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Jord's days were comfortable as of late, not that they every hadn't been. She was a freeborn in the Stormborn pride, and an unmarried woman. She had no responsibilities to keep up with; no priestess training, no husband to look after, and certainly no ‘hobbies' to occupy her time. Well, maybe one hobby. Watching a certain lion spar on the sands always brought a happy note to her day, and she did it often enough to consider it a hobby. Life was good!

As of this particular afternoon she was spending her free time with a good friend. Her voice lifted into laughter once more as they wove their way through the pride, not a care in the world. "Honestly, you said that to him? I can't imagine he took it well", she spoke, catching her breath between bouts of laughter.

”Why wouldn’t I? He was drunk and smelled like a rancid baboon’s a**. I wasn’t going home with that!” Brenna stuck her tongue out in disgust at the memory of it. There were just some instances where having a little fun was just out of the question, especially if said ‘fun’ was going to stink up her den. She gently shouldered into her friend, a smirk playing on her lips. ”You never told me what happened with that Snorri guy! Come on, did you two do it or what?” He was cute, if she remembered correctly.

Jord snorted at her friend’s apt description of the guy, but nearly faltered in her step at the change of subject. ”Brenna!” She’d forgotten she’d mentioned the reaver to her weeks before. ”Well if you must know”, she said in a bemused huff, ”We’ve only talked, it hasn’t gotten more serious than that.” Gods, she should have known better than to tell Brenna!

The look of disbelief on her face was palpable, and she had to be sure she’d heard that correctly. ”Are you serious? You really sounded like you were interested in him.” An audible 'hmm’ sounded in her throat as she concentrated on her friend’s face. ”What's wrong with him?” she finally said at length. There had to be something wrong with him, that was the only explanation she’d accept.

Jord rolled her eyes at the younger lioness, often times forgetting the girl was just out of the cusp of adolescence. By all means Jord wasn’t old, not at all, but she didn’t exactly have the hormones of a teenager any more. ”Absolutely nothing!” she insisted, ”He’s handsome, and strong, and great to talk to.” Gods, why did something automatically have to be wrong with him if she hadn’t slept with him yet? Brenna kept starring at her expectantly and it was all Jord could do to keep from growling. ”Honestly, he’s wonderful”, she insisted for the second time.

Brenna could only stare in disbelief. ”Then what’s the hold up? If he’s really that great, you gotta sink your claws into him before some other b***h snatches him up for herself”, Brenna announced proudly. Hell, if Jord didn’t make a move she just might! He might be good for a quick tussle on the furs. She caught the haughty look on Jord’s face and simply shrugged. ”Just saying.”

”’Just saying’, don’t go there”, she grumped, kicking at a stone in her path and flipping it out of the way. A few more strides and Jord relented, sighing. She didn’t want to be angry with her friend. ”Its not that easy, I don’t even know if he likes me like that”, she admitted with a shrug. She wasn’t exactly a loose lioness, though she’d been wilder in adolescence, Jord had to admit she was a bit out of practice lately.

Ah, well, shits. She hadn’t meant to upset Jord, and clearly the subject was a bit touchy. Brenna bumped her cheek to Jord’s shoulder as they walked, ”Of course he does, why the hell else would he be talking to you so much?” Men were many things, but chit-chatty usually wasn’t one of them. At least not in Brenna’s experience. ”Hey! Let’s go for a swim, that’ll cheer us up”, she grinned, her pace picking up considerably. It wasn’t exactly hot in Stormborn territory, but it wasn’t winter and the water could feel nice on a warm day.

Jord raised her brows, cracking a small smile. ”Us? I wasn’t aware you needed cheering up as well”, she laughed. Was she getting older? She felt like she was getting older. Ugh. Jord was happy to pick up the pace, and was pleased to find she kept up rather well with the younger lioness. ”A swim sounds good”, she agreed, and turned in the direction of the sea. At the very least she could feel the waves lap at her toes, and if she was lucky it would be enough to get her mind of Snorri, at least for a little while. Once her head was cleared she was certain she’d be able to figure something out. Maybe. Or she’d just go back to the sparring sands and watch him fight again. That didn’t sound so bad either.

Brenna snorted, rolling her eyes. ”I had to deal with baboon a** last night, I could use some ‘girl’ time”, she admitted. She liked Jord, a lot actually, and it would do them both good to relax and forget their troubles. With a flick of her tail Brenna jumped into a leisurely lope, eager to be rid of this sudden energy and to get Jord’s mind off Handsome-butt... or whatever his name was. She’d already forgotten by that point despite having said it already. No matter what though, the young lioness wanted to follow up on the subject later. It was interesting, and she had to admit it was a little funny to see Jord so flustered.

(Word Count: 1019)