Guildmaster: MasutaKokoBot
~Responsible for Maintaining the guild policies, as well as the member list.
~Responsible for receiving loot from the Guild Members, selling it, and using a portion of the gold raised to buy items for the Active Guild Members.

Assistant Guildmaster: Available
~Responsible for maintaining activity in the guild as well as organizing meetings and hosting them.
~Responsible for inviting and kicking guild members.
~Also acts as a personal assistant for the Guildmaster.

Vice Captain: Available
~Responsible for communicating messages to and from Guildmaster when absent. Also responsible for creating/hosting Guild Events.

Vice Captain: Available
~Responsible for organizing and executing the Guild Contests.

Vice Captain: emotoineater
~Random Useful Information Specialist. Also the Guildmaster's Personal Assistant.

Vice Captain: kokogik
~New Member Tutorial Specialist/Q&A Representative