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PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:23 am
NOTE: This class/discussion is no longer taught/led by a teacher. However, please feel free to read through it and ask any questions that you may have or express any thoughts/opinions you have. Just please don't ask, "Can I join the class?" Because the answer is 'no'. Thank you.

Welcome to the Chakra Class, a place to learn about the chakra points, their energy, their effects on the body and how to balance them.
Feel free to add information and ask questions and I will do my best to answer them, either post them here or PM me.
Please follow TOS and Guild & Sub Forum rules!
If you want to become an 'official' student then please post and I'll add you to the list.


What are the Chakras?
The Base Chakra
The Spleen Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra
The Crown Chakra
How to balance the Chakras.

I hope that you all find this helpful and interesting.


1. ForbidenFaeryDesire
2. fallen_angel_216
3. [Helmorana]
4. Aurellion
6. broken.tormented
7. Sachi_x
8. Vampire_Aireanna
9. Urishima Kazama

This class will have new information constantly added and will be under constant construction as I hope to find more out as the class runs (I'll post these in violet for a while to show they are bits of new information) but for now consider the class open.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:01 am
What are the Chakras?

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Put simply the Chakras are energy centres in the body, spread from the base of the spine to the top of the head they recieve, collect and send energy on different 'frequencies' to different areas of our bodies. There are seven main ones in total (with many smaller ones over our bodies that act like channels for the energy) and each governs a different aspect of life and in turn is affected by different things. They are like spheres of energy, each with it's own vibration, spinning at different speeds (the base chakra being the slowest and the crown chakra the highest) and emitting a different colour into your aura. Each Chakra also has a symbol, all variations of the lotus flower

If our chakras are working well then the energy will flow evenly, however, if a chakra is blocked or unbalanced then this can result in a variety of problems, or just a sense of not feeling quite right (which I am sure we have all had at some point).

Imbalances can be due to a chakra being overactive or underactive and can be remedied in a number of different ways using the chakras correspondances and/or visualisation.

Sounds complicated huh? Well it's really not, and that's why I am here to help if I can..... Anyway, that's enough waffle for now, lets move on to the nitty gritty. Here is a brief overview of each Chakra:  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:03 am
The Base Chakra.

This chakra stimulates a persons need to look after themselves by eating, drinking, sleeping, protecting oneself and being aware or what is going on around them. Basically it makes us want to live and take care of our bodies.

Location: At the base of the spine.
Colour: Red.
Crystals: Red and black crystals such as obsidian, red jasper, black tourmaline, jet, hematite, garnet and ruby.
Food: Red meats, animal fats, caffeine based products, hot spices and spinach.
Music: Stimulated by the musical note C.
Element: Earth.
Scents: Patchouli, Geranium.

Overactive Symptoms Include: paranoia, selfishness, self indulgence, aggression, nervousness, overactivity and addictive behaviours (particularly food related).

Underactive Symptoms Include: passiveness, depression and mental illness, withdrawal and denial of basic care and needs, daydreaming, eating disorders such as anorexia, and in extreme cases suicide.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: - constipation, arthritis, spinal tension, knee problems, kidney problems and issues with the legs, feet spine and bones.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:04 am
The Spleen Chakra.

Stimulates a person's emotions, particularly pleasure related, joy, emotional and physical sensation and sensuality. It governs the 5 senses and through it we experience the wonder of being in our bodies.

Location: In the pelvic area.
Colour: Orange.
Crystals: Orange crystals such as citrine, orange calcite, carnelian, amber and topaz.
Food: Chocolate, honey, bananas, dairy products, bread and butter, pasta and ice cream.
Music: Stimulated by the note D.
Element: Water.
Scents: Jasmine, Sandalwood.

Overactive Symptoms Include: Greed in the pursuit of pleasure leading to addiction and often mistake sensual pleasure for love. They are often also too controlled by their physical senses and can become tense and anxious, jealous and angry.

Underactive Symptoms Include: Not allowing yourself to feel pleasure, withdrawing completely from your emotions, often leading a person to become overly intellectual and analytical.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: sexual problems, allergies, bladder issues, reproductive and intestinal problems.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:05 am
The Solar Plexus Chakra.

Stimulates willpower, the ability to make conscious decisions, follow them through and take responsibility for our actions. It is also the centre for creative expression and opens a person to the astral planes, simple psychic impulses and out of body experiences.

Location: Just above the navel.
Colour: Yellow.
Crystals: yellow crystals such as rhodochronite, yellow tourmaline, yellow jasper, yellow sapphire, tigers eye and citrine.
Food: Fish, chicken, eggs, carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes and apricots.
Music: Stimulated by the musical note E.
Element: Fire.
Scents: Chamomile, Eucalyptus.

This Chakra cannot be overactive, the more open and active it is the more aware of the existance of auras and natural energies you will be and the easier it will be for you to visit the astral plane.

Underactive Symptoms Include: tiredness and a tiring/energy draining influence on other people, perfectionist tendancies, inability to say no, lack of confidence and overly fearful, difficulty concentrating and if it has shut down, one would be unable to open up to the energies around them.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: diabetes, ulcers, digestive disorders particularly relating to the stomach also affects the liver, nerves muscles and gall bladder.  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:06 am
The Heart Chakra.

The centre of love of both yourself and others, wellbeing, contentment, prosperity and good health. It is the empathic centre and allows us to perceive other persons experiences and understand how others feel. It also controls our ability to use any type of psychic reading tool eg. tarot, runes, palmistry, scrying etc.

Location: In the centre of the chest.
Colour: Green.
Crystals: Green and pink crystals such as rose quartz, green quartz, garnet, peridot, emerald and malachite.
Food: Strawberries, cherries, brown rice, grains, pulses and greens (except spinach).
Music: Stimulated by the musical note F Sharp.
Element: Air.
Scents: Rose, Ylang Ylang.

It is generally not a bad thing for your heart chakra to be fully open, however if it is imbalanced with the other chakras empathy with others could turn into obsession and/or unnecessary worry.

Underactive Symptoms Include: resentfulness and fear of being resented, difficulty giving and receiving love and help from others, inability to love yourself and feeling obliged to always give, emotional instabilities

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: heart problems, high blood pressure, circulatory issues and problems with the arms and hands.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:07 am
The Throat Chakra.

Stimulates telepathy, lets you hear your soul and when fully open allows you to hear your spirit guides. It also links your conscious and subconscious and connects you to the Akashic records (the subconscious records of all time).

Location: In your throat.
Colour: Blue.
Crystals: Blue crystals such as aquamarine, blue topaz, azurite, turquoise blue lace agate and blue quartz.
Food: Barley, bananas, echinacea, ginseng, natural supplements and wheat grass.
Music: Stimulated by the musical note G Sharp.
Element: Spirit and air.
Scents: Chamomile, Eucalyptus.

If this chakra is off balance or has shut down you may hear voices that coerce or upset you and/or you may be talking to yourself more particularly negatively. You may find it difficult to listen to others and become dishonest and manipulative, have problems communicating and ignorance. You may tune in to negative planes of existence, find it difficult to focus and/or become overwhelmed by voices in your mind; those of yourself, others and spirits, unable to tell them apart.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: thyroid, ear, neck, throat, lung. mouth and shoulder problems  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:08 am
The Third Eye Chakra.

Stimulates clairvoyance, the ability to see auras, chakras, spirit guides, faeries, magickal beings, angels and the soul. It can be difficult to open this chakra and usually requires meditation, particularly at first. It is rarely open all of the time in people and requires constant development.

Location: Just above the eyes in the centre of the forhead.
Colour: Purple.
Crystals: Purple crystals such as amethyst, purple jasper, purple sapphire, purple flourite and also lapis lazuli (which is a deep blue and gold).
Food: Vitamin E, barley, wheat germ, water and chamomile.
Music: Stimulated by the musical note A.
Element: Electrical energy (technically not an element in the traditional sense however this the energy that the third eye chakra recieves which can result in headaches and eye tension from prolongued use of computers and TV's etc)
Scents: Juniper, Rosemary.

Cannot be overactive as it requires constant development over time.

Underactive Symptoms Include: difficulty imagining focusing/concentrating, overly intellectual, cynical, sees a linear, rational, flat world. Inability to see the energy in the world and what is below face value.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: detached, headaches, eye problems/blindness, vivid/unpleasant dreams (if constantly open or subject to the energy levels constantly changing).  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:09 am
The Crown Chakra.

Governs spiritual awakening, wisdom and enlightenment. Allows us to see and understand life's mysteries. Divine energy enters us here and can allow us to know things without reason and perform magick. It allows the purest form of Divine communication and also allows us to discover our past lives.The highest level of psychic ability is available through the development of this chakra though few ever manage to open it fully, as this feat takes years of training and discipline.

Location: The top of your head.
Colour: White.
Crystals: White and clear white crystals such as clear and white quartz, diamond, clear/white flourite, selenite, snow quartz and moonstone.
Food: None, it responds to pure energy.
Music: Stimulated by the musical note B.
Element: Spirit.
Scents: Lavender, Frankincense.

Again this chakra cannot be overactive as it requires constant development over time. It also cannot be underactive as such as it must be consciously opened so it can only be either open or closed, energy levels can however be constantly fluctuating which can result in some of the problems below.

Physical Symptoms of Imbalances: lack of enthusiasm/inspiration, forgetful/senile, psychotic tendancies (if the energy levels of the chakra are constantly changing and unstable)  
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:19 am
How to Balance the Chakras.

It is important to balance your chakras regularly to keep the energy flowing through you body properly, particularly when you work with energy for spells, healing etc. on a regular basis. If you feel one in particular is out of sync with the others you can address it singularly though it is beneficial to take the time to balance them all at one now and then too.

To balance single Chakras try some of these suggestions:

1. Eat the food types for each chakra, the energy your body receives from the type of food you eat stimulates different chakras depending on their vibration.
2. Holding the appropriate crystal to the chakra will help to balance its energies and enhance psychic abilities that relate to that chakra.
3.Music of a key that resonates with the chakra you need to balance can also help (I've never tried this one myself so if anyone does try it, or any of these suggestions for that matter, do let me know how it goes and if they helped).
4. Wearing the chakra's colour..... don't worry, I'm not talking about decking yourself out completely in one colour, one item will do, particularly if you can wear it close to the chakra point.
5. Doing activities that relate to the particular chakra, for example taking good care of your body (base chakra), creatively expressing yourself (the solar plexus chakra) or using divinatory tools for the heart chakra.

To Balance all the Chakras try these:

Crystal Method:

Laying comfortably place an appropriate crystal on each of your chakras, (obviously this is easiest to do if you lay on your back), just be sure to place them in the correct order on you body as in the earlier picture. Now relax and starting with your base chakra working up to your crown, visualising coloured light flowing from each of the crystals into each of your chakras (one by one) so that they are all of an equal size and power. When you are relaxed and feeling balanced take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Visualisation Method:

This method takes a little longer. Sit or lay comfortably and relax into a meditative state. Begining with the base chakra visualize it in your body in it's place at the base of your spine as an apple sized sphere of red light which is slowly spinning. Allow it's light to cover your body and fill your aura and think about what this chakra's qualities are.
Move through each chakra doing the same for every one just visualising each sphere spinning faster and faster as you move up your body. By the end you should be able to see in your mind's eye all 7 points, equal in size spinning in unity. Now moving from the crown chakra to the base connect the points up with a line of energy, continuing this line down your legs, past your feet and into the ground. You should feel at peace, relaxed and balanced now, so take a deep breath and open your eyes.

If you find visualizing the chakras as sphere's of spinning energy particularly difficult or complicated you could instead see them in your minds eye as lotus flowers of the corresponding color gradually opening as you balance them.  



PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:38 am
I really like to use the visualisation method as I find it the most effective for me, though it can be quite tricky to begin with.

All chakra work can take a bit of practice as with anything, but please don't let this put you off, it is well worth the effort.

I hope you all understand what I have been saying, if there's something you want to know more about, something I have not explained very well, anything to add, any questions or such please let me know.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 7:10 pm
I'd like to become an offical student. <3  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 12:59 am
I'd like to become an offical student. <3
Ok, I'll add you to the list and welcome.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:29 am
i would like to become a student as well please.  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 7:21 am
i would like to become a student as well please.
Ok, you've been added biggrin  
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