
Hey, honey! Call me whatever you like, but most call me Dollia or Doll. I'm a California girl and a lover not a fighter.

I enjoy sweets, desserts, and colors. If you would like to be my friend or get on my good side, just send me a comment. I love random comments! And I see everyone as a potential friend!

Since this is my secondary account (mule), I don't go on it as often as I could. If you would like to know my main account, just ask through a comment. I also love questions! Questions are fun to answer, and I answer them truthfully 96.52% of the time. xD

My theme song is Apocalyptica - Romance.


Viewing 8 of 8 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Heil Master

Report | 01/03/2010 11:01 am

Heil Master

Have to let you in the NHG later we are Purging non-posters right now and don't want to confuse you with the others. Should be 3 to 5 days.

Report | 06/08/2009 3:26 pm


-hugs- <3
Samael Morel

Report | 10/29/2008 7:46 pm

Samael Morel

Uuuuuuaaaaaaaah~! Sorry this is so late. I've been crazy busy and whenever I was on Gaia, I was busy with the event. I'm trying to apologize to everyone I seem to have neglected. D: *squeeze*

I... wish that independent study was an option. I'm just.. trying so hard, you know? And this sounds horrible, but I'm thinking about taking a semester off. It's all so hard. The work, that's fine, but the people not so much. Speaking of people, I saw my stalker at work today (he's a fired employee). @_@

How have you been?

Report | 10/23/2008 5:38 am


Thank you so much for buying the beige trench hat from my store *huge*
Samael Morel

Report | 10/19/2008 7:01 pm

Samael Morel

Just know that I'm rooting for you. User Image

I would really like to, but right now I'm not sure how much I would be able to post and I don't want to commit to anything I can't be a hundred percent sure of being dependable. Right now, things are very stressful with school and work and I'm having trouble keeping up with the RPs that I am currently a part of. I'm sorry. In the future, though, when all of this slows down, I would love to do an RP with you. I feel awful saying no though and I really am sorry.

They're actually making me.. afraid to go to school. They're being both racist AND sexist. I hate the sexual harassment too.
Samael Morel

Report | 10/19/2008 6:17 pm

Samael Morel

It's sweet in a way. I think it's cute too. This may sound strange, but I do hope that you can find someone that you will cherish.

..I keep getting sexually harassed. There's this group of black guys who followed me around last year saying things like, "Ow, ow! Look at that white chick shakin' her thing!" They'd hang out in front of my car and follow me around. Campus security finally took care of one of them, but his friends remain. And... someone tried to scam me at school on Thursday. It's just really hard, you know? It makes me not want to go at all.
Samael Morel

Report | 10/18/2008 5:15 pm

Samael Morel

Ick. DX And it probably all had to be handwritten because the teacher knows that it's easy to just go on dictionary.com and copy definitions from there. I hope you find someone. Don't just hook up just to hook up though. I know I don't need to tell you that because you're smart, but I just had to say it because I have friends who were desperate for a relationship and their lives became a living hell because they rushed into things. But I know that won't happen to you. I don't know how to explain it, but I just know that it won't happen. User Image

I've been good, just really tired because I'm doing too much. And.. I'm really starting to hate school. Not the classes, but the people.

Report | 10/16/2008 12:45 pm



Oh you. BUT K
Samael Morel

Report | 10/15/2008 5:44 am

Samael Morel

That's good to know because I'd feel awful if you ended up hurting you somehow. D: And of course I don't mind. I like helping friends any way that I can. :3 So, how have you been? I know we went over this a few days ago, but things change. xD;; You don' still think you're getting a cold, do you?

Yeah, I'm sure that everything is fine. She'll be back eventually. User Image
Master Strategist Kess

Report | 10/14/2008 9:38 pm

Master Strategist Kess

It's some old school horror stuff. He was inspired by Poe, and inspired greatly all modern horror writers, including Stephen King. He's amazing. Some of his stuff is real dry and not that great, but a lot of his stuff will give you nightmares for a week. A few of the things are just real thoughtful and well done.


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