RULES heart


-To make a new topic ASK me BEFORE you do (thank you)

-no god modding

-Keep cussing to a minimum

-Anything that's rated 18 & up, either take it to a PM or time skip

-Follow all of Gaia's rules

-no T3XT T@LK

-Anime/Manga Images (preferred)

-Please post your character's picture at least once in the forum (preferably in each post)

-No killing character unless you have their permission (this is just a basic rule, though so no one goes on a killing spree, just in case)

-Be at least semi-literate please (try to have good grammar). RPing is usually in past tense and in third person (not first!)

-Use "-" when talking

-Please be active, and don't log off in the middle of a conversation; let the person know if you have to get off

-No using - or ~ when your char performs an action. Make it into a sentence.

-You may not use a picture or a name for a character if it is already taken by someone else (also no inappropriate character pictures)

-Please don't ignore a post if they are directly talking to your character (its just plan mean)

-You may have a limit of four characters total

-Please attach this "You bettcha!!" to your Join request so I know you read the rules

-Must type at least a 3 to 4 sentence response post please! (though I understand writers block, just try your best okay!)

-Your character cannot be in more then one place

- Last but not least HAVE FUN!!

- Please use the Profile Layout that is provided for it to be accepted. (no exceptions )

(this is liable for editing as I see fit)