Tyranitar)"
-"Steel (Metagross)"
-"Mellow (Milotic)"
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My pokemon team 2

-"Prickle (Ferrothorn)"
-"Roaren (Pyroar)"
-"Amie (Azumarill)"
-"Auran (Lucario)"
-"Scept (Sceptile)"
-"Guardie (Gardevoir)"
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Here are a list of legendary Pokemon's that are available to use
"Remember, not all legendaries are catchable for they serve a purpose in guarding the Pokemon world"
*You can only carry one legendary in your team*

Legendary birds
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Legendary Beasts
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Legendary Golems
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Eon Duo
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Lake Guardians
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Lunar Duo
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Sea Guardians
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The swords of justice
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Force of Nature
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Sorry guys, Can't find anymore sprites for these pokemon xD

Just because you have legendaries, doesn't mean you are the over all gods of the RP
"Even a Pikachu can make a Latios faint"

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Click on Pachirisu for OOC and Bunneary for Character list

Kawaii Sex Symbol


These are the elite 4 guarding the peace of the region and giving their all to those who challenge them. Each with their own specialty and place.


The bug type user

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The water/ice trainer

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The fire genius

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The ghost type lover

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The Champion

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The Undefeated trainer in Aegis after his current spot

In this Region, the Champion gets to meet and know all the legendaries that guard the Region and talk to them.

Kawaii Sex Symbol

gaia_angelleft SPECIAL THANKS TO! gaia_angelright

Addicted To Vanity
chubby mallow

For showing Interest before the RP has even started!

gaia_gaiagold These are the people who have successfully joined the RP gaia_gaiagold
(these are the guys who have given me their character skeleton and is approved)

chubby mallow
Your Sacred Desire

gaia_nitemareleft These are the People who are away and can't be able to RP with us for awhile gaia_nitemareright

Seriously guys... if you can't RP for a while please do say...
There might be some people waiting for your reply and that would be very rude!

Kawaii Sex Symbol


1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

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Day 1


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Dawn : Morning : Noon : After Noon : Dusk : Evening : Midnight


User ImageWeather

Normal : Sunny : Rainy : Hail : Sandstorm

Kawaii Sex Symbol

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For status effect moves
(StunSpore, PoisonPowder, ThunderWave,etc.)
We will be using a dice roll.

We use a 21 sided dice.

If you get an 8 and above number (Being a status move...)
then the pokemon you are facing will be hit with the said status
But if lower than 8, The pokemon will dodge


For moves with status effect
(IceBeam, ThunderPunch, Flamethrower, etc)
We will be using a dice roll

We use a 21 sided dice.

If you get a 18 and above,
the status will be inflicted
If lower, no status change will happen


For Physical Attacks (Atk)


We use a 20 sided dice.

If you get 18 higher then a crit will be granted
lower than that will mean no crit effect
If you use slash,
then you need to get a number higher than 13
(Slash is a move that grants a high critical)

For Magical Attacks (Sp.Atk)

-Direct hit-

Direct hit attribute will be considered if the move is a face to face reach


If you get 18 higher then a crit will be granted
lower than that will mean no crit effect


You talk with your partner/the gaian you are fighting with how you want it to end up.
This is a Role Play and fair fight must always be shown. Don't be too OP or the RP will be ruined
Try your best to make a good story and have fun with the RP!

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Kawaii Sex Symbol

User ImageLet's talk Pokemon!User Image

Pokemon are essential to this RP!
Pokemon are what makes this RP connect each trainer to one another.
They have adapted themselves to live side by side with their trainers and enjoy life growing with them by strength.
They make life easier and make it have more meaning.

-How to Pokemon-

Pokemons are found everywhere!
And with that in mind, we would want Pokemon; wild or tamed to interact with us humans.
It could be with battles and or just playing with them for tricks and pranks and stuff.
Pokemon's can help make this RP into something more livelier. Thus, the Pokemon Skeleton was born.

-Pokemon Skeleton-

If you want to portray as a Pokemon in the RP, here is what you pm me

[color=Your color here][size=16][img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img]Pokemon Skeleton[img]http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t195/Drakiel_Doragon/pokeball-1.png[/img][/size][/color]

[img]-Insert Picture here-[/img]

[color=your color]Who is playing me?[/color]
(Gaia User Name Here)

[color=your color]Am I a legendary Pokemon?[/color]
(Legendary or common)

[color=your color]Are you a boy or a girl?[/color]
(Boy or girl)

[color=Your color]Which Pokemon Shall I play with today?[/color]
(Pokemon You wanna use)

[color=your color]What Nature are you?[color]
(we need this to know about what attitude your Pokemon has)


-Sample Skeleton

Here is an example of a pokemon skeleton

User ImagePokemon SkeletonUser Image

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Who is playing me?

Am I a legendary Pokemon?

Are you a boy or a girl?

Which Pokemon Shall I play with today?

What Nature are you?


-Catching Wild Pokemon-

Yes, here in this RP, we capture Pokemon, train Pokemon, etc Pokemon.
If you are RPing as a Pokemon... you can be caught by the trainer.
Trainers can catch pokemon by a 20 sided random number.
If the wild Pokemon's value is higher than the trainers...
Then the pokemon appears to be caught.

-A little something about being a Pokemon-

You can play as any of the wild Pokemon you want.
If you will RP as a Lucario, and want to RP as a Frilish at the same time...
You can! as long as you have a separate post for both Pokemon.
Your wild Pokemon can be caught and once caught, the trainer will have full control of the Pokemon you RP as and need to start a new Pokemon to RP

Kawaii Sex Symbol

Kawaii Sex Symbol

Kawaii Sex Symbol

Kawaii Sex Symbol

Kawaii Sex Symbol

Kawaii Sex Symbol

This RP is now OPEN!~

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