When Nafsi woke up, she found herself lying in some kind of den. It looked like it was carved into a mountainside somewhere. Beneath her were an assortment of furs, making up a comfortable bed. She looked over to her side, seeing that her gashes had been tended to, at least as well as could be expected from lions, and she had been left there to sleep.

Slowly, she got herself to her feet. It hurt a little, and her legs felt weak, but there was nothing terribly wrong with her, all told. She managed to slowly walk her way out of the cave.

Jani was sitting outside the entrance of the cave, keeping an eye on things in case someone came around asking what was going on. Of course, him sitting outside his own cave without going inside only brought attention, but he didn't care. He just wanted to make sure Nafsi was able to rest in peace. He had been left in charge of looking after her while Janga went to get some food for them. Neither of them were technically hunters, but they didn't want to ask the other pride members to bring them a catch when they were trying to feed a guest. It seemed like they should provide for her themselves. Which was exactly what they were going to do.

Janga had ventured out into the rogue lands again. Twice in three days! First to help Nafsi fight off some thugs, and then again two days later to bring her back something to eat. She had been resting at Jani's den for almost a whole day- he was pretty worried about her. Jani claimed she was going to be alright, and he hadn't had any visions about anything bad happening, but he was still worried.

She was a new friend of theirs!

Meanwhile, Nafsi had gotten out of the cave, moving over to Jani slowly. She sat herself next to him, amused by the way he jumped out of his skin when he finally noticed her there. He seemed to calm down quickly enough though, so she allowed herself a soft giggle before clearing her throat to address him.

"I guess I must have been more injured than I thought after that fight," she said with a heavy sigh, "I guess I need to thank you and Janga for a second time. Where is he, anyway? Off following another vision?"

Jani had been startled almost witless when Nafsi had appeared beside him, but he was able to calm himself down easily enough. Soon, he was just sitting there nest to her again, frowning thoughtfully. "You should still be resting, it's only been a day. You're right- those injuries were pretty deep. I think you're lucky not to have been in more serious trouble, honestly."

He looked over into the distance, in the general direction he knew Janga to be hunting. "No, not heroics today," he chuckled, "actually, he just went out to get you something to eat. I'm sure he'll be back here soon, though. He's been worried about you. We both were! It's good to see you on your paws again."

Janga had managed to find a hare off on its own, lingering a little too long out in the open. He waited for just the right moment to pounce on top of it. The Hare had no way of escaping, and soon enough it was nothing more than a meal for the lion. Well, for the lioness he was hunting for, but still. Picking it up, he made his way back to the pride.

He was pretty proud of himself.

Nafsi shook her head at his concern, sighing heavily. "Don't worry about me- I'm not so unused to fighting that I don't know how to heal. Pain is something we were taught to endure when we were learning the ways of the claw in my pride. I'm extremely tough! And don't you forget it, alright?"

Of course, she wasn't really that upset about it. Maybe she was just being snippy because she was in a little bit of pain from the gashes on her side. The sooner they healed, the better. "I wonder if these injuries are going to scar..."

Jani frowned and looked at Nafsi, mostly at the wounds in her side. "I don't think they're going to scar, my lady," he assured her after giving them a nice, long look, "I know they're quite deep, but I think with your fur, they'll be covered up without any real indication that they were ever there. They aren't wide, though they're deep. I wouldn't worry about it too much- you'll continue to be just as beautiful as you are now!" When she gave him a look that suggested he didn't need to be making those kinds of comments, he laughed and raised a paw in surrender.

He was only messing with her.

Luckily, he didn't have to be alone with her much longer- Janga returned with the hare soon enough. He brought it right over to Nafsi, dropping it down in front of her before offering her a smile. Blood decorated his jaws, though it seemed the other two found that more funny and menacing. They both laughed at him.

"I'm glad to see you up!" Hummed the black lion merrily, "I brought this for you- I hope you can eat it! You don't have to worry about the two of us. We've already had food for ourselves. We just wanted to bring you something fresh in case you woke up."

Nafsi tilted her head at the thought, looking down at the hare she had been given. "But how did you know that I was going to wake up now? Did you have another dream about it?" She wasn't trying to sound like she was teasing, though she did always have a somewhat sarcastic air about her. Honestly, she thought his visions were super interesting. She wanted to know more about them. Jani had said he hadn't had any visions about others needing help- but was that all he saw? Did he see completely mundane things, too?

Jani got himself up to his feet, moving out of the way when Janga came running up with the food for Nafsi. She seemed confused by his comment about fresh meat, asking how he could have known that she was going to wake up. A good question to ask, for sure.

"We didn't know. We've been hunting every couple of hours to bring you something small. If time went by and you didn't wake, we took the food to other members of the pride. It just seemed like a good way to pass time and feed others while we waited for you."

Janga nodded along with Jani. "That's right! We didn't want you to wake up and have nothing to eat! Though I guess I ended up being a little late with the meal anyway! I hope you don't mind, but at least you know it's as fresh as could be!" He moved over to Jani, bumping into him before sitting himself down. Fail could never be avoided, even if he'd had a couple of good days so far.

Nafsi hummed thoughtfully to herself, processing what she had been told. "That's... really sweet of the both of you. You don't even know me and you've done so much to make sure I recover. I don't know how I would be able to make all of this up to you." She sighed softly. No, she didn't do the debt thing, but that was under normal circumstances. This? This was just insane amounts of caring she really didn't know how to deal with! They were basically strangers to her- she only knew their names. And where Jani lived, she supposed. But still.

Jani laughed at the thought. "Hey, you don't do the debt thing, remember? Besides, you fainted because we weren't there soon enough to help you. It was my fault because I was skeptic of Janga's vision. I slowed the both of us down. If we had gotten there a little sooner, we could have kept you from getting those injuries in the first place. I'm sorry that I failed you. To make up for it, letting you recover here is the least I could do. You're welcome to leave whenever you feel strong enough, though I think you should rest a couple more days, at least."

Janga nodded along with Jani.

"Don't worry about it! We're happy to help, and we want you back on your paws as soon as possible. Don't worry too much about what you owe and stuff like that- we like to help everyone! And I'm sure we'll meet again. You'll be the one saving our butts, I'm sure. so just eat and stay and chat with us! That's all we could really ask for as thanks, anyway!"

Nafsi was alright with doing that, it seemed. She did eat the hare, and she did talk to them for quite some time before she left.

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