DropDead Gorgeous Rosalie

DropDead Gorgeous Rosalie's avatar

Last Login: 10/10/2008 5:25 pm


My name is Rosalie Lillian Hale. I was born in Rochester, NY in 1915, I had two younger brothers, a housewife for a mother, and a father who worked at a bank. One day my mother had me dress up to deliver my father's forgotten lunch to him at work, hoping that the son of the bank's owner would take an interest in me. It worked, and Royce King the Second and I became engaged, and two months later, just before the wedding, I went to visit my good friend Vera. While walking home, I stumbled across Royce and his friends, who were all intoxicated. Royce bragged about his fiance's beauty, leading to me being beaten and presumably raped. I was left to die in the streets, and was later found by Carlisle, who was drawn to me by the scent of my spilled blood. Taking pity on me, he carried me home and made me a vampire. While living with the Cullens in Forks, I play the role of the twin sister of Jasper Hale. Emmett is my husband and true love. I saved him from a bear attack and carried him 100 miles to my home, for Carlisle to change him, because I wasn't sure if I could do it myself. We have been married several times, since I enjoy the ceremony. Emmett and I sometimes live away from the rest of the Cullens as a newlywed couple.


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My loving Husband Emmett
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My adorable niece Renesmee
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My caring Father Carlisle
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My sweet Mother Esme
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My calming Brother Jasper
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My perky Sister Alice
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My mindful Brother Edward
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My little Sister Bella
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