Only Terry was eligible for the Atlantis bonus, which meant that if he and Kim were going to furnish their new non-basement apartment, they were going to need as much money as possible. Which was why they were going to participate in Life experiments. Specifically the Weapon Golems. In spite of the usual blank expression on Terry's face, he was actually excited and more than a little curious as to what Agata looked like. Although he was still trying to convince his weapon that it was in everyone's best interest that Aggy kept her silence regarding the aftermath of Dare night.


Kim had no idea how Chinthliss was going to take being in a non golem form. She had heard the non human golems were pretty much mechanical dolls. Nothing fun but at least it was two arms, two legs and a chance for him to talk out loud. In a way that was kind of scary too. The thought of the angry voice in her head suddenly being an angry voice not in her head was a bit cringe inducing.

The walk to the participation room was spent trying hard to convince him that he was not going to be yelling at her the whole time. "No Chinthliss please don't yell at me, I know I am a screw up, I know I spent a lot of time causing you trouble so this is not an invitation to tell everyone you already warned me."

It sure was a good thing they were used to Hunters walking down the halls talking to themselves or she would have been locked up.


Terry was waiting for Kim at the pods, still engaged in a mental conversation with his weapon. So far, he was actually winning in convincing Agata not to bring up his near brush with infidelity, especially when he pointed out how she'd just come back to life. Did Agata really want to "kill" Kim by telling her something that would only hurt her?

"Hey, you're here," he greeted, the corners of his mouth curling up in greeting of the Sun hunter.


Kim smiled and waved, she was indeed there and looking forward to seeing what was going to happen. "Well, lets see what this new thing is that Life dreamed up. I can't wait to see how it all works. Essentially I guess we put our weapons there, and then go inside and see them?" She pointed to a machine off to the side. It was not something she had read up on extensively so it was clear she was winging it based on what they usually did. Her lips were curled in nervous smile of anticipation now. This was neat, but would it be as fun as she had her mind puffing it up to be. "Well, here goes nothing."


"It's not new?" Terry blinked, "It's been something they've been researching for a time already but require more data in their studies." The pedant in him couldn't help but come out. "But yes, that appears to be the process we'll have to undergo." He hesitated to remove the toothy bracelet that was Agata's totem form but slipped it off easily and deposited it in the designated pod.


Kim gave a little surprised start then nodded. Oh yeah, he was Life, do not suggest a life thing is new unless you are sure. "Okay, sorry Terry, didn't know, I am usually running around killing things outside.." She bounded into the room and froze, face to face with... WHOA... The seven foot tall Manticore was staring at her with orange eyes, his long clawed hands at his sides, and barbed tail flicking a bit. s**t.. he was.. huge.

She took a step back and had to get her heart beating again. "Chinthliss I presume?"

He looked at her as if she was stupid. As if there was going to be a different manticore in the room with her. He crossed his arms over his chest clearly unimpressed. He took a few steps back, and grabbed her arm a moment later so that when Agata and Terry got in, they would not walk right into them.


Agata was less intimidating but still unsettling in her own way. She was slender, almost disproportionately so with long gangly limbs, and eyes that were solid, pitch black. But it was when she smiled to reveal all those rows of teeth housed within her circular mouth that Terry instinctively stepped back.

"Noooooo, Terry whyyyyyyy?" the bubbly sing-song that was Agata's voice sounded odd in his ears when he'd been so used to hearing it in his head.

"I'm just." Terry mentally flailed, managing to mask his anxiety and dismay that he'd offended his weapon. "Uncertain what to expect."


Kim looked over at Agata , shocked at her appearance too. Chinthliss was tall, shocking and.. okay tall and shocking, Agata was shocking in a different way. Those teeth. She stared for a moment before swallowing.

"Nice to meet you both.." Chinthliss snorted a bit and rolled his eyes. "Look Brat I know you are not feeling it is Nice to meet us, but it is about damned time." He looked at Agata and arched a brow. "Nice teeth doll.." He gave a thumbs up.

Kim groaned. He was the same anyway she heard him. Always bossy and 'im the best'.


Agata was taking full advantage of her mobility, practically gliding forward to try and wrap herself around Terry as if she were some kind of scarf. It was a shame that she was too large to actually pull that off. But she wasn't going to let something as silly as physics stop her. It was only because Terry was so used to Kim practically climbing onto him that he managed to balance Agata's weight.

The weapon-in-golem gave Chinthliss a toothy smile, and being a lamprey monster meant that the smile had far too much teeth. "Why thaaaank you~" she said to the manticore.

"Now what?" Terry asked, uncertain what they were going to do.


The Manticore looked at the others around him and managed to sigh a little, then rested his arm on Kim's head like she was a prop. "Been wanting to talk to you boy. Kim had a s**t life, she is really into you and you are kinda holding her together so you better not hurt her" Kim turned white and started flailing. "The hell why are you telling him that..." He had by this point clamped a hand over her mouth. "Other than her brother, who was really a friend that she lost she hadn't had anyone solid to brace on. Better not hurt her is all I am saying, she is putting a lot of trust in you."


Terry had an excellent poker face and this was further proven when he didn't so much as blink at Chinthliss' warning. Instead he glanced at Agata, forgetting that his weapon couldn't hear his thoughts anymore, before he turned back to look at Kim. "I won't do anything to hurt her."

Agata blinked. At both her bonded and at her fellow weapon. If she'd been planning to spill the beans about Terry's brush with infidelity, Chinthliss' declaration certainly made her reconsider that. She didn't think it was worth hurting the Sun over something that hadn't actually happened. "You can be sure I'll be right there reminding Terry of what you said."

Figuring it was also her turn to say something about Terry's inner thoughts to Kim, the lamprey monster went on to add "Terry's a good boy, not an excellent one, because everyone can stand to improve. Just don't get yourself into situations too dangerous. Because he's going to be right there with you and he might not be able to handle it."

Terry should know she only meant that in the nicest way possible but inside he couldn't help but hear his parent's disappointment in the undertones. "Thank you for the vote of confidence," his monotone lacked any snark or gratitude, allowing it to be open to interpretation.


Chinthliss hadn't let go of Kim who was now kicking and wriggling trying to get her weapon to release her. She was at once impressed with the strength of the Manticore, and upset he was so much bigger and stronger than her, she couldn't get free. "Mmrrrmmmph!!" Chinthliss finally looked down at her and let go of her mouth. "Stupid bigmouth!" She stomped on his foot, getting no reaction from him. "Why the heck would you say that?" The manticore rolled his eyes then looked at Kim and Terry. 'You make a good couple don't ruin it by doing something stupid okay."


"I will admit they're cute together, even if some of the things they do are rather... strange." Agata sounded amused, "Terry, perhaps this is a good time for you to talk about all the things you would like for Kim to do to you, while I'm not in your head?" she suggested, knowing that internally her bonded would be freaking out because she was certainly referring to unchaste things.

"Will you remain in the room?" Terry countered. To which his weapon just giggled that bubbling laughter of hers.


Kim arched a brow and looked at her boyfriend, seeming a tad bemused. "Oh..."

The manticore shifted a little, and walked over to Agata, wondering what she heard compared to what he was hearing from Kim. Neither of the pair had been with anyone as far as the Manticore knew so they would likely both be curious.

Kim sighed a bit and looked at Terry. "I think no matter where we are they will be with us." She looked at her weapon who was talking with Agata now, as if trying to distract her.
