Ever since Vasa had spoked to Ada her mind had turned towards pups. If the young wild dog could already feel a calling towards being a mother was it strange that Vasa hadn’t? It wasn’t that Vasa didn’t like pups, it was more that she was just so socialably awkward that she just couldn’t imagine ever finding a male that was willing to be around her long enough to actually make pups. Vasa wasn’t rude or arrogant or anything she just didn’t really know how to interact with others the way most did. Her thoughts were swimming around her head as she made her way to her favourite thinking spot. She loved to sit by the water that came flowing down the mountain side, it was colder than what she would like to swim in but it was nice to sit by and listen to it babbling.

Elaxi had recently found a place that she liked. The white and yellow wild dog was just learning the more complex parts of being a healer in the pack. The young female was glad that she had taken up the family career, it was something that seemed to just come naturally to all of them. Her mother, her old sister and her all worked together quite frequently. Today was Elaxi’s day off though and the young wild dog was thinking of pups. Her older sister had just recently had a little with a rogue that had wandered through the pride, a male that Elaxi had actually met. It was a little strange that when the pups came out she recognized who the father had to have been instantly, she never brought it up to her sister though. She figured if her sister wanted her to know who the father was she would have told her. Letting out a sigh Elaxi dipped her toes in the frigid water, it was really cold but it was refreshing in an odd way.

As Vasa came up to her thinking spot she was surprised to see another female wild dog already sitting in her spot. She put on a smile though she wasn’t super possessive of her spot in fact she was kind of happy to see someone else there, it was a chance to make another friend. Vasa wasn’t one to go up and introduce herself amongst most of the pack but when it was one on one like this she did her best to make friends. She approached the other female causiously a smile on her face. “Hello there.” she said warmly, taking a seat next to the other wild dog, “You know if you keep your toes in there too long they might just fall off.” she said with a chuckle.

Elaxi turned happy to see the bright green wild dog. She was a wild dog that had joined the pride since her birth but one that Elaxi had never had the chance to meet or talk to. Instead she just saw her from time to time, she was pretty sure that the bright green wild dog worked as a gatherer for the pack. Wiggling her toes she looking down at them, “Ah I like the feeling of it.” she said with a giggle picking up her toes and feeling them tingle just slightly.

The way the white and yellow wild dog spoke remind Vasa of the bright red wild dog she had met here just a few days ago, the one that had babies on the brain and had put babies on Vasa’s brain. “Well as long as you are careful.” Vasa said with a smile. “Sounds like you come here often.” Vasa added. “I’m surprised that I have never run into you before now.” There was a number of wild dogs in the pride that looked quite similar to this female, she was fairly certain they were all related somehow and if they weren’t it was quite impressive the resemblance that they had.

“I come here from time to time when I am not learning to heal. My momma is the Patron in the pride so she is teaching me her ways.” Elaxi said with a smile. “My name is Elaxi by the way I don’t think we have ever been formally introduced, though I have seen you around. Hard to miss someone as bright as you.” Elaxi said with a happy voice. She found the bright pelt on the other wild dog to be so stunning, she wondered if perhaps she had a mate here in the pack or what her story was.

“Elaxi that is a beautiful name, my name is Vasanta, or Vasa for short.” Vasa introduced herself. “Its a pleasure to meet you.”

“Vasanta” Elaxi repeated, it was a different name, but Elaxi liked how it rolled off her tongue, no need to shorten it. “So tell me about yourself Vasa where did you grow up, do you have family, do you have a mate.” Elaxi’s life had been fairly boring having been born and raised here in the pack.

“Oh well I don’t think there is that much interesting about me, I was born in the rogue lands. I have a family but I don’t know where any of them are anymore. But I had a mother a father and six siblings.” Vasa said with a smile it was nice to think of her family again it had been awhile since Vasa had thought of her family. She had left them on a good terms to find herself a new home, they had encouraged her to go and find herself… Vasa was still looking.

“No mate though.” Vasa said quickly a blush growing in her cheeks, suddenly her thoughts earlier this morning coming rushing out. One day maybe she would have a mate but until then she wondered more about pups. Was it possibly that sometimes first came pups, second came marriage?

“How about you my fine dear.” Vasa asked the younger wild dog.

“Well not much is interesting about me, I have plenty of step, half and full siblings running around the pride. I was born and raised here though. No mate for me neither.” Elaxi grinned. She liked knowing that she wasn’t the only strange one out there who hadn’t yet found a male to sweep her off her feet.. some days she didn’t really think there was a male out there to do such a thing. As Elaxi was thinking she heard her name being called she turned and could see her older sister standing on the ridge.

“Oops looks like I have to go. Babysitting duties are calling.” Elaxi said a little twinkle in her eyes, “I hope to see you again soon.” Elaxi told Vasa as she took off back towards the centre of the pride.

Vasa watched Elaxi go, the mention of babysitting bringing the thought of babies rushing back into Vasa’s head. She laid down by the edge of the river determined to get some thinking done.