This is a running list of all your characters abilities, stats, weapons, skills, and whatnot. When you create a character (or use the one you are) you'll post everything in here. This is also where approved NPC's can be requested for use on missions.
Also, before you can start RPing, your character will need to be approved by some one with clearance to OK an RP character.
Remember: Your character is not invincible, there's nothing wrong with having a weakness or two. The higher your rank the more powerful you can be.
If your bio is to be edited in any way by yourself, you will need to contact a moderator to re-approve your changes. If any changes are made to a profile by a moderator, you will be PM'd about the changes made
Also, we suggest bookmarking your profile for easy access

[Name] your character's name. pretty simple.
[Rank] don't worry about this, you'll be assigned one.
[Summary] brief summary of who your character is, where he comes from, and anything unique about him.

[Class] state your class and give a brief description of what it's about and it's proffiencies.
[Primary training] what weapon your character is most skilled at using
[Secondary training] choose two sub-weapons your character is mediocre with
[Basic training] stuff your character knows how to do, but is not skilled in
[Armor typing] none, light, medium, heavy, or tank. This will determine how fast your character can move, so choose wisely.

[Special Skill 1] your character can have a special skill at their disposal that you can make up yourself. This ability must be ok'd by a moderator before use. As your rank increases, the better your Special Skill is allowed to be.
[Special Skill 2] once you reach a high enough rank, you can have a smaller Special Skill that helps out. Same rules apply as Special Skill 1.

[Altercations] these you do not get to decide. Altercations are powers or abilities acquired through a mission that is given to you dependent on what happens during a mission. In some scenarios you can decide whether or not to obtain an Altercation and some may simply be temporary.

[Other] Anything else you'd like to mention about your character that wasn't referred too above.

if you're confused by anything, message me or look at my character page for an example. Also look at Killemall for an example of an NPC setup.