I saw the "what church do you attend?" thread and noticed a lot of responses like "non-denominational." I would hope that every one here is part of the body of Christ before they are "part of a church." Denominational titles are just a fast-and-easy way to separate us by focusing on what we disagree on instead of the blood of Christ. Some people will even disfellowship with you if they find out that you disagree with something like tithing, even though you both believe in Jesus Christ. I have seen a lot of division in the name of "denominations" and conversely not a lot of honest searching and debate over the questions that divide us and the direction that God wants a person to go.

I personally know many people whom God has called to leave traditional churches and denominations because so many are corrupt. Some of these people "homechurch" in small groups or meet in more spontaneous fashions. It's become quite obvious to me that you can be on fire for God, following what he has called you to do, without going to a traditional church-- yet many people will try to tell you otherwise. Yet I've also heard the converse, that being out of the system will automatically make you a better Christian. rolleyes So I've made this post to say what should be quite obvious, but perhaps is not:

What is most important, is what God is calling you to do, and obeying him!

It's between you and God to know if you are really searching for, and listening for, his voice. Too often I see lackluster Christians, in both the traditional and nontraditional churches, who do not know and do not seek out his voice. It's good to listen to the leaders that God sends, but any good leader will tell you to seek confirmation, to seek the answers for yourself and grow in your relationship with God, because only God will know where you are headed.

Listening to God is simple but hard, because we don't always like what he has to say. Pray. Read your Bible. Discuss with other Christians. GET REAL. heart heart heart