Chiku recognized the markings on the male lion. She'd seen them in her dreams before. On little ones in the coalition. Curious, the little leotah trotted over, head tilted to one side. “Hello?” The lion lifted his head from where he'd been sleeping, turning calm river-blue eyes to her. It was...a calm Chiku had never seen before. But he smiled at her.

“Hello, little one. How might I help you?” For one who looked young, he had such an old quality to his voice. Chiku cleared her throat, smiling as she forced herself to 'look normal'.

“Just...curious. I've seen you in my dreams before. Or...little ones with your markings, anyways.” The lion looked a bit confused...then gained a look of realization.

“'re a seer, hm? Well, I've no little ones at current.” Chiku nodded.

“It'll be some time than...” She looked thoughtful, then smiled a little. “Do you...have a home?” The male shook his head, still calm. “Would you like one? There would be some...things, though.” The male raised a brow, but moved a pale paw in a 'go on' motion. “Well...I live in a coalition full of those like me...those who are born from the union of two species.”

“Hybrids. I know of those.” He chuckled. “There was a litter of those where I was born. No longer, though.” He nodded for her to continue.

“Well...most of us cannot have cubs. Would willing to father little ones with others for us?” The lion looked a bit surprised at that.

“You...Do you ask this of every fullbreed you meet?” Chiku shook her head.

“No. Just the ones I see in my dreams, or whose markings I've seen in my dreams.” She grinned. “You wouldn't need to worry about food, or a place to sleep, or companionship...” The lion looked thoughtful, his head going back down as her shifted, chin resting on his paws. To join the little leotah or not. It was quite a strange offer. But...he was rather fond of helping others.

“My name is Mizpah. What is yours?” Chiku sat next to him, tail curling around to rest on her front paws.

“I'm Chiku. It's very nice t'meetcha, Mizpah! So...what brought you this way?” Mizpah just smiled.

“The wind, my paws...many little things not connected to one another.” Chiku nodded.

“I am glad you found yourself here, though. If nothing else, it is nice talking with you!” The lion couldn't help but laugh, amused.

“I am glad you find me interesting to talk to, Chiku! You are quite interesting to speak with as well.” He tilted his head to look at her. “So...what is life like in your home?” Chiku had expected such a question.

“It's really nice! I mean, we have our difficulties, but overall...there's hunters that catch the food, and they're all really good at it. There's entertainers and storytellers and crafters and healers...There's something for everyone! Even among those who are fullbred, there's quite a bit of variety in what they do!” Mizpah listened and nodded.

“Is the land anything like what we are in now?” He nodded beyond the little patch of dry land they were on to their marshy surroundings. Chiku nodded.

“Yup! It's hard for some to adjust to, but...I like it! It's full of life and it's pretty!” The lion chuckled and nodded.

“I'm inclined to agree with you, little Chiku.” He shifted so that he stood instead of laying down. “So...what sort of position do you hold in this little coalition?” The leotah looked rather bashful.

“I was made Neuvoston Jäsenet, a part of the Council. Partly because of my visions, partly because I have a sharp mind and a kind tongue.” Mizpah perked.

“Those are good qualities in a high position. Having a sharp tongue with a sharp mind, or a dull mind, is never a good thing for a leader unless there is war.” Her gave her a kind smile. “So...lead me to this coalition of yours. I think, for a time, I shall help you and yours.” Chiku made a gleeful noise, nodding and standing.

“Thank you!” She rubbed herself against him like an excited cub, pulling another chuckle from the lion, then started in the direction of the Koti proper. “It's this way! Ooooo...someday, you'll help to make a pair very, very happy.” Mizpah followed her, tail swishing behind him lazily.

“I like that thought. I prefer to help, rather than harm.” Chiku nodded.

“That is a good way to think. I don't like hurting others myself. So...were you always a rogue? Or did you have a pride?” The lion kept his smile, but it turned somber.

“I had a pride once, yes. As I said...we had a litter of hybrids born among us once. They were my playmates for a time. Sadly, they are likely no longer around. No one is besides me.” He sighed. “It is a story that most would find sad, and I do not wish to make you cry. But I am alive and here now. That is what matters.” He nodded, more to himself than her. Chiku looked back at him, a bit worried but not pressing. If he wanted to talk about it someday, he would. Until then...

“Hey! Want to be friends?” She didn't care if he'd be a 'slave'...he was nice! And she liked making friends. Mizpah looked surprised, but his smile brightened and he made a noise of assent. Chiku made a gleeful sound, bouncing a little. “Yay! I think you and I will have lots of fun in the future!” Yes, for certain they would!

Mizpah caught up to walk side by side with her, nodding again. “Yes, and lots of enlightening talks. I simply hope I can keep up with your energy!” Chiku stuck her tongue out at him.

“You'll be able to! I have faith in you!” She didn't know why, but...he was easy to trust. And she felt as if he would not misuse that trust. Hopefully, she hadn't done something stupid without Themba around...