Welcome to Gaia! ::

Tell me a tale...

about the woman and the whale.. 0.37931034482759 37.9% [ 154 ]
the one where the water engulfed her, 0.20197044334975 20.2% [ 82 ]
and her breathing failed. 0.41871921182266 41.9% [ 170 ]
Total Votes:[ 406 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 288 289 290 > >> >>> »|

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"Well, well... hello there traveller. How kind of you to stumble upon our humble abode..." a slow twitching smirk curls along his dry lips.

"Well if you are in fact here, you must be interested in the truth behind the simple stories that once lulled you into a delicate slumber and filled your childhood memories of sugarplums and gumdrops... oh but my friend, you were lied to."

"Welcome to our threshold, where you shall be introduced to the actual truth behind these decieving stories. Come with us, as we take you down the journey of 6 of your beloved fairy tales..."

"...Welcome to Grimm's Fairy Tales."

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Post 1- Introduction*
Post 2- Shoppe Rules / Announcements
Post 3- Shop Ordering Form
Post 4-
Chibi_Chise's version of Alice in Wonderland.
Post 5- Nyralia's version of Rapunzel.
Post 6- Riyoku Sakimori's version of Swan Lake.
Post 7- Ruri Lesavka's version of The Juniper Tree.
Post 8- Sethia Sensei's version of Sleeping Beauty
Post 9- StarieMichie's version of the Girl without Hands.
Post 10- Reserved for Future Fairytale
Post 11- Link Our Stories
Post 12- Links to Other Stories
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1.] Be nice, respectful, and inviting. We want you around, don't make us think otherwise.
2.] Post questions in the thread or PM the shopmule, or PM Nyralia pls, no one else. Don't bug the nice artists.
3.] Bump, chat, linger, stalk, we love that.
4.] If an artist says they are closed, be respect that.
5.] No canceling orders.
6.] Do not cancel trades.
7.] Do not immediately send trade after placing an order, wait til your order is confirmed.
8.] Not all artists are first come first serve.
9.] Do not harass the artists or patrons of the shoppe.
10.] Send all trades to the individual artists.
11.] Please follow also the artists individual rules and guidelines.
12.] Have fun! Tis a rule.
13.] If an artists wait list says
closed or "---" means they are NOT OPEN. Do not order pls.
14.] Rules subject to be changed or added to at all times.

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Feb.10.2009~ Starting to setup shoppe.
Mar.12.2009~ Page 200 contest announced.
April 21~ Auction over! Grats PrinPran! Keep an eye out for slots opening!
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Please fill out this form and post it in the thread
then send trade as soon as your order is confirmed by the artist..
and they lived happily ever after!

Please do not order from an artist whose slots are closed

purple]18]Tell me a Grimm Fairytale![/size][/color]

[b][color=green]Artist Wanted:[/color][/b] (Name of artist you wish to order from here)
[b][color=green]Oc/ Avatar?:[/color][/b]
[b][color=green]How many people in picture:[/color][/b]
[b][color=green]Type of Art wanted:[/color][/b] (aka what the artist offers... chibi/sketches/normal CG/etc)
[b]green]Your Offer:[/color][/b][/size] (gold/items/etc)
[b]green]Your Specific Request:[/color][/b][/size] (what you want the picture to be about)
[b]green]Anything else?:[/color][/b][/size] (add specific things the individual artist may want to know, or something else you wish to add.)

If you are looking to order graphics from StarieMichie, please see her post for the form!
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----- Chibi_Chise
Type of Artist: Pixel, Traditional, CG anime/semi-realism

Hello peeps <3.
You can call me by my username, or Cheese will be just dandy.
I'm a really fun person to get to know and I'm a pretty active poster when I am online xD;
Please enjoy your stay and have a wonderful time 8D!!
~Notices Ruri lives sorta by me~ @w@ OMFG
ILU ALL *hugz* ??

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Simple Animated Pixels: 3ok+ [ 1 ]

Line Art Chibis: 4ok [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]

Chibi Cell Shade:
Headshot Only: 6ok+ [ 1 ]

Traditional Line art:
Half Body~ 2ook
Fullbody~ bribes over 4ook+ *3rd sample up top*

Headshot: 8ok+
Halfbody: 4ook+
Fullbody: bribes over 6ook+ *first 2 samples up top*
~Choice of soft or hard brush
~Choice of either with or without lines

[ Soft brush with lines ] [ Hard brush without lines ]
~If you can't tell the difference between the brushes just let me know~

*Prices will depend on how much stuff is on avatar/OC, and personal wanted details*
*BG will also be extra*

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Slot 1 (Pixels, Lineart/Cell Shade Chibi's) *Closed*

1. Misujage
2. Demonaking <3

Slot2 (Traditional Lineart &Full CG, Bribes ) *Closed*
1.Art from Auction.
2. Care_e heart

I have 2 different slots for a reason, the bigger arts like the Traditional Lineart,
and full CG take more time than the other 3 arts I have >_>
I like to keep it separated for my own organization >w<!

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You beg me I will ignore you.
I will approve forms if I like want you want me to draw,
and these will not be 1st come 1st serve.
If I don't like your request I will kindly decline. >_>
Please don't be so picky on poses, I do like my freedom but if it's needed we can talk.
A happy Artist makes GOOD art XD;
If you have any other questions please feel free to PM me,
I will be more than happy to answer them.

O and please don't rush me! <3

Again not first come first serve! and keep in mind, the more you
offer me, the more likely I am to choose you! <3

Will NOT draw: Fanart, clutter, ugly, mecha

I will draw just about anything, >_>
Semi furry/anthro is ok,
Some nudity, and some light kissy action I will do if wanted
but NO PR0NZ
If you don't know if I'll draw it or not, just ask me.. I still promise I won't bit ;D
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----- Nyralia
Type of Artist: Bad? XD lol.. CG/Chibi artist?

Names Nyra/Nyny/Nyraface/Nyralia XD Welcome to our lil shoppe!
I'm kinda odd, and sometimes sarcastic, and im addicted to attention >.>
Hope you enjoy our lil shoppie, and i look forward to your business!

Love me pls? i__i

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Wee Chibis: 12345
+ 5-10k for one

Chibis: 12
+ Single Regular Chibi: 15ok+

Chibi Emote Sets:
+ Fullbody Emote Set (6) : 2ook+ 1
+ Fullbody Emote Set (10) : 25ok+
+ Chibi Head Emote Set (6) : 1ook+ 2
+ Chibi head Emote Set (10) : 15ok+

(Note: after you buy an emote set, in the future if you want a new emote
for your set, they're 15k each, or 6ok for 5 more, or 1ook for 10 more.)

Single Hips Up-----
+ Sketchy Style: 1ook+ 1 *Old sample
+ Black n White: 14ok+ 123
+ Color Explosion: 16ok+ 1 *Old sample
+ Normal CG: 2ook+++ !! 12

Single Fullbody----
+ in ANY style, at least 4ook.++

Headshots / Flobs:

+ Sketchy / BnW: 3ok+
+ Color Explosion: 4ok+
+ Normal CG: 6ok+

+ anywhere from 5o - 1ook+

+ just multiply the prices above by how many you want in picture!

B/C Lineart Shop Things---
+ These are bribe only. PM me if you're interested.

*and if you're interested in RL commissions, please throw me a PM!

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1. RoseBleed (auction winner) (chibi couple) (30% done)
2. Chibi Auction Winner (FalseJudgement) (1.7 mil) (20% done)
3. SilentWay (hips up normal CG) (20% done)
4. Rage Beat's 2 yr couple commission (75% done)
5. Starie's Elder Beaver
6. PrinPran Auction Piece
7. Bribe Possibly Open?

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Note: these are all just minimum offers!
More you offer, more interesting the request, more likely i am to choose you ^__^

I will do mostly everything except hardcore pr0n =P any questions
feel free to PM me!

* it is not first come first serve, i need to approve your order!
sometimes i wait for a few before deciding =3 ty!
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----- Riyoku Sakimori
Type of Artist: Digital

I was born in China and I grew up in Shanghai, but I moved to America when I was 7, to the St. Louis area. I'm still living in St. Louis county, and I enjoy it here very much! My hobbies are drawing, composing music, song writing, creative writing, RPing, playing mind games, sleeping, bullying stronger people (gee, that's smart), cooking (though I suck), sewing (though I suck more), singing, and playing tennis (whenever I can). I'm trying to save up enough money for prom, so please visit my Deviant Art and send me a note to commission me! I will let you haggle lots! *begs*

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40k Thigh-up pencil sketch
75k waist-up/bust-up ish (more like ribs up... it varies)
150k full body

30k full body pencil sketch
60k waist-up/bust-up ish
90k full body
160k couple
180k animated to blink/flap wings/twitch ears/wag tail.
+20k for each thing to animate (tail = 1 thing. Eyes = 1 thing. Wings (both of them) = 1 thing.)

15k full body pencil sketch.
15k chibi head
20k Chibi waist-up
40k Chibi fullbody
+ 20k to animate 1 thing.

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1. Imbri - Devil Auction
2. Prinpan - Grimm auction

Bribe Slots:

Archaic Porn
Tell me a Grimm Fairytale!

Artist Wanted: Riyoku Sakimori
Name:Archaic Porn
Oc/ Avatar?:Couple
How many people in picture:2
Type of Art wanted: Chibi Sketch
Your Offer:
Gold 45k?
If you're opening more slots soon maybe 150k 200k for a colored couple? I'll take either.
Your Specific Request: Romance
Anything else?:

Chibi Vampire Scene sketch...tehee

Poses to choose From:

whichever you use have her glancing in the mirror during the bite...



I want both faces to be seen clearly smile Thanks
Perhaps add some scenery like moon, cherry blossom and nice and scenic if you can... If you like.. Nothing much.

This is a finished piece from before:


2. Open only for sketches.

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Bribes: Thigh-up sketch - Aquarium Octopii.
Half-chibi sketch - Dreamer's dust.
Chibi sketch - 2 sealed envelopes.
Chibi head w/ blink - dreamer's dust + radiant prism + 2 sealed envelopes.
Chibi fullbody w/ 1 animation - starfish + octopii
Half chibi fullbody - Memphis OR Lila mermaid (+20k for each thing to animate)
Normal fullbody - Picolotrosso's Urn OR Fallen Wish OR Padmavati's lotus.

I will not draw normal males - only chibi and half-chibi males.

I will not animate running or waving arms or spinning or
anything so complicated - or talking. It's because the system

I animate with has no layers. Only flapping wings, wagging tail,
blinking eyes, and twitching ears.

I also don't like clutter, even if it's organized clutter. I will take out details if I need to.
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----- Ruri Lesavka
Type of Artist: Chibi / Sketch / CG

The names Ruri! I'm born and raised in Houston, Texas... Mintamier helped
me improve my drawings~ Right now I'm still testing out different styles,
so expect some randomness. I usually draw B/C pets so you can request animals. c:

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Experimental sketch - 5k
Chibi sketch - 5k
Chibi sketch colored - Heavenly Drapes
Lined Chibi - bribe

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Normal Slots
1. Vivian V Schlechter - Request post on pg.288/PM

Bribe Slot
1. patchwork-romance - Received PM w/ refs

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Links Drop Off posts
- Vivian V Schlechter
- Shanzo

I'm pretty easy going so I'm almost open for any type of drawings.
I get to choose who I'll draw, so no first come first serve, and I get
to edit the drawing a bit ( giving me some freedom )
I can do simple movements, ex. blinking, talking, content to smiling, wagging tail,
moving ears, etc. for an extra price. >3

Since I'm a beginner artist, I can't draw some things.
- no mecha, old person, cluttered, ugly
other than that, I'm ok.

Please don't bug me about taking so long, if it does take really long (month+),
I'll cut the price. You can pm me asking if I started or not, I'm very forgetful.
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----- StarieMichie
Graphics Maker Extraordinair

My name is Michie. I'm a housewife and part time
video game salesperson. I live our in the country,
and I'm buying a truck and a shotgun in the spring
so I can fill every sterotype about us country
folk possible. That, and I want to impress the
guy who hunts deer in my backyard. It should
win cool points in your book too.

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Corner Flobs
Want to impress your friends? Want your posts
to stand out? Then buy a corner flob and be one
of the cool kids.


Thread Layouts
As seen on TV in this thread. I work
closely with you to get just the look you want.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Price varies depending
on how many banners you need.

Simple: --15k
Medium: --30k
Complex: --50k +
Uber: --Bribe

Coming soon!

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o2. closed
o3. closed


Special Request
o1. closed

(I'm currently working on my own projects)

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Flob Form:

[color=purple][size=18]Tell me a Grimm Fairytale![/size][/color]

[b][color=green][size=12]I want a flob StarieMichie!![/size][/color][/b]

[size=10][b][color=green]Name:[/color][/b] (your name here)
[b][color=green]Would you like your name it:[/color][/b] (yes or no)
[b][color=green]Colors:[/color][/b] (Please tell me two or three colors you'd like me to use)
[b][color=green]Your Offer:[/color][/b][/size] (gold/items/etc)
[b][color=green]Theme:[/color][/b] (The vibe or feel of the flob, or if you want something like "snakes" or "hearts")
[b][color=green]Image to be used:[/color][/b](if you want your avatar on the flob or some other image used, put it here)[/size]

Thread Layout Form:

[color=purple][size=12]Tell me a Grimm Fairytale![/size][/color]

[b][color=green][size=16]I want a Thread StarieMichie!![/size][/color][/b]

[size=10][b][color=green]Name:[/color][/b] (your name here)
[b][color=green]Link to thread:[/color][/b] (if any)
[b][color=green]Colors:[/color][/b] (Please tell me two or three colors you'd like me to use)
[b][color=green]Your Offer:[/color][/b] (gold/items/etc)
[b][color=green]Theme:[/color][/b] ( he vibe or feel of the thread, or if you want something like "snakes" or "hearts")
[b][color=green]Image to be used:[/color][/b] (if you want your avatar on the thread or some other image used, put it her )
[b][color=green]What type of banners you need:[/color][/b] (Headers, section title, link banners, dividers, ect)
[b][color=green]Text on each banner:[/color][/b] (tell me what you need your banners to say)
[b][color=green]Anything Else:[/color][/b](add any details that don't fit into the other blanks)[/size]
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Please do tell the world of our twisted fairy tales, and spread the love..

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Tell our tale, and we shall tell others of yours...!
Just post your code in our thread, and we shall link you here.
200x40 banners are preferred.

Fellow Soothsayers

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Those Seeking Stories

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