It Begins:
An extracurricular class pops up on the notice boards. It seems that Professor Winter is taking a small handful of students to the Human World! It stresses that this particular trip will be a little different: it will be held on the (holiday) Halloween. The goal of this little trip is to allow students to see something a little unique. That being: how Humans act on Halloween's most important Holiday.

If you are interested, the notice announces, you should meet Professor Winter at her office. It also promises bonus credits!

On the appointed day, you go and meet with the Professor. She explains the situation to you, and has you sign a bunch of official looking documents - thankfully, they're not demon contracts. They're just the legal papers necessary to allow an underaged creature into the Human world, and that by signing they understand that they could be in big trouble and blah blah blah jail time blah blah ruined forever-

You sign the paper without reading the rest.

The object of this trip, Winter explains, is to study Humans on this particular night. There is something they call superstitions, which she explains is defined as 'a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief'. Basically: silly things that Humans do because they feel it causes or hinders things beyond their ultimate control. Apparently, she continues, such superstitions run rampant on the Human side of Halloween (the holiday).

As a guest in the Human World, you are expected to try and spot these apparent superstitions, and try to figure out the reason behind them. Though, she stresses, even just seeing them without understanding their reasoning could still be a fantastic learning point. There might even be a more detailed class on them in the future, too.

Winter equips you with a sort of glamour that would render you invisible to Humans, and finally gives you your temporary (and heavily conditional) passport, and sends you on your way.

You find yourself in a random town, in a random place in the Human World. You may find out where you are, of course, but you can also choose to be blissfully ignorant of your exact location. You can explore a bit - just a little bit - before getting down to business!


  • Please respond to the prompt above either in this thread if solo, or, if you'd like to adventure with friends, make a PRP!
  • Your character may explore their area if they like, just be sure to RP it out!
  • Keep in mind that your student is there to STUDY the humans! Frightening, grabbing, or maiming in any way will result in severe consequences to your character. Winter is always watching.
  • Once you have responded to the above, and your character is ready to move on, you may continue. Please note that the rest of this is in a CYOA format! Please don't read the other options, simply choose what is most IC for your character. You may also choose the setting of the town or the layout and type of house - have fun with this! Keep it PG-13.

You only have a short time in the Human World, and so you choose to make the best of it. It seems you have two choices in which to observe some humans: You can either stay and wander the streets, or you can go and visit a populated human home.

--> Stay OUTSIDE

You decide to go out and adventure on the streets of a regular Human city! You stay to the shadows as much as you can, but the glamour you were given with your temporary passport will allow you to walk among the Humans if you are brave enough.
  • Roll 4d10 in separate posts. If you get a repeat, you may choose to go up or down one number to ensure you have four different results!
    • 1: You spot a rather nervous-looking human tying knots into a handkerchief!
    • 2: You notice one of their pockets is a little lumpy - as you watch, you realize there is a lump of bread in there. How strange!
    • 3: There are a few humans looking at the sky tonight. In fact, they're doing their best to not look down!
    • 4: You come across a gaggle of humans, looking into a stream while holding lamps?
    • 5: Oh dear, someone spotted you! It was just a glimpse, but you see them freeze - and then they walk around you nine times (you counted!) really fast. You did your best not to move, just in case. Then they left, looking relieved.
    • 6: One human seems to have stopped breathing while they walked past a cemetery…
    • 7: A human walks past you, and it takes you a minute to realize what's strange about that: it seems their clothes are on backwards and inside out…plus, they're walking backwards.
    • 8: You find a ring of pebbles around what looks like an old bonfire. You nudge one with your foot.
    • 9: There's a human standing in the middle of a cross roads. They seem to be listening for something…so you decide to tell them about your life. They leave, muttering about how weird THEIR life was going to be.
    • 10: So many are dressed up! …Wait, are they dressed up? Do humans usually look like this?
  • Time sure flies when you're having fun, and before you know it, you're being called back to the portal. It's time to go home!
  • Once you have finished, you may continue below:

Choose one of the following options:
--> Write a Report
Humans are quite fascinating, aren't they? You've seen so many interesting things here that you've chosen to do the extra assignment! Once you are back in Halloween, you sit down and write out a report on what you've found.


If you choose this route, you must:
  • Actually write out their findings, in your character's own words, using the form below.
  • Post their report in Professor Winter's Office!

If you complete these requirements, you receive:
  • +2 rp point for completion, as long as you went over 600 words.
  • +2 raffle tickets, which may be used here!*
    xxx *- Please note, you can not claim the +2 tickets until you've posted your character's report in Winter's office thread!

[size=15][b][color=orange]REPORT: Halloween 2k15 Human Studies[/color][/b][/size]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Location:[/b] OUTISDE/INSIDE

( Write out their findings and thoughts on their findings here! )

[b]Would I go back to the Human World again:[/b] (If so, why?)
[b]One thing I wonder about Humans:[/b]

--> Do Nothing
Armed with the conclusions you've drawn about the humans, you simply choose to return to Halloween, and go back to your daily life.


If you choose this route, you receive:
  • +2 rp point for completion, as long as you went over 600 words.
  • +1 raffle ticket, which may be used here!

--> Visit a HOME

Outside seems pretty standard - now what would be REALLY COOL is to actually go inside a Human Dwelling! See how they really live. Perhaps they are the incredibly primitive people you've always thought them to be! You eventually pick a house simply because there are a few of them in it.
  • Roll 4d10 in separate posts. If you get a repeat, you may choose to go up or down one number to ensure you have four different results!
    • 1: Some humans are putting out jack-o-lanterns both in and outside of their homes! They all seem to have candles in them.
    • 2: A cute little bat is trying to get into this human's house! You open the door and let it in.
    • 3: A regular black cat meows at you from a window sill.
    • 4: It seems people in costume are given free candy! You consider trying to get free candy, but you're a little too scared of getting in trouble to do it. Or perhaps you're just too lazy.
    • 5: It's really quiet in this house all of a sudden. You can hear the floorboards creak under your feet…
    • 6: You find a group of humans all around a bunch of candles. You decide to blow one out, but - now the humans are screaming?
    • 7: The human is talking about knocking on a wall - but hey, why not, right? So you knock three times. Three is a nice number. Except now the human is talking about 'knocks of death' …oops?
    • 8: There's a strangely lettered and numbered board that the humans are sitting around. You decide to move the little plug around on them, and spell out fun words.
    • 9: Someone tries to talk to you. They mention something about being born in Halloween…or was it on halloween? Either way, you panic and leave before the conversation gets too deep.
    • 10: You watch a human walk around their dwelling three times, backwards and counterclockwise. Then they knock on a nearby piece of wood.
  • Time sure flies when you're having fun, and before you know it, you're being called back to the portal. It's time to go home!
  • Once you have finished, you may continue below:

Choose one of the following options:
--> Write a Report
Humans are quite fascinating, aren't they? You've seen so many interesting things here that you've chosen to do the extra assignment! Once you are back in Halloween, you sit down and write out a report on what you've found.


If you choose this route, you must:
  • Actually write out their findings, in your character's own words, using the form below.
  • Post their report in Professor Winter's Office!

If you complete these requirements, you receive:
  • +2 rp point for completion, as long as you went over 600 words.
  • +2 raffle tickets, which may be used here!*
    xxx *- Please note, you can not claim the +2 tickets until you've posted your character's report in Winter's office thread!

[size=15][b][color=orange]REPORT: Halloween 2k15 Human Studies[/color][/b][/size]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Location:[/b] OUTISDE/INSIDE

( Write out their findings and thoughts on their findings here! )

[b]Would I go back to the Human World again:[/b] (If so, why?)
[b]One thing I wonder about Humans:[/b]

--> Do Nothing
Armed with the conclusions you've drawn about the humans, you simply choose to return to Halloween, and go back to your daily life.


If you choose this route, you receive:
  • +2 rp point for completion, as long as you went over 600 words.
  • +1 raffle ticket, which may be used here!