gaia_angelleft ~ Hello Girl Code Members ~ gaia_angelright

gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star

As you all know, this guild is a private guild. However, I would like to change it to a public guild so that more people can see it and become interested in joining!

But in order to do that I would like to increase everything in the guild to make it more appealing to browsers. In order to do this I'll need your help by:

heart - posting - heart
heart - inviting members - heart
heart - creating more topics - heart

I'm trying to come up with more ways to make the guild more appealing, so if you have any ideas feel free to post them in the new sticky, "Post Your Ideas Here!"

gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star gaia_star

yum_puddi > I'll be anxious to hear anything you have to say! < yum_puddi