It was another lazy day, drifting around and doing bollocks all. The dark-coated god was feeling... Well, relaxed. He usually did - Not much lit a fire under his tail, as it were, and little really made him hyper with excitement. Not since he was a cub, anyway. Age had brought with it a placid nature, the slow growth of a tree versus the fast growth of grass. And today... He'd found yet another watering hole to settle in. With some grace, he touched down onto the ground, walking into and floating on the water, a smile on his maw. This was the life...

It was an exciting day! At least, to the cub it was. It was his first solo excursion to the watering hole, that place of myth and legend, where magical things happened! He couldn't remember what any of the magical things WERE, of course, only that they happened here. Pushing his way through the grass, he soon found himself standing on, by his perspective, a cliff over the water. He looked around at all the animals gathered at the pool... And stopped when he spied an unfamiliar... Creature. "Hey! Who are you?" The thing looked VAGUELY like a lion.... And as lax a the Pridelands could be, trespassing was still unappreciated.

The god lifted his head, blinking for a moment in the sunlight, before his pale eyes focused on the cub. "Oh!" He smiled, standing up and walking over. The water sloshed around his paws as he moved, before he sat down and leaned over to look the cub better in the eye. "I'm Datura. Who might you be, wee one?" The cub was, indeed, rather small - At least, from the god's perspective. He himself was quite large, standing much taller than his father. Of course, his father was permanently an adolescent, so there wasn't much either could do about that... No matter how much lions believed in either of them.

The cub looked at the thing funny when he saw the long ears. Then he visibly shrank down, light purple eyes growing wide, as the creature approached. Boy was he big... There was no malice or danger in the creature's eyes, though, and while he was still apprehensive, Arudaina relaxed a bit. "I'm Arudaina. Um... What are you?" He leaned over and looked at the giant better. Vines were wrapped around his body and neck, with various flowers blooming on it, and in addition to the long ears, his mane was running down his spine and grew a bit onto his shoulders. Whatever he was, he was possibly an adolescent...

He let out a laugh, sitting back. "Aye, lad, have ye never seen a god b'fore?" He tilted his head one way, then the other, waving his ears a bit. "These aren't the ears of a mortal, after all!" He then sat back in a manner that allowed him to raise both paws, holding one of his flowers in each paw. "And these don't all grow on the same vine, usually! Some'a them don't even grow on vines!" He twisted and pointed to a yellow flower by his elbow. "This wee lass t'ain't even native to Africa! She grows on a bush, too!" Cupping his paw around the flower a moment, he pulled back, then slapped the ground with his paw. As he pulled his paw back, a bush began to grow. "See, quite lovely, but don't be eatin' it, lad!"

The cub drew in a long breath of air, eyes growing wide. "You're a god..." He watched in fascination as the bush grew, only to wilt and wither away. "It died..." His ears fell back, not pinned to his skull but simply drooping. "Why did it die? It was lovely..." Even if it WAS a splash of yellow in a world with more yellow. He didn't yet know what green grass was, only the tall and waving gold blades of the summer. Daina reached up a paw, poking the remnants of the plant, only to jump back as it crumbled and disintegrated. "Whoa!"

Datura smile sadly. "Aye, because it wasn't real, lad. That p'ticular plant was an illusion." He waved a paw over Daina, creating a pair of wings on his little back. They were white like him, with some bars on the flight feathers in the color of his spots. "Don't be tryin' t' fly with those, they're also an illusion. It's a power gods all commonly share." He gave a slight shake of his body and coat, sending little water dropplets everywhere... And his coat changed from black to orange and sported red vine-like markings. "We can also cast an illusion to change our own appearances!"

Daina stood up and turned around and around, forgetting the illusionary plant to look at the wings. Amazingly, they even spread and flapped! But he felt no wind from them, only his turning, and they soon dissolved into nothing like the plant. His gaze returned to the giant lion, eyes filled with much wonder. "Can I be a god, too? It sounds so fun!" He'd be able to fly places instead of walking, and change what a lion looked like, and maybe what HE looked like! He'd stand out in his family, that was for sure!

Instead of a chuckle, a boisterous laugh left the god's maw. "No, lad, ye don't wanna be a god THAT fast!" He reached up, ruffling his little mane with a wet paw. "Tis not all sunshine and rainbows, lad. Some gods have jobs, actual duties, pertainin' to their dominions! Me da goes around finding lions who've been cursed to remove the curses. Me brothers are the embodiments of Distrust and Loss... Their dominions aren't pleasant ones. If'n you became a god... Why, who knows what dominion you might end up with. Ye need t' be careful what ye wish for, lad."

Daina pouted at first, then nodded. "Yeah, I guess you have a point..." He wrinkled his nose. "I don't think I'd want to be the God of Farts." What kind of powers would such a god have? Make a lion excessively flatulent? Actually... He began to giggle. "Though that might be funny... Making animals across Africa extra fart-y!"

He suddenly noticed the position of the sun in the sky, jumping up as his hair stood a moment. "Oh no, is that the time?! I was only supposed to be here for a little while, I gotta go!" As he started to run off, he looked over his shoulder. "It was nice to meet ya, Mister God!"

Sitting back in the pool, Datura couldn't help but smile. The lad was quite excitable... He climbed out of the water, then floated up into the air a bit, before shoving his back paws off the nearest large rock. The propulsion was enough to send the god flying, a random trajectory through the air and sky. Where he stopped... Not even he quite knew!