Kipapae and Tsiwimbo were two far different dogs in terms of personality. However they believed themselves to be of the same loins. They were unaware they weren't truly brothers. But even had they known, the odds of them caring were slim. Kip was the tougher of the two. He was brave, and strong. Whereas Tsi mostly lived with his heart on his paws. Which was dangerous, since it was so easy to walk all over it like that. Kip had filled his heart from the hurt that had been caused when the one who he had given his heart to, had dissappeared. He was sure she was okay.. He knew it deep in his bones. Just like he knew that she hadn't loved him, and that was why she had left.
He tried not to think about it too much these days. Truthfully, it was getting easier. But it still hadn't completely left his mind... and he wasn't really sure it would ever truly be gone.

"You know.. I heard that the Drunk Day is approaching. A day of rest. That sounds glorious." Kipape, the ebony wild dog said as he sprawled on his back in the sand. Normally, the sand would be too hot to touch, but today had been a rather nice day. The sand had never reached too hot to walk across.

"So I hear." Tsiwimbo responded, examining a shell that he had found earlier that day. It was a pearlescent white, and when he turned it, it almost changed colors. It went from pink, to green, to blue, and back to pink once more. He hadn't been able to leave it whenever he had found it. It was a trinket worth keeping. The lack of conviction in Tsi's voice had Kip roll over onto his belly and look at him with his purple eyes.
"What's up?" He asked, looking at the purple companion he called brother. He was concerned, as he had seen Tsi in the lowest of places before. It had been scary, and he was happy that he had taken Tsi under his wing. He hadn't deserved to be so unhappy..

"It is one of the greatest days of existence." Came another voice, this one with more strength behind it. Tsi didn't much care for Jakk.. He wasn't exactly the prime example of a decent pirate. But Kip didn't mind him. If anything, it made him feel better about being a pirate.

"Good afternoon, Jakk." Tsi responded, his voice exhasperated. He wished that he could find some alone time on this damn beach, but it seemed today was not going to be the day.

"Ah, don't be so excited to see me mate." The lion chuckled, catching the tone in the purple wild dog's words. He didn't care who liked him. in fact he rarely liked anyone, so he figured it was only fair.

"Tsi, you have to use his name ya know." Kip urged. He had to keep Tsi remembering his place. The male didn't really understand the Pirate names. As a hunter, he had kept himself to himself. He really only belonged here because Kip was here. Otherwise he wasn't sure. He had met few wild dogs here, and he had felt connections with none of them.

"Yeah yeah. Pirate names. Afternoon, Sparrow." He said, the last word dripping with animosity. He normally wasn't so quick to anger, but today he had just seemed to be short of temper. It didn't get past Kipapae, who rolled his eyes and sat up from his laying position.

"How are you today, Sparrow?" Kip asked, though he noted that the lion was staring at the shell that Tsi had found earlier that day. There was no way Jakk was getting his paws on that trinket, Kip wouldn't allow it to go that far. So he cleared his throat, arching his eyebrow, before narrowing his eyes.

The lion caught the look, and he rolled his eyes. Plopping his rear into the sand he groaned. Jakk really didn't like dealing with others most times. He liked doing things his way, and he was a bit spoiled in that aspect. Though he was smart to be afraid of his father. Not that he was truly frightened, but he knew not to mess around and upset him. His father was a strong male.

"I could be better. Heard the day of rest talk, and couldn't help myself but to join in." He didn't add that for the most part, every day was a day of rest. He wasn't forced to do much, though his father had been asking him about his plans for his future. As much as Jakk hated thinking about his future, he had plans at having his own crew. He lived in the moment, because he truthfully wasn't sure he would survive long enough to see his adult years. One never knew!

"Seems like it will be fun. It's the first one we've ever attended personally. I'm kind of excited to just.. do nothing." He chuckled. He was happy that not even hunting fell on their shoulders. The hunting would be done beforehand, and the whole group would be as brothers. Even the corsairs could attend, and he.. Well.. he just liked being around others.

"Is it? Well. You are certainly in for a world of surprise." Jakk chuckled. He had been part of quite a few now, though he had never been able to partake of the fermented fruits. Something that had become one of his favorite things lately.

Kip chuckled, and looked at Tsi who smiled a little himself. As much as Tsi didn't want to admit he liked it here, he was excited to spend time with others.. Maybe even a female of his kind. He missed that feeling of companionship. Some things Kipapae just wasn't able to fill, and there was a void in Tsi's heart that was one of them.

Jakk stretched out, lowering himself to his belly, and looking out longingly at the ocean. "Make sure you find yourself a lady, mate. Enjoy the evenin' as is right." He suggested, then cast his gaze at the two dogs. Kip was far less interested in finding someone to shack up with, and more ready to just sit around with everyone, and be merry.
"Sure, sure. But aren't you excited for the comradery? I mean.. Doesn't get much better. Everyone on the same level, all enjoying each other's company?"

"And getting drunk. You forgot that." Jakk piped in, and grinned.

"And yes. Getting drunk too." Kip smiled, and shook his head.

"But to answer your question.. I could care less about comradery. I don't like their company, almost as much as they don't like mine." He chuckled, and shrugged.
"I care about having a good time mate. You are young, you should do the same."

Tsi frowned a little. "What does being young have to do with anything? If I look for a female, it would be to mate. I would not shack up with any dog." He sometimes didn't understand Jakk's ability to be with lots of females. It was the same with Kip. When Kipapae got drunk, he would even snuggle up to lionesses. He liked affection, and touch. Whereas Tsi.. He liked all that stuff too. He just preferred having it from someone who would give it to him forever.

"You have a twisted view on things, mate. Do what you will. I don't truly care. Leaves more for me in the end." He smiled mischeviously.

""Well one of them will turn you down. More likely because they will be choosing me as their mates." Tsi said, as if he was competing.

"I think we should think less of mates, and more of just enjoying ourselves. Your mate will come in time." Kip responded, but he regretted his words when he saw his brother's ears fall to the side.

"Yeah I know, I know."

"I could hook you up with someone, if you like." Jakk offered. "Maybe a nice girl. Maybe two. See if you think about mates with that around you."

"You are impossible, Ja-... Sparrow." Tsiwimbo sighed, and shook his head. He placed the shell he had been holding down, but kept over it, keeping it from Jakk's grasp. He had noticed Jakk's brown orbs watching it. Jakk was patient, that was sure. But only if he felt it was something he could truly achieve in time.

"Aye mate. You are learning." He grinned, and stood up, stretching out his paws, claws fully extended.

"Anyways. Enjoy your time this evening." Jakk said, one more glance to the shiny shell before clearing his throat and meeting their eyes.
"Relax, and you will certainly fall into place." He chuckled, and then he had begun his trek back towards the dens.

"Why does anyone jump into bed with him? He's really a terrible creature." Tsiwimbo asked, looking to his brother.

"I have no idea. But they do." Kip grinned and pushed his brother's shoulder.

"Come on. I'm hungry and we have some preparing to do."

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