XXDemonic TwinkieXX

XXDemonic TwinkieXX's avatar

Birthday: 08/05/1994

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YouAskMeToDance Report | 01/05/2013 9:26 am
I'm sorry dude D: I was gone so long because my computer broke >-< But I got a lap top now so everything's okay
akari_kirishima Report | 04/17/2012 8:43 pm
*poke* o.o
berry-sweet-promise Report | 02/15/2012 3:30 pm
it depends. but next tim you are free and I am on and feel like dmsing we can crew together
berry-sweet-promise Report | 02/14/2012 8:29 pm
no. if you crew with a bunch of lowe players you wont get far. but with a few higher cl you can make it through..I i have some friends who wouldnt mind helping if they are on..
berry-sweet-promise Report | 02/14/2012 8:09 pm
Im mostly free for unlmited game play on the weekends. and dms will be closed to the public by then...soz....what do you suggest??
berry-sweet-promise Report | 02/14/2012 7:59 pm
When is a good time. and do you have the gem? I know its open for the public..but I play when it is not public..
Terra817 Report | 01/26/2012 1:25 pm
xXxAmy_MariexXx Report | 01/22/2012 10:20 am
xXxAmy_MariexXx Report | 01/22/2012 7:28 am
Maybe i am, maybe im not.
Shouldn't matter to friends razz
Im actually very faithful, just because i speak of females so often doesn't mean i go out and cheat.
xXxAmy_MariexXx Report | 01/22/2012 6:15 am
My thought exactly, to you're last comment.xD
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