Read this first before filing a report!!!

This post is only for those who have a complaint about a member of the guild, or a crew member. I will only say this once: DO NOT FILE THE COMPLAINT HERE!!!!! Use the links that are provided below to file one. You can reach either Vice-Captain Tomoe-Hotaru-Sama , or you can reach me. Please include where the incident happened, who was involved, and what page this occured so that the Vice-Captains and I can investigate. These conversations will be kept confidential and no one else will know who sends what (except for us, of course). We will not tell the person in question who sent us the complaint either. After both parties have been heard, the Vice Captains and Myself will discuss the best course of action, and then send a message to both parties reguarding the verdict. If the complaint proves to be false, or we find out that it was a ploy to purposely get someone in trouble, the person who filed it will be immediately kicked out of the guild and banned (we do not tolerate trouble-makers, period).

To contact Captain Crystal-Sailor-Jupiter:

To contact Vice-Captain Tomoe-Hotaru-Sama: