Here is a list of the different races that you have to choose from for your character. Please make sure that when you create a CD that you are being true to your race in every way.

Humans have an average lifespan of about 60 years. The average height for a man is 6'1" and the average height for a woman is 5'6". They are a very emotional race and can hold just about any occupation.

Elves have an average lifespan of about 600 years. The average height for a male is 6'8" and the average height for a female is 6'7". Elves tend to only associate with their own kind, viewing shorter-lived races as inferior or naive. They are a generally even tempered race that view death as just another part of life. Calm, tranquil and stoic are words often used to define elves. They hold very many jobs but the most common are: Archer, hunter, farmer, warrior, artists, craftsmen and scholars. They are physically superior to humans with better vision and hearing, and greater strength and speed.

Dwarves are similar in appearance to humans, the most significant difference of course being their height, which seldom exceeds 5 feet. Their growth ends between their twentieth and thirtieth cycle, however, male dwarves at this time already possess impressive growing beards. For a male dwarf his beard is an important sign of pride and dignity and sometimes can be accounted as the only reason why a certain dwarf is preferred instead of another when important clan duties have to be fulfilled. Dwarves have excellent hearing and eyesight, and it can seem to humans that they have an extra-sensory ability to detect falsehoods, hedgings, or emotional reservations – which makes bargaining a tricky action indeed! Their occupations include: Miner (they greatly covet gold and diamonds), smith, teacher, healer, cook, farmer, hunter and warrior.

A Gnome's size is ranging from slightly less than 3 feet all the way through to 5 feet. However, the bigger sizes are rare and are seen as freaks by some of their race. Gnomes have long fingers that virtually never tremble and as such are brilliant for their jobs as alchemists. They have normal sized eyes but their eyesight is in fact excellent and they can see very small things pretty well. Their skin tone is very pale and they are not very muscular (but as in every race there are some body-building exceptions). All gnomes are peace loving creatures who just want to be left alone. They are famous throughout Caltharia for the things they produce like glass and dyes which has made them very wealthy. Unlike dwarves, gnomes do not covet diamonds and gold but do enjoy amassing wealth for the impact it has on their quality of life.Their occupations include: Brewer, cement mixer, chemist, doctor, dyer, glass maker and merchant.

Laid out end-to-end, a little bit less than seven Brownies make up 3 feet, on average (making them about 5" tall). Their skin comes in all the shades of a tree bark, with matching hair and eyes, and they have a somewhat angular look, having high cheekbones and a rawboned but lithe build. They are strong for their size, highly energetic and very agile, with a tendency to be mischievous. The vast majority of adult Brownies (over the age of 15) are members of a clan, of which there are several hundred. Each clan is mainly self-sufficient, but also specializes in providing specific goods or services to the other clans through a trading network. The clans are not static, but grow or shrink, form and dissolve according to the needs of the Brownie economy as a whole, as determined by the law of supply and demand. Children help in their parents' clans until they reach the Age of Choosing at 15, at which time they will have the option of joining either their parents' clan or a different clan, with acceptance to the clan based on personal merit.

Hobbits are not called "small folk" and "halfings" for nothing. They are indeed rather short, tending to grow only about 3 feet in height, being shorter than dwarves and far less stocky and stout. The eyes of Hobbits are known for being full of mirth and laughter. The lips of the Hobbit are almost always turned in a smile, being often very good-natured and hearty. Their occupations include: Baker, gardener, farmer, merchant and smith.

Although the appearance of Orcs varies from tribe to tribe orcs are generally slightly smaller than men but with more muscular bodies. Their skin and eye color varies from gray to brown or green and from yellow to red. Their eyes often seem to glow at night and it is said that they have an exceptional night vision. Orcs might have the highest endurance of all races except for dwarves and due to their good noses are able to track their prey over long distances. Their noses are broad and flat, even snout-like, the ears are usually pointed like an elves but bigger and their broad jaws hosts terrible fangs and sharp teeth. From their point of view Elves are arrogant and Humans are ignorant, making Orcs a superior race. They are warriors and work is split up equally among all members of a battalion. Food, healing and childcaring is done by the old while the warriors clean the tents, the weapons and equipment and do most of the other stuff necessary to maintain a camp.