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[PRP] Treat with Caution [Shunqa and Azar'bijan]

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:22 pm
[Title coming soon!]

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Between resting and careful exercise, Azar'bijan was slowly beginning to feel more and more like his normal self. Physically, anyway. Azar'bijan was an a** whether he was in good health or not and that certainly wasn't about to change any time soon. He had his 'bad a**' reputation to keep and he wasn't about to let that slip, even if he wasn't one hundred percent.

Having felt better that morning, he'd decided to go the extra mile and take himself off to the training grounds instead of his normal 'circling of the dens' routine. The extra distance had stretched the scar tissue but, thankfully, none of it had split and that meant that he'd be back on patrol in no time at all. His son, Heti, had covered his last shift and though he didn't doubt that the boy would do an okay job, it wasn't the same as if he'd been there. He'd be especially annoyed if it turned out that he'd missed out on another contact with the Nergui. His eagerness to clash with them was growing with each passing day. Thankfully, there had been no more sightings since the old female had met her sticky end which meant that he hadn't yet missed out on his chance to play the hero.

That morning the training grounds were relatively busy, both young and old taking themselves through a number of different exercises. A small group of guards seemed to be practising their 'walling' technique, lining themselves up shoulder to shoulder to block an enemy from advancing. The close-knit battle techniques were something that would, no doubt, prove useful in the future. As Azar watched on, the 'attacker' managed to wedge a gap in the wall and a barked order pierced the air. The trainee guards hustled to close up the gap and drive the enemy back. The urge to join in. To show them how to do it better, rose strong in him.

With a low huff, he shifted his course and started moving slowly towards them, completely unaware that he was about to be intercepted.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:47 pm
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Honestly? Azar'bijan scared the s**t out of him. Shunqa didn't think the Corporal was crazed enough to outright attack him, as brutality toward one another for personal gain was not the Firekin way, but even the possibility of being yelled at set his fur on edge. Just... not as much as what he'd heard from the mouth of that cub.

Shunqa might have gotten over the incident if not for his conversation with his sister, Seide. He'd been asked to personally take care of her cubs if she were to have them and if she were to die in combat thereafter. Working with theory was never his strong point and, yes, that was a lot of 'What if?' there. He preferred the influence of facts already proven to be so.

Things were always different when you involved the youth, though. Shunqa firmly believed that now more than ever. He believed that they must always be taken into consideration, and one must always, always do what was best for them.

He didn't think the Corporal had meant any harm, but perhaps he needed a reminder about how impressionable the youngest among them could be. It had, uh, probably been a while since he was that age.

Shunqa had just started his search for Azar and, shock, there he was by the training grounds. He himself was all but a stranger there and had been for a while. If he were to be recognized, it would be for one of two reasons: "Hey, isn't that the lion that sleeps outside the dens by himself?" or "I think that's one of Seide's brothers, isn't it?"

He took no offense to his anonymity. Most days he savored it.

Shunqa jogged to catch up with the Corporal and made impressive time. He wasn't sure if he was one of the fastest hunters (he was), but he definitely wasn't a slow one.

"Azar'bijan!" Shunqa called. He stopped at his fellow lion's side. "Shunqa," he provided, as again, many outside his own rank did not have reason to know him well. "I'd like to talk to you if you have a minute..."

Off to a passive start.



Familiar Celebrant


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:19 pm
The sound of his name being called stopped him in his tracks, his head swinging around to glare accusingly at the one who had spoken it. His face already wore its customary frown, deeper today than perhaps normal. Couldn't everyone see that he was busy? He was an important lion and that meant his time was precious. Azar did not want to deal with any more trivial matters. No more cubs. No more imbeciles. No more time wasting. For crying out loud, this was why he was happier when he was working. Out there. On his own. No one asking him things and getting under his paws. The sudden longing for border patrol came to him with such strength that he almost considered just heading out now and to hell with his recovering injuries. He'd probably get more rest out there anyway!

"Unfortunately, I don't." He replied rudely, eyeing up the dark-pelted male and scowling at its familiarity. Those stripes blazing hot-white on his face made it very, very clear who he was related to. Moto'Seide, the 'self-promoted' Legate who saw fit to order around the pride's guards. What had given her the right to order him around as if he were one of her doting little sentinels?

Still, he didn't recognise this one which probably meant he was some lazy civilian. A hunter or a medic or some such ridiculous rank. And he could already guess what he was going to ask, too.

"If you've decided to play your part in this war and start training to become a guard, go join the others with their drills. I don't have time to provide tuition." And that was that.

No longer in the mood to order around the troops in training, he turned and started to head away from the training grounds, assuming the conversation was done. He'd take refuge in his den where no one would dare disturb him...

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:33 pm

The conversation couldn't be done when it had never started to begin with. Shunqa heaved a close-mouthed sigh and followed. Not for a second had he expected this to be easy. Seide had not given him much to work with, but it had been enough.

"Azar puts great faith in his reasoning and self," Seide had told him. "And that faith is hard to break."

Shunqa ended up walking side-by-side with him, whether Azar liked it or not.

"No, Corporal, it's not about my rank," he said patiently. "I wanted to talk to you about a cub. One of Khin'del and Azar's daughters. I'm told her name is Shula." Easy to remember. He had a sister by the same name. "She's quite a fan of yours and as it turns out is in possession of a rather impressive memory even for one her age."


Familiar Celebrant


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 3:48 pm
Was he still there?!

Azar, stubbornly, refused to stop. Refused to look. Instead, he kept his gaze firmly pinned ahead, his ears drawn back against his head. His eyes were hard with annoyance. Behind him his tail thrashed back and forth; in time with his purposeful step and - for a moment - he considered breaking into a run and leaving this 'Shunqa' behind. Except that would be childish, wouldn't it? And in his condition he probably couldn't outrun a cub, let alone a fully grown adult. How pitiful was that...

Still, when Shunqa began his explanation, an ear did reluctantly turn towards him, though he didn't stop walking. "A fan?" He growled. "Well of course she is. Any smart cub would be."

But nonetheless, Azar'bijan couldn't help but think he was missing the point of this conversation. Why would the male come bothering him about some apprentice? Did he want to steal her away, was that it? Was he jealous? "So what does it matter if the cub has a good memory or not? What did she do? Remember my name? It's not that hard."

Especially considering Shula's mother was called 'Azar'.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 4:12 pm

They agreed on one thing.

"No, it wouldn't be, given her mother," said Shunqa, putting a voice to both their thoughts.

He had no comment about the cavalier assertion any intelligent cub would be a fan of this particular lion. Why would he? More than likely, that was true. Azar'bijan had an important rank and the ideal Firekin attitude. Most cubs aspired to be a guard or soldier. To the majority, they could want for no better role model.

And Shunqa was the kind of guy to be agreeable to the point it got annoying. This was a special case. Remember, the youth were always the exception.

"She didn't do anything. She doesn't strike me as a troublemaker. I think you've got an apprentice with a bright future on your paws." Shunqa sounded sincere enough to make a more gruff lion's stomach turn. He didn't know the specifics of the Shula - Azar meet-up, only that Shula had relayed to him she had asked for his guidance and the answer had been yes. "And what you've taught her so far is true," he went on. A little too complimentary for most to pull off and stay genuine, but by the Gods, Shunqa did.

"But I feel she's too young to be repeating things like that the Nergui will kill guards first. Especially with how much cubs talk to each other. If she were a tad bit older..."


Familiar Celebrant


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 1:49 pm
He certainly seemed to be slow to get to the point. Dancing around words as if the more he could fit into the conversation the more worthwhile it would be. Azar'bijan preferred blunt, simplistic and straight to the point. And still, the conversation continuing as it was, he still didn't understand the point that this Shunqa was trying to make.

"How would you know what I taught her?" He snapped, growing irritable. He hadn't even considered that the cub might go sharing the words of wisdom he had imparted to her. Perhaps he should be careful about what he said...

...ha, yeah, as if he'd ever learn to keep his mouth shut, even if it was in his own best interest. That was something he had been doing all his life - even as a cub - and it wasn't likely to change any time soon.

And then, at last. They got to the point of this conversation. "Oh, I get it. Feed me flattery so that I don't notice when I'm being insulted, is that right?" And he rounded on Shunqa with a baring of fangs. It wasn't quite a snarl and there was no growl (the dark lion was kin, after all) but it was certainly clear that he was not at all happy with what the other was insinuating. "When you equal me in rank, then you can make suggestions on my teaching method. So what is it then, hm? Because you can't handle the thought of war and death, youngsters can't either? Perhaps her parents should be thanking me. Maybe a bit of honest truth to scare her into a safer career path might suit them just fine." He narrowed his eyes. "The kid run to you in tears, did she? Had nightmares?"

Azar'bijan believed in honesty, even if it was blunt and brutal at times. "I don't want an apprentice who thinks guarding is going to be a breeze and then turn tail and flee at the first sniff of trouble. I don't care what anyone else says. This pride is safe because the guards keep it that way."

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 2:16 pm

Shunqa couldn't help but feel this discussion was starting to become a training grounds sideshow. There were many things he wanted to say and didn't, the first of which was hunters were plenty important (but were they?) and rank did not denote wisdom (right? Right?). Even if he were bold enough, there was still the matter of how to translate it so that it wasn't a personal attack.

Unfortunately, Shunqa was more of a listener. Always had been. His confrontations with those that preferred talking tended to go all along these lines. He would never dare interrupt or correct anyone until they were finished and their ceaseless tangents led to assumptions.

His goal was not to insult anyone! What a mess.

Shunqa pinned his ears back but did not turn tail and run, so there was that. And his patience would just not give in. "No, she didn't. She was very calm about it." That was what had unnerved him the most! "I'm not insulting you, Corporal, and I'm not making suggestions about your teaching methods either. That cub is too young to be your apprentice, so as of now, she doesn't have a teacher.

"When she's old enough that she does, I agree, potential guards should know what they're getting themselves into. They do keep the pride safe, and for that, you and the others have all our respect -- or should. But Shula is a cub. She's a long way away from being appointed a duty like that and her age is the only point in their lives our cubs can be cubs. Surely you can't believe it's entirely just to rob them of that?"


Familiar Celebrant


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:06 pm
Shunqa being a listener probably worked to an advantage in this situation since Azar'bijan definitely was not. He liked to listen to half a story and jump to conclusions, especially if they swerved onto the more negative aspect. It was almost as if he expected to be challenged and ridiculed and got himself all fired up and ready for when it happened.

But what Shunqa had said was true. She was still a cub. Not old enough to apprentice. And he hadn't even agreed to teach her, had he? Had this somehow led to him agreeing to be her teacher without even really meaning to? He could hardly say no when she came around to see him next, could he? Unless he gave some sorry sort of excuse that he hadn't been permitted to teach her. No, No. That wouldn't do either. That would be basically admitting that his word was meaningless if he was being questioned by another. And who would he blame? This lion? Ha, yeah, right.

He snorted and pulled his head back, as if trying to ease off the anger a little. "She sought me out." He replied, his voice tense but certainly at a lower lever than it had been. "Asked me questions. I didn't take her seriously at first but she insisted she did. Okay, so I tried a scare tactic to see if she really meant it. Kid didn't flinch at all." And his expression sobered further at those last words.

Robbing kids of their childhood?

"Perhaps." He started. "There's no time for cubs to be cubs during war. If they choose to come and ask me about the war. About the Nergui. About the risks of being a guard, I'm not going to give them the sweetened version. If they don't ask, I won't tell." His eyes narrowed. "So what now? Is this conversation done?"

Azar'bijan was certainly not going to apologise for his behaviour, even if Shula hadn't exactly asked him directly about any of those things he had mentioned. He'd been trying to test her and he'd done it in a harsher way than most would have. But harsh or not, he didn't regret his actions, even if Shunqa's words had put out his anger somewhat. Maybe he would have done things differently if he'd been in a better mood when she'd come to seek him out. Or maybe not. What was done was done and if he'd hardened a cub's view on life too early, that was that. Perhaps, in the long run, it would be better for her.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2012 3:29 pm

In the long run, not only would Azar's honesty be better for Shula, but here in the present, it was what she had wanted. Shunqa's heart, too, was in the right place. Still, he never stopped to consider how a cub would prefer to be treated. There was no time between insisting upon what they should want or what they needed. He was not immune to assumptions either.

Was the conversation done?

Not quite yet.

Shunqa searched Azar's expression for something and there was no tell whether he found it or not. "I do admire and appreciate the military, you know," he said, sincere as ever. "I can only imagine the things all of you see. And I know you didn't speak to her out of malice... But what good will the cubs be if the Nergui do invade these lands, Corporal? They won't be able to kill or even injure any. Them knowing these things does nothing but make them live in fear or give them false hope they might stand a chance. Do you think the brave ones like Shula will run for cover or needlessly die trying to fight a losing battle should they breach our borders today? I implore you to treat them cautiously, whether they ask or not. To instill in them caution might save their lives until they're truly old enough to know what they're dying for."


Familiar Celebrant


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:03 pm
Azar couldn't exactly respond to that because...well...Shunqa had a point. To a degree, anyway. He didn't believe in keeping cubs in a world of sunshine and rainbows. The world was a cruel place. In the long run, it'd be better for them if they got used to it. Life was tough. You were born. You worked your life hard. And then, if you were lucky, you got to die for honour and glory - for kin. That was what Azar thought and anyone else be damned if they thought differently.

He gave a gruff sound - a mix of a huff and a growl - and his whiskers puckered in annoyance and decided to skip over the black lion's observations, opting to dance around the subject instead.

"Then appreciate that people have different way of doing things. You do what you think is right and I'll do it my way. Now. This conversation is over." And with a moment of angry glowering - as if to strike home the point that he really was not going to talk any more - he turned and moved back off across the sand.

And yet, for all his gruffness and bull-headed stubbornness, maybe - just maybe - he might subconsciously take some of Shunqa's suggestions for the future.


[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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