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Persikka sat on the ground below the rocks overlooking the area where many mothers, and nannies, took their little ones to watch as the young played. He had come seeking Zimran, for a bit of time to spend, however upon his arrival he had found her busy with her work. This didn’t bother the peach male however, and it gave him a chance to see if he was up for taking care of little ones. A blue gaze shifted over the little ones as they played, a small smile playing across his maw.

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The young cinnamon male lion bounded away from another cub, who he had a moment before tackled to the ground. He laughed as he bounded away, leaving the other cub to pull himself back up. Kanelin’s attention quickly shifted as he slowed his pace, slowing to a halt before a lion he had not recalled seeing before. The juvenile padded slowly towards the large, peach coloured male. “Hi there.” He said, staring up at the big male.

The cubs all around seemed to be having so much fun. They played their various games. Hiding, running around and play fighting. Such a wonderfully carefree life they could have here. Growing up without having to really worry about the dangers that lie beyond the pride’s lands. Persikka was glad to call such a place his home. And who knew, maybe one day he would have cubs of his own here. Playing their little cub games with all the other little ones.

A voice pulled his attention from his thoughts and Persikka looked down to find a young male standing before him. He smiles down at the juvenile. “Hello there, little one.” He recognized this one somewhat. He had seen this male around, with a rather large group which he assumed to be siblings of his. “You having fun out there with the other young ones?”

Kanelin nodded at the large males question. “Kinda.” He said, sitting down as he looked back over his shoulder at the other playing cubs. “Lots of them are too easy to push over. Not as fun after a while. Plus mommy doesn’t always like it when I push around cubs that are smaller than me, or sitting on them either.” A small sigh escaped him. It was no fun when his mother made him stop playing. It wasn’t as if he always hurt them, or sat on them for too long, but she didn’t like it. Just no fun. His attention quickly shifted back to the adult male. “Are you new?” He asked curiously. It was quite likely he had just simply never seen the male in his life. The pride was so big! However he was still curious about it.

Persikka could not help but chuckle at the juvenile’s comments. He certainly couldn’t blame this young one’s mother, it wouldn’t do to have any smaller cubs accidentally hurt, but he couldn’t help but be amused at how disappointed the little male was. “Well maybe you should try to play a little easier perhaps? or maybe find someone closer to your size to play with.”

The question was a bit of a surprise to Persikka, however he nodded before replying. “Yes, actually. I am. I haven’t been in the Pridelands for all that long, though I am enjoying it quite a lot so far.”

Kanelin looked to the other playing cubs, rolling his shoulders in a shrug at the adults suggestion. “Not as fun then. Maybe I could find someone bigger to play with though, that could be fun then!” Kanelin bounced around in a circle before sitting back down. “Did you come all alone or do you have family here too?”

The cub seemed quite curious about him, and this made Persikka chuckle softly. “No, my family is not with me in the Pridelands. It’s only me for now, though I have made some friends so I am not alone.” He leaned forward, letting his gaze come down to the juvenile’s level. “What about your family?” Persikka asked in turn.

Kanelin sat back down, watching the older male curiously. “No family? Well at least you have friends then!” At the question he looked back over his shoulder. “I got four brothers and three sisters.” He replied cheerfully, “And then my mommy and dad.”

“Wow, such a big family you have! Must be great having so many siblings to play with. I can’t see how you could be bored with so many potential play mates then.” Persikka sat himself upright, sighing lightly as he recalled his own family left behind. The litter he was from had been a small one. Just him. However he had so far managed to gain at least a couple friends since reaching the Pridelands, and that was certainly better than nothing.

The juvenile shrugged at Persikka’s response to the size of his family. “I guess. They don’t all wanna play all the times though, at least not how I wanna play.” Kanelin looked back towards all the playing cubs. His previous curiosity about the adult was starting to wane and he was wanting to go back and play. “I’m gonna go play now.” Kane said, looking back at Persikka with a quick smile. “Kay, bye now!” The juvenile turned and bounded off without another word, He sped up as he charged towards another cub, intent on tackling this one. He was almost there when a call from his mother caused him to skid to a halt. He sat still, waiting silently until his mother was distracted by another sibling before tackling the cub he had set his eyes on.

The cub’s attention seemed to have come to an end where Persikka was concerned, and with a quick goodbye the cub was off, intent on returning to his play. Persikka shook his head and chuckled. Oh, to be so little and energetic again. He stood and made his way up on to one of the stoned overlooking the area. He lay himself down, stretching out in the sun to continue watching the young ones. This wasn’t so bad, keeping an eye on young ones. Maybe he was even good enough to try doing so outside of simply helping, or tagging along with Zimran.

(Word Count: 1043 )