The inselelo was feeling a little lighter on his feet today. Some would guess perhaps he had defended the prides borders or won a particular encounter. Maybe it was a feat of strength that had put him in a great mood. It was actually, his meeting with Mhisani. She was one of the only females that seemed to truly understand how he was feeling, perhaps even understand him as a character. It was a little difficult in a sense that he felt so elated, as the temporary and changable nature of his position always lurked at the back of his mind. It was a harsh reality, so Nguvu knew that it was probably not entirely practical to feel so warmed by her presence. Also, it was a nessecity that he bare cubs, particularly a few females, so that he could encourage the prides numbers to thrive. Maybe he would pass down his strength, too. This was obviously not a subject he had raised with the female thus far, and so he played out the scenario of possible fatherhood in his mind. Being alone in the roguelands had made the prospect of companionship- even that which had an expiration date of sorts, a joyful thing indeed.

It hadn't been lost on Mhisani - Some of the lionesses tittered at her, she swore, for her lack of cubs. She'd been in the pride quite a while now, and neither of the Umholi appealed to her. Of course, that had to do, in part, because at least one was related to half the pride as a half-brother, nevermind the cubs he'd sired. The other was just.... Small. And she wanted to see how his cubs turned out first. Of course, there was still the problem of 'related to a lot,' so she had to be choosey, she told herself. Her daughters would, ideally, need to be able to breed with EITHER lion, so their father would have to be unrelated to either of them. This left two choices - One of the Inslele, or a rogue... And the pride wasn't experiencing rogue swap YET. She didn't want to gain MORE ire, so she needed... An Inslelo... "Speak of the devil..." Her tail curled as she looked down from the tree she'd been relaxing in and spied Nguvu. Now THERE was a pleasing sight on the eyes... She shifted, smiling, momentarily content to just admire him.

Was it the kind of thing you just brought up? How did that conversation go? Or was it just something that would happen naturally? Nguvu had never quite realised how inexperienced he was at this sort of thing. Of course he had been around some ladies in the roguelands, but it had never really led anywhere. It was different in a pride too, there was expectations, a different way of doing things. As he padded up and down the same few yards, he came to the conclusion that he would just play it by ear, so to speak. Perhaps Mhisani was not even interested in having cubs, maybe she was perfectly content just spending time together. The thoughts began to settle and then gently filter from his mind. He wasn't really one to overthink things so it tended to simmer down quickly enough, despite having the large heart that he did. His insecurities as an Inselelo had now waned after beating a few challengers and winning his fight with Jasiri had secured that even more so. Perhaps he would get some food soon. He was sure one of the other males would be on duty soon, and though he patrolled often, he was content to have his time to relax, too. As an inselelo, though, you were never truly laid back, you couldn't afford to be.

Oh if she could only hear his thoughts... Mhisani would know, their minds weren't far apart in thought. The lioness stretched somewhat lazily, before she carefully rose on the branch, climbing her way down. As she dropped to the ground below the tree, she felt a surge of boldness. It was now or never... His term would be up soon and he'd have to leave. She didn't want to lose an opportunity, and frankly she didn't personally much like Jasiri's shade of orange. Too much contrast. Nguvu... He matched her. As she moved into his pacing path, she smiled cheerily. "Nguvu! Just the Inslelo I was looking for!" It was now or never.

Her voice made him jump- it was if she knew! Maybe lionesses could read thoughts after all! It was an eerie coincidence and he spun on the spot, his large muscles tensing after the surprise of hearing her voice call his name. He smiled at her fondly. "Yes, what is it?" She was a pretty looking female, definitely, and he was rather fond of her personality too. They didn't know a great deal about each other, but the Inselele could not afford to bond too deeply with a female they were about to leave, after all. He knew about her past, what she believed in, and that she was a good character. That was enough for him to be sure of her. Oh how he was glad that she seemed to like him and not the brightly coloured lion he had beaten in the past week or two. He hadn't seen much of Jasiri since, to be honest, but felt their relationship thus far was an entirely competitive one.

The tan lioness walked up to the white-maned Inslelo, still smiling pleasantly. "I was just thinking about how you not only saved us and the young cubs of the time from a crocodile, but also beat up the other Inslelo... Proved your strength..." She walked by him, tail flicking just under his nose. "And was thinking... You'd make some strong cubs..." She looked back at him. "Male OR female... And it got me to thinking...." She sat down, still looking at him over her shoulder. "The other lionesses have yet to fully accept me, since I've yet to bear any cubs... And I didn't want my first litter to be sired by just ANY lion.. He had to be a good, strong lion..." Dark coat not truly needed, really. "And I was wondering..." She had to spit it out before she lost her nerve. "Would you be willing...?" Not that she'd force him to do anything he didn't want to do, of course. It wasn't Mhisani's way.

Nguvu felt his heart beat a little harder and took in a deep breath. It seemed like perhaps he didn't have to make the effort. Mhisani had taken the bold approach and had just come right out and said what was lingering in his mind, and he couldn't be more grateful. He wanted to do this not just for himself but for her too...Especially if his siring her cubs would lead to her feeling more included. Her tail flicked just underneath his nose and he cleared his throat and stood up tall. It was very flattering for a female to think so highly of him.

"Yes, I think it's an excellent idea." He made towards her with a smile, and made to give her an affectionate and quick nuzzle. He was surprised he manage to keep his cool enough to get the words out.

Oh, she wasn't playing things THAT easy. With a little giggle, the lioness ducked away, tail tuft whapping him on the nose. "Oh no, you still gotta work for it!" Well, work MORE for it. She slipped into the tall grass, her tail flick the only indication of where she was. "You gotta catch me first!"

He grinned. She had a good sense of fun, he'd give her that. "Are you sure you want to challenge your Inselelo?" He joked with a hearty laugh. His pale and muscular body shot up surprisingly quickly from the ground and began to scour the grass. It had to be said, females were definitely better at seeing things in the tall grass. They were the better hunters, too. He crept close to the ground, following what little noise he could hear.

Finding what she thought was a good hiding spot, Mhisani watched Nguvu. When she thought he'd passed her, she popped out to surprise him, only to end up in front of him. "Oh! I mis-timed that!"

The lioness smiled sheepishly, before she rose up and walked over, rubbing against Nguvu. "That sounds like a good idea... Maybe I'll even get to see you hunt, mm?" She smiled somewhat coyly at the male, before padding out of the grass, tail beckoning him.

"I'm not as good a hunter as a fighter, in honesty. I prefer things that come towards me, fast small things can get away rather easily. I'm not too slow, but I'm still not as good as you lionesses. We can go and see what's on offer.." Nguvu hoped one of the huntresses had something going. He was an honest male, and that was one of the best things about him. As he walked alongside Mhisani, he couldn't be more content.
