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Maldoroth Report | 06/08/2016 7:00 am
Jinglybell Report | 01/31/2016 7:24 am
youre welcome
K E N J l Report | 01/29/2016 12:03 am
K E N J l
little girls like you gotta sleep early or the boogieman will catch you
K E N J l Report | 01/28/2016 9:46 am
K E N J l
Oi go to sleep little girl lol
Kawakas Report | 01/10/2016 7:13 am

bagus lah el. keep it up. aldebes,bedebes and bet de res
Kawakas Report | 01/10/2016 7:03 am
ya Allah.

dah jadi ayah pun buat camtu ke..
takpe El. tabah je. Buat ikut sendiri je. teruskan bkwn dgn kwn el. tegur n sapa je. buat tak tau je.

the most painful insult you can throw at your enemy is a smile.
Kawakas Report | 01/10/2016 6:41 am
wow...gila ler. sampai cmtu sekali.
asal x puas hati lak?
camne tau dia x puas hati?
Kawakas Report | 01/10/2016 6:34 am
elwaa.. okey ke? mcm x je..sabar sabar
cute_luna1 Report | 01/08/2016 10:31 pm
and nope, I'm not mad, I've just been very busy lately because of school. I wasn't able to go online much too during the holidays
cute_luna1 Report | 01/08/2016 10:26 pm
sorry, the username was unfamiliar to me, I checked your profile just now. I remember you


Konnichiwa (:

I'm becoming an absolute fan of animes, books, japanese, my religion, foods and life. I'm looking forward to learn japanese. Obsessed with anime and a big fan of Harry Potter.. I've watched a few animes every now and then. I used to watch back then on 2014 but stopped as I can't control my feelings and emotions. I've decided to continue tho.. And, I have no idea why but I'm interested to become a lawyer in the future.

Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am previously known as - 5uu - and now as Elvvaa. Call me whatever you wish but I'd prefer you guys to call me 'Iza' or 'Za'. Why? Cause it's my name. Bruhhh. As for my age? I took UPSR on 2015. Malaysians and perhaps some other countries might figure this out. I live in my beloved country, Malaysia. Random PMs are appreciated. Gifts are loved ♥

Curious aku dapat apa for UPSR? Tak yah cakap kot.. Nanti difitnah riak pulak.. Pe yang penting, SBP x terima aku. Naik hangin tul.. Tinggal keputusan MRSM je.. Tapi dah buat rayuan.. Kalau kene interview kali ke-2 gak memang ughhh.. Dah ah ade periksa.. Lemah kaki aku kene jawab Maths *criessss But gurlll.. Aku ditawarkan masuk Seafield.. Okay ah.. SK kluster masuk SMK pon kluster lol

P/S: Kalau rase diri tu asal usul Malaysia, baik ko add aku (; /// Asal dh figure out my age je mesti korang cam pelik. Weyh x yah ah pelik sngt.. Aku still manusia species cam korang bukan alien pon. Kalau aku nie alien okay ah korang nk pelik.. Mana pernah alien layan gaia..

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