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[PRP] Telling Twisted Tales (Irina Knucklebones & Wafi)

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~Latonia de la Courtel~

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:29 pm
((This is a private RP between my (~Latonia de la Courtel~'s) Irina Knucklebones and spelldancer's Wafi. Please do not post here, thank you.))

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Latonia Teepee

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Spelldancer Teepee
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:42 pm
It was late afternoon -well after tea time- when Irina Knucklebones decided to take herself on a bit of a walk. She was sure no harm would come to her sisters, as they all remained behind, lazy after tea and cake. If worse came to worse, she was sure Kitt would awaken from her nap to defend them all fiercely, and that was enough to make Irina's steps light as she nuzzled Katya fondly in a brief farewell and then set off to explore a bit.

Though the woods here were not as pleasing as Tulgey or as thrillingly dangerous as the snapping swamp, Irina had to admit she was beginning to grow rather fond of her new homeland. The trees were tall and stooped pleasingly, some with low branches prime for climbing or napping on. When they left home, the Cheshire Band had brought with them all manners of thrilling teas, and silly mushrooms and signs, and with a bit of work the woods were beginning to feel (and look) like home. Enough to help six wandering Cheshire cats feel comfortable, at any rate. But lately Irina had been in the herd making notes of their grand adventures, acting as Lore Keeper until their intended Lore Keeper appeared... And in truth she was bored, bored, bored of it.

"Being the Lore Keeper is certainly more his speed than mine, that is all I am saying." The burgundy Cheshire Cat pointed out in a conversational tone as she ducked a low-hanging branch.

The rabbit that was her constant companion made no reply beyond a twitch of his nose, but hopped faithfully at her heels as she continued. Not really helpful, but oh well.

"And of course I know what you would say, Chai, that he isn't here. As if I'm not well-aware of that. Since Katya's not around, I'll tell you this: I bet you mother got him! And don't you go telling tales to Oolong about it, because you know he'll tattle to Katya and then she'll be upset at the thought. I'm telling you, but it's a secret. Got it? Good."

She nodded decisively, giving a flick of her marvelously twisty tail. "I much rather tricking people and playing a good prank to all this scribbling, that's all."


Word Count: 380.  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:21 pm
It wasn’t teatime, which, after getting to know the Cheshire cats a little, was a disappointing thing. Teatime was fun. It was interesting and informative, educational and enlightening… Wafi could go on, but he was on a mission at the moment. It had not been long that he had been around the Cheshire cats, and he still didn’t know much about them, but it felt as though he had been in the forest forever. He had been noticing that Irina had been very busy with notes and chronicling everything that happened. He had also noticed just the hint of something that suggested to Wafi that Irina was frustrated with her role. Wafi thought that he might have a solution, if she would hear him out.

Right at that moment, Wafi was off by himself trying to figure out how to approach Irina. Directly was right out. As was wheedling, or beating around the bush, or being too obscure. He had practiced a few ways already and felt silly for doing so. The trees didn’t seem to mind at least. With a huff, Wafi kicked a pile of leaves so that they flew high into the air and said frustrated, “why can I not figure this out?” He was usually so good with words. Why was this time so much more difficult?

~Latonia de la Courtel~
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:01 pm
Pacing along in the quiet woods that were still part of their immediate territory, Irina had to admit that she was fond of this strange new land. The herd was growing quickly, which filled her with confidence that their way of life would continue even if it made her work harder on those infernal scribbles. And the growing herd made Katya bolder too, more content in her decision to leave, less prone to worry about their numbers that had yet to follow. Irina had faith they would in time, she just imagined they'd gotten a bit lost along the way. Confused or possibly distracted. They'd show up eventually, with tons of new stories and more tea and cakes and more familiar faces, and her sister would be happy.

And Irina would be happy because Katya was happy... And somewhere in there that meant that Catri and Sera and Charl and Kitt would all be happy too. So, it was a win and a win and a win and a win and so on... Or it would be, when it happened.

"Which will be soon." Irina reassured Chai, as if he had voiced a concerned opinion on the matter. "So do not fuss so, Chai, it is most unbecoming of a gentle-rabbit like yourself."

The rabbit (for his part) flicked an ear and then continued to hop along.

"Yes, I suppose you're right." She agreed softly. "But really, who else can do it? Catri has Katya's ear, which is good because I am terrible at politics unless I am upsetting everyone. And Kitt is a fighter, she's never had to rely on us before and while we're learning to rely on ourselves, currently she's the best fighter we've got. Just like Charl is the best hunter, the bird she caught for lunch was wonderful... While a con is good for a cake or a cup, I'm not sure I could defend us or feed us with it... Not when we are so new to this land, without allies."

She made a thoughtful sound, tilting her head. "Perhaps I should take a little trip, and see if I could find others like us... Or those that would like to be allies, to trade... For treacle or ink? For tea or cakes? For cups or plates or spoons? We have plenty, and cards know there will be more when the potters and the bakers come along... Whenever that is. So some of it could be traded away and maybe we could make a friend or three. That would be a nice little story to tell, too, right?"

She gave a delighted little shimmy-hop, dancing around one of their clusters of mushrooms and rounding a giant oak tree, only to stumble to a halt at the sudden fluttering of leaves.

"I thought leaves fell down in this place, not up!" She spluttered through a mouthful. "Tea and trifle, what's going on!?"


Word Count: 487.  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:43 pm
If there was ever an ‘oh s**t’ moment in Wafi’s life, this was it. At least he was thinking that right then. Wafi was mortified. He had not meant to kick leaves in Irina’s face. Very flustered, Wafi tried to think of what to say. Something that didn’t sound stupid would be good.

“The wind often enjoys taking the leaves out to dance, and thus leaves can fall whichever which way.” Was that stupid sounding? Did that even make sense? Wafi’s nerves were almost shot with this catastrophe on top of his previous nervousness. Calm, Wafi needed to be calm. He tried to regulate his breathing with some success and looked Irina over. She didn’t look worse for wear at least. He relaxed some more. Irina couldn’t be too mad. They were only leaves after all. “Why doth the cat wander?”

Wafi grinned at Irina now. Not a laughing grin, he would never laugh at Irina, but one that invited Irina to share in the delight of the world.

~Latonia de la Courtel~
PostPosted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:20 pm
The vortex of leaves spinning in her face was most confusing indeed, though their colors were a pleasing blend of orange and red and brown and yellow. If she hadn't had the misfortune of catching several -damp and dirty and crunchy around the edges- in her mouth she might have been somewhat enchanted with the flurry of color. They were also tickling her ears, which she did not appreciate in the slightest.

With a soft sneeze and a shake of her head she tried to dismiss the leaves discreetly, ignoring the soft sound that might have been laughter from her companion rabbit. Surely Chai would not laugh at her in her current state, knowing how little she liked mud and dirt in her mouth. She'd rather swim through a hundred lakes that eat a mud pie, and surely her dear friend should at least be sympathetic to her plight!

When the flurry of leaves began to fall once more, Irina's keen eyes picked out a familiar figure on the other side of the strange fall-storm. Wafi was standing in the woods, looking at her with no small amount of alarm that quickly faded into an amused expression.

"The wind is rude indeed if it thinks that making leaves dance into my mouth or ears is amusing." She murmured, shaking herself from nose to tail and even letting her lovely ears vanish for a moment. Irina was not so vain as she could have been -as her mother was- but she did know she had lovely ears... And they did not deserve to be filled with wet and mouldering leaves!

Allowing her ears to return to their normal, visible state, she turned her attentions back to the pawed stranger that had found them so quickly in their new home. She enjoyed the time spent with Wafi, rare though it had been up to this point.

"The cat doth wander because she needs new tales to spin of this place." She reported with a flick of her tail. "And possibly new mushrooms to grow, and certainly new berries to pick for tea. And why do you wander, son of this land?"


Word Count: 359.  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:45 pm
Wafi watched with fascination as he always did when one of the sisters faded a part of their body. It was still such a new thing that he had never imagined possible. Really his life now was something he would never have imagined. Things were turning out to feel more like home than anywhere had ever felt. Wafi was ready to create real ties here to these sisters. Especially Irina.

With no more leaves clinging to Irina and Wafi was not as worried as before, he was able to relax completely. “Perhaps the wind was not so much amused as jealous of the beauty of another?” Wafi was not prone to baseless flattery, so it was a good thing that he truly meant that she was beautiful. “Or perhaps… it was the folly of one who travels less lofty heights…” He admitted.

Wafi moved right along in the conversation after that, not wanting to linger on what he had implied and admitted. “This son of the land wanders close to his new home in hopes of finding words.” Wafi still had not found the right words, but clearly he was not meant to. “Though, a mushroom or two and some berries would make a fine find as well.”

Falling in next to Irina, Wafi had a thought. “Do you not already have a spinning tail? Six in fact, I do believe, between your sisters. How many more could this forest hold?”

~Latonia de la Courtel~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 1:29 pm
Irina gave a final flick of her ears as they reappeared, grinning in a way that was part satisfaction and part smugness. Heart Clan Cheshires were proud, and she was half Heart Clan, afterall. It was allowed, or so she thought.

"Jealous?" She murmured, surprised by the statement. "The wind is strange indeed, for I am envious of how it constantly moves things and is yet always unseen. It may lift up leaves and grass and such to make its presence known, but still it is never visible... In that, it must be very lonely, don't you agree? Still, the only other one I see about is you, I hope you did not think to start a leaf fight!"

She trailed off into laughter, shaking her head at the thought before being distracted by his words. "Searching for words? Are those things often found in the forest? What wonderful woods indeed, if they grow words as well as weeds! But berries and mushrooms would be most welcome, and probably are more likely to be found."

She paced along for a few moments, hardly batting an eye when Wafi fell into step beside her. Instead, Irina turned her eyes to the bushes and below, seeking berries and mushrooms hungrily. "Hmm? I do indeed, and it is a fine tail. Six tails are lovely enough, but don't you think more is best? Isn't your life more interesting, now that you have met us?"

She gave a soft laugh and drifted to the side, shouldering him fondly. "Is there something on your mind?"


Word Count: 260.  

~Latonia de la Courtel~

~Latonia de la Courtel~

Eloquent Witch


Swashbuckling Fairy

PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:26 pm
"The wind, as you say, is forever alone only able to play with others but briefly and fleetingly. It leaves little behind of its presence that is not destroyed by others.” Wafi shook his head and then snorted quietly, remembering the leaf fights he participated in as a foal. “Were there to be a leaf fight, I would hope that my companion would wish to play. But that was not the fate of today.”

Wafi glanced at Irina before gazing back in front of them. “Words are to be found everywhere, for no matter where you are, there are words to be spoken. So finding words in a forest is surely not that strange?” Wafi laughed lightly before noticing Irina looking for something tasty to eat. “Yet one cannot subsist on the words alone. Shall we go find some berries then? Or a mushroom or two?”

Still in step with Irina, Wafi could not see Irina’s tail very well, though he was well aware of how fine it is. My life is much more interesting and pleasant now that I have met you and found a home in this forest. Where would these new tails come from?” Wafi immediately thought of one place that they new tails could come from and nearly stumbled, just barely keeping in step with Irina only to be shouldered and fall out of step.

There was indeed something on his mind, something that he was not prepared to talk about at just that moment, but something that he was given the opportunity to and Wafi was not going to waste it. Taking a moment to think and recover his steps rhythm, Wafi paused in speaking. When he began he repeated he earlier assertion. “Words are to be found everywhere, and words bring stories. The keeper of stories keeps the words that shape the world. Yet the responsibility of those words weighs heavy on anyone’s shoulders.” Wafi looked at Irina again. “Surely that burden should be shared?”

~Latonia de la Courtel~
Open/Private Canon IC RP

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