WC: 1,116 ( Aadia is the only eligible wc as she is throughout the rp and rada and kairos are supporting characters. )

“So you think sleeping with him will get the job done.”
“No.” Aadia’s ears went slanted and she looked on at Rada angrily.
“I leave you alone with him, and you fall for him. Giggles and giggles. Arg.” Rada’s eyes rolled as she pushed Aadia’s side. “I know him, he’s an idiot. But it was worth a shot.” Flicking her tail.
“How about yours? What happened with the lake cheetah.”
“Turns out she will be a lot more work than I anticipated. I need reinforcements.”
“Oh… so the best bodyguard- other than Katapatan needs help. Cool..”
“Cool? What did you just say to me?”
“Cool- it’s a compliment, but I used it-“
“I know how you used it. Your nothing more than a newb around here and you think a couple of hours out here grants you leeway to speak to your handler that way?”
“If they treat me like I’m a child? And you are not even my mother nor the queen.”
“I’m the one that has your back in these lands- you wouldn’t last a day out here alone.”
“Yes I can!”
“Oh yea?”
“Fine… have it your way..” Rada started to turn and walk off. “Find your own way home while you’re at it.”
“I WILL!” After a few yards and Aadia was angry and frustrated she trotted a few after Rada. “No listen look!”
But Rada kept going. She was a handler and a baby sitter and she knew her job. She knew her place. All this was just credits. If she brought in one seer she could be with Ajani… Everything she wanted would be in her grasp. Just had to get through baby sitting just a LITTLE BIT MORE. Playing hard to get was her specialty with these children she had to care for.
With a long hard look, she watched as Rada did not even begin to look back. Her ears went down as she tossed her gaze away and started running back. She didn’t want to be left alone.. Not completely.

As soon as she got back to their tree, she only saw a partial of the food there in the tree, and no Kairos. Her eyes went large as her rump fell backwards. Astounded. Rada… was right. The only one that has your back are pride members. Which she couldn’t help but have the tears start trickling down. No… this couldn’t be happening. It just- couldn’t. Then full on tears happened. “Rada….. RAAADDDAAAAA!!!!” She screamed and no one. Then she started to run in the direction she had last saw Rada only to encounter Kairos. “Woah there!”
“How could you!” She slapped him across the face and pushed him. “Take the food and just leave me there!?”
“Wow there- calm down. Calm down.”
“Ok! Ok…. Ok..” He cued at her and softly brought her in to a hug. “I’m sorry for leaving you. I was helping a sick jackel bring food to its young….”’
“Yea. It was small, female… she said could have some. By the end of our talk I found out she wanted the food for her young. She looked sick and out of it… so I brought enough for her and the pups…I didn’t think you’d be back or I’d end up finding you like this.” He softly bushed her tears away. “I’m sorry for scaring you- but going off on your own like that, can’t expect anyone to stay there neither. I just so happen to have no other place to sleep tonight.” A smile crossed his maw. “Feel better?”
“…….Yes.” She pouted, then took a large sigh.
“There- there..” Rubbing her back. “I guess you really did freshly leave your pride. Seems you probably left too soon huh.”
“No…….yes.” Looking away and snuggled up against him for a brief moment before realizing what she was doing and Rada could have been watching before pushing away from him. “HEY GET OFF ME!”

Kairos eyes grew large, then started to laugh. He was dumbfounded at her reactions, they were …cute. “Right all my fault, sorry my lady.” As he laughed some more. “Here. You are gunna come up on this tree with me?”
“…..I guess.”
“Good.” Turning as he watched her with a lightness to him before leading her back to the tree. It was ‘their’ tree, for the night. He couldn’t help but to replay back her reactions and her overall personality. If he’d only find a cheetah as cute as she- he’d marry her.
Once they got there, he took his few steps back and angled himself and his pick up in a way that he kicked up the tree and got to at least one branch before smoothly transitioning into a quick footed climb then he stood on the branches so delicately and precise. “Your turn!” Grasping himself just in case he had to help her. She was a leopard, but sure didn’t act like one.

Aadia watched in awe as he moved. She… guessed she hadn’t realized how quickly he moved the first time she saw him climb and just stood there blankly. “Yea… I’m so not doing that.”
“You coming?”
“Nooooooope. Staying down here.”
“You said-“
“Yea I know but I decided against it- you see… because its kinda too high and I’m kinda too tired, you know- all the crying and plus I don’t want to keep you up or anything so yea goodnight.” Circling around the tree and finally finding a comfortable spot before flopping down on the ground.
Kairos simply looked at her, she was such an odd leopard… it reminded him of someone.. Tilting his head and waited about a few minutes before circling around her back then flopped in front of her. The sound of him landing then moving around her made her ears jump to attention. A look of surprise. “Wh-why are you down here?”
“I didn’t want to leave you alone.” He turned his head, just enough to catch her at the edges of his eyes. “Plus… if anyone came out of no where- they’d see me first and you’d have time to run.”
“…Why…would you protect me like that?”
“Do you even have to ask?”
She blushed softly then lowered her head. The roguelands was far more stranger than she thought. Fighters- were usually gruff and only friendly towards their comrades or the entertainers- and entertainers were always busy entertaining. He had.. bits of entertainer and fighter within him. He was….. amazing… she sighed happily.

“Told you I could stay out here alone.” Muttering.
“Did you say something??”
“Oh.. no. Nothing.” Her voice was softly and she finally drifted to a wonderland of sleep.