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O hai thar. I'm A Bit Of Jabberwocky, but you can call me Sess. If you're reading this, welcome to my profile. <3
Here's just some things about me:

-My username is based off the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, not off of those morons dancers, the Jabbawockeez

-I'm Catholic, and I try to respect everyone's beliefs (or lack thereof). Just don't try to shove your beliefs down my throat.

-I support gay marrige and abortion (as long as it's not being used as birth control by the town whore).

-I really like anime and manga, but I'm no weeaboo. My favorite animes are Gankutsuou and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei.

-Sometimes, I can be hypocritical.

-I love to read. My favorite genre is classics. (but I hate twilight stfu.)

-I like pens (No, that's not a typo for p***s.)

-I'm absolutely ADDICTED to music. (srsly, I listen to it day and night.) I have stuff from all over the world, and I like anything with a good beat. XD

-My favorite animals are whales, okapis, and owls.

-I've been speaking spanish for 4 years. Yo lo hablo muy bueno.

-I know more things about the band Malice Mizer than you ever will c:

MEDIA: MIROTIC by DBSK (This is the sexiest music video I've ever seen)

I love random comments and PMs. So just drop by and leave a "HEY BETCH!" or something. I'll be sure to reply back. :3


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


My Wonderful Life Of Doom

Random thoughts by a random person.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/08/2009 10:40 am


ooo iam like so in love wit ur profile its cool!!!


Report | 07/24/2009 9:19 pm


I do luff furbys xD I only own one, but I do love them 3nodding do you likes furby's? 8D

Report | 07/08/2009 3:39 pm


I want an island, too.

Report | 07/07/2009 7:44 am


you look like you stepped off of candy island
S U G 4 R P L U M x

Report | 07/01/2009 1:11 pm

S U G 4 R P L U M x

media = love
Altesse Royale

Report | 06/29/2009 4:13 pm

Altesse Royale

I love your stance on abortion, and agree 100%.

Report | 06/28/2009 10:20 am


I KNOWWWW RIGHT???? @W@ I love me some Hizaki Grace, but they don't have many songs on youtube that I could find with Juka singing so I was like ehhhhh... Its been on my profile for awhile so I'm going to change it soon along with my playlist xDDDD And I love all the random journal posts you write on dA. They make my day less strange XD

Report | 06/08/2009 6:51 am


hi there
nice avi

Report | 04/03/2009 8:05 am


Hellz yes I am! *laughs* remember you said you were going to draw me a comic! XD I get to be 17 yay heart and I finally get a playstation 2 : o I've wanted one forever heart

Report | 04/02/2009 1:18 pm


Mine too!
Obviously... xD


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Jareth likes balls :B