The cool October evening was a welcomed one as the cat demon left the Academy to head back to the dorms. Kamakura had come back from classes late that evening, and quickly dropped his bag in its usual place on one of his chairs. He slipped his outer jacket off, and hung it neatly as opposed to tossing it to avoid wrinkling the fabric. The cat boil gave a tired stretch as he gazed around the quaint, but strangely adequate space he’d laid claim to as his own. While it had been awhile since he’d been home, the nekomata boil had adjusted well to school life.

Making friends was still a slow going process but he’d come a long way. From both his book skills, to even his battle craft Kamakura felt like attending Amityville Academy was the best choice he’d made for himself. Fortune had smiled on him when he’d been saved by what he could only assume was the human he’d tried to protect when he’d traveled through the portal with the intention of trying to somehow help, or save the future of Halloween.

Without humans or Fear to harvest what would they be? The answer of course was not one the demon wanted to look at too closely, it went without saying. In response to the disaster, he’d pushed himself harder than he’d ever done before. Learning and practicing suddenly was never more important than before. His eyes traveled to his writing desk, and the various books, pens, journals, candles and other assorted items littered across it in a semi organized but chaotically particular manner.

Walking towards the desk, he ran his fingers along the fine grain of the dark wood before he pulled out the computer chair and slid into the seat. Kamakura took a deep breath as he reached for a few things. First it was a piece of paper and pen. For a moment he contemplated writing a letter back home to see how his family was doing..but it was not like he’d gotten many in return beforehand. Frowning he set the pen down and looked away. All his shadows and doubts surfaced, wondering for a moment if he even mattered to the old family of demons.

The answer came in the form of a small mewl, and a tiny paw. A furry tail and a curious looking Vaisel in the form of his companion Sasha poked her head over his knees and crawled up onto her owners lap. Looking down Kama, gently pet her head, recalling he’d been wrong in thinking he’d gotten no letters from home. She’d been a gift; he had turned 16 not that long ago. While nothing in demon years, it was still another mile stone. Sasha had been from his siblings and mother, to keep him company along with the other mini’s he kept.

Sighing he set the pen down and instead gave his minipet the attention she seemed to be craving. In the background he could hear Otto, his wishing spice’s claws clicking on the floor. He’d saved him from being eaten by a plant that wanted to devour the poor thing. Somewhere around here, Aurora and Oriana were likely also close at hand, although the pair liked to come and go from the closet land to not be cramped in the dorm room. “I guess I’ll write home later.” He spoke aloud to no one in particular; it wasn’t like he expected any of his pets to reply.

Instead Kamakura reached for one of his candles and placed it on his desk. While this wasn’t homework, he was making it into a task of sorts for himself. Sitting up, and adjusting Sasha so she wouldn’t fall he set one palm over her to continue petting for the now, reaching down briefly as he felt Otto’s tail brush his leg. The other hand went up; raised above the candle he’d pulled out. Placing his elbow firmly on the table, the demon focused on one particular spot at the tip of the candle wick. At first, nothing happened.

Continuing to concentrate, Kamakura rolled his shoulders slight as he slowly flexed and moved his fingers as he narrowed his eyes. Without the heat of combat, willing fire into physical form was harder. He was not a true fire demon, he only wielded fire magic. He sought to learn better control, and while it was nearly there he still was a better shapeshifter at present than he was a fireweaver. Sighing he leaned back in his chair when nothing came of his efforts. Staring blankly up at the ceiling, he felt Sasha hop down off his lap.

Without the weight on his lap, he scooted back a bit, and placed both elbows on the table leaning over the white candle. Inhaling, and exhaling he closed his eyes. As he did so, a bright flickering point of yellow and orange flames crackled to life. The color intensified, wavering as if it wanted to vanish but with a push he was able to finally light the candles wick. Opening his eyes Kama gave a small laugh of excitement, and was promptly rewarded by snuffing the candle out.

Groaning, he stared at the smoke rising from the candle. The sulfur smell was pleasant, enough so that he gave it a curious sniff as his tail fur bristled reflexively. Inhaling this time he kept his eyes open as he willed more magic, the air molecules just in front of his palm heated up, before sparking with life and fire. Slowly, and with a bead of sweat rolling down his neck he guided the lit fire to the candle before watching as it took hold.

Withdrawing his hand he stretched he watched as the flames flickered, giving light to the immediate area. Lifting the candle holder, he placed it in its usual spot before grabbing for one of his books. He had a few things to work on, now was as good a time as any to get started seeing as he was satisfied with the little bit of practice before his study session.