User Image The pale blue lioness paced, a scowl on her face. They'd been in the pride for a couple months, and in that time, she'd had her rear end grabbed by males that WEREN'T Kanzi far too many times to count. It didn't help that while he went out pirating, she had to stay home and fend for herself against them. "I had HOPED that I'd NOT be stuck a corsair... Kanzi, why haven't you spoken to the Commodore about it yet?!" She stopped, reaching up and digging her claws into a tree before pulling down on it. The marks she left were deep and angry.

User Image He lay there, watching his mate go back and forth. Every time he'd come home, and found out what males had grabbed her... He'd gone to pick a few words with them to NOT. There was a little black male who was a repeat offender, though... "Whistles, love... You need to be talkin' to the Commodore YOURSELF. You want on a crew, you have to chat him up. I can't be doin' it for you, can I?" He shifted and placed one paw over the other. "Next you'll be askin' me to birth cubs FOR you... Somethin' PHYSICALLY impossible for me to be doin'!"