
I am Bijou.
Foreign is my favorite flavour.
Soul Eater Evans would make the best husband ever.
I think Veneciano topping Ludwig makes much more sense (After all, he is ITALIAN).
I thought curly haired men weren't my type, then Robert Sheehan appeared.
Plushenko is fierce and platinum, not a bitter person. ( Okay, he's slightly bitter. But that's what makes him so platinum. )
I'm pansexual. Which means I'd rather pick someone with a golden personality than some pretty face that lacks one.
I am far too distracted for my own good.
DING DING! Seychelles, Hinata and Canada are riding on board the fandom bicycle!
I think you've seen too much at this point, so I'm gonna have to ask for your johnny, thank you very much.

FANDOMS ;; Axis Powers Hetalia, Azumanga Daioh, Disney, Eden of the East, Figure Skating, Kimi ni Todoke, K-ON!, Misfits, Naruto, Soul Eater, Vocaloid.

OTPs ;; TOO MANY TO LIST but lets leave it at everyone/everyone considering I'm not too anti against anything.

But I do have a softer spot for femslash and het.
Sorry slash. I love you too! It's just my het/yuri goggles are on tighter.