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Enoch vs. Tacitus

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Shunsuke Arakaki

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 11:37 am
A rather simple scene. A man with long white hair, cascading down across his crimson eyes, stood in the very center of an arena. The arena itself wasn't very special, It had a stone floor and stone walls. The seats, of which one or many may have used to observe this fight in a more comfortable position than standing, were only slightly occupied by lonesome machines and humans. Like lifeless puppets without strings, these beings would merely gaze into the arena itself, vacant minds oblivious to all they surveyed. But perhaps it was just decoration.

Dried blood adhered to the stone walls. The floor shared some of the same grace, as battle after battle left this place stained with the lifeforce of those who had fallen. The skies were clouded, a faint golden glow piercing through the blanket of darkness at some random places, but for the most part, the world was dark. A city in ruins could be seen off in the distance, much like Earth's New York. However, it's buildings were falling and collapsing into themselves. Rust, decay, plague, and bodies the only inhabitants to that place.

The man, standing in the center of the arena, looked vacantly towards the city. His right hand flashed across his body, adjusting his black belt. As a result, the white disco-like pants he was wearing shifted as well. He then brought his hand upwards, tugging on the button-up, white, long-sleeved shirt to make it a bit more even than it was before. Finally, he began to swipe white cat hairs off his black T-shirt.
''Stupid feline....''
He sighed, and began to bounce up and down, readying for his opponent. He shifted his left leg forward, his toes facing ahead of him as his right leg moved a bit further back, and faced 45 degrees to his right side. He continued bouncing, prepping up, then his right leg swung left, passing his left. Putting enough power into the swinging action allowed him to twist in the air. His body spun around completely, his left leg stretching out to perform the Tornado Kick that he had learned, while his right leg slowly touched ground once more.
Using the momentum from his own attack, he put more energy into spinning. Lifting up his right leg as his left landed, and swinging his right leg in the same fashion as before, he thrust outwards in a kick designed to strike those from behind. His right foot then touched the cold stone once more, his hands ignited into a blue fire composed of mana which did not harm his being. He thrust his arms forward, digits completely outstretched as flames erupted from his palms, forming a sphere of heat that struck a distant wall.

The man sighed, closing his eyes and dismissing the concentration of mana in his hands. A voice called out to him.
''Ready Enoch?''
The man, Enoch, did not respond.. merely waited.

((I am -so- rusty))  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:19 pm
In the skies above the backdrop was marred by a blur that rivalled the moon in size, but seemed to be considerably closer as it obscured the clouds above. The blur slowly came into focus, the outline remaining quite fuzzy as the metallic ninth sphere of Genesis started adjusting to the timeline. Despite its massive size it did not exhibit a gravitational pull, nor did it seem affected by the gravity of the planet itself, or any celestial body nearby. If one had the visual accuity, or some sort of other means, to actually see Genesis it would become clear that the skin of the moon sized construct was a strange metal tinted with a hint of jade. Arcs of energy ran across the whole of the outer sphere of Genesis, skipping around a multitude of launch tubes that were apparently for some form of missile or torpedo.

Any scanning equipment that might be monitoring the skies would not register the existence of Genesis, the whole phased slightly off the timeline. This phase variant was most likely the cause of its lack of effect upon the gravitational pull of the planet and the moon. As it began to fade a single figure was deposited, sliding into phase with the timeline to a point where interaction became possible. From an impossible height he began to fall, darting between one point and the next despite his unaided descent. At some points he even seemed to occupy two points in space at once before vanishing from the former. When finally his erratic fall ended he seemed to strike the ground with incredible force, as was logical.

There was no shockwave. No crack. Nothing at all.

The man was clearly visible on one knee just above the ground, his clothes splayed around him as if he were stil falling rapidly. Average length grey hair was held motionless in front of his face, obscuring his visor of jade but doing little to hide the small points of black sticking out from the ashen mess of hair. His gunmetal grey trenchcoat was held out above him, small tears visible along the hemline at the bottom. Emerald cargo pants and a black shirt seemed rather strained in the wind, the shirt accenting a rather average torso. A slightly orange glow seemed to dance about his green combat boots, the only thing about him that even seemed to move. He didn't even breathe.

Two more objects, much smaller in size, were visible falling straight for the man, taking a direct route where he had zigged and zagged. They fell and made to strike him, a pair of twin pistols, though rather oversized, in shades of orange and green metal. His only movement seemed to be to rise his head and reveal his mismatched eyes from behind closed lids. The mismatched pair were quickly hidded again as he stood, the similarly colored guns resting comfortably in their holsters. They had not teleported, in fact, but to anyone who could track his movements he seemed to move faster than was biologically possible. His body had leapt up from the crouch into a backflip, caught the two weapons with a swift swing of his arms and shoved them into holsters on either side of his thighs before landing. Now that he was done with the theatrics he needed to take a breath, having not taken one all the way down. That and he needed to determine if he was on time, early, or late, as it never was a precise science, this whole time business.  



Shunsuke Arakaki

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:33 pm
Enoch turned to face this person, his opponent. Studying his opponent, then gazing up towards the skies, Enoch wondered what he had really gotten himself into. His crimson eyes flashed momentarily, and neon green strands could be seen, faintly adjusting and shifting within the pools. This is what his brother named the 'Anarchy Eye', an eye that granted a special vision to the bearer. It viewed the world as a great blackness, a void of complete and absolute order. Whenever change, movement, thought, or anything that evoked 'Chaos' occured, any event on any frame of time or dimension, the eye perceived it and relayed the information to the user. For the most part, the amount of information was incomprehensible to mortals, and would kill them from the strain of just trying to discern one thing from everything else, but Enoch was no mortal.

He gazed up at this large metallic structure, each part of it giving off it's own unique signature in his vision, then he returned to his opponent. His right hand slowly progressed towards his stomach, and Enoch made a deep bow.
''Salutations. The Ordered ones call me Enoch.'' he then rose, looking upon the frame of his target once more. ''And you are?'' he asked.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 2:49 pm
Player One-Machinae Supremacy

The eye, when viewing the Genesis Sphere, would notice that much more lay beneathe the surface than that of a simple moon. Nine concentric spheres had been built with massive numbers of people within, all constantly at work. When it viewed Tacitus, however, it seemed to be even more chaotic. A sort of dichotmy existed within him, a central core of order with infinite chaos streaming away from him that indicated he existed primarily on the fourth dimension and only skimmed the others. Every moment of his extensive life had been jammed into each passing second of his existence. In the end this would make precognition and recognition of his movements difficult at best without normal sight in there here and the now.

Despite being out of breath he seemed to breathe only slowly, inhaling only once as he stood, which was slowly released as he spoke, "Most call me Genesis after that." He gestured up towards the sphere before continuing, "I've always rather prefered Tacitus though, or Tac if you so prefer." He straihtened for a moment, cracking his back before shaking off the proverbial cobwebs as he loosened up. He let out a groan similar to one an elderly man would make before letting his hands rest at his sides, twitching with anticipation. His smile then began to fade into a serious look, "If there is nothing else, I do suggest you dodge." Chaos spun about him as he burst into motion, his movements surpassing human vision by leaps and bounds. The two weapons were unholstered and brought up in a cross in front of him, a stream of bullets peppering the air to make a visual X. The odd thing was that the bullets were stopped in midair completely, held back until the formation was complete. After which time they were released, each bullet travelling at sublight speeds with the force to liquefy a human being.

The fun was just beginning.  



Shunsuke Arakaki

PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 3:11 pm
Enoch gazed forth, the supernatural eye perceiving all that happened before him, from the soundwaves his opponent created to the bullets fired towards him. His mind stretched outwards, psionically touching a place where his true self actually existed. Subconsciously affecting the 'Chaotic' cycles he observed, Enoch caused a temporary withdrawl of chaotic 'energies' from the air and matter a few feet infront of him.
The effect would be instantaneous. As the matter and void inbetween particles infront of him had their chaotic energies sapped from them, a bright wall of pure light appeared infront of Enoch, which would stop the bullets in their tracks. This was because that, as something had it's 'chaotic' energies siphoned, the ability and potential for change and occurance disappeared with it. Chaos in a system allows it to change, without Chaos you have complete and absolute Order. If everything was in a perfectly orderly state, nothing would change, and thus, the need for chaos. Perhaps Chaos wasn't the exact word for what was being manipulated, for it was not a state of being.. but something in itself. But it was closest to what was being controlled

Enoch almost thanked his opponent, Tacitus. Because a wall of pure Order, like the one Enoch created, was completely (almost) indestructible, reflected all light, and was not effected by -anything- known to man-kind. The only known way (to Enoch) to change a wall of complete order was to re-'inject' it with chaos. But this meant that the wall itself was trapped within that single frame of time. With that, Enoch perfectly positioned the 'time' of the defense to the time of the bullets upon impacting the siphoned area. Essentially, Tacitus' aligning of his attack, having each bullet continue on at the same time, allowed Enoch to effectively block all of them in one shot. As the bullets struck the wall, their energy would strike something that was completely indestructible to then, and fall harmlessly to the ground, or something along those lines. The wall would then disappear completely, almost as if it had never been there, because it only was for a small moment, in the blink of an eye.

What was left, was a vaccuum, a void where the defense has been created. Enoch took a few steps back as the space seeked to fill itself with the surrounding matter, and then looked towards his opponent once more, smiling.
''Tacitus it is then.''
PostPosted: Sun Feb 04, 2007 5:06 pm
The opening offensive maneuver had not really been intended to do much more than force a display of his opponent's capabilities. If he had meant to kill the man he would have tried to shoot him in some unexpected way, not come out and tell him to dodge. Though, he was a man of honor, mostly, so telling him to dodge wasn't all that uncommon. A twinge of pain ran through him as the weapons in his hands began to shift, small tubes rushing out to dive into his skin and began weaving up his arms.

He smirked as the colors within his eyes began to shift, a mix of orange and green glows passing through them both. As he began to move forward ghosts of his actions began to extend before and behind him, shades projected through time that were the same as the genuince article save for the fact that the phase off the timeline for each of them was a fraction larger than his own. Each limb seemed to be moving in three directions at once, and when three bullets were fired from each gun only four of the lot were aimed at Enoch. The original four would streak towards Enoch and vanish while the ones heading off in random directions would do the same. A half second after their disappearance they would each strike one after another. One fron Enoch's right, one from the left, from his front and one from behind as well as one coming straight down and the last breaking through the ground underfoot.  



Shunsuke Arakaki

PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 9:53 am
((Time... Ah, things are always interesting when someone uses Time. ^_^))

The Anarchy Eye was perceiving all that happened before him. However, there was a weakness to Enoch's version of the eye, something that the original eye created by No-Ah didn't have. It couldn't differentiate time or temporal manipulation, and couldn't 'see' what it was someone was doing with this 'time'. It could only see the present, not past, not future, having absolutely no view into time. This gave it a weakness against any form of temporal manipulation, as manipulation or magic of the timeframe itself would warp his eye slightly, causing strange events to appear in his vision.

He would've experienced it with Genesis before, and probably did. However, it was unlikely that Genesis was attacking Enoch, so he didn't panic. But now he was in a fight, and his vision was thrown off. All sorts of images and sights came to Enoch's view, weird things. Flaming water, broken water, shattered winds and a gap through time. All of these, Enoch perceived, though most of them weren't true at all. The distortions were causing him to panic, and at the last moment he thrust his arms outwards wildly.

It was a stroke of luck, one could call it. Enoch, not knowing what to do, began using his manipulation of Chaos and Order in the space around him. Everything about a yard out from his body, moving inwards until it graced the very edges of his skin, was having the Order 'unraveled' from it. Enoch took a few steps back, this supposed shield of pure Chaos following him. It's effects were simple. Anything before him was physically unravelled, and transformed into the purest, most raw essence found, less than a soul. This did come with a price however. The shield had a tendency to expand, and even though it blocked all the bullets (except the bottom one) it was also burning into Enoch's skin.

The bullet coming from beneath would emerge from the ground, striking through his foot and up through his knee. This was due to Enoch taking a few steps back. Enoch didn't scream in pain, as expected of most beings, because he wasn't programmed to feel pain. Instead, he merely glanced at his leg. The bullet had gone straight through, as if he were paper, and indeed in some ways his body was. Under the very first layers of skin, black motes of light surfaced from his wounds, and it was everywhere over his body.

The substance spilled all across the ground. Any effects it had wouldn't be shown until later, as it was currently dormant. Enoch, regaining his composure, sealed off his shield and then gazed 'pon the frame of his opponent.

''Unreal...Ignition...'' he said, almost as if he was mentally challenged, and then motioned towards the black substance on the ground.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:32 pm
Similar motions began to filter through his various shades that duplicated his actions, past, present, and future. But a single moment would be given to determine truth as the hail of bullets were lined up in the air once more similarly to his opening offensive. Instead of launching as one cohesive group they launched at Enoch slightly staggered from one another, mere nanoseconds seperating their advance. They would not, however, all make to strike the man opposite Genesis, all but the last bullet which sat at the cross of where the X had been, would vanish. Tacitus truly seemed to be toying with Enoch as the bullets, save the one, vanished and did not return. Maybe they'd be back... eventually. In the wake of the small tubes running up his arms, diving in and out of the flesh to create a sort of mesh intigrated with the flesh a secondary coating was seen. The metallic substance flowed from each weapon to cover the mesh, looking to be entirely fluid, despite its solid state. Each of his hands seemed to be melting away around the two guns, though firing capability remained absolute in the time of transition.  



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