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Takibi wandered around by the beach, looking for shells or any other interesting things he could find. It wasn't long after he had awoken, but he didn't feel very sleepy. He greatly enjoyed looking for shells and other things on the beach, it gave him a sense of adventure. Takibi loved the feel of the sea breeze in his fur, it made him feel older, wiser, and stronger for some reason. He pictured all of his siblings for a moment and the salty breeze whisked through his fur I wonder how they are doing? Takibi thought. He had not seen any of his siblings in quite a while, he couldn't help but wonder how they were.

Takibi's imaginary world disappeared as the sea breeze faded, and he continued to skip along the beach, inspecting the ground for objects. He really didn't know what he was searching for, but he still looked intently for it. He did, however, return to his thoughts every once and a while when the breeze picked up again.

Izzy Makani
((I'm not the best at intros, sorry xp ))