*recording this so they have something to talk about in future rps

        Jolly Roger: *on deck of The Flirty Mermaid, assigning cleaning tasks to the crew*

        Treasure Hunter: -does not want to help clean poop deck- JR why can't ye do it yerself? Ye got magic. Gets chores done faster.. I need to inspect these... maps...

        Jolly Roger: *frowns* Aye, you'll swab the deck if I tell ya to. We all take a turn doing the job nobody likes.

        Treasure Hunter: -cringes at the thought of cleaning- When I get older, JR, me's going to hire meself a lad.. or lass, if she insists on working fer me. -he looked at the sea salt covered grimy deck- Arr. You.. first? -he winked at his handsome mate-

        Golden Doubloon: You boys are being silly! *laughs and zooms about Jolly Roger and Treasure Hunter, wringing out a wet cloth* If you stop complaining about the work you get it done faster. Like me. ;D

        Jolly Roger: Every pirate needs to take responsibility for their ship. If you don't give her the care she needs, she'll turn against you on the open sea. *grabs the cleaning gear* I'll help ya out, but you'd better work hard, Treasure lad.

        Treasure Hunter: "Look at the deck. It's so wide. It will take me hours to finish swabbing it JR..." If only he had unicorn magic, the foal thought to himself, he'd make the mop mop on its own. Or wings, he'd zoom across deck and finish in a flash. He looked at his own plain hooves, and ended up grabbing a pail of soap with a little round sponge floating on the water. "Can't let the Flirty Mermaid down. I need this beauty out at sea with us." He sighed loudly and started to shrub the sponge hard against the wood.

        Jolly Roger: *scowls approvingly* That's the spirit, lad. *grabs the mop and gets to work as well, not using any unicorn magic at all*

        Treasure Hunter: He had always admired JR for not using so much of his magic all the time. If it were him, he'd use it on a daily basis. "So.. Why's it ye don't use your magic? Does it tire ye?" he asked while scrubbing another part of the ship.

        Jolly Roger: Aye, after a while, but it's not that. Not all of my crew have magic to rely on. If I'm going to ask you to do a job, I have to prepared to do it in just the same way. And... *pats the ship lovingly*... I like to take care of my girl.

        Golden Doubloon: Hehe, look at you boys go. See! When you stop complaining about it, it goes faster. *laughs and zooms about Jolly Roger and Treasure Hunter, wringing out a wet cloth* I'm almost done with my share if you two could use some help. *grins and hovers beside them* Hehe, and she's not the only girl I've seen you taking care of, Jolly. >u>

        Treasure Hunter: He was at a loss of words and could only stare and admire JR again and again. "Arr. You're the best mate a pirate could have," he continued, and splashed a pail of water onto deck to flush away the soap. "Yarr, she's a real beauty. Nothing could ever replace her." He too patted the ship with love.

        That's when he heard Doubloon calling out to them from the other side of the deck. "That. . Stop that Doubloon. Ye know I don't fly," he shouted at her jealously.

        He looked back at JR. "Hmm, not the only girl he takes care of, ye say?"

        Jolly Roger: *looks like he wants to shove Doubloon's head into the water bucket* |< Stop talking nonsense and get working. *scrubbing the deck with a fierce stare, though he does soon look up again* Aye, she can fly and you can't. But she's a Flutter, mate. You'll be twice as big as her when you grow up.

        Golden Doubloon: *giggles and winks at Jolly* I saw you with TART~ Oh honey, don't think you can keep things like that on the boat a secret. *laughs and shakes her head* But Treasure! This is what flutters do! We fly all the time~ Besides, like Jolly said, you'll beat me in size when you're all grown and strong and be magnificent!

        Treasure Hunter: He saw it. It was just for a quick moment but JR responded differently. "Arr.. Who is this lass Doubloon speaks of?" he watched him suspiciously. JR, with another lass, he secretly did not want that to be true.. Tart, he thought. Who is that Tart? "Arr. but look at how fast she flies and finished her part of the workload..." The foal stopped working for a moment and stared out at sea. "When I grow up, I will work hard to be just as strong as ye. And bring back lots of treasure."

        He called the flutter pony over with a wave of his hoof. "Hey, Doubloon, ye know how to appraise treasure right? I think I might have found something the other day." It was not until today that he took a good look at Doubloon. He always saw her as equal instead of being smaller than him.

        Jolly Roger: *turning all kinds of shades of red* Nay, she was naught but a siren, sent to lead a pirate astray. *dumps water across the deck, voice rising* There 'aint no lass! *more grumpy scrubbing as he calms himself down* Then we'll just have to work harder to match her... *nods* Aye, I know you will. *walks closer to Treasure to give him a pat on the shoulder*

        Treasure Hunter: This time, it was obvious. He noticed a faint red glow on JR's green cheeks. "Siren, eh lad?" he chuckled as the green stallion took it out on a spot of wood. "Tis already clean there..." With all his might, he scrubbed faster than ever to finish the remaining bits of the dirty deck. In the end he threw another fresh pail of water across deck. Proudly, he looked at what their amazing team work had finished. The deck was once again sparkling in the sun. The pat on his shoulder was felt and he grinned at JR. "If ye ever reach land, them lasses be all over ye, mate," and he laughed.

        Golden Doubloon: *smiles and gives Jolly Roger a nudge* Well you seemed miiiiighty happy when you two were together. Must of been quite the siren. *she bats her eyelashes at him* Is this doing anything for ya? Or am I not siren enough? *looks back over to Treasure Hunter and shrugs* Eh, I make up for size with speed~! That's what helps me clean so quick although some days I rather have the brawn of Jolly here. *at the word of 'appraise' her eyes grew large and gained a sparkle to them* I most certainly do. Whatcha got for me? *U*

        Jolly Roger: I don't want any lasses. *making a lot of noise as he starts grabbing up the cleaning gear to put it away, pausing to give Golden Doubloon and incredulous look* Stop that. |< I'm talking about this anymore. The siren has moved on and good riddance. *mumbles a few angry things to himself*

        Golden Doubloon: Aww Jolly! Don't be like that! We were only teasing. *flutters over to pick up a few things to help him clean up* Come on, we didn't mean to make you upset, okay? *offers him a smile*

        Treasure Hunter: He nodded as the other two mates joked around with each other, with Doubloon getting a bigger laugh out of it. "Yarr. With the Siren gone, ye become a free for all for them lasses to woo ye," he laughed and watched JR storm off to put away the cleaning air to calm himself down.

        Paying a bit more attention to Doubloon, he took out something gold and shiny out of his saddlebag and threw it at her. "Not sure what it is. Was in the city that one time, and fished it out of the water fountain." He too, was curious to see what it was and where it was from.

        Salty Breeze: *grins brightly* Okay, you guys, OKAY, let's let Jolly have his dignity back.

        Golden Doubloon: Hm~? *quickly catches the golden piece and squints her eyes to get a better look at the detail* Lets see what we got...hmmm...looks like a piece of something bigger and was knocked off. Where did you say you found it again? In the city? Where exactly? *she rolls it around in her hooves* Cause this looks like it helped open something...or was attached to it. It has really intricate carvings so whatever it belongs on is pretty special. *U* Like...pirate special.

        Jolly Roger: *shakes his head and takes the cleaning items below deck, but he comes back he nods at GD* Aye, I know you're just playing around. *moves in closer to Doubloon to check out the bit of shiny treasure* edit: *gives the slightest smile to Salty Breeze and then continues to study Treasure's find* Aye, this is something good.

        Salty Breeze: *perks up at the mention of treasure*

        Treasure Hunter: The foal just grinned at the sight of Salty stepping out of the captain's lair. "AWww ye know I'd only do it when we're alone together. Never would I do it in front of landlubbers."

        TH's eyes widened too upon hearing Doubloon's response. "It was attached to something special ye say? Like a chest full of treasure?" He thought real hard but there was nothing he could remember when he was standing near the water fountain. The only thing that shone this bright was now being held between her hooves. "Arr. Sorry mate, there was nothing else in the fountain..." He scratched his head and an idea came to mind. "Should we head into the city and look for the other piece? I don't know where to start but at least i can lead us to the water fountain."

        Golden Doubloon: *grins and nods at Treasure's idea* I think that's a great plan! What do you say, Captain? I think we could all use a good adventure. *she pats Jolly's cheek and giggles* Plus, I think Jolly has made us do enough cleaning for today. =u=

        Golden Doubloon = THE PERSONAL BUBBLE POPPER.

        Jolly Roger: *is definitely up for a bit of pirate adventuring* Aye then, get ready and we'll head out. *squints at Doubloon through his one eye when she pats his cheek, but he isn't worried. If anyone can invade his personal space, it's her* Aye and I'll make you do more cleaning before the day is done.

        Treasure Hunter: He watched the two go at each other again and just stood there grinning. He won't say a word, for this seemed like a great moment to let Doubloon do more work later on the day . he will run and hide below deck to admire the large amount of treasure they have accumulated over the months they have started their adventures together. "Aye, I was born ready," he smiled and fixed his scarf while he waited for the others.

        Golden Doubloon: *rolls her eyes and laughs* But if I'm doing more than so do you. Fair is fair on the Flirty Mermaid. *she quickly flutters her wings* Lets go see if Salty wants to come! 8D Then we can head out and find Treasure's well..treasure! >83

        Salty: I ALWAYS want to come. > U> *slaps on her hat*

        To be continued........