Pelagion was not one to skimp on things and stuff, whether they were for friends or for him, and he certainly wasn't skimping on anything on Halloween, of all holidays. He looked over his dorm room, hands on hips as one of his Blooms decided to groom itself on one of the furs scattered around. Aside from said furs, it was fairly bare of... well... anything. He hadn't taken the time to decorate it beyond what was absolutely necessary for himself and his minipets...


That was going to change. He picked up Kettle the boafox and went out to the Maul. The Maul was the perfect place to go for Halloween-related stuff - after all, it was full of stuff in general. It was easy enough to find stores for just about anything he could possibly want to put into his room. From Halloween lights to spooky candles to candy (the ever present, amazing candy) to minis treats and toys, it had everything.

He just had to buy it. By the end of the trip, he had a whole bag of stuff to decorate his dorm room with, and he was very pleased. Sure, he might have gotten too much stuff - he always got carried away at the Maul - but that just meant that he had things to share with other creeple, and that was always nice.

He returned to his room, bags in hand and Kettle snuggling happily into his neck. The stairs gave him trouble, but he didn't care, so long as the stuff reached his room. Finally, he opened the door to a mess - apparently his shion had done something, and his quizzle had done something, and then other pets had done something, and they had just destroyed his room. He looked out at the indescribable mess, and merely shrugged. That was just how things went, sometimes, and it meant that he had a mostly blank slate for decorating. It also meant more work, something he definitely did not want... but again, that was just how things were.

He set to cleaning up, dislodging Bloom minipets as he figured out a few new arrangements of furs and the things that already existed there. Finally, it was done enough that he could start composing something new, something nice, something spooktacular.

He took out a set of grinning halloween lights and started to hang them on the wall, avoiding them as they nipped at him. He'd picked ones with cool blue lights - something that would really set off the more frosty tones of his room. A few gourds here and there added splashes of color - and paperweights - to his table, and the candles added that sort of flickering, dim ambience that any Halloweener worth their candy craved. A few more shadowy-colored ornaments made their way onto his walls, and a few white streamers added an ethereal aspect to the lighting.

Finally, he stood back and looked at his creation - it wasn't half bad. Of course, he could do better, but again... not half bad. He'd somehow transformed his messy dorm room into a lair-like space fit for any 'death knight' or illusionist that looked sort of like a death knight... or his mother. His mother would feel comfortable here, he thought. She wouldn't like it, but she'd feel comfortable here.

Not that Pel cared, of course, what his imposing mother thought. But her tastes and his did align, and that was why he took out a finishing touch - false frost. It was like a paste, but when spread along his window, it became spidery threads of ice on the glass, and when spread on his ceiling, became icicles that dripped down the walls. Liberal application on specific places made his room a little cooler, a little nippier, and in the end, the effect was perfect - a perfect, cold, halloween dorm.

Pelagion put the remainder of the frost paste in a cupboard, and the bags of unused objects in a corner. The frost paste wore off, and might be useful later. The other objects... well... he could use them elsewhere. Like one of his friend's dorms... damn, they were in need of decoration, and now... He smiled at his room in pride and pet one of his minipets contemplatively... now, he had the means to do it.