Ruaka sat quietly under a slightly dead tree, the leaves rustling softly in the faint breeze that was also tussling the white tuft of hair atop her head. She closed her pale eyes and tilted her head up, catching the subtle scents on the air. Dirt, leaves, grass, the members of her pride...and someone approaching.

Opening her eyes again, the young lioness caught sight of one of the newly joined rogues. Well...not too newly joined. If Ruaka remembered correctly, this particular female had joined shortly after her mother had opened the pride to joining rogues in the first wave that had been allowed in. She didn't know her name but she'd seen her at various gatherings if only because her bright pelt stood out against the darker, duller coloration of her pride members. She was a bit of an anomaly in that respect herself, given her pure white fur, but the lioness was colorful.

Making her way through the pride lands, Sawa felt a gaze settle on her as she moved. It wasn't an unfriendly weight and she looked around curiously until she spotted a young, pale lioness staring at her. She knew that her coat was unique here - starting to be less so with the rogues the pride was letting in - and the stare wasn't unusual for her, but rather than continuing on her journey she decided to make a little spot. Putting on her usual placid smile, Sawa turned in the direction of the other lioness.

Realizing she was coming her way, Ruaka glanced away but didn't move. There was no hostility in her staring, curiosity more than anything, and she wasn't one to shy away from conversation. She did enjoy being alone but that didn't mean she wanted complete solitude. If she did she could simply leave and become a rogue.

"Hello," Sawa said once she got close enough which drew Ruaka's gaze back up from the ground. The younger female gave a small smile and a little nod in return.

"Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare."

"Oh, that's quite all right," Sawa said with a little chuckle as she paused before the younger lioness, tilting her head to the side just a bit. She'd seen her around as well but had yet to learn her name. "I know I'm a bit out of place here color wise. The stares are hardly bothersome."

"Still, it's not very polite," Ruaka said, scolding herself lightly. "And with more rogues coming in it should be the norm. My own mother was a joining rogue so it's not as if it's strange to me." She knew that to others in the pride it wasn't a wise choice, but how could she say that rogues shouldn't be allowed when she wouldn't be here if it weren't for one? Hypocritical, indeed, even if all she'd ever known was this place.

"Well...perhaps," Sawa agreed, still unperturbed. "I'm Sawa, by the way. I think I've seen you around a few times. You're hard to miss yourself."

"Ruaka," the pale lioness returned with a little bob of her head. "I'm not the most social but I do try to be a part of the pride." She had been born here after all and something within her felt so comfortable and safe here that to isolate herself from her pride mates seemed too terrible to even imagine.

"Well, it's nice to meet you finally, Ruaka," Sawa said with a little laugh. "And please, now that we know one another, there's no harm in staring. It's a bit flattering to be honest." So long as the stare wasn't malicious, though Sawa had to admit the stares had never seemed dangerous. Curious, yes, worried, sure, but something that she should be worried about? No. Especially if she approached those who watched her and introduced herself so she could get to know them. After conversations the N'ezi locals seemed to relax and realize that even though she wasn't born here, she wasn't a threat.

"And nice to meet you," Ruaka returned, a smile of her own gracing her maw. "I'm sorry I stopped you from whatever you were doing, but it's nice to put a name to a face." She was glad to meet the newer members of the pride so someday she could set a good example to those who were harder to win over. There were some that were stuck in the old ways, after all, and if Ruaka wanted to be a positive member of the pride she wanted to have an open mind.

"Oh, it wasn't important. Just walking, really," Sawa said with a wink. "I like to stretch my legs from time to time. I love being a part of this pride but I do enjoy a good wander, so I suppose I miss the rogue life just a bit."

"Oh...I'd never thought about that," Ruaka admitted. "It must be very different to be in such a confined space." Confined rather than being able to travel anywhere and everywhere, at least. The N'ezi lands were decently large, she supposed, though she really had no reference point.

"Very different but not in a bad way," Sawa said with a little nod of agreement, shifting her weight to continue on her walk. "Well, it was nice to meet you too, Ruaka. Hopefully our paths will cross again soon. Have a lovely afternoon!" And with that the orange lioness headed off again, giving her tail a little flick in farewell.

Ruaka watched the lioness leave, the smile still on her face. Well, that had been pleasant. It was always nice to be surprised by interactions like that. She waited until Sawa was out of sight before rising to her feet as well, looking down at her paws with curiosity. What would be like to be a rogue? She didn't want to find out by going out and being alone, but walking might give her some insight as to how the rogues lived. Deciding to give it a try, Ruaka set off to walk...somewhere. She supposed she'd find out where she was going once she got there.

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