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Reply [IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]
[PRP] Grief can Lead to Madness (Azar, Fia and Ahadi)

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:08 pm
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Azar'bijan's time in the heart of the lands had come to an end. He had been able to attend the summit, protect the regents from the surprise visitor as well as catch up - albeit briefly - with that son of his. He still felt weary as he pressed on towards the border, the feeling made worse by the fact that it was a good day and a half walk to reach the furthermost point. And there he'd meet up with his fellow guard and begin his long shift. Likely no one would see him again for a week or two. But work was good. Work kept him busy. Kept him sane despite the long hours with no one but his own mind for company - and that of the lion who was with him. But even paired guards tended to drift apart and wallow in their solitude, checking up on the other occasionally with a turn of the head. No one had ever said the life of a guard was easy but it was his job and he loved it.

It gave him purpose.

He hastened his step, settling into a comfortable lope that kicked up sand as he went and lifted his eyes skyward. As usual there was not a scrap of cloud to be seen. No birds, either. It was empty and sheer and lonely - just how he liked it.

Except that he wasn't as 'alone' as he had thought he was.

Somewhere close by he heard the thump of paws - the speed enough to suggest that the pace was as close to running as a lion could get. Immediately on alert, Azar'bijan swung his head around. The black rock formation of the Firekin dens were still clearly visible - having only travelled for an hour or so. Perhaps something had happened? The Ambassador had returned? Another sneak attack? He hadn't felt right about leaving so soon. Was he about to be proven right? When was he going to learn and stop ignoring his instincts when they were trying to tell him something? Except...where was the owner of those paws?

The question was barely formed when a dark figure rounded one of the larger, sloping dunes. A female. Large. A flash of red about the eyes. Her pace was slowing now and as she neared her breath rasped heavily as if she had been running for a while. And, when Azar recognised her, he couldn't help but do a double-take.

It was one of those pesky twins!!

At this distance it was hard to tell but he hazarded a guess that it wouldn't be Ea. That wild cat seemed to be sticking close to the medic dens these days and Vlam was by her side more often than not - or that was the impression he had gotten, anyway. That meant it was Fia, that crazed historian. And, for her to be out here alone, she clearly was losing it. She wasn't military trained and her role didn't call for her to be way out here. Huffing angrily to himself, Azar'bijan decided that it was probably going to be his job to intervene and question her. Trust him to be in the wrong place at the wrong time! If she'd chosen a different path he might never have seen her and he'd have been able to continue on his way none the wiser. Still, it was too late now. Time to stop her in her tracks.

He circled wide to cut across in front of her and, when he was close enough, lifted his head and called: "Hey," in the gruffest voice he could manage. "You. What are you doing out here? Don't you know there's a war on?" His words dripped with impatient sarcasm.

But what he did not expect was the intensity of her reaction.

"Get out of my way."

The words were more snarl than anything and the sheer ferocity had him hesitating. What the heck had gotten into her?

"You need to turn back." He stated again, keeping his voice direct and firm. "There's no damn way I'm letting you pass me by only for someone to find your body later."

"I won't ask you again."

"Fia." He stepped directly in front of her and puffed out his chest, balancing his weight evenly on his paws in case she tried to shove by him. "Go home. Leave this to the lions who know what they are doing."

Her only response was to lay bare her teeth and lift her hackles. Her mismatched eyes were so angry and so full of...of hurt? Azar was not quick enough to put two and two together - to realise that she was being eaten away by grief. That the grief was manifesting as anger and vengeance. He only saw idiocy and wanted to stamp it out before it took too deep a hold. Except with Fia it looked as if that might be too late.

She was growling now, long and low in her throat. Not a half-hearted growl either but the kind that suggested she'd likely try to tear his throat out if he advanced on her. But, as she sidestepped to get around him he mirrored her motion and suffered her wrath.

She roared at him, full in the face, her body twisted low as if readying herself for battle. It was then that Azar realised she might not actually back down without a fight and what if she wouldn't? What if he was forced to hurt her? As much as she irritated him he didn't want to be responsible for her ending up in the medical dens. That would get him into trouble and that wasn't what he wanted right now. He needed to stay in the good books so that when the war finally came to them he could be out there on the front lines with his people. If he ended up getting demoted over something like this there would be hell to pay. No doubt about it. And, with that in mind, he levelled his gaze at her and snarled back.

"Fia." Her name was released as a bark. The 'officers' tone came easy enough. "Go back now or I won't be held responsible for the consequences." Perhaps a little threat would work.

"I told you." She hissed between pants. "I wouldn't ask again."

She rushed him and Azar remembered a burst of surprise as she connected sharply against his chest. The shove pushed him up onto his hind legs until he managed to find his balance and push back, intending to wrestle her to the ground and hold her there until she'd calmed down and realised how stupid she was being. Except that this time he wasn't fighting his kin in some mock duel where claws where kept carefully sheathed. As he moved to pin her she went wild, thrashing out at him with claws clearly intending to cause injury. He felt a burst of pain cut open a nostril and when he inhaled he choked on blood.

His paws battled to press her into the sand and she writhed like a cobra, desperate to get free and lunging out with her jaws.

"Fia." He snarled. "Fia. Stop this. You idiot. What are you trying to do? Are you--" His words were shoved out of him as her hind legs came up to kick against his stomach and for a horrible moment it seemed that she thought to gut him, raking her paws in an attempt to get free. He shut his eyes, maintaining his vice grip, forgetting about the possibility of cracking ribs or causing injury now that it was clear she wasn't afraid to harm him. But how long could he hold on for when he couldn't finish her off?

He just had to hope that she would tire before he did.
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:59 pm
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Ahadi was a solider when he joined the pride. He joined at the beginning of all of this trouble. He brought himself into it out of curiosity and a purpose. He felt like there was something that he could do here. He wasn't sure yet what that was though. He could fight but he felt like he couldn't really do much of anything beside that. He could get along with them but yet at the same time the older members didn't take him as serious. It frustrated him some but he didn't let it stop him. He was picking up extra shifts doing things, he would practice and then he would also take on some guarding jobs. He knew that the pride needed the extra guarding.

Today just so happened to be one of those days. The large male was moving slowly the heat on his back he was enjoying the occasional times the clouds would float over the sun and he would feel so much better. But he was going as much as he could and enjoying wandering as he did. He was pretty relaxed that was until he heard a noise. It was a serious noise a roar. He had no clue why there was a roar and honestly he knew that was something to be concerned about.

It took him a few seconds before taking off. His shaggy body collecting sand as he ran, his feet pounded and then suddenly he found what was going on. He caught the sight of two lions he knew, one he knew a little better than another. He was wondering what Fia was doing here, why was she fighting the male? What was happening? He wasn't exactly sure what was going on but he was hoping it wasn't bad. he was just really glad to see that they were both members of the pride. There were no Nergui. That was always an extremely nice thing to know but now he wanted to know what was going on. Not only because he wasn't liking he conflict but because he may have had a small crush on Fia that made him very curious of what to do.

"Fia?" He said moving quickly to the two lions and then looked at her with a small confused look. He was hoping everything was okay.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:50 am
Azar's head snapped up when he heard the voice. Startled, relieved and then suspicious all in swift succession. Had she brought back up with her? Was this some plot of mutiny? No. No. He was jumping to conclusions. The other male's face looked confused which meant that the noise had probably drawn him over. And, if he knew her name, perhaps he was a friend of some sort. Someone who might be able to get through to her. Good news because his meant he might finally be able to get control of the situation and not lose a limb in the process. He rather liked his limbs where they were.

"Stop gawking and help." Azar'bijan sputtered angrily. "She's completely lost it."

Beneath his grip Fia was still battling to get free. If she'd heard her name spoken there was no sign. In fact, she seemed to be making the most of the brief distraction whilst it was there. And, as Azar battled to keep her pinned whilst speaking with the new arrival her teeth came up and grabbed him by the neck, her teeth sinking into the thick mane she found there. Azar, thankfully, could feel only the tips of her fangs pressing against the skin beneath and wrenched upwards in an attempt to free himself of her jaws. But Fia clenched her jaw tight and hung on, her whole body lifted as the corporal tried to free himself.

"Hey, you, grab her!" Azar hissed, not enjoying this predicament one bit.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 9:47 am
Ahadi was truly baffled at what was going on. He honestly had no idea in the world. He wanted to help but he didn't want to hurt Fia. In all honestly he was kind of wishing he didn't stumble upon this but at the same time he was kind of glad he did. Although Fia always seemed irritated at him he knew that everyone was always irritated with Azar. (That was something he learned quickly from observation.) As he thought about it he was thinking there could be something that he could do. Anything? He moved forward and then sat back on his haunches and wrapped his large paws around the lioness.

He was a large lion himself and he knew that he could pull his weight around if it was needed. He wasn't afraid to either. "Fia!" He warned with a snarl growing on his lips. He leaned over toward her ear, "Fia let go, come on let go." He said briskly, he didn't completely know how he was feeling but he knew the members that were passed away now were friends of hers. Not only that but he knew that she must have been upset with that. "Fia, will those guys want you to be doing this?" He warned trying to let her know that it was okay. He started to pull back, then he thought about it, that would hurt Azar too. He decided he had to some how hurt her. "Fia." He warned once again before leaning forward and grabbing her by the scruff, normally that would distract or distract the lion in general.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:13 am
But Fia wasn't listening and for a moment - when Ahadi tried to pull her free - it seemed that she only tightened her grip. Fia had always been a stubborn creature but today that trait seemed to be reaching new heights. She only growled deep in her throat and lashed her tail even as she was shoved back against the sand as Azar fell forwards onto all fours again.

And then it seemed the corporal had had enough.

With a roar and a fierce twist, he attempted to wrench himself free - hoping that Ahadi's grip would pose just enough of a distraction for him to get out of her clutches. He felt the painful tug of fur coming loose and suddenly her grip was gone, leaving only a horrible throbbing sensation behind from where his fur had come loose. Some of that fur was stuck in her mouth as she raged and it seemed - for the moment - she'd turned her attention elsewhere.

Her jaws snapped towards Ahadi now in an attempt to drive him back.

"Fia!" Azar snapped, getting angry now. "lf you don't stop this madness I will kill you." He didn't mean it, of course. He was certainly not the easiest lion to get on with and could be selfish and mouthy, but he wouldn't kill a member of the Firekin. Still, maybe it'd get through to her. "Is that what you want?"

The historian went momentarily still, sides heaving; eyes rolling across to the corporal.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 10:44 am
[He could see that Fia just wasn't giving up. He could only feel bad at the moment. He couldn't get angry at her even as she turned to hurt him. His tail flicked around behind him and he watched as Azar threatened the lioness. A snarl escaped his lips as Azar spoke, his glance going toward her. He was bigger than the lioness and he honestly did not care at all if the lioness was about to hurt him. She could all day until she was calm once again and she was no longer trying to do whatever she was trying to do. At this point he wasn't even sure what it was. "Hush." He hissed toward Azar before turning his attention back to Fia.

As her jaws were locked on on her he twisted himself to wrap his paws around her again, using his weight to try to pin her down, he was trying to get her to stop. He was pushing his weight toward her hoping to maybe... if worse case lay on her? Maybe that would work he wasn't exactly sure. He was going to try whatever he could. He didn't want to see Fia like this and he didn't want her to hurt anyone or herself for that matter. "Shhh." He hushed her as he held on longer waiting for the lioness to calm. He let her struggle waiting and waiting and as he did he was wondering what caused all of htis in the first place. What was she trying to do? What was going on in that mind of hers?


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:11 am
Hush? Hush?! Azar's tail whipped but he made no move to advance, merely watching and waiting for her to make the next move. If she tried to get past him again he'd have no choice but to hurt her and render her incapable of running. It might put him in a bad light for a while but he figured that was the better option than saying he simply let her run off on her own. Hurting her now would save her life later. Of that he had no doubt.

And finally, it seemed Fia had made up her mind. The moment of passiveness ended again, her face screwing up into a fierce snarl as she loosed her jaws. "Get off me!" And she shoved hard against Ahadi, her attention now to getting free rather than attacking. Her breath was harsh in her lungs as she tried to escape.

"Perhaps you'd better let her go." Azar advised with a frown. The way she was wriggling made him think she might almost do herself harm.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:26 pm
At this point Ahadi was starting to ignore Azar as much as he could. He cared about Fia a lot and he hated seeing her like this. But his comment was kind of annoying. "If I let go of her then one of us is going to get her all over again, or she's going to take off and get killed." He shook his head at Azar. He was going to let himself get hurt and it hurt. Her teeth hurt, her head butts hurt. It was a little annoying ut he had a feeling it was going to be worth it. Or at least a the current second he was trying to. Trying his hardest to, this was interesting and difficult. But he knew it had to be done. "Go get Ea, or Azar or her parents or some one." He said to Azar as he glanced at him nodding. He had this under control but he had a feeling it was a good idea to get some one else. some one close to her and some one that could possibly help a little more.

"Shh." He hushed to her again. "I won't let go until I know you're not going to do something dumb." He was hoping that maybe she would give up after that. Maybe? He was hoping to. His tail was flicking around behind him, still frustrated at the moment but hoping everything would shortly be okay. And also hoping that he could find out what was going on.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:46 pm
"The dens are an hour away." Azar snapped. "You plan to hold onto her for that long?" He paused and shook one of his hind legs irritably. Blood from the wound on his stomach was beginning to work its way down past his knee. The sensation was uncomfortable. "No. I'm not going anywhere." And he stalked closer in case she managed to break away.

Fia hissed but stayed still, her tail thumping loudly against the ground. She seemed to be tiring, at least, her paw pressed against Ahadi's chest in an attempt to keep him at a distance. At last she expelled an angry breath and went limp. "You don't understand. They killed her. They killed her and no one is doing anything about it."

"Oh." Azar interrupted. "I'm sorry. And what were you going to do about it? Go fight them all by yourself?"

"I've been training." She snapped.

"You're an idiot." The corporal retorted. "If you stop this nonsense and head back now, no one needs to know about this."

Fia pinned her ears back and said nothing for a long moment. And then, frustrated, she tried to shrug off the white lion. "Let me go Ahadi." It was the first time she had said his name. "I'm not going anywhere." And her words were full of bitterness.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:57 pm
Ahadi's ears were pinned back at this point. He decided to ignore Azar's refusal to leave. To a point he just wanted him to leave so that he could maybe try to calm Fia down. He realized how irritating Azar was at the moment. At the end of Fia and Azar's arguing Ahadi finally turned to him and spoke. "Azar shut the ******** up." He snarled. He wasn't one to be vulgar or anything like that however he wasn't very happy that was for sure. He was being stubborn about not going anywhere. "They aren't doing anything yet. We can't rush Fia. It'll be okay, I promise and we will fight them and we will win but you can't go out there by yourself." His words were honest and quiet. He couldn't help but to be as honest as he possibly could. he wasn't sure if it was going to help what she thought but it was worth the try that was for sure.

And then finally there was words that made sense. He hesitated, "If you run off I'll tackle you." He warned before slowly backing away from the lioness and on to his haunches. "I really will do it."


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:10 pm
"You're going to regret that." Azar snapped, snorting angrily. Blood from the wound on his nose sprayed the air, making him cringe.

Fia, who leapt away from Ahadi the moment he freed her whirled to face the two males. Her body was low and poised and her breaths still came in great, whooping pants. Her mismatched eyes narrowed. "Just shut up. Both of you." And she shook, snapping her head away as if looking at them only angered her further. Her actions, at last, seemed to be sinking in. Though whether that was a good thing or a bad thing was not yet clear.

"Just shut up." She repeated, softer. And then she turned tail and raced back towards the lands, leaving Azar'bijan and Ahadi alone.

The corporal gave another - quieter - snort and reached up to swipe at his nose with a paw. With his wounds he wasn't likely to be heading back out on patrol. They also meant a visit to the medic dens. Just fantastic. "I should thank you." He growled at the pale lion. "But I won't. And don't think I'll forget the insult."
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:29 pm
The lioness's anger surprised Ahadi but he wasn't going to follow her as she ran back into the lands. He let out a sigh as, he was glad that she was running back to the lands but at the same time he was hoping that he could help her a little but yet he had a feeling that it would be okay and he could help the lioness eventually. Or he was hoping that he could help the lioness eventually. He wasn't sure if he could help her but he was hoping that he could. He knew for a fact that she was hurt and at the same time it would take her time to get over it.

His hair bristled as the male started to talk again he got annoyed. He got extremely annoyed and couldn't help but to get more and more irritated at the male. "Look." He said as he turned around and snarled at the male. "You seriously are a jerk. You couldn't manage to be a little nice." He snarled once again moving up to the male, getting in his face, "you really should thank me. If I wasn't here she would have kicked your a**." He snarled again before shaking his head and speaking once again. "You better stay away from her." He warned before turning around. He was thinking of going to find her, but regardless he was heading back toward the lands. He was pretty sure at this point his shift was over anyway.


Mega Streaker


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2012 2:37 pm
Oh how wonderful. He'd decided to be the good guy for a change and somehow still ended up the villain. Well, who cares. He had better things to do than stick around here waiting for the next lunatic to happen by. The red lion waited perhaps ten minutes or so, watching the shape of the other lion dwindle, before he started back for the pride lands.

The walk home would be a lot longer than it had been to get out this far, what with his new injuries. He just hoped they wouldn't get infected and end up putting him out of action. The last thing he wanted to do was be stuck healing whilst other soldiers soaked up all the glory.

One thing was for certain, though. Ahadi did not need to worry about Azar going near Fia again. From now on he was going to keep well away from her. He didn't want to catch her strain of crazy.

[IC] Motoujamii-Simo Lands [IC]

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