The darkness was everywhere, he recalled this sensation, the feeling of dying, yet he wasn't dying this time. Instead he was indeed falling watching as he sank into an Abyss that seemed to pull away his emotions. At first he felt a pang of regret from this yet even that slipped away as he continued to tumble downward.

Suddenly names, faces that went with them, the faces stayed but the names where slowly slipping away. Mia, Boss, Bing, he'd said he wanted to take this path, to see what became of all of them after this was over yet even as he thought that the emotion behind it was missing.

The emotion panic should have set in as he was starting to fade, yet he felt nothing, there was simply a void of everything. Suddenly his own memories became something else, pictures in a book. A book he knew from start to finish word for word yet none of the words mattered, they where strung together for a reason that didn't suit them anymore. Yes. Them. They. Jacob wasn't one he wasn't himself, nor was he entirely creation, a fragment of the grand scheme but a fragment that would know nothing but content and purpose so long as it existed.

Finally he found himself in a hall, rows of doors of every kind of color flickering in and out of existance, he moved, or perhaps the hall moved around him. There was no central self. There was a sense that somewhere out there something else existed. Door after door cracked open, nothing inside called out to him so he simply moved on trying to pinpoint that strange tug. He had no word to describe it, only a sense of yes.

A door shifted open, a figure of twisting bone a skull a back, plated like a shield shifting and groaning under the strain of pressure.

Somewhere Sammy was wandering the halls of the school when a twisting sensation constricted against her bones, books clattered to the floor as her attention snapped to and she noticed the twining vines linking around her arm as bone plate slowly crept up her armor to form a bracer.

"What the Jack..."

There was no response but her own deep confusion.