Today Aphrodi was entering Amityville Academy as a student. A rumbling chuckle worked it's way out, he'd made it seventeen years (his age to the best calculation of the circus creeple who'd found him) without going to a proper school. He stretched his long limbs, dropping the handle of his travel trunk. The troupe had spread out upon arrival. Aphrodi could only guess where they had ended up by now and what trouble they had gotten into... or caused. Same difference. From the time he'd been a freshly formed scarling minded blank slate, to well... now, he'd lived out of a trailer in the Back Yard of the circus. He didn't own much, what was stuffed in his trunk and a few more bulky items tied to the top. You either traveled light or your area ended up cluttered to the point of not being able to get around and sleeping on top of your belongings.

Amityville Academy was a much larger spread than he was use to. Some buildings looked bigger then the Big Top and all the fix-ens around it. And there were a lot of buildings. All spread out on the expanse of land before him. It was both overwhelming and exciting at the same time. He was already missing the Big Cats, he was one of them, well something like them. The enrollment papers had all been very confusing, he had to thank the creeple who taught him to read more than the basic things needed around the circus. The circus didn't care to label him much more than another Big Cat most of the time, even though he had obviously been more than that. The other cats didn't speak creeple language for one. Too bad they couldn't teach him to write, and he was hoping creeple could read his attempt at spelling his name.

Now he had a word for what he was, Byakko, it rolled around on his tongue funny. Aphrodi raised a hand, oh that was weird... hands... In truth, he was surprised he had remained standing upright on his hind legs for so long.

He'd been asked if he could take on a creeple form, no not that he knew. So 'they' (and no he didn't really recall who 'they' were) had tagged him with a skull pin. He'd found himself shrank down, stuffed into a form he had no idea how to work. Like a newborn kitten, one of the little cats had kittens, he'd never seen them so small before. The memory was nice, he needed to get some cats. He probably felt the same as those kittens, weak and cold, suddenly your whole world changed. He'd lost his fur, he'd lost his bulk. They kept trying to get him 'to his feet' and at least some one had been thoughtful enough to drape a blanket over his shoulders. He didn't care about being nude, he'd been nude his whole life. So he'd huddled there, trying to make all his senses make sense.

Aphrodi again looked around the area. He could walk upright now, thank you. Not good at first, no tail, no whiskers, no nothing. He walked like the creeple come to see the shows. He was even dressed. White like his fur, though they hadn't had anything striped on hand when he'd transformed for the first time. So here he sat, on his haunches, even in this form. Right beside an old travel case one of the performers had given him upon finding out he was staying at the school. It was beat up and covered with travel stickers and stamps, the cloth parts frayed, the leather bits dry and cracking, the metal rusted. It was comfortable and welcoming in this new environment. It smelled like the Back Yard, animals and cheep food. It smelled like home.

Aphrodi stood. The Big Top would always be 'home' his first home. He would just have to find where he fit at this place, now that he was here. Around him other students passed, paying him no mind. Now to find his dorm, where were the Demon Dorms? Ah well, he would wander around until he found it.

Actually it turned out to be pretty easy to find. The big building on top of the highest hill on campus. It looked... fancy, like those creeple who came to the circus thinking it'd be all prim and polished and smell like a bed of Belladonna flowers. He supposed some rich folk had a paw- er- hand in the building of it. As he made his way to the gate, another looming structure for a set match with the dorm itself, Aphrodi didn't feel very welcome. It was above what he'd knew all his life and it made him feel like he shouldn't belong there. Perhaps the inside would be better. He was no scardy cat, he was a Big Cat, the biggest cat. He pushed open the large gate, determined to look like he'd always been there, and made his way to the dorm entrance.

Inside was... fancy didn't cover it... rich was closer... cluttered with things Aphrodi had never seen unless from a distance. The woodwork was dark and carved, anyone who'd lived in a camper or one of the wooden wagons could appreciate well carved decoration. A thick carpet could also be appreciated. The rest of the stuff in the main room and halls... well Aphrodi wasn't one to say. Hopefully he would not have to clear his own room of the same. He had a feeling this wasn't going to be an easy transition.