D.I.Y. Eulogy

Make no mistake about complexities, I have none at the moment.

The name is Eric "Muroman" Muro, but contrary to what my last name or nickname mean (like you would have known in the first place), I don't have anything to do with murals.

As indecisive as I've become in the past, I have somehow been able to keep getting myself in classes that ask for prodigious amounts of attention (and WORK). It shouldn't be all that surprising if I don't bother to do much here. In any other case, feel free to heckle if you so choose to pique my interest (for better or for worse).

Al contrario que parezco, no te voy a hurtar, pero si quisieran provocarme...
seguirian con su juicio. Cualquer fin que la suerte me da no es mas mala que debo.