I wish to personally welcome everyone to this new guild, based on the Pc game; Neverwinter Nights! Since everyone will be new, I wish to inform you that everything has been made to be simplified for even the newest person who is introduced to role playing for the very first time.

You will be able to find everything you need in the Sub Forum "Getting Started". There, you will see a list of everything you need to know about the game itself as well what is required to add into your character sheet.

Unlike most of the guilds I run, this will NOT have any kind of system, aka a post system, a dice system, or even the points system. Instead, this guild will have more freedom, to a limit of course, and the creativity is still the same. I leave it all up to you to decide what you want for how you wish to set up your character.

If you want to be a dark elf who is an assassin by night but a peasant during the day, then so be it. Like I said, you are in control of your own character, let your imagination go wild.

Now, one thing I cannot stress enough is; PLEASE read the rules and follow them! You can find them on the home page of the guild as well as the topic titled as Rules.

Without any further delay, go and make a profile, but most importantly, have fun!