User Image The sun hung high over the landscape as one very cloth draped mare roamed the forests of the Luminarium herd lands. While she bore no weapon this day, Morning Star rested back in her quarters as Li Aryanna didn't think she would be running into too much trouble. With a basket slung over her shoulders and wings pressed in close, she traveled through along a well used trail. Green eyes watched the ground and bases of trees for herbs and roots she could collect. The healers stores were running a little low, at least her own were. Some might ask, why not just have someone else gather them? Her answer would always be, because I know what I need and lists make things confusing.

Aryanna was always a do-er. She wanted to get things done herself, perhaps not really trusting others to gather the best of the herbs she needed. Or in some cases, the right herbs... Stopping she frowned ever so slightly at the thought of another whom had ben sent for herbs before... He didn't get the best and she nearly lost her charge to a sickness, this being before she returned to her family's herd.

"You find anything Goss?" Aryanna asked as a bright gold butterfly fluttered close to her nose. "Not really? Hmmm... Perhaps things here were picked already. We should check further away then."

There had been no real answer from the butterfly, it may have shaken its head, but it was hard to tell. Loping off the trail, Aryanna stepped though the bushes to another that was less used. One that lead past her herd's grounds. She hoping that here she could find something. Even willow would be nice, the bark would help those with movement problems in the coming winter. Even season berries for teas... Golden bangles around her ankles tinked together as she walked, Aryanna kept on the look out for anything that could prove useful.