......S.hunning love, he turned away..

gaia_angelleft gaia_crown gaia_angelright
gaia_spoons As the title says!
I enjoy role-playing! Writing is not only my passion, but also my first love. Tale-spinning, the art of weaving an adventure through written prose -
diving head-first into the nettles with your quill dangling between your lips as you wade through the ocean of possi-

....I...think the point has been made! I am a literate, paragraph role-player. Quantity is not quality, however I do enjoy writing
so my posts tend to be a little staggering from time to time. redface

As a side note. I am not the typical cookie-cutter,
Mary-Sue Uke that divides himself between being an overly cute, innocent, stuttering fool. I have a lion's heart.
mad There are enough of those around. It gets old.
Real. Old.
Originality is admirable - I wish people would actually give that a try more often.

-crosses his fingers- gaia_spoons
~C.L. gaia_crown

......choosing instead to let his once warm fingers, embrace the enchanted surface of the cursed, frozen mirror..