Good middle of the night, people of Gaia Online. I have come here from a faraway website looking for people who would be interested in becoming players in a play-by-post D&D game based on Soul Eater which has become aware of this website and its forums after years in the making - Project Sound Souls!
Set in PbP game hosting website, Project Sound Souls will begin as a first-of-its-kind campaign incorporating elements from Soul Eater's anime, manga and more to create a unique blend of continuity that anyone can enjoy, regardless of how much they know about Soul Eater or how much experience they have with tabletop games. All the information you're going to need is in this simple document explaining the lore, the gameplay and how to join - Go ahead and give it a try if you wish to be part of a Soul Eater story unlike any other!
Project Sound Souls will begin as soon as seven active people have joined the players roster, and we already have a few. So, until then, stay determined!